FS2 Episode 1
FS2 Episode 1
FS2 Episode 1
Episode 1
Learning Outcomes
● Gain active control of the roles of teacher in curriculum development.
● Elaborate on the different categories of curriculum changes.
● Write a curriculum.
Learning Content
The word curriculum may be defined in various ways. The definitions
may be limited or broad in scope.
A. Teacher as a Curricularist
A curricularist is a professional who is a curriculum specialist. A
teacher’s role is broader and inclusive of other functions, and so, a teacher is a
curricularist. What does it take to be a curricularist?
Learning Activities
Activity 1. Interview a teacher on the specific roles he/she plays as a
curricularist. Complete the matrix given below.
Name: _________________________
Level: _________________________
School: ________________________
Signature: _____________________
Name: _________________________
Level: _________________________
School: ________________________
Signature: _____________________
B. Teacher as a Designer
1. Substitution
Replace the present with a new one.
2. Alteration
Introduce minor changes or
modification on the current one.
3. Restructuring
Introduce major modification of the
current curriculum.
4. Perturbation
Changes happen within a fairly short
5. Value Orientation
Respond to shift in emphasis within
the vision/mission of the school.
1. Why is Curriculum important?
Integrating Theory
Read the items given below and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. In a Curriculum Development class, the teacher asked the students to
give an enriched definition of the curriculum. Which among the following
encompasses the true essence of the term?
A. Curriculum is a list of subjects to take to complete a course.
B. Curriculum is the sum total of all the learning experiences in the
teaching-learning process.
C. Curriculum is a list of courses in order to graduate.
D. Curriculum is a never-ending process in education.
8. Who are the primary movers in the implementation of the changes made
on curriculum?
A. Learners
B. Teachers
C. Parents
D. Community Officials