Practice Teacher: Date: School Assignment: Resource Teacher
Practice Teacher: Date: School Assignment: Resource Teacher
Practice Teacher: Date: School Assignment: Resource Teacher
Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a copy, make
observation of the process and record you information in the matrix below. Describe your observations.
1. Recommended
Curriculum (KK to 12
2. Written Curriculum
(Teacher’s Lesson Plan)
3. Taught Curriculum
(Teaching Learning
4. Supported Curriculum
(Subject textbook)
5. Assessed Curriculum
(Assessment Process)
6. Learned Curriculum
(Achieved Learning
7. Hidden Curriculum
Bilbao, P., Borabo, M., Corpus, B., & Lucas, M. R. (2020). Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-
Learning in Actual School Environment (1st ed., Vol. 1). Lorimar Publishing Inc.