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FS1 EP5 (Gregori, BEED 4-A)

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(Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual

School Environment)

(Creating an Appropriate Learning


Submitted by:

Submitted to:
Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Antonnete Palabrica Teacher’s Signature: ____________
School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 5
Subject Area: English & MAPEH Date: October 21, 2021

Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your

1. As you observed the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note
their ages.
As I have observed the grade 5 learners whose age ranges from 10-11,
their age do not vary in terms of their behavior and characteristics. I witnessed
that there are some students who are very participative and cooperative in the
class wherein they are willing and interested to learn. These students are the
one who contributed not only for the sake to have knowledge, but they are also
contributed for the progress of the school. However, there are also some
students who do not involve themselves in class discussion wherein they are
conversing with their seatmates.
2. How many boys are there? How many girls?
The total number of students in the class is 40 wherein the number of girls is
greater than the number of boys. There are 21 girls and 20 boys.
3. Focus on the behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
In terms of their behavior, some of them can handle it on their own by
showing total self-discipline especially when it comes to class discussion but
there are also students who like to wait for their teacher to remind them to stop
what they’re doing which could destruct the attention of their classmates.
4. Can the learners already work independently?
They can handle and finished the task independently if it is only self-clarifying
but some of them can no longer worked all by themselves when it comes to a serious
type of task which needs the guidance and helped of others.
5. Describe their span of attention.
On the other hand, the attention span of half of the class are wide enough just
as patience on working with their assignment as well as when the teacher is having
class discussion but those students who are seated at the back needs proper guidance
and attention in order to focus on their tasks and studies.
Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices.
It is also good to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your
observation. Write your notes below; and then organize your data in the Table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids,
books, students' belongings, supplies, etc.) Describe these areas. Will it make a
difference if these areas for specific purposes are not present?
 Based on my observation, there are specific areas in the classroom for specific
purposes such as cabinets wherein it contains the different laboratory
apparatus for their science experiments. An example of their experiment is
bread that is placed inside a tupperware that they are waiting to be rotten.
There are also shelves containing their different educational activities such as
teaching aids and IM's which are placed on the teacher's table and is very
accessible whenever the teacher needs it for her discussion. Another one is the
books which are placed at the back corner of the classroom. They used to call it
as a mini library. It is used by the teacher and students as their reference
whenever they have something to search for information. All of the areas in the
classroom are needed to make the teaching and learning become effective,
concise and meaningful.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior?
 There are rules and regulations that are properly posted in their classroom
such as no bullying, policy of honesty and a general rules guiding the students to
make the room clean and neat. These mentioned classroom rules and
procedures are reinforcing positive behavior.

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher
is available, ask him/her to describe the process. What's the effect of students'
participation in rule-making on student's behavior?
 In terms of following the rules, of course the students participated in making their
home room rules because they are the one involved with this practice in a way that
they follow all the rules and procedures that their teacher wants them to do. For
instance, if they enter the classroom, they must be neat and tidy as well as the
school I.D must properly wear all the time. The effect of student’s participation in
rule-making on their behavior is that they will become a responsible student.

4. What are the daily routines done by the teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment of
monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?
 The teacher has daily routines before they start the day. They start the
discussion with a prayer and then let the students to pick up the pieces of
garbage under their chairs. After that, they have warm-up activities to be able
to let their mind and body energized. The teacher then monitors the attendance
in the morning and also in the afternoon. The teacher also checks the
assignment first or submitted if there is.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help
in managing the class?
 The seating arrangement is in the basis of alternation process (boy and girl).
The reason for this arrangement is to let the students be able to socialize well to
their opposite sex. And at the same time, this kind of arrangement helps the
teacher to determine each of them whenever she wants their attention.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

 The noise level of the classroom is on its peak. The reason why is because the
students are in their stage of age or in the level of exploration and expressing
publicly their ideas that's why they may be a bit noisy. This noise level is
however manageable by the teacher by catching their attention through asking
question whenever the teacher feels that particular student is not listening to
the discussion.

7. If a learner is not following instructions or is off-task, what does the teacher do?
Describe the behavior strategies.
 If a learner does not follow instructions given to him or her, the teacher
provides a disciplinary action wherein the teacher will asks nicely why he or she
did not follow and will make the student realize that he or she should follow.

8. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior

 The teacher reinforces positive behavior by using praises to encourage the
pleasant behavior that a child shows and be a good role model to them.
Reflection as a future teacher.
1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?

As a future teacher, it is important to enforce positive discipline towards the

learners in order for them to demonstrate self-control, teaches them how to make
right decisions or choices and guides them away from danger. In this way, it will help
build positive relationship towards the teacher and the learners wherein they
wouldn't be scared or frightened to approach their teacher whenever they have
something to tell or asked about.

Positive discipline leaves good childhood memories with the learners as they
grow, rather than the negative connotations or psychological damage that can be left
on children’s minds if they are reprimanded harshly, especially in the case of
corporal punishment.
Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Antonnete Palabrica Teacher’s Signature: ____________

School: Talave Elementary School Grade/Year Level: Grade 5
Subject Area: English & MAPEH Date: October 21, 2021


Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Aspect of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners

(to be filled out after you answer
Management the analysis questions)
1. Specific Areas in the  Cabinets, book shelves  The effect on the learners
Classroom and storage of teaching is that they can learn and
aids are located at every acquire knowledge well
corners of the classroom. because it will be easy
These areas are arranged for them to locate the
properly, accessible and different teaching
free from dirty. materials they needed
such as books and all
other instruments.
2. Classroom Rules  The classroom rules and  The classroom rules and
regulations are reminded regulations are reminded
by the teacher in every by the teacher in every
point of time through point of time through
posting it in the wall. posting it in the wall.
3. Classroom  The teacher prefers to  The effect on the learners
Procedures start the class with a is that the students will
simple song and not feel sluggish and
activities as energizers tired in starting the class.
before proceeding to
class discussion on the
subject matter.
4. Daily Routines  The teacher starts the  The effect on the learners
class with a prayer, is that their last
followed by checking of discussion will be
attendance, a sort of refreshed in their minds.
review of the discussion It is also a good start for
they discussed last time them because they will
and proceed to the be trained and improved
lesson to be discussed. themselves from the
daily routines if ever
they can find a particular
5. Seating  The seating arrangement  The effect on the learners
Arrangement is arranged alternately is that they will be able
from boy to girl. to socialize with their
opposite sex role.

6. Handling  The teacher gives precise  The effect on the learners

misbehaviour/off- disciplinary action to the is that they will be able
task behavior student if they make a to know their limitations
particular mistake. and become aware of
behaving inside the class.

7. Reinforcement of  The teacher gives  The effect on the

Positive Behavior acknowledgment to students is that they will
every student who shows be able to strive hard to
positive behavior and be excellent in class. And
those who excel in the through proper
class. Praises were also motivation and praise,
used by the teacher the learners are apt to
which helps the learners continue doing their
to keep motivated. good behaviors.

8. Taking up measures  Helps maintain  Misconducts and

in dealing with classroom stability and malpractices of learners
undesirable camaraderie of students. are minimized and held
behaviours in control.
1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners'
 The more organized a classroom is, the more effective the learners gain knowledge. So,
the classroom organization and routines affect the learners' behavior by knowing
their limitations. The minds of the students are automatically set that they have rules
to be followed and because of this, they should practice their proper attitude and must
act politely. In addition, since prayer is a part of the daily routines, it will help the
learners build their spiritual relationship with God.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in
 The teacher should have in mind about the size of the classroom and the amount of
things they want to put in the classroom as there must be enough room to safely store
everything so that children are at a lower risk of hurting themselves as well as to have
favorable learning condition, smooth transition during class, and to easily locate the
materials needed.
 The teacher should also consider how cluttered the classroom is as some studies have
shown that children cannot work properly in a cluttered room. And if there is
something happened, they should always stay alert in every situation and be able to
adjust or respond positively within the class. The routines should also be simple and
easy to follow and incase the class has a cover teacher, they should also leave suitable
amounts of time for each activity. In addition, the teacher must also prepare ice
breakers so that the students will not get bored in the discussion and will retain the
interest in studying.
 I think the theory of Skinner S-R is capable effects of theory of behaviorism on students
when it comes to routine designing. When routines are designed to be a habit in class
then the law of exercise should be practiced combined with Pavlov's Higher-Order
Conditioning, where the teacher can use different kinds of neutral stimulus to become
the conditioned stimulus for the students. Added the positive reinforcement from the
findings of Skinner like feedbacks or verbal praises, then the teacher's routine design
will be a very effective one.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the

learners? In motivating students? Why were they effective?
 For me, the strategy that is mainly effective in managing the behavior of the learners
is by doing positive reinforcement. It should be noted that a teacher must play the
characteristics of being caring and must motivate the learners to pursue their efforts
in their study by giving rewards if they performs excellence in class whether
academically or non-academically or by just simply acknowledging them for their
hard work. In this way, the students will boosts their confidence in being consistent in
getting high grades or being encouraged to get high grades, will strive hard, actively
participate and perform very well in the class. It was effective because of the fact that
students want to be accepted and treated fairly, receive merit appreciation from their
teacher and the right amount of concern from them.
Reflect on the following and write your insights.
1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year
level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for
this level? Why?
As I imagine myself organizing my classroom in the future, I can see that I will be
handling Grade 6. This grade level is more suitable in me rather than in the lower
grades because this can reflect my personality and overall look as a teacher. It is
easier to deal with students at this stage because they have more experience in
learning rather than in earlier grade levels. There were many different routines
that I can try and explore to handle the class. They can be disciplined verbally and
it is easier to get their attention.

I want to consider the routines that emphasize the child’s behavior and build their
character in group works, socialization and activities. For me, motivation is
important before proceeding to the proper discussion because this will easily
catch their interest as they are slowly going to the subject matter in a way that
they will not feel drowsy but instead they will enjoy the lesson actively. I believe
that this kind of approach can help in promoting good working relations in
children and proper manners inside the class which can result for better learning.

2. Make a list of the rules are likely to implement in this level. Why would you
choose these rules?
These are the following rules that I would like to implement in my classroom as
soon as I become a Teacher:

 School I.D. should always be present.

 Students should observe proper hygiene all the times.
 Uniform of the students should be worn properly.
 Maintain the surroundings clean and dirt free.
 Boys should observe proper haircut.
 Student must show unity in every class activities.
 Students should be respectful to their classmates and teachers.
 Students must raise their hand if they have something to tell or ask.

I choose these set of rules so that the students will observe cleanliness and being
orderly within themselves. This will also help them to become aware about the
basic do's and don'ts that are common in a certain class and be able to be a
responsible of their own being. They must understand that all of this are serve as
a guiding principle that cleanliness, respect and acceptance is a major component
for an effective and friendly school environment. It is also vital to promote good
manners to the children because most of them have the capacity that they will
carry this kind of behavior for the rest of their lives and it will nurture them as a
good citizen of the school and community if they will continue this as they grow
which I hope they will.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Absolutely yes, the students should be involved in making class rules and
regulations for the main reason that they will be the one who will benefit and will
follow these set of rules. They should be aware of the said rules in order for them
to know their limitations as a student and for them to have an idea of whatever
sanctions might be given if ever they will violate those rules implemented inside
the classroom.
LINK Theory to Practice
Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.

1. Focusing on natural consequences of students’ behavior develops more self-

regulation in the students. Which of the following teacher statements
demonstrates focusing on natural consequences?

A. “Those who were noisy today during seatwork will not be allowed to play
games in the computer later.”
B. “If it takes you longer to finish the seatworkn because time is wasted with
chatting, then we won’t have time to go to the playground anymore.”
C. “Those who are well-behaved in class will be given plus 5 points in the quiz.”
D. “If you get a grade of 95 or higher in the first two assignments, you will be
exempted from the 3rd assignment.”

2. Learners are more likely to internalize and follow classroom rules when

A. The teacher clearly explains the rules she prepared

B. The learners know the punishments for not following the rules.
C. The learners participate in the rule-making process.
D. The teacher gives additional points for those who follow the rules.

3. For a teacher to establish and maintain consistent standards of learner’s

behavior, they should do all EXCEPT ________?

A. Give immediate feedback to reinforce appropriate behavior of learners.

B. Be open to expectations each time a learner misbehaves in class.
C. Communicate and enforce school policies and procedures clearly and
D. Handle behavior problems promptly and with due respect to learners’ rights.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rules that work in class. You may also put
pictures of the physical space and learning stations which contribute to the effective
implementation of classroom management.

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