ECE 3074 AC Circuits Lab Lab 2: Winding Your Own Inductors & Making AC Measurements With An Oscilloscope
ECE 3074 AC Circuits Lab Lab 2: Winding Your Own Inductors & Making AC Measurements With An Oscilloscope
ECE 3074 AC Circuits Lab Lab 2: Winding Your Own Inductors & Making AC Measurements With An Oscilloscope
1. Winding inductors. The toroidal cores you have been given have a nominal AL value of
a. Compute the number of turns required to create an inductance of approximately
1.4mH. Wind one of your cores with this number of turns. N= 14.24
b. Measure the impedance and compute the inductance of your inductor at 10kHz
and 50kHz. The inductance values should be very close and the resistive part of
the impedance should be very small. Show your work, show the schematic of
your measurement circuit, and show appropriate scope traces and measurements.
( I don't have the core and am using a 1mH inductor i have)
the resistance we'll choice for 10kHz and 50kHz will be 50 ohm
for 10 kHz we have the voltage source lagging by about 36 degrees
Therefore Z= (1.5/(2@-36)-1.50)*50=(0.13+j1.27)*50=6.5+j63.5
Therefore Z= (3.945/(4.01@-10)-3.945)*50=1.659+j283.2
Z at 10kHz = _6.5+j63.5
L at 10kHz = ___1.01mH___.
Z at 50kHz = ___1.659+j283.2___.
L at 50kHz = __0.9mH____.
c. Use your meter to measure the resistance or your inductor:
R = 0.3 ohm______.
d. Compute the AL value for this core. You might want to label the core with this
value. AL = ______. I have no way to calculate this. If I was using a core it's AL
would be the Henries found divided by the number of turns squared.
2. Frequency Response.
a. Build the circuit shown below. Choose C to be close to 2 . You can
L ( 2 π ∙ 30,000 )
use a parallel combination of two capacitors if necessary. Use your value of
inductance in the calculation: L=1mH
C = _28nF_____.
C (actual used based on meter measurement) = __10.1nF____.
in my kit i don't have much caps and the closest value is 10nF, if i had multiples i
would just put two in parallel.
Note that the Thevenin equivalent of the function generator in the AD2 is a
voltage source, while in the Velleman it is a voltage source in series with a 50
ohm resistor. Thus, AD2 users can ignore the 50 ohm resistor below in both
simulation and experiment, while Velleman users don’t need to include the 50
ohm resistor when they build the circuit (it’s part of the function generator), but
do need to include it in their LTspice model.
b. In LTSpice, simulate the frequency response of the circuit using your values for L
and C, viewing Vin as the input and Vout as the output. (That is, plot Vout/Vin).
Paste your schematic and frequency response plot below.
c. Use the Network function of your scope to measure the frequency response of
your circuit. It should be reasonably close to your simulation. Paste the plot
d. Pick a frequency 4kHz below the frequency at which the response peaks. Set the
function generator to produce a 4Vpp sine wave at this frequency and measure
Vin and Vout. Compute the phase difference between Vout and Vin using the
scope function and also using the time-delay method (show your work). Paste
your scope plot below.
F = ____40k__ Hz.
Vin = ___4pp___ V.
Vout = ___2.2pp___ V.
Vout/Vin = __0.55____ .
Vout/Vin (dB) = ___-5____.
Phase (scope) = __(9.5/60 )*360=57____ degrees.
Phase (time delay) = _55____ degrees.
e. Read the magnitude and phase of the frequency response from your LTSpice plot
and your Scope plot at the frequency you found above:
Vout/Vin (dB) = ___-6____ (LTSpice)
Phase = ___52___ (LTSpice)
Vout/Vin (dB) = ___-5___ (scope bode plot)
Phase = ___55___ (scope bode plot)
f. Compare the magnitude and phase results in e and f using a table and explain any
overall they are very much the same. However the magnitude plots are abit
different. "the reason being is that in the lt spice I added vin before the resistor
and not after which resulted in some error.
3. Take a picture of your circuit and insert it below.