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Episode 4


(focusing on differences in gender, racial, religious background)
Name of FS Student: Mark Leo Hapitan

Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education Year and Section: II

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Mari Sol Jamog Signature: Date:

My Target
At the end of this activity, I will be competent in determining, understanding and
accepting the learners’ diverse backgrounds.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 1 Episode 4 – Individual Differences and Learner’s Interaction
Focus on: Differences in gender, racial, religious backgrounds

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
Observation/ All were done All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half
Documentation: with tasks were done were done of tasks were
outstanding with high with done; or most
quality; work quality acceptable objectives met
exceeds quality but with poor
expectations 3 quality
4 2 1
My Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis
questions were questions were questions were questions were
answered answered not answered not answered.
completely; in completely completely.
depth answers; Grammar and
thoroughly Clear Vaguely spelling
grounded on connection with related to the unsatisfactory.
theories/ theories theories.
exemplary and
grammar Grammar and Grammar and
spelling. spelling are spelling
superior acceptable

4 3 2 1

Tasks Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

4 3 2 1
My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection
statements are statements are statements are statements are
profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and
clear, supported clearly supported by shallow and are
by experiences supported by experiences not supported
from the experiences from the by experiences
episode. from the episode. from the
episode. episode.

4 3 2 1
My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has
complete, clear; complete, clear; incomplete; many lacking
well-organized well-organized supporting components; is
and all and most documentation unorganized
supporting supporting is organized and unclear.
documentations documentations but is lacking.
are located in are available
sections clearly and/or in logical
designated. and clearly
4 3 2 1
Submission Before deadline On the deadline A day before Two days of
the deadline more after the
4 3 2 1
Sub Totals

Overall Score (Based on

Signature of FS Teacher Date

Transmutation to grade/rating
Score Grade Score Grade
20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81
18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78
17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 81
16 - 1.75 - 90 7 below - 5.00 - below
15 - 2.00 - 87
14 - 2.25 - 84

My Map
The learners’ individual differences and the type of interaction they bring surely
affect the quality of teaching and learning. This episode is about observing and gathering
data to find out how student diversity affects learning.

To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of the school day.

(beginning of the day, class time, recess, etc.)

Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in terms

of age, gender and social and cultural diversity.

Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and

outside the classroom.

Step 4. Interview your Resource Teacher about the

principles and practices that she uses in dealing with
diversity in the classroom.

Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on the

learner’s interaction

My Tools
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation
report on the space provided on the next page.
1. Find out the number of the students. Gather data to their age, gender, and racial
groups, religious and ethnic backgrounds.

The section where I was assigned had 26 males and 21 females. Meanwhile, there
are 27 students who were in the bracket of 16-1 8years old; 16 students were in the
bracket of 19-20 and 3 were on their 20’s and up. The students were mostly
Catholics but there are some who belong to other religious sectors.

During class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how many students
interact with one another and with the teacher. Are they groups that interact more
with the teacher than others?

The classroom, since it is in the lower section, few were interacting with their
teachers. Base on my observation, the students who were sitting at the front were
mostly interacting with their teacher. Unlikely, the students sitting at the back
were busy talking with each other. The students at the back created disturbances
to the both teacher and interested learners.

2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they
behave and interact differently?

The students sitting at the back were quietly talkative unlike to the students at the
front. The students at the front behave well but at the back, learners tend to talk
with their seatmates than to cooperate with their class activity.

3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or
compete against each other?

The learners had different groups when it comes to interaction. You cannot see
Cooperation with them, but there was some competitions just like when they
checked their papers during their examination.

4. Which students participate actively? Which students ask for most help?

The students who participate actively are the students who were at the front seat.
While the students who ask help most are the students sitting at the back or
just beyond the corner.

5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the
classmates try to help him? Or do they raise their hands so that the teacher will call
them instead?

Yes, if the student who was someone called cannot answer the question, the
other students are raising their hands to reinforce the unanswered problem.

Outside class:

1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogenously, by age? By

gender? By racial or ethnic groups? Or are the students in mixed social groupings? If
so, describe the groupings.

As the students went out from the room after the class , they group their selves
according to their gender. The boys went to the canteen while the girls were
just spend their time sitting at the hut just few meters from the room.

2. Describe how the learners interact with each other. What do they talk about?

The learners interact with each other with their own topic not related to the
discussion. Just like as what I have observed before there are some students who
tend to talk about their classmate who cannot answer the question that the
teacher had given.


Name OF The School Observed: Estefania Montemayor National High School

School Address: Brgy. Ongol Ilaya Dumarao, Capiz
Date of Visit:

To address, the difference between our social inclinations

put us into a group where we belong. In an instance the child
who has a different religion will tend to go to his classmates
where they have the same belief.

On gender, the girls will tend to group with girls and boys
will tend to group with boys. The interaction is being affected
with these kinds of aspects as all of us has differences on every

My Analysis
1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationship and interactions in the
classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the
leader, a mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/ pessimist?

The teacher stands as the moderator of the classroom, thus he is in-charge of all
the wrongful affairs involved within its extent. As the class begun when we
were on the classroom, there are a lot of phases that had catch my attention. At the
back, there are some attention seekers and the jokers. While some were in noise at
the back, there are also some who stand as leader as they led the group activity that
was given to them.

2. Are students coming from the minority group accepted or rejected by the others?
How is this shown?

Yes. Just like the weak girl that I have seen who I think has inadequate financial
support. She was ridiculed when she has no assignment to pass. That was the reason
why I was touched because she just kept herself calm and ignore all the teases.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences of the students?

The teacher can influence the class interaction considering the individual
differences by being aware to what she was saying not to hurt individuals social,
religious and personal inclination.

4. What factor influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom?

Because of similar stage of development, the learners tend to have the same social
inclination. If the students will choose to play computer games outside, surely the
other students who has the same age with them will also follow.

My Reflection
1. How did you feel being in the classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity
among the learners and between the teacher and the learners?

I saw the oneness of the individual; oneness when it comes in their groupings. There
is oneness if you can base it according to their groupings, but you base it to the
whole class, there is none.

2. In the future, how would you want the learners in your classroom to interact? How
will you make this happen?

I want the learners to interact according to what their lesson is all about. I want them
to be more reliant when it comes in discussing an idea. My encouragement will put
them to be a better person. Thus it is my duty to pursue them to be a good model
among their schoolmates.

My Portfolio
Post a collection of quotation for celebrating diversity in the classroom. Using these
quotations, explain how will encourage all learners, regardless of religious, ethic, or racial
background to interact and participate well.

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