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Field Study 2 Portfolio

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Field study is a diverse learning activity that provides students the opportunity to a

real learning environment in which to learn from field observation and assistantship.

The field study students also known as student teachers is expected to observe the

behavior of the learners in the actual learning environment, the different teaching

strategies of the teacher and develop their understanding on feasible approaches to

facilitate learning considering the various phases of growth and development to assist

their cooperating teacher in handling the class.

This portfolio is designed to compile the learnings and experiences that student

teachers had during their internship of the assigned school wherein they had the

privilege to be prepared and molded of becoming a professional educator in the future.

This is also prepared to share all the experiences they have on their field study duties for

those who would pursue same endeavors.

Whereas, you will be exploring this portfolio created by Sharly I. Guillera, one of the

field study students who undergo observing and assisting the kindergarten class and

teacher at Kapangian Central School. This will show us the learnings and experiences

she had during her field study observation and assistantship to the said assigned school.



Teaching is a noble profession that requires patience and dedication of teachers to

educate students. This is a lifelong process where you learn new strategies, ideas, and

philosophies while at the field of teaching. To teach is to touch a life of learner’s young minds

to be knowledgeable and be molded as a professional being. Once you are teaching, you are

entering the student’s life in shaping their minds to the great possibilities of the world. To

educate is not just to comply with the intended learning objectives for students but to allow

the students to become better educated.

In teaching, I think the hardest part for teacher is to develop an effective teaching

strategy especially when teaching learners with young minds whose attention is to get along

with their classmates and play is a challenge for every teacher. Getting your students to trust

you and formulating goals with them is also a part of teachers teaching strategies to make

them focus and interested to the discussion.

Teachers and students should be equally motivated in both teaching and learning to

achieve both objectives. Learning was really a life-long learning process, this never stops, and

the purpose of teachers is to give the learners the sense of not wasting or taking it for granted

by showing them how they can use those learning to have a better life. “Education is the key

to success”, this quotation will make us realize that learning is very important part of our life

to be educated enough and not be ignorant about things around us.


After the entire field study experience, I have gained a broader knowledge of teaching.

When a teacher has a true passion for learning, teaching, and learning become one continuous

journey for both the teacher and the students and this motivates everyone to engage in active

learning. To achieve active learning, a teacher must demonstrate enthusiasm, develop a good

relationship with the students and express confidence in the students’ abilities to learn. As a

future educator, doing the best I can to ensure effective learning of my students is my

responsibility and main goal as an educator just like how our resource teacher manage her

class and make the learners enjoys and have the same energy level everyday.

An effective learning environment consists of several essential aspects. Regarding the

instructional materials they use in class, teachers must be inventive and imaginative. Students

gain more and better understanding of the subject application if their attention was caught by

the teacher and use a real-life scenario in the lesson. Discussion and seat works ensures

students achievement and allow students and teacher to discover individual students’

preference and strength. This approach facilitates differentiated activities for each students’

distinctive ambitions making learning more relevant to every learner’s life.


Learning Episode 1

Learning Episode 2
Learning Episode 3

Learning Episode 4

Learning Episode 5


Learning Episode 6
Learning Episode 7

Learning Episode 8

Learning Episode 9
Learning Episode 10

Learning Episode 11
Learning Episode 12
Learning Episode 13

Learning Episode 14

Learning Episode 15

Learning Episode 16

Learning Episode 17

Learning Episode 18
Learning Episode 19

Reflection on the Field Study Areas Observed

Kapangian Central School is a conducive learning environment. The school is located

beside the street but only few vehicles are passing by ay this area which makes the ambiance

of the school and rooms conducive to learning. During class hours, the whole school campus

is very quiet, and the school guard is checking every corner of the school to make sure that

students are at their own respective classrooms. The school principal always monitors the

school environment, from the classroom of each grade level to check the teacher’s class. The

classrooms are well-ventilated with proper lightings and the school also their library which

allows the students read books.

The classroom management of each class is different as it comes from each teacher’s

strategy to manage the class. Based on my observation and assistantship, each classroom has

pasted instructional and learning materials for students. The teacher always starts the class

with a prayer, greetings, and dance song exercise to energize the learners and the class

discussion will follow. The students are well-mannered and disciplined as their teacher

always taught them proper behavior a person must have to mold them to be a good human


During my first day of duty, the first thing I observed is the teacher have built a special

bond and good relationship with the students which makes the teaching effective in learning

and while we were assisting the class, the students had also develop a special bond with us.

This is one of her strategies to make the learners respect and focus attention in the teaching

process. Our resource teacher always reviews the students learning and activity by giving

them assignments and activities and when she noticed students who lacks learning, she will

teach the learner from the top of the lesson and this inspires me to be more passionate and

committed to my chosen profession.

Evidence of Learning

The class starts with a prayer, greetings, and dance song exercise to energize the pupils for

them not to get bored from the class. Our resource teacher asks the pupils what they feel, what

they did last day, and if they are all ready to listen and learn. Asking those questions made the

pupils more energized as they talk much and shares to everyone and to their teacher about

what happened to them on the last day and what makes them happier. The pupils are already

comfortable with their teacher as they had already formed a good relationship.

The teacher is discussing their lesson about the letters of the alphabet. She introduced the

letter (Ii) from what is the sound of the letter and how to write the letter. To ensure that every

pupil will be familiar with the letter and its sound, the teacher calls every pupil in front to

write the letter on the board which is more likely fun for students and made them all active in

class and participating on the teacher’s activity. This type of teaching method that the teacher

used is very much helpful and effective to the learning process of kindergarten pupils to learn

the basic concepts they need to learn.

This was taken during the kindergarten pupils (EGRA) Early Grade Reading Assessment

where they were being tested about what they have learned and what are the things they can

do at their age. The pupils are being called one at a time to the teachers table while other

learners stay at their seats after doing a seatwork’s and we were assisting them. There are

pupils who seem to be performing well in class and there are some who still needs assistance

and be monitored by their teacher because they still don’t know how to write even their

names and being a teacher of the learners with young minds, we always taught them with

patience which makes them learn.

The teacher makes all the kindergarten pupils participate in class to know if they have

learned the discussion by allowing them to write in a proper way the letter they have

discussed. Some learners still don’t know how to write the letter and we guide and teach them

again until they got to learn the sound and the letter.

Kindergarten pupils are naughty but when their teacher is in front of them, they are focused

and attentive in class and this shows how their teacher had disciplined them as a learner. After

the discussion about family and letters the teacher test if the pupils already know numbers by

letting them fill in the missing number on the board.

The kindergarten pupils daily class routine is after their break time, their teacher teaches

them number and the objectives that the teacher have is to make the pupils learn how to count

and write the numbers. At this moment, the teacher calls some pupils to count what she has

drawn on the board and write the correct number that corresponds to the number of the

objects she draws while the pupils who were not called quietly count the objects drawn by

their teacher. After the class participation, the teacher reviews the activity by letting the pupils

count again by themselves and when they made mistake in counting, the teacher will teach

them again and count the numbers with them and ask them again until they learn.

Kindergarten pupils had a morning and afternoon class session with different set of learners

and during this time they were given some snacks for their feeding program. They were

happy a d excited to eat what we have given to them and always ask the teacher if they could

already eat it or could they bring it at home. The teacher always tells them to make sure they

were going to eat those food as it is given for them.

This was the time that my resource teacher got sick, and I was assigned to the other section

of kindergarten. I was given a chance to observe and assist different kindergarten teacher and

pupils. The teacher’s class routine is the same, but they are different in handling the different

behaviors of the student as there are pupils who wants their guardian to be with them inside

the classroom and there are pupils who cries inside the classroom once their guardian leaves

them inside the classroom but apparently when the teacher approach them, they will calm and

get ready to learn.

The kindergarten teacher from the other section couldn’t be at school for some reason and her

students joined the class of my resource teacher. We were able to observe and facilitate

twenty-eight kindergarten pupils in one class. They have different behaviors, they are

naughty, noisy, and sweet but during class discussion they are all listening and actively

participating to the teacher’s activity. They always ask guidance from us to teach them what

to do and how to write.

This was the time where I was given a chance with my field study partner by our

resource teacher to facilitate the pupils on their examination. We call them one at a time and

guide them how they will be going to answer the examination test. It was a pleasure to be

entrusted to examined the pupils learning for their first quarter. After the examination test, I

was able to assist some students with their learning activity.

This was the last week of our in-campus duty and we were given a chance to teach the
kindergarten pupils. The teaching demonstration is fun especially when you have observed

that the learners had learned from you. Teaching young learners is tiring, you may feel soar

throat in talking for teaching and telling the pupils to be quiet when they become noisy and

answering all their questions about things around them. This experience had helped me to be

prepared for our internship and made me more realized the challenges of the profession I’ve

chosen but as what my resource teacher always said, be more passionate and committed to

teaching, get along with your students and it will be easy and less tiring for you to teach and

handle learners. I am so thankful that my resource teacher taught us so many lessons and

motivates us to keep pursuing our dreams and I admire her for her wonderful teaching

strategies in teaching the learners.

This was taken of the last day of our duties where we gave a small token of appreciation to

our resource teachers, principal, and school guard for the warm welcome and opportunity they

have given us to be part of Kapangian Central School. The Kapangian Central School student

teachers were very much thankful for all the learnings and experiences we have gained during

our observations and assistantship.


The field study experience as an observer and pre-service teacher in Kapangian Central

School has been a great and meaningful life journey with our resource teacher and co-student

teachers. The opportunity to observe how the different principle of teaching and learning are

applied to make the teaching and learning process interactive, meaningful, exciting and

enjoyable has been a great experience to help and prepare us to our teaching internship and

future career as professional educators. The privilege to assist the kindergarten class and

teacher helped me to acquire knowledge about teaching the pupils with different teaching

methods that will suit to the needs of the learners.

Kindergarten Teachers prepares young students for the school years they have ahead of

them by teaching them foundation skills. As I am observing and assisting the kindergarten

pupils and how their teacher teaches, guide and interact made me realize that teaching is not

only about educating the learners but also developing a good sense of relationship with them

for you to always have their attention and for them to comfortably ask questions they don’t

understand and allows you to teach them in different teaching methods as they entrusted

themselves to you as their teacher and second parent at school. Our resource teacher together

with my field study partner had inspires and helped us to be more dedicated and passionate in

pursuing our chosen profession. She taught us how to deal with the different behaviors of

learners and how to effectively deliver the lesson to the learners and makes sure that no one

were left behind inside the class. The teacher always praises and acknowledge students when

they do something correctly, both in private and in front of their peers. She was such a great

teacher to form a strong relationship with her students and show that she cared about them as

her own children.

The field study is an enriching experience in developing and utilizing the appropriate

strategies to facilitate learning. The wonderful experiences shouldn’t just be kept as a memory

to remember; rather, they must be kept in the heart for future application. The knowledge we

have acquired throughout the course of the study will be a foundation for us to adapt more

easily to the difficulties we will encounter along the way of achieving our goals.


During the last day of our duty to the assigned school, we were given a chance to teach the

learners and apply the learnings we acquired during our observation to let us experience to

teach young learners. Teaching the kids is really a challenging task for teachers from making

the lesson plan and preparing the materials in teaching up to the moment of teaching the

students wherein patience is really needed as they have different behaviors and way of

learnings. You may feel sore throat and tiredness of talking while teaching but the satisfaction

you will feel after teaching them and knowing that the had learned the lesson is unexplainable

because you may feel mixed of emotions. Teaching was really a noble profession; it is tough

but a rewarding career.

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