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The School Environment: Field Study 1 Learning Episode

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FS 1 1 The School Environment

Resource Teacher: Jovyluna S. Cadiz Teacher’s Signature: ___________

School: Quezon Jr. Elementary School Grade: _2__
Subject Area: _Filipino__ Date: September 6, 2021

School Facilities Observation Checklist

Facilities / Description Will it contribute to the

student’s learning and
development? Why?
Office of the Principal / The principal’s office is well A clean, and well-organized
managed, and organized. principal’s office can
It has a nice and clean motivate the learners to
ambiance, a beautiful have a clen classrooms,
design, although it is not and by that the pupils can
too spacious teachers, and surely study well.
visitors have a dining guest
where they can talk and
discuss. It is small but
clean and cute.

Library / The school don’t have Having a mini-library area

library but there is a mini- in each room can easily
library area found in each give the learner’s an access
classroom. The books to read books, and to have
maintain cleanliness and fun in reading, by the
organize, the book shelves guidance of their teacher.
are very attractive to the
eyes of the reader.
Counseling Room

Medical Clinic / There is no medical clinic, Having a clinic area can

but there is a clinic area lessen the pupils
inside the grade 1 unexpected injuries or
classroom. It is quite small, harm, and can treat the
yet it is clean, and filled pupils immediately.
with medicine, and first aid
kit for immediate
Audio Visual/Learning
Resource Center
Science Laboratory



Outdoor/Garden / The school has an outdoor The pupils will learn how to
garden planted with grow their own vegetable
different type of vegetables and have the sense of
such as egg plant, tomato, responsibility in taking
and green vegetables. The good care of their plants.
vegetables are healthy and
well good care.
Home Economics Room / It I located beside the It helps the pupils to gain
principal’s office. It is quite knowledge and experiences
small but it is loaded with in industrial works that can
the materials needed for really help them in their
cooking. It is also clean lives.
and organized.
Industrial Workshop
PTA Office

Comfort Room for Boys

Comfort Room for Girls

Others (Please Specify)

Comfort Room for both / Each of the classrooms The pupils can easily
gender from kinder Garten to access the comfort rooms
grade six don’t have which is located inside their
separate comfort room. own classroom. It is clean
However, the comfort room and no bad odor that can
for both gender is clean, might trigger the learning
and well organized by the of the pupils.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report
on the space provided.

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or Quezon Jr. Elementary school is
neighborhood where the school is located in a far land area, really far
found from the city, that the teachers need to
pass by the bridge. The school is
surrounded by few houses and wide
fields. It is also near from barangay
2. Describe the school campus. What The school campus is surrounded by
colors do you see? What is the different colors such as green, blue,
condition of the building? pink, yellow and many more. There are
10 buildings, and some of those are too
3. Pass by the offices. What impression As I pass by the office, which is the
do you have of these offices? principals office, it is quite small but the
inside is very clean and attractive. It
has a great board display outside and
inside the office.
4. Walk through the school halls, the The school don’t have a library but
library, the cafeteria. Look around and each of the classroom from kinder to
find out the other facilities that the grade six has a mini-library. It is nit
school has. that big but the books are organized
well and maintain its cleanliness. The
school has many lacks of facilities.
Resource Teacher: Jovyluna S. Cadiz Teacher’s Signature: ___________
School: Quezon Jr. Elementary School Grade: _2__
Subject Area: _Filipino__ Date: September 6, 2021


Classroom Facilities Description

(Location, number, arrangement, condition)

1. Wall Displays
List of officers, daily cleaner’s, birthdays, food

2. Teacher’s Table 1 Laptop, Visual aid, and equipment like

3. Learner’s Desks There are 28 learners’ desk in four rows, the
learners’ desk is empty since there are no face-
to-face classes.

4. Blackboard Two green board, with the alphabet on top

and our president photo, and the DEPED
MISSION AND VISION on each side.

5. Learning Materials/Visual Aids Chalk, board, power point presentation,

projector, flash cards and many more.

6. Chairs Two to four rows and two columns, some

chairs are old and has damaged.
Name of the School Observe Quezon Jr Elementary School
Location of the School Barangay, Quezon Jr. Ormoc City, Leyte
Date of visit September 6, 2021

As I arrived in Quezon Jr. Elementary School which is my alma mater, I was amazed
on the changes that it has now. As I entered the gate the DEPED mission and vision
first catches my eyes, as it is colorful and attractive. The school grounds were new to
me and the surroundings it is more colorful and brighter than before. The number of
buildings was still the same only the beautiful and attractive surroundings changes.
When I first entered grade 2 classroom it is very colorful pink, blue and other bright
and calm colors, from the learner’s desk down to teaching materials, stuff and teachers
table which is located at the back near the door. My overall observation, the school is a
conductive for learning but it can improve more specially to have more facilities that
the pupils needed to have to better develop their skills.


1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particularly impact

the learning of the students going to school? What are your

The school is quite far from most of the learner’s houses,

although the road is smooth, for me for young learners in kinder to
three will get tire in going back to school after lunch.

2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent

development/How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating

Based on my knowledge on child and adolescent development,

there are lot of differences that the child has that as a future educator
I really need to know what approach or strategy that I could used in
order to communicate each child characteristics. On facilitating
learning, I as a future educator need to master and apply theories in
real scenario to deliver the lesson well and for my students to

1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed?

Yes, I would love to teach the school environment I just observe,

even though that school has lack of many facilities, I know that I can
contribute in changing the lives of my future learners. I would love to
share my knowledge, experiences and skills, and to teach them not to
quit the learning they will about to start as quitting is for weak and
facing the challenges makes us win in life.

2. What kind of school is conducive to learning?

A school campus that is conducive for learning is a school with a

clean and safe environment, with enough school facilities that will
develop and nurture the learners’ growth, indeed a child friendly
learning environment.

3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?

A classroom that is conducive to learning is a clean and well-

organized environment. Filled with attractive learning materials, good
and clean furniture as well.

4. In the future, how you can accomplish your answer in number 3?

This experience will help me gain more knowledge and expertise

in my chosen field. These subject Field Study 1 observation, analysis,
and reflect will serve as my backbone in becoming good and
compassionate teacher.

5. Write your additional learning insights here.

I learned that teaching in a public school and being assigned in

far land area was not easy, yet challenging. There are lot of facilities
that is lacking, and even water supply is a problem. Going to school
the teachers need to pass by the bridge, and when a typhon came it
vanished everything the teacher need to go down directly and walk on
the river to come to school.


Resource Teacher: Jovyluna S. Cadiz Teacher’s Signature: ___________

School: Quezon Jr. Elementary School Grade: _2__
Subject Area: _Filipino__ Date: September 6, 2021

Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the board display here.)

I see a lot of board display in and outside the school. It is very eye catchy suited for
all viewers. Board display are plays in the gate, outside of principal’s office, stage and
inside the classroom. It is plays were in all viewers can directly notice and see. The
school displays are about school updates, health protocols, celebration month
quotations and many more. The colors are mixed veery well that can truly attract the
viewers. The materials being used are cartolina, construction paper, tape, plastic and
so on. There are no errors or misspelled words and grammar. The message is very
clear and easily understood for all ages.


Criteria NI  S  VS O  Comments

1  2 3 4 
Effective Communication  It can easily transfer the
Conveys the message quickly and / information to all viewers
clearly. and readers.

Attractiveness  The colors are mixed and

Colors and arrangement catches / used well. It is very
and holds interest. appealing to the eyes.

Balance  The objects are placed

Objects are arranged so stability is / accordingly, and ensure
perceived. stability, and balance.

Unity  The colors, shapes, and

Repeated shapes or colors or use / design are well placed.
of borders holds display together.

Interactivity  The display is very

The style and approach entice / engaging and attractive
learners to be involved. suited for all ages.
Legibility The letters, words, and
Letters and illustrations can be / illustration is easily seen by
seen from a good distance. the viewers even in a far.

Correctness  No grammatical or spelling

Free from grammar errors, / errors is seen.
misspelled words, and ambiguity.

Durability  All the photos are securely

Well-constructed; items are / pasted on the board. 
securely attached.

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Ronnie Lyn R. Daisog

Location: Beside the Personality Corner
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: “The Bayanihan System”

Strengths Weaknesses
Description of It is neat and well- Some of the pictures, and
The Bulletin organized of pictures, and letters cannot be seen clearly
Board Layout design, it is also durable. from a far.

Evaluation The bulletin board portrays The display board has less
Of Educational Content or shows various pictures informative quotation or
And other aspects of people helping one sayings.

Recommendations or
Suggestions for
Improvement Make the letters and pictures so that those child with eye condition
can still see it clearly. Put quotations, and sayings about the “Bayanihan System”

Signature of Evaluator over Printed:



What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

The purpose of board display is to easily catch the learner’s interest,

and attention to enhance learning. It also helps those visual learners to
easily grasp the information. Display board will also boost the confidence,
and the sense of being proud of their works to be displayed in the
classroom. It also facilitates relevant information, events, and tasks.

Did the board design reflect the likes/interest of its target audience? Why?
Why not?

Yes, the board display design reflects the likes, and interest of the
target audience. As I observed, in grade two classroom the design is very
interactive and engaging as the display or design is colorful, and very
appealing to the eyes. Pupils’ works are also displayed in the display board.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to
understand? Why? Why not?

Yes, the language used is clear and simple for the target audience. The
learners can read and comprehend the words and languages being used. It
is easy to understood by the target audience. Translation of words such as
English to Filipino is evident right next to it.

Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

Yes, I can say that the display board is effective as it conveys

information easily. It entertains and attract viewers; it shows variety of
educational information. The quotations is also attractive and educational.
The learners can comprehend easily all of the information and apply it in
their lives.

What suggestions can you make?

For better improvement of the display board, I can suggest to put
additional pictures, design, and quotations which can attract easily the
attention, and interest of the learners on what is being posted.

My Proposed Board Display



Rationale (purpose): The viewers/readers will be motivated to eat nutritious food

and to take good care of their body.

Objectives: The viewers/readers will be to;

a. See the effect of the food they intake.

b. Eat nutritious food shown in the display board.
c. Value their health as the most important than wealth.

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement: Two sides of the body the

healthy one and the unhealthy side.

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief

 Facts about healthy and unhealthy foods.

 Nutritious food and its contents
 Motivational quotes and pictures
Materials for aesthetic enhancement

 Cartolina
 Pictures
 Construction Paper
 Styrofoam
 Plastic Cover


1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come

up with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

 Creativity- In order to attract the interest of the viewers.

 Imaginative Mind- To build an output that catches the eyes of the
 Patience- To design carefully in order to avoid lapses and errors.
 Fairness- The form and the content should be balance
 Time management- It is import

2. Which of the skills you named in # do you already have? Recall your
past experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these

The skill that I already have is creativity and fairness. Looking

back to my past experiences on making board displays, I am assigned
to create designs, and to look for fair content to form our desired
board display.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? Reflect on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills.

Some of the skills that I need to develop are imaginative mind,

patience, and time management. To better improve or acquire those
skills I need to practice doing it. I will also ask for advices from expert
like the teachers to gain more ideas, as well as to browse the internet
for more information.

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. With the PPST as guide, an ideal learning environment should have the
following characteristics, EXCEPT ____________

A. The learning environment promotes fairness

B. Is a safe and conducive for learning
C. Builds many professional linkages
D. Establishes and maintains consistent standards of learner’s

2. Which facilities are present in a health-promoting environment?

I. Canteen that sells all kind f food including junk food

II. Comfort rooms common for boys and girls
III. Sanitary drinking fountains
IV. Safe play ground

A. II, III and IV

B. I, II, III and IV
C. I and II
D. III and IV

3. Which physical school environment supports learning?

A. Availability of flexible classroom furniture

B. Presence of spacious classrooms
C. Prominence of bulletin boards in every building
D. Tall school buildings
4. Examine the bulletin board display. This bulletin board
fulfills which primary purpose?
A. instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative
5. Examine the bulletin board display. This
bulletin board fulfills which primary purpose?
A. instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative

6. Examine the bulletin board display. This

bulletin board fulfills which primary
A. instructional-interactive
B. Informational
C. Motivational
D. Decorative

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

My Personal Illustration of an effective

School Environment
An effective school environment is structurally built in strong, clean external and
internal. Free from any disturbances, harm or any form of destruction. Conducive
classroom environment is clean, organized, and secure the safety of the learners. A
school which is filled by interactive learning materials, display, inspirational quotations,
and a lot of engaging models for learning.

EVALUATE Performance
Name of FS Student: Ronnie Lyn R. Daisog Date Submitted: Sept. 6,
Year&Section: __ IV-A___ Course: ____BEED_____
Learning Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Improvement
Episode Satisfactory 1
4 2
Accomplished All observation One (1) to (2) Three (3) Four or more observation
Observation question/tasks observation observation questions/task not
Sheet completely questions/tasks questions/tasks not answered/accomplished
answered/accomplished not answered/accomplis
answered/accom h
Analysis All questions were All questions Questions were not Four (4) or more
answered completely; were answered answered observation questions
answers are with depth completely; completely; answers were not answered;
and are thoroughly answers are are not clearly answers are no connected
grounded on theories; clearly connected connected to to theories; more than
grammar and spelling to theories; theories; one (1) to four (4)
are free from error. grammar and three (3) grammatical/spelling
spelling are free grammatical/spelling errors.
from error.3 errors.

Reflection Profound and clear; Clear but lacks Not so clear and Unclear and shallow;
supported by what were depth; supported shallow; somewhat rarely supported by what
observed and analyze by what were supported by what were observed and

4 observed and
were observed and

Learning Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is Portfolio is not Portfolio is not reflected on

Artifacts in the context of the reflected on in reflected on in the in the context of the
learning outcomes; the context of the context of the learning outcomes; not
Complete, well learning learning outcomes; complete, not organized,
organized, highly outcomes; Complete, not not relevant
relevant to the learning Complete, well organized, relevant
outcome organized, very to the learning
relevant to the outcome
4 learning outcome
Submission Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day Submitted two (2) days or
deadline deadline after the deadline more after the deadline
Over-all Score Rating:
(Based on Transmutation)
18 96
SCORE 20 19-18 17 16 15 14 13-12 11 10 9-8 7-Below
GRADE 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.74 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.5 5.00
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71 -Below


Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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