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Ep 8-fs1

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Welcome to the Module 3 of your Course.

You are now in the Learning

Episode 8 that will highlight your closer encounter with the curriculum.

At the end of this episode, you must be able to identify the different
curricula that prevail in the school setting; describe how the teachers manage
the planning and implementing of lessons through different strategies and
assessment of learning outcomes; analyze if the objectives were aligned to
subject matter, to teaching strategies and assessment

Formal education begins in school. The schools have recommended

curriculum. This recommended curriculum was translated into written
curriculum like books, course packs or modules, learning plans, teacher’s guides
which eventually becomes the basis of taught curriculum. As a teacher who
implements the curricula needs support materials which are known as support
curriculum to enhance teaching and learning so that the written and the taught
curricula can be assessed (assessed curriculum) to determine if learning is
experienced by learners (learned curriculum). However, those things that
happened in school but not planned are what we called as hidden curriculum.

The teacher implements, plans and evaluates school learning activities by

preparing a miniscule curriculum called a lesson plan or learning plan. The
teacher then puts life to a lesson plan by using it as a guide in the teaching
learning process where different strategies were employed. There are many
ways to write lesson plan, but the necessary elements are the following:
Learning Outcomes, Subject Matter, Teaching learning Strategies, and Evaluation
or Assessment. These elements should be aligned so that at the teaching-
learning episode, learning will be achieved with the classroom teacher as a

From a broad perspective, curriculum is defined as the total learning

process and outcomes as in lifelong learning. Basic education in the Philippines
is under the Department of Education and the recommended curriculum is the
K-12 or the Enhanced Basic Education Curricula of 2013. Click this link to learn
more about this curriculum:

Now, are you ready for your observation activity? I bet you are, so let’s begin.

Your Activity 8.1

Curriculum in the School Context

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: ________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7&8 Date: October 16, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you need to look around. Discover

what curriculum is operating in the school context. Do this after reading “Your
Learning Needs” section. Can you spot where the types of curricula mentioned
are found? Begin the Hunting Game!
Locate where you can find the following curriculum. Secure a copy,

make observations of the process, and record your information in the

matrix below.
Describe your observations.

1. Recommended Basic Education (by This type of curriculum stems

Curriculum (K-12 DepEd); Higher Education from what experts in education
Guidelines) (by CHED); Vocational suggest.
Education (by TESDA).
2. Written Curriculum Lesson plan, modules, Formally put down in writing
(Teacher’s Lesson Plan, books, syllabi, course of and documented for teaching.
Syllabus) study, instructional guides,
3. Taught Curriculum Books, modules, teachers’ Refers to how teachers actually
(Teaching-Learning guides and lesson plans teach. This is extremely critical
Process) which are the basis of the for students in special education
taught curriculum. or those who require another
kind of specialized support.
4. Supported Such resources include Involves the additional tools,
Curriculum (Subjectboth human (teachers) as resources and learning
Textbook, Modules, well as physical (such as experiences found in and outside
etc) textbooks, workbooks, a classroom.
audio visual aids, teacher
guides, grounds, buildings,
library books and
laboratory equipment).
5. Assessed Curriculum Tests and measures Known as a tested curriculum.
(Assessment performance. State tests,
Process) standardized tests, district

tests, and teacher-made
6. Learned Curriculum Achieved Learning Refers to what students walk
(Achieved Learning Outcomes away with from a course. This
Outcomes includes the subject matter and
knowledge they learned from a
course, but it can also include
additional changes in attitude and
emotional wellbeing.
7. Hidden Curriculum Applied to any learning It is not planned, but it has a
(Media, not taught outcomes that are not significant impact on what
but learned by expressly designed in a students learn. This type of
learners) lesson plan. curriculum is not always
communicated or formally
written down and includes
implicit rules, unmentioned
expectations, and the norms and
values of a culture.

Answer the following questions.

1. Which of the seven types of curriculum in the school context is easy to find?
 Out of the seven types of curriculum, recommended curriculum is easy to
find because it has been recommended by scholars and professional
organizations Basic Education (by DepEd); Higher Education (by CHED);
Vocational Education (by TESDA) Written Curriculum Documents based
on recommended curriculum syllabi, course of study, module, books,
instructional guides, lesson plan.
2. Which is difficult to observe? Why?
 The Hidden Curriculum. Due to the fact that it is an unintentional
curriculum, it is the hardest to observe. It outlines what is taught to
students through the physical setting, rules, and practices at school.
Unplanned learning outcomes are any outcomes that are not specifically
specified in the lesson plan.
3. Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.

Seven (7) Types of


Assessed Supported
Curriculum Curriculum
Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.
The diagram shows the relationship of the seven types of curriculum. This
benefits the teaching and learning process to have a basis on how the teachers
delivers the learning towards the development of the students. It is the duty of
the teacher to design carefully thought-out, stimulating, and engaging lessons
that follow the curriculum in order to aid students in learning more efficiently,
which in turn may have an impact on their behavior. Enabling the children to
engage better, to form solid relationships, and to contribute to making the
classroom more cohesive by incorporating the students' ideas while making sure
they are related to the curriculum requirements.

Your Activity 8.2

A Closer Look to the Lesson: The Miniscule
School Curriculum

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: ________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7&8 Date: October 16, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you are required to have a full lesson
observation from the Motivation phase to Assessment Phase. DO the following
1. Secure a permit from your resource teacher to observe one
complete lesson in a particular subject, in a particular grade or
year level.
2. Get a closer look on the three major components of the
curriculum: planning, implementing, and evaluating.
3. Observe and record your observation.

Observe and Record Observations on the Following Aspects

Major Curriculum Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the

Components indicators/behavior of the teacher along the key
points. Write your observation and description in
your notebook).
A. PLANNING Borrow the teacher’s lesson plan for the day. If not available,
look for uploaded lesson plans in the web. What major parts
do you see? Request a copy for your use or download the file.
a. What are the learning objectives/outcomes?
b. What are included in the subject matter?
c. What procedure or method will the teacher use to
implement the plan?
d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the lesson? How
will this be done?
B. IMPLEMENTING Now, it’s the time to observe how the teacher implemented the
prepared lesson plan. Observed closely the procedure. If this is
not possible, just interview the teacher.
a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?
b. How did the teacher engage the learners?
c. What procedure or steps were followed?
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
e. Were the learners on task? Or were they
participating in the class activity?
f. Was the lesson finished within the class period?
C. EVALUATING/ Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make
ASSESSING observations to find evidence of learning.
a. Were the objectives as learned outcomes achieved?
b. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence.

Write a paragraph based on the data that you have gathered using
the key questions below.
1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal
characteristics or competencies of global quality teachers?
 As I observe my cooperating teacher, she encourages and supports
students' learning so that they can all succeed in the interconnected world
of today. She works with her students to create fresh learning
opportunities. She employs a variety of techniques to support program
improvement and student learning. She develops the students' potential
and gives them a holistic education that makes them globally competitive.

2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe the implementation.

 Yes, as far as I can tell, my cooperating teacher did a good job of delivering
the lessons and managing the students' active participation in a
discussion. She adhered to her lesson plan appropriately. Because it is so
well-organized and engaging from the start, the students are actively
participating in the class.

3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught?
Happy and eager? Satisfied and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?
 My cooperating teacher exudes happiness, satisfaction, and contentment.
She may have concluded that the students understand their lesson even
though their activity is not yet complete, as evidenced by her happy

4. Can you describe most of the students’ reactions after the lesson was taught?
Confused? Happy and eager? Contented? No reactions at all.
 The students are happy and enjoying the class. They are eager to
participate in every activity that their teacher gave to them and excited to
know the results of their performance.

Based on your observations on Activity 8.2, how will you prepare your lesson plan?
Make a short paragraph on the topic.
Despite the fact that the competencies have already been provided, I should plan
what we will do when I am preparing one. Moreover, how I intend to accomplish
the goals I have set. I should assess whether the lesson plan I created will achieve
the objectives as I plan. Each one includes some essential elements, such as the
kind or grade level of the students, their prior knowledge, which will help us
maintain the flow, and the teaching strategies you may use in your lesson plan.
Students must then establish learning goals, create specific learning activities,
plan the lesson, and evaluate their progress.

Your Activity 8.3

Aligning Constructively
the Components of the Lesson Plan

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: ________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7&8 Date: October 16, 2022

Using the diagram below, fill out the component parts of the lesson plan.

I. Title of the Lesson: Interpret Plans and Drawing

II. Subject Area: Shielded Metal Arc Work (SMAW)
III. Grade Level: Grade 8


At the end of the  Guided instruction.  Formative
lesson, students are  First, the teacher facilitates Assessment
expected to do the learning by modeling and  Summative
following: scaffolding. Students take time to Assessment
ask questions and receive  Student Self-
clarifications. Assessment
welding materials  Next, students practice applying
these skills together and then
based on technical
independently. The teacher uses
formative assessment to check
•Identify tools, for understanding.
materials and
according to plans.

Answer the following questions based on the matrix above.

1. Are the three components constructively aligned? Explain.
 Yes, the three components should be aligned in doing a lesson plan. By
following the methods in order to achieve the outcomes correctly, and the
type of assessment to be used in order to gauge the student's level of
2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching methods used? Why?
 Yes, the results were achieved using the teacher's teaching strategies. The
techniques are applicable to both high- and low-achieving students.

3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been achieved?

 The evaluation and assessment of the learners will determined if the
learning outcomes have been achieved. Also, the learners output and the
scores they have got in the activity.

What lessons have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan? What value
will it give to teacher if the three components are aligned?
I have discovered that in order to achieve your objectives when creating a lesson
plan, you must align the three components. In order to see where your students
are at the time of learning, you must decide in advance what knowledge, abilities,
and moral principles you want them to acquire. You must then choose the best
strategy for achieving the desired outcome. This gives the teacher a meaningful
success, the hard work and efforts are paid off.

Show piece/s of evidence of learning for Activity 8.1-3.
 For Activity 8.1, present evidence for each kind of curriculum operating
in the school setting. This can be in pictures, realia, documents, or

 Recommended Curriculum

 Written Curriculum

 Taught Curriculum

 Supported Curriculum

 Assessed Curriculum

 Learned Curriculum

 Hidden Curriculum

 For Activity 8.2, present a sample of curriculum in the form of a lesson


 For Activity 8.3, present a matrix showing the alignment of the learning
outcomes, teaching methods and the assessment.
 Feel free to use extra sheets for this purpose.

IV. Title of the Lesson: Interpret Plans and Drawing

V. Subject Area: Shielded Metal Arc Work (SMAW)
VI. Grade Level: Grade 8


At the end of the lesson,  Guided instruction.  Formative Assessment

students are expected  First, the teacher facilitates learning by  Summative
to do the following: modeling and scaffolding. Students take Assessment
time to ask questions and receive  Student Self-
clarifications. Assessment
appropriate welding
 Next, students practice applying these
materials based on
skills together and then independently.
technical drawing
The teacher uses formative assessment
•Identify tools, to check for understanding.
materials and
equipment according to

Great Job! You are done with the observation activity for the Learning
Episode 8. To successfully end your Learning Episode 8, go to your LMS and answer
the Learning Episode 8 Quiz. Upload also the Lesson Plan Output as indicated.


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