FS 1 Episode 7
FS 1 Episode 7
FS 1 Episode 7
Activity 7:
Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the
personal and physical aspects of classroom management ensure proper
classroom management and discipline.
1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain. "No
amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom
I will make sure as a Teacher that the rules and procedures in the
classroom are being imposed properly with proper design that
involves explanation and group output to establish clear and
consistent boundaries in the class. I will be positive every time that
always encourages them toward their positive behaviors. I will give
them the freedom to express their own thoughts and opinions in the
class and I will not allow their differences to become a hindrance
that will affect their learning instead, I am going to connect each of
one of them that no one is behind for them to grow together and
become successful in the near future.
Activity 7.2
Demonstrating Knowledge of Positive and Non-violent Discipline in the
Management of Learner Behavior
Check the management strategies employed by the Resource Teacher. Check (/)
observed, put an (X) if not observed and 0 for no opportunity to observe.
Effective Classroom Not
Observed Opportunity
Management Strategies Observed
to Observe
1. Model to the students how to
act in different situations.
2. Establish classroom
3. Document the rules. /
4. Refrain from punishing the
entire class
5. Encourage initiative from
6. Offer praise and rewards /
7. Use non-verbal
8. Take time to celebrate group
9. Let students work in groups. /
10. Interview students to assess
their needs.
11. Address bad behavior
12. Consider peer teaching. /
13. Continuously engage the
14. Assign open-ended project. /
15. Write group contracts. /
Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions:
1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these
contribute to better classroom management? Explain your answer.
3. How will you help the shy timid students in your class?
4. How will you put to optimum use the leadership skills of your students?
C. Yes, one may use the power given you to blackmail students.
DD. No, teacher authority is not meant to be used to pass or fail students.