CV Alisa Orlova
CV Alisa Orlova
CV Alisa Orlova
Seeking to obtain a position as a ront O!!ice Agent as part o! a "#namic team$ %&ere ' can (tili)e m# skills$ %ork et&ic an" e*perience$ %&ile %orking to%ar" ac&ieving t&e goals o! t&e organi)ation in a &ig&l# stim(lating %ork environment.
S(mmar# o! +(ali!ications
, -oal-oriente" pro!essional an" recent post gra"(ate %it& e*ceptional comm(nication an" interpersonal skills. , /ig&l# responsible$ o(tgoing$ "etail-oriente"$ 0(ick learner %it& abilit# to %ork (n"er press(re. , 1*tensive p(blic speaking2presentation e*perience. , 3(stomer-oriente" telep&one eti0(ette$ abilit# to stan" long &o(rs at t&e !ront "esk co(nter. , 4ell-"evelope" time management an" problem skills. , Strong %ork et&ic %it& "emonstrate" s(ccess in bot& team%ork an" in"ivi"(al sit(ations. , 5ec&nical Skills6 O718A$ On+$ 9(lti-line s%itc&boar"$ 7ro!icient in 9icroso!t 4or"$ 1*cel$ 7o%er7oint$ Access$ SA7. , Spoken lang(ages6 1nglis&$ 8(ssian$ -erman.
:iploma in -eneral Arts an" Science :ec 20;< =iagara 3ollege$ =iagara-on-t&e->ake$ Ontario$ 3ana"a ?e# Areas o! St("#6 5&e nat(re o! ps#c&ological science. Social an" 3(lt(ral @n"erstan"ing. Small A(siness an" 1ntreprene(rs&ip.
=iagara 3ollege$ =iagara-on-t&e->ake$ Ontario$ 3ana"a ?e# Areas o! St("#6 Accommo"ations 9anagement. /ospitalit# A(siness 3omm(nication. /(man 8eso(rce 9anagement. /ospitalit# Operations an" 8isk 9anagement. Strategic 9anagement an" >ea"ers&ip. Aac&elor o! 1conomics (speciali)ation- inance an" 3re"it) 20;0 -. B. 7lek&anov 8(ssian Aca"em# o! 1conomics$ 9osco%$ 8(ssia 'nternational A(siness Sc&ool ?e# Areas o! St("#6 =ational economics. 3orporate inance. 9one#$ cre"it$ banks (banking b(siness). 'nvestments. 1conomics. Aac&elor o! 'nternational A(siness 200C Aac&elor o! 1conomics an" A(siness A"ministration 200C 3open&agen A(siness Sc&ool$ 3open&agen$ :enmark ?e# Areas o! St("#6 8isk 9anagement. 'nternational >a%. 'nternational A(siness an" 9anagement.
8elevant 1*perience
, -(est Service Agent$ :o(ble 5ree allsvie% b# /ilton April 20;<- ebr(ar# 20;D - 3&ecke" in2o(t g(ests %&o &as reservations$ process gro(p arrivals2"epart(res or %alk in g(ests.
Alisa Orlova
(28C)-D07-5077 - -reete" g(ests on arrival$ provi"e" in!ormation regar"ing availabilit#$ t#pes an" rates on rooms$ m(lti-line s%itc&boar". - 9aintaine" reservations on p&one$ provi"e" in!ormation abo(t &otel$ room t#pes$ rates. - 8esolve" g(est complaints$ assist in emergenc# sit(ations. - /elpe" g(ests %it& "irections to attractions$ s&ops an" !(l!illing all g(estEs re0(ests. - 7rocesse" pa#ments !or t&e sta# at t&e &otel (cas&$ "ebit or cre"it car"s). - 1nrolle" g(ests to /ilton /onor program. , ront :esk Agent$ =ovotel 9osco% 3entre$ Accor$ 9osco%$ 8(ssia 20;;- 20;2 - -(i"e" "epart(re an" arrival process - c&ecke" in2o(t g(ests. - 3ollecte" pa#ments !or rooms an" a""itional services o! t&e &otel (b(siness center$ bar$ resta(rant). - 7rovi"e" in!ormation regar"ing &otel policies an" activities in response to 0(eries bot& on t&e p&one an" in person. - 1nrolle" g(ests in Accor lo#alt# programs. - 1*c&ange" !oreign c(rrenc#. - 8eserve" rooms to t&e g(est bot& on t&e p&one an" in person.
Acco(nting Skills6
, A(siness comm(nication %it& s(ppliers. , 7repare" legal "oc(ments$ monitore" o! certain kin" o! e*penses o! t&e compan# an" prepare" mont&l# reports to management o! t&e compan# , 7oste" a &ig& vol(me o! jo(rnal entries o! investment activities to SA7 acco(nting s#stem !or banking reconciliation. , @se" an application in acco(nting S#stem - ;3. , 4orke" %it& bank an" cas& an" calc(late" an" pai" salar# to colleag(es. , 7repare" ta* "oc(ments !or inspection.
Assistant o! t&e !inance "epartment /'>5' :istrib(tion >5:$ 9osco% all 200C , @se" acco(nting s#stem (SA7)$ poste" invoices. , 7repare" legal "oc(ments$ incl("ing "oc(mentation !or ta* entities inspection$ b(siness comm(nication %it& colleag(es !rom "i!!erent branc&es all over 8(ssia an" main o!!ice Sc&aan$ >iec&tenstein. , 9onitore" an" anal#)e" certain kin" o! e*penses o! t&e compan#. , 7repare" an" (p"ate" 1*cel tracking an" statistical sprea"s&eets acc(ratel# an" promptl#. , 8e!erences available (pon re0(est