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FS 1 Le10

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Activity 10.

1 Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Strategies

Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then analyze my
observations with the help of the guide questions.

1. The more senses that are involved, The teacher made use of a PowerPoint Presentation,
the more and the better the learning. integrating images and videos for learning and a
visible timer in giving out activities to the learners.

2. Learning is an active process. The teacher encourages everybody to participate as

it will be an advantage to their performance tasks.

3. A non-threatening atmosphere The teacher sees to it that the learning space is safe
enhances learning and free from any kind of threat.

4. Emotion has the power to increase The sanity of every learner is highly considered.
retention and learning. The teacher makes sure every learner is free from
unwanted emotional problem issues.
5. Good teaching goes beyond the The teacher asks the students how they were able to
recall of information. apply what they have known.

6. Learning is meaningful when it is The teacher lets the students give what they have
connected to a student’s everyday life. learned at the end of the lesson and relate them to
real-life applications.

7. An integrated teaching approach is The teacher did not just focus on the book content
far more effective than teaching but maximized the use of the internet to search for
isolated bits of information. additional knowledge and information to be taught.

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?
There is no specific best method of teaching because, for me, it can be measured by what
kind of teacher you are, and what kind of students are you teaching. In short, it depends mainly
on circumstances. What appears to be the best method to some, may not be the same for others.
That is why, as teachers, we need the ability to assess and organize the methods that will be
effective in the teaching-learning process.

Reflect on this question.

How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?

 Before selecting relevant materials for the lesson, identify first the Learning
Objectives for the course.
 Organize teaching strategies in accordance with the goals to be achieved.
 Alignment of assessments to be utilized in connection with the desired learning
 Learn and connect with the students to know what strategies are required and
which need to be disregarded for an effective teaching and learning process.
Activity 10.2 Determining Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning
Observe a class and answer the following questions.
1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/ intended learning outcomes? (ILOs) at the
beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class? How?
 Before the presentation of the lesson, the teacher took some time to introduce the
intended learning outcomes to the learners. The teacher emphasized presenting,
reminding the students that this is going to serve as their compass throughout the lesson.

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help him/her
attain his/her lesson objectives/ ILOs? Explain your answer.
 The Teacher made use of table samples and graphs to show the students the actual
connection between the two, and how a graph is crafted in an orderly manner. These
helped her attain the lesson objective.

3. What assessment task/s did the teacher employ? are these aligned with the lesson objectives/
 The assessment task utilized by the teacher is graphing wherein, students do the graphing
on the chalkboard in a limited time. To further assess their performance, she prepared a
seatwork and did a simple peer learning/tutorial for those we term slow learners.

1. What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?
 Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning is far more effective and beneficial not only to
the students but to the teacher as well. When you focus on the outcome, you have to give
it your best in the very first place where the most basic step is done. The traditional type
of learning is not a reliable one to measure how the student knows. Unlike the OBTL,
students are thoroughly guided and facilitated well by the teacher. As a result, they know
how to relate the concepts they acquired to real-life situations which makes it easier to
reach the intended outcome for learning, as they are the DOER or the Action Takers on
things that matter in life.

Activity 10.3 Applying Effective Questioning Techniques

Types of Question Examples of Questions that the Resource Teacher

1. Factual/ Convergent Define Economics.

Closed/ Low Level
2. Divergent/ Higher-order/ Open- Enumerate concepts or ideas related to the word
ended/ conceptual economics.

a. evaluation Any volunteer to give a simple recall on our past

b. inference What is your role as a consumer? As a producer?
c. comparison How does the Law of Demand differ from the Law of
d. application Given the power and freedom of purchasing anything
under the sun, how are you going to behave as a wise
e. problem-solving Imagine yourself as a producer and you are expecting
a price increase in your product this coming month,
what are you going to do as a wise decision-maker and
responsible at the same time?
3. Affective Is it important to learn the concept of Economics?
Does it make a difference if we disregard the study of
Why do you say so?

1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave school as
periods! “Does this have something to do with the type of questions that teachers ask and the
questioning and reacting techniques that they employ?
 The type of questions the teachers ask their students could be one influential factor
relative to the statement. As children enter school with much curiosity and questions in
their minds, teachers who serve as their compass help them navigate into the kind of
world they’ve been looking for. In this sense, learners who entered the gate as question
marks would come out as periods since what they’ve been looking for has been granted
by the place, they’ve entered.


The importance of using various reacting techniques

The use of various reacting techniques is vital to learning. The teacher,
whose goal is to provide learners with a good environment for learning is
expected to have the skills in choosing the kind of behavioral reaction to employ
in different situations during the learning process. This only means that the
teacher must be vigilant in making reactions where there is appropriateness
when dealing with the students. This kind of mindset will build emotional and
social responsibility in the teacher-learner relationship, and this is what makes
up good learning.

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