NDT Concrete Quality and Homogeneity Evaluation
NDT Concrete Quality and Homogeneity Evaluation
NDT Concrete Quality and Homogeneity Evaluation
Ultrasonic pulse analyzer
The ultrasonic tester 58-E4900 is used for measuring the velocity of ul- Other applications include identifying Slot for memory card to save data
trasonic pulses through a concrete section, providing information on and evaluating, for example, crack depth, RS 232 and USB port for real time
cracks, voids and strength, and giving quick estimates of Dynamic Mod- honeycombing, and injection quality. downloading to PC
ulus of Elasticity on site or in the laboratory. It can also be used to esti- Battery powered by internal rechar-
mate times for formwork striking. The pulse velocity can be combined geable battery pack (7.2 Ah) up to 9
Technical specifications
with the rebound hammer value for the strength evaluation of concrete. working hours before recharging
2 MHz sampling rate with 12-bit Dimensions: 264 x 233 x 83
The analyzer comes in a sturdy, portable case and has a large backlit resolution mm(instrument only); 500 x 400 x
touch-screen display that makes use of the apparatus practical and easy. 8 selectable low-pass filter cut 140 mm(carrying case)
Another tester for routine measurements is also available. See Ultrasonic frequencies Weight: 2.6 kg(instrument only); 5
pulse velocity tester, page 322 Advanced signal processing (Transit kg(complete outfit) (approx.)
The Ultrasonic pulse analyzer 58-E4900 is provided complete with dedi- time, Wave shape, FFT, SonReb)
cated spreadsheet allowing download and post-processing of the test data. Selectable pulse rate 1, 2, 5 per
Transmitter pulse 2500 V
Main applications Frequency Spectrum Analysis by
Transit time up to 16 ms with 0.1 μs
Standard UPV measurement with FFT Method (Fast Fourier Trans-
form-Algorithm). resolution
incorporated oscilloscope.
Conforming to EN 12504-4 and ASTM For determining the natural frequency of
C597. The Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity the ultrasonic pulse transmitted through
can also be determined with this applica- the material. This determination is suitable 58-E4900 complete set
tion as the meter features a very accurate for the examination of the pulse path and
measurement of the transit time. gives indications about possible cavities,
delamination, multi-layer elements or
Measurement of the Attenuation of other similar discontinuities.
the Transmitted Energy.
Very often the transit time alone is not enough Concrete Strength Evaluation com-
to identify discontinuities and small areas of bining the Rebound number and
damage such as micro-cracking of concrete. the UPV transit time.
With this technique however, these can be It is possible to use our Digital concrete
located well with proper processing of the hammer (58-C0181/DGT) to obtain the
acquired waveforms. average rebound number. This value can
then be inserted into the dedicated menu
of the UPV tester in order to combine a
typical surface measurement with the
deeper UPV transit time and obtain more
reliable and extensive information.
58-C0181/DGT Digital concrete hammer and 58-E4900 PULSONIC Ultrasonic pulse analyzer
Time menu for acquisition, display and storage of waves received