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Ep 7-fs1

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This Learning Episode tackles classroom management and discipline.

also focuses on the personal and physical aspects of classroom management
which are central to teaching and therefore must be implemented consistently.

At the end of this episode, you must be able to identify the aspects of
classroom management and determine the classroom management strategies
employed by teachers in their classes.

Two Aspects of Effective Classroom Management

1. Personal Classroom Management consists of managing yourself to
ensure order and discipline in your class. It includes:
 Voice
 Personal grooming
 Attendance
 Punctuality
 Personal graciousness
Note: Managing yourself as a teacher contributes to the order and well-being of
your class.

2. Physical Classroom Management consists of managing the learning

environment. Attending to these physical elements of the learning
environment ensures safety, security, and order in class. It includes:
 Ventilation
 Lighting
 Acoustics
 Seating arrangement
 Structure/design of the classroom
 Physical space/learning stations

Now, are you ready for your observation activity? I bet you are, so let’s begin.

Your Activity 7.1

Identifying Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom

Resource Teacher: Mrs Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature:

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8 Date: October 13, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you need to observe the class

and interview the resource teacher. Ask how the personal and physical
aspects of classroom management ensure proper classroom management
and discipline. Accomplish the checklist if these were observed in the

Checklist on Aspects of Classroom Management
Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO
1. Personal Classroom Management Yes
1.1. Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she
demands respect from the learners?
1.2. Is the teacher’s voice modulated and can be Yes
heard by the entire class?
1.3. Was the teacher present in class? Yes
1.4. Did the teacher arrive on time in class? Yes
1.5. Does the teacher exude a positive attitude Yes
towards teaching?
2. Physical Classroom Management
2.1. Is the classroom well-ventilated? Yes
2.2. Is the lighting good enough? Yes
2.3. Is the classroom free from noise? No
2.4. Does the seating arrangement provide better Yes
2.5. Is the design/structure of the room inviting to Yes
classroom activities?
2.6. Is the physical space/learning station clear Yes
from obstruction?

Analyze the different elements of personal/physical classroom

management and answer the following questions.

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

 The voice of the teacher is one of the factors that contribute to the success
of classroom instruction. Through the use of different tones of voice, a
teacher can effectively express his or her instructions to the students. For
example, when a teacher is lecturing and there is a group of students in
the class that are not listening and consistently talking. The teacher gets
mad, and that leads to the change of his/her voice.

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

 When a teacher is always present and early, these characteristics will be
helpful in disciplining the students to be like the teacher. The teacher is a
leader, being followed by the students to be punctual and always present
in the class. This prevents absences of the students because the teacher
can monitor them all throughout the day.
3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?
 The importance of knowing the physical aspects of classroom
management is to measure the level of satisfaction of the students when
they are inside the classroom. It is being checked to identify the areas of
improvement and to change those unnecessary things that are no longer

useful to the students.

Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.

1. “No amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom
management”. Explain what this statement to you as a future teacher.
 Based on the statement, I can say that it is true because no matter how
the instructions are, if there is no effective classroom management, then
it is useless. By always observing and planning, I would probably have
better classroom management, but I also want to make some changes to
further enhance my ability to maintain the effectiveness of my
instructions. Furthermore, by asking for feedback from my students
about their concerns and suggestions about how I manage the classroom
to address and make something new out of those ideas.

2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?

 Check the classroom.
 Monitor the behavior of the students.
 Conduct an assessment of the classroom.
 Ask for advice from the co-teachers.
 Respond to the problems being identified.
 Re-evaluate the process.

Your Activity 7.2

Demonstrating Knowledge of Positive and Non-violent Discipline
in the Management of Learner Behavior

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Elizabeth A. Basiawan Signature: ___________________

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7 & 8 Date: October 13, 2022

To realize your learning objectives, you need observe the classroom
management strategies that your resource teacher employs in the classroom. If
this is not observable in this time of pandemic, recall the time that you were still
experiencing the face-to- face classes. Interview a teacher if needed to
substantiate your observation.

Check the management strategies employed by the resource teacher.

Check if observed, put an X if Not Observed and O for no Opportunity to Observe.

Effective Classroom Management Not No

Strategies Observed Observed Opportunity
to Observe
1. Model to the students how to act in different /
2. Establish classroom guidelines. /
3. Document the rules. /
4. Refrain from punishing the students. /
5. Encourage initiative from class. /
6. Offer praise and rewards. /
7. Use non-verbal communication. /
8. Take time to celebrate group effort. /
9. Let students work in groups. /
10. Interview students to assess their needs. /
11. Address bad behavior quickly. /
12. Consider peer teaching. /
13. Continuously engage the students. /
14. Assign open ended project. /
15. Write group contacts. /

Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given

1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these
contribute to better classroom management? Explain your answer.
 I think there were five strategies employed by my cooperating teacher. I
would say that it somehow contributes to better classroom management
because the students are responding to those strategies and indulging
themselves to know, understand, and learn the lessons.

2. What were not used by the Resource Teacher? Were these important?
What should have been used instead? Explain.
 My cooperating teacher is not applying collaborative activities like having
the students be grouped or by pair. This is important because it is part of
the learning process wherein students need to interact with their
classmates for their development. Collaboration is part of the 21st
century skills that take part in attaining the objective of the lesson. With
that, a teacher must emphasize the said skill to achieve the best for the

As a future teacher, reflect on the observations then answer this question: What
classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to diverse types
of learners?

 As a future teacher, the classroom management strategies I need to

employ to respond to diverse types of learners are to establish classroom
guidelines, encourage initiative from the class, use non-verbal
communication, let students work in groups, interview students to assess
their needs, consider peer teaching, and continuously engage the

Show piece/s of evidence of learning to capture the classroom

management strategies used by Resource Teacher. Use the next
page for your output.

Great Job! You are done with the observation activity for the
Learning Episode 7. To successfully end your Learning Episode 7, go to your LMS
and answer the Learning Episode 7 Quiz.


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