Learning Episode 16 On Teachers Philosophy of Education
Learning Episode 16 On Teachers Philosophy of Education
Learning Episode 16 On Teachers Philosophy of Education
help students
clarify their values.
4. Reconstructionism - The administrators and The Curriculum Relevant To Learners
school is agent of staffs, as stewards of the (Contextualization And Enhancement)
change; schooling institution, ensure an demonstrates that there is an
is preparing enabling and supportive application of Reconstructionism in
students for the environment for effective which the students discuss the issues.
social changes; learning to occur
teaching is demonstrates that DepEd
involving the is reconstructionism.
students in DepEd believes that
discussions of teaching is involving
moral dilemmas students in discussions of
moral quandaries in order
for them to understand the
consequences of their
5. Existentialism - Teachers facilitate learning It demonstrates that there is a proof of
teachers teach and constantly nurture Existentialism that can be used to allow
learners to make every learner in the DepEd students to choose a specialization
choice, to make mission, demonstrating based on aptitude, interests, and
decisions and not that DepEd is school capacity. The subjects a student
merely to follow the existentialism. DepEd will take in Grades 11 and 12 will be
crowd; one who believes that society determined by the career path he or
does not make should not limit an she chooses.
choice and so individual's life or actions
simply follow because such limitations
others do not leave inhibit free will and the
meaningful life development of that
person's potential.
6. Pragmatism -that The DepEd Vision, which The Curriculum Is Relevant To
which is useful, enables them to realize Learners, it also demonstrates the use
that which is their full potential and of Pragmatism as students acquire in-
practical and that meaningfully contribute to depth knowledge, skills, values, and
which works what the nation's building, attitudes through continuity and
is good; that which demonstrates that DepEd consistency in order to encourage them
is efficient and used Pragmatism because to grow into better people at all levels.
effective is that they believe that teaching
which is good e.g students things that are
showing a video practical for life
clip on mitosis is encourages them to grow
more efficient and into better people.
more effective and
therefore more
practical that
teacher coming up
with a visual aid by
drawing mitosis on
a cartolina or
illustration board.
7. Rationalism - The DepEd Core Values of Curriculum Development is an example
emphasizes the Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, of Rationalism in action, as the
development of the Makakalikasan, and curriculum must be relevant,
learners’ reasoning Makabansa are proof that responsive, and research-based, as
powers; knowledge DepEd practiced students learn through reason alone,
comes through Rationalism, in which they without the aid of the senses.
reason; teacher only believe what is based
must develop the on reason and provides
reasoning power of the primary basis for
the learner knowledge.
8. Utilitarianism - what We dream of Filipinos who Curriculum Development is an example
is good is that fervently love their country, of Utilitarianism in action, as the
which is most which demonstrates that curriculum must be culturally sensitive,
useful (that which DepEd also employs and the teacher approach provides no
brings happiness) Utilitarianism, which sense of what constitutes an education.
to the greatest advocates actions that
number of people; promote happiness or
pleasure while opposing
actions that cause
unhappiness or harm.
9. Empiricism - source Teachers facilitate learning Curriculum Development demonstrates
of knowledge is and constantly nurture the use of Empiricism in which the
through the each learner, curriculum shall use constructivist,
senses; teacher demonstrating that DepEd inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative,
must involve the employs Empiricism, in and integrative pedagogical
senses in teaching- which teaching-learning of approaches.
learning students is based on the
human senses, and in
which it shares the belief
that there is no such thing
as innate knowledge, and
that knowledge is instead
derived from experience.
10. Behaviorism - Students learning in a Curriculum Development demonstrates
behavior is shaped child-friendly, gender- that there is a Bahaviorism in which the
deliberately by sensitive, safe, and curriculum shall be learner-centered,
forces in the motivating environment is inclusive, and developmentally
environment and evidence that DepEd used appropriate; we teachers encourage
that the type of Behaviorism, in which the students to perform desired behavior
person and actions teacher provides positive by rewarding good performance.
desired can be the reinforcement, or rewards,
product of design; at the end of the day for
behavior is their good behavior.
determined by
of his/her
officers by
voting and
selection of the
She creates classroom rules with the involvement of
his/her lessons. She assign classroom officers by
voting and selection of the class.
9. Empiricism - source of knowledge is She uses visual aids in delivering the lesson. Allows
through the senses; teacher must experimentation during actual presentation of
involve the senses in teaching- appetizers, salads and salad dressings.
10. Behaviorism - behavior is shaped She creates classroom rules, gives verbal pauses to
deliberately by forces in the students, models good behavior and give
environment and that the type of reinforcement to students’ behaviors.
person and actions desired can be
the product of design; behavior is
determined by others, rather than
by person’s own free will; teacher
must carefully shape desirable
behavior; drill are commonly used
to enhance learning. Rewards
reinforce learning.
11. Constructivism -learners are Allow students to share their own experiences,
capable of constructing knowledge knowledge, and views while guiding them to the
and meaning; teaching-learning correct answer. Allow numerous responses in some
therefore is constructing knowledge situations/questions.
and meaning; teacher does not just
“tell” or dictate but asks learners for
knowledge they construct and
meaning of lesson.
12. Other philosophies
1. Based on your findings and observations in activity 16.1 and activity 16.2, which
philosophies of education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say so?
Essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, existentialism and behaviorism.
These all 5 philosophies are the ones that been used over the years in Philippine
education since pre schooling up until college.
2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what
should that be and why?
Despite the fact that essentialism emphasizes teacher-centered learning, I
favor the essentialism philosophy of education because the content steadily progresses
to more complicated abilities and specific information. Essentialism aims to instill the
most basic academic information and abilities, as well as character development, in all
My philosophy of Teaching