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Learning Task

Understanding My Learners, Their Strengths,

5 Needs, Interests and Experiences

PPST Domain 1.3 Domain 1.3. Diversity of Learners

3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding

of differentiated
Strands teaching to suit learners; gender, needs,
strengths, interests and

6.2.C Facilitate learning using a wide range of

Program Outcomes of teaching methodologies
and delivery modes appropriate to specific
Teacher Education learners and their

CFS Competency Framework for 3.B.2 Employ strategies that cater to students
Southeast Asian Teachers for learning styles and to
AT the 21st Century elicit active learning

Desired Learning Outcomes

• Identify the needs, strengths, interest and experiences of my learners
• Demonstrate knowledge and understandings of differentiated teaching to suit
learners; gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences.
• Research on one (1) study about the diversity of learners.

Essential Questions
• What is meant by diversity of learners?
• How do learners differ?
• What differentiated activities must be applied to suit learners' needs, strengths,
interests and experiences?

Diversity of learners refers to the differences among students most especially in the
way they learn in a variety of settings, through a variety of processes with varied

Teachers can facilitate the learning process among diverse learners by first
recognizing and respecting individual differences, then using the knowledge about
students' differences to design differentiated learning activities to ensure that all students
can attain desired learning goals. (PPST Domain 3)

Teaching Internship 34
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, Article Vill Sec. 3 dictates that "Under no
circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory against any learner."

Learners' differences stem from many factors: gender, race, ethnicity or cultural
background (nationality, province, language) intellectual abilities, religions, sexual
preferences and socio economic status, needs, interests, strengths and experiences.

• All learners have different ways of thinking, learning and absorbing.

• Students' self awareness is enhanced by diversity.

• Student diversity contributes to cognitive development. It can also promote


• Learners are diverse and subjects must be taught differently to respond to their
needs, interests, strengths and experiences.

• Reach every student at his/her level.

• Assist your students to grow and celebrate success.

• All learners are worthy of respect and dignity.

My Performance Tasks

Performance Make an infographics on diversity of learners (these are

Task 1 graphic visual representations of information, data or
knowledge intended to present information quickly and
clearly. (Wikipedia)

Icons made by CC 3.0 BY.

From www.flaticon.com
Performance There are different learners based on learning modalities.
Task 2 They are auditory, visual and tactile leaners. Cite
applications on how you can stimulate their strengths,
needs and experiences based on their learning

Types of Learners How shall I stimulate learning through

based on Learning their learning modalities?

• Use visual representations like

graphs, tables, charts, and
• Use 3D manipulatives to represent
• Use multimedia software or
applications when available to
create and review visual
• Solving math problems with the
Visual help of colors.

• Have students write a sequence of

steps in sentence form and then
read them out loud. Actually
hearing the problem-solving
process will help to solidify it.
• Use mnemonics and word links for
important math concepts or
problem-solving processes.
Rhyming is helpful when possible.
• Maintain order in the classroom.
Any activities that encourage
talking will have a tendency to lead
Auditory to talking that is unrelated to math.
• Use hands-on experiences
whenever possible. Create
• Help them prepare a multimedia
project related to their maths
project work.
• Get learners make diagrams and
mind-maps of concepts and
problem-solving processes.
• Solving problems with pencil and
Tactile paper or calculator
Performance Create a teaching matrix of differentiated teaching based
Task 3 on the various intelligences of learners.

Application to my
Intelligences Strategies
subject area

Word Smart Learners will record the

(Linguistic chronology or steps of a
Writing Journal mathematical solution in
Intelligence) their journal.

Ask students how they

Number Smart came up with the
answer, why they think
(Logical/Analytical Think Aloud it's right, and if they can
Intelligence) think of another way to
solve the problem.

In a problem solving
activity, hold each
People Smart student accountable for
(Interpersonal Heads Together each step of problem
Intelligence) solving. Encourage
discussions to help each

In the computer room,

Self Smart allow students to watch
a video, and answer
(Intrapersonal Learning Stations questions and solve
Intelligence) practice problems
regarding the lesson.

Music Smart Compose a jingle song

about a concept for the
(Musical Jingle class to memorize and
Intelligence) sing along.

Using pictorial models

Art Smart such as flow charts,
Visual visual maps, Venn
Representations diagrams, and timelines
Intelligence) to connect new material
to known information

Body Smart
Create and perform 2D
Simulation or 3D manipulatives to
Kinesthetic understand concepts.

Life Smart Act a scene wherein a

(Existential Role Playing mathematical concept is
Intelligence) being applied.

Nature Smart Treasure Hunting Use problem solving

(Naturalist clues each station
located in the school
environment to finish the

How do these strategies contribute to my leaming? Write a one-liner

These strategies excite brilliant students to uncover deeper layers
of learning, while supporting lower level students.
My Assessment Tasks

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which group of students learns best through music, songs
and parodies?
A. Nature smart B. Music Smart
C. Self Smart D. Word Smart

2. Which group of learners finds joy in working with others?

A. Nature smart
B. Music Smart
C. People Smart
D. Self Smart

3. Which group of learners needs to see the teacher's body

language and facial expressions to fully understand the
A. Auditory learners
B. Kinesthetic Learners
C. Tactile Learners
D. Visual Learners

4. Which group of students learns through hands-on activity

like, exploring the world around them?
A. Auditory Learners
B. Kinesthetic Learners
C. Tactile Learners
D. Visual Learners

5. Which group of students learns best through verbal

lectures, discussion, talking things through and listening to
what others have to say?
A. Auditory Learners
B. Kinesthetic Learners
C. Tactile Learners
D. Visual Learners
My Learning Artifact(s)

Go to the library and get a research abstract on student diversity.

The Impact of Enhanced Student Diversity on Diversity


Jason L. Jensen


This study is an evaluation of an MPA program

intervention designed to enhance cultural

competency by increasing program diversity. The

intervention, part of a larger diversity plan,

attempted to increase the diversity of the student

body by changing the program delivery mode to an

internet-assisted synchronous model. The outcomes

were measured in several ways including a survey

of the current and former students, which

addressed attitudes about diversity. The results

showed that as credit hours in the program

increased so did positive attitudes toward diversity,

measured in four ways. Specific recommendations

are offered related to diversity, as part of a larger

strategic program management framework.

My Scoring Rubric

Approaching Meets Does Not Meet

Meets Standard
INDICATORS Standard of Acceptable Acceptable
of Excellence
Excellence Standard Standard

4 3 2 1
• Has all the • Has some • Has minimal • No aspect of
aspects of aspects of aspects of work work meets
work that work that that meet level level of
exceed level of exceed level expectation. expectations.
expectation. of expectation.
• With some • Has errors
• Shows • Demonstrates errors and omissions and
exemplary solid MASTERY is misconceptions
performance performance not thorough

Assessment With 5 correct With 4 correct With 3 correct With less than 3
Tasks answers answers answers correct answers

The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of The piece/s of the

evidence of evidence of evidence of piece/s of
learning is/ are learning is/are learning is/are evidence of
aligned with aligned with aligned with ONE learning is/are
learning SOME of the of the learning NOT aligned with
outcomes. learning outcomes. the learning
outcomes. outcomes.

The learning The learning The learning tasks The learning

Creativity and tasks are done tasks are done are done quite tasks are poorly
Resourcefulness very creatively creatively and creatively and done and need
and resourcefully. resourcefully. resourcefully. improvement.

The assigned The assigned The assigned The assigned

learning tasks learning tasks learning tasks are learning tasks
Submission of are submitted on are submitted a submitted 2 days are submitted 3
Requirements or before the day after the after the deadline. days or more
deadline. deadline. after the


Signature of Practicum Supervisor

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