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Cell: 016-85295007 E-mail: russel_rk2010@yahoo.com


My Objective is to become an integrate part o an organi!ation t"at see#s an ambitio$s an% career conscio$s person &it" prospect or pro essional a%vancement in $t$re &"ic" &ill not be merely a means o living rat"er a means or lea%ing li e in a meaning $l an% satis actory &ay'

Personal Information($rname)(*+,irst -ame)(*-.$ssel /"an C"o&%"$ry 0resent 1%%ress-2ill:-0alas"pole3 C"o&%"$ry 4ari3 0'(-(at#"ira 0'O-(at#"ira3 5ist-(at#"ira' Cell -o-016-85295007 6-mail-r$ssel7r#20108ya"oo'com

Why Me? 9 believe 9 am a person :"o: ' "as strong motivation an% commitment or &or# ' "as "ig" et"ical stan%ar% ' "as goo% comm$nication an% presentation s#ill

Professional Ex erien!eOr"ani#ation $ame-Banglalink Position-Executive In Cor orate !ales Jo% Ten&re-"ovem#er200$-%uly-200& Organization Name: 0alli 5ari%ro 4imoc"on ,o$n%ation3 (at#"ira 4ranc"' (at#"ira' Job Tenure: 1$g$st 1;3 2006 < Marc" 203 2010 Organization Name: ,ar-($r =o$ng ,as"ion3>ttara Job Tenure: May32010 - ,ebr$ary-201; De ignation- Commercial O icer

E'&!ational (&alifi!ations-

Title Of )e"ree- Masters of B&siness A'ministration 9nstit$tion-0resi%ency >niversity35"a#a .es$lt-C?01 @'09)o$t o ;* Major in ,inance

Title Of )e"ree- Ba!helor of So!ial S!ien!e *Ma+or In E!onomi!s, -ame an% a%%ress o t"e 9nstit$te-(at#"ira ?ovt' College >n%er -ational >niversity .es$lt: (econ% Class (ession- 1998< 1999 )6Aamination "el% in 200;*

Title Of )e"ree - .i"her Se!on'ary Certifi!ate *.SC, -ame an% a%%ress o t"e instit$te-(at#"ira ?ovt' College =ear- 1998 ?ro$p-(cience .es$lt - (econ% 5ivision3 Bessore 4oar%

Title Of )e"ree- Se!on'ary S!hool Certifi!ate *SSC, -ame an% a%%ress o t"e instit$te-(at#"ira ?ovt' Cig" (c"ool =ear-199; ?ro$p-(cience .es$lt - D,irst 5ivision Bessore 4oar%

Com &ter Profi!ien!y O!erating S" tem : :in%o&s 95+98+2000+E0 A!!#i$ation : M( O ice )M(-:or%3 M(-6Acel3 M(-0o&er0oint* etc' 9nternet Fools an% ot"ers necessary programs'

Personal )etails-

-ame ,at"erGs -ame Mot"erGs -ame 0resent 1%%ress 0ermanent 1%%ress 5ate o 4irt" Contact -$mber .eligion -ationality /ey (trengt"

: M%' .$ssel /"an C"o&%"$ry : 1b%$l :aseH$e /"an C"o&%"$ry : (elina /"an C"o&%"$ry : 2ill-0alas" 0ole3C"o&%"$ry 4ari30'(-(at#"ira35ist(at#"ira 2ill-0alas" 0ole3C"o&%"$ry 4ari30'(-(at#"ira35ist: (at#"ira : Ban$ary 263 1978' : 016-85295007 : 9slam : 4angla%es"i : Co-operative3team player3can &or# in m$ltinational Con%itions an% in%epen%ently &it"in t"e %ea%lines'

InterestFraveling39nternet s$r ing3.ea%ing 4oo#s3Iistening M$sic3:atc"ing Movies 1n% 0laying Cric#et'

Referen!es%& A'amme( Kama# K'an C'o)('ur" 5ep$ty Managing 5irector)1%ministration* 0rime 4an# It%3Cea% O ice35"a#a' Cell -o: 0171@-0;526@ *& +(&, mai# Ho ain 5ep$ty Manager)($pply C"ain* Corporate 5ivision (C6IF6CC)0vt*It% Cell -o:0171@-09176@

Certifi!ation9 Certi y t"at all in ormation state% in t"is res$me is tr$e an% complete t"e best o my #no&le%ge'9 a$t"ori!e t"e employer to veri y t"e in ormation provi%e% in t"is res$me'

-----------------------------------RUSSEL KHAN CHOWDHURY.

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