Episode 5
Episode 5
Episode 5
FS 2 5
Environment: An
Learning Environment 1:
What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What
message of theme does it convey?
Answer: One of them is all about Environment protection, it emphasizes how
important to dispose our waste properly and take care of nature.
What makes it attractive to the learners? Answer: The colors and comics way
of presenting information.
Does it help in the learning process?
Answer: Yes, through this posters the students can be aware of what is the
mere fact of this world.
Learning Environment 2:
The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that
the learners are in the same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in
different learning spaces like homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under
the trees.
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for
learning? Choose between Learning environment 1or Learning Environment 2.
Explain your choice: Why?
Answer: I'll go with learning environment 1, which shows students in a
space or classroom. because it's possible for students to ask questions at any time in
the classroom. It enables students to take part in numerous school activities, small
group discussions, and social interactions with their peers. I find it hard to believe
that this pandemic has rendered the entire face-to-face schooling system useless. I
long for such times to pass quickly because I miss them so much. Children can study
in an engaging and relevant environment while also grasping the fundamental nature
of the teaching-learning process. They can feel different emotions toward one
another through social engagement in the classroom. In my view, face-to-face
instruction cannot be replaced by online instruction.
Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that
a. The advantage of face-to-face learning over internet learning is that it enables kids
to engage in a variety of hands-on activities while connecting with their peers.
b. It is my duty as a teacher to provide the ideal setting for the kids so they can sense
and experience a suitable learning atmosphere.
c. If the epidemic continues, I will need to be ready to teach in any situation, which
may include visiting students' homes to give lessons and provide a welcoming
learning atmosphere.
How should I do it?
Answer: I mentioned earlier that I should be ready for everything as a teacher. I
have to put up the work and willingness necessary to finish the job and meet the
children's requirements. The teacher is crucial in fixing these problems. And the
exact steps that I can do are as follows: first, before performing the required action, I
need to ask the principal for assistance and advise. I'll speak with the parents next to
find out more about their current circumstances. Third, I'll ask local authorities for
their help and intervention. Fourth, as a teacher, I shall develop all required teaching
resources. Depending on their requirements and the environment, I will modify
every aspect of my teaching methods.
3. In which situation can learners with more physical presence and intervention
of the teacher?
A. Face-to-Face
B. Virtual
C. On-line
D. All of the above
4. Which of the two kinds of learning environment encourages independence
and self-management of the learners? Why?
A. Face-to-Face, because there is always the presence of the teacher who
will give guidance to the learner.
B. Virtual/On-line, because the learners are given time to learn on their
own and progress at their own rate.
C. Both, because they can always shift from one modality to another.
D. Face-to-Face because there is always the need of a teacher in a
classroom all the time
Work on my Artifacts
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive
Learning Environment”