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Classroom Management and Learning




Address of School Visited SUGOD BACON SORSOGON

Date of Visit

General Instruction: Use the activity form provided for you to document your

Episode 3 provides an opportunity for me to examine how classrooms are structured or
designed to allow everyone’s maximum participation and effective learning. You will be able to
examine how classroom management practices affect learning.

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.


Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation

report on the provided space.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note
their ages. (In case of no face-to-face classes, observe a synchronous online
class. If none, observe a learner accomplishing a module during teachers’
home visitation/ monitoring.)
2. How many boys are there? How many girls?
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own
4. Can the learners already work independently?
5. Describe their span of attention.
6. Look into their listening skills an ability to concentrate.

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

Grade Level: GRADE 9
Location of the School: MAYON, CASTILLA, SORSOGON.
Date of Visit/ Observation: MAY , 2021

During teachers’ home visitation, the learners are very active in listening to their
teacher. The group is divided with three boys and three girls. During my observation,
most of them can control or control their behavior because, I think there are few
students. Most of them also are still depending on their answer with their parents.
The learners exert more patience especially when their teacher is discussing their
lesson. They listen very well to their teachers’ updates and discussion.


Be guided by these questions as you do your observation of the classroom

management. It is also good to ask the teacher for additional information so you can
verify your observation. Write your notes below; and then organize your data in the
table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of

teaching aids, books, students’ belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe
these areas.

 There are some books and reading materials located at the side of the
teachers corner and they are arranged properly. They also have a trash
bin beside the door which is divided into three bins. They also have an
alcohol and foot map at the door.

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down.

The rules and procedures posted in the room are as follows;

 Wear your face mask and face shield before you enter the room.
 Sanitize first before and after leaving the room.
 Keep quiet.

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If yes, and he
resource teacher is available, ask him/her to describe the process.

The teacher said that most of the students and parents are following the rules

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

but some of the students and teachers are not. For those who are not following
the rules based on her, she didn’t please to enter the room.

4. What are the daily routines done by the teacher? (Prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

During my interview, the teacher said that she started the classes by a prayer , to be
followed by roll call of attendance. And next is the go backing of the topics or
discussion that being discussed. And next is giving a quiz regarding the passed topics.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?

The chairs are divided into ten with three rows. According to the adviser, her
students are seated depending on the attendance which is alphabetically

6. Observed the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

As I observed during the teachers’ home visitation, the students are not noisy. They
prefer to listen to their teacher during discussion.

7. If a learner is not following instructions or is off-task, what does the

teacher do? Describe the behavior strategies used.

The teacher stops her discussion and after few seconds the students are
being quiet. This is one of her strategy to get or hook the attention of her

8. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors?

The teacher reinforces the learners by giving a positive feedback to

students answers.

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment


We, the future educator, we need to have an idea if what are those
activities that we need to give to our learners most especially when
they get bored and when there are some distractions on them. I think,
this will be a big help for us, to hook and catch the attention of our


Aspect of Classroom
Description Effect on the Learner
The areas in the The effects of this to
classroom are well learners is that they will be
1. Specific Area in the easy where to find their
Classroom different needs most
especially the books and
the activity sheets.
It is done by the teachers The effect of this to the
for as the students learners is they will be
2. Classroom Rules reminded if what are those going to remind of the rules
things that they can do or and regulations that being
not. done by the teachers.
The teachers start the day The effect of this to the
with good vides before the learner is they will feel that
3. Classroom discussion on a particular they are comfortable with
Procedures subject. the class.

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

The teachers start the The effect of this to the
class by a prayer then learners is they will be
4. Daily Routines
some review regarding to going to eternalized the
the previous topics. discussion that being
discussed last time.

According to the teacher, The effect of this to the

the students are being learners is they have more
seated depending on the chances to socialize with
5. Seating Arrangement attendance which is others.
alphabetically arranged.

The teacher gives a The effect of this to the

precise disciplinary action learners is there where be
6. Handling misbehavior/ to the student if they make going to have an idea, if
off task behavior a mistake. what are those limitations
that they were going to
The teachers give an The effect of this to the
acknowledgement to every learners is, they will be
7. Reinforcement of individual student that will able to strive hard to be
Positive Behavior do excellence in the class. excellence in the class.

8. Others


1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learner’s behavior?
Through making the students participate more in class. Learners learn better when a
classroom is organized, and they have a consistent routine. They are much more prone
to have a good behavior, pay attention, and do their work under those conditions.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
The teacher should bare in his/her mind when he/she designs the classroom and
routine, the effects of those to the learners, what would be the outcome of those things
if it is very effective or not.

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?
`Having a good discussion and enjoyable activities because, it can attract the students
to be attentive in class.


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedure would you consider for this level? Why?
I imagine myself teaching at Senior High School. I will do some routines and
procedures and practices that can ready them in their college years.

2. Make a list of the rules you like to implement in this level. Why would you choose
these rules?
Always copy the discussions-so that my learners will be responsible to take down notes
on their lesson during discussion.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Yes, for as to know their ideas, thoughts, and suggestion regarding to the rules.

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment


Should the learners be involved in making class rules? Why?

As they contribute to the classroom expectations, they are more likely to follow
them. They also will be able to use their critical thinking skills as they develop
ideas to share with the class. It is beneficial to have student investment to
promote a positive and safe learning environment.

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

My Learning Rubric (How did I perform this episode?)
Field Study 1, Episode 3 – Classroom Management and Learning

Name of FS Student: CHUCK VINCENT E. SUPELANA Date Submitted:


Learning Episodes Exemplary Superior Satisfactory Needs improvement

4 3 2 1

All episodes were done All or nearly all Nearly all episodes Fewer than half of
with outstanding episodes were done were done with episodes were done;
Learning Activities/ quality; work exceeds with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives
Tools expectations were met but need

4 3 2 1
All question/ episodes Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
were answered were answered were not answered were not answered.
completely; in depth completely. completely. Grammar and spelling
Analysis of the answers; thoroughly Clear connection with Vaguely related to the unsatisfactory
learning episodes grounded on theories. theories theories
Exemplary grammar Grammar and spelling Grammar and spelling
and spelling are superior acceptable

4 3 2 1
Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements Reflection statements
are profound and clear; are clear, but not are shallow; supported are unclear and
supported by the clearly supported by by the experiences shallow and are not
Reflections/ Insights experiences from the the experiences from from the learning supported by the
learning episodes the learning episodes episodes experiences from the
learning episodes
4 3 2 1
Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is complete, Portfolio is incomplete; Analysis questions
clear, well-organized clear, well-organized; supporting were not answered.
and all supporting; most supporting documentations are Grammar and spelling
documentations are documents are organized but are unsatisfactory
Learning Portfolio located in sections available and logical lacking
clearly designated and clearly marked
4 3 2 1
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after Submitted two days or
Submission of deadline deadline the deadline more after the
Learning Episode deadline
4 3 2 1
COMMENT/S Over-all Score Rating:
(Based on


Score 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-below
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below


Signature of FS Teacher Above Printed Name

Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment


Field Study 1: The Learner’s Development and Environment

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