A Brief Look at The Twelve Lagnas/ Ascendants in Vedic Astrology
A Brief Look at The Twelve Lagnas/ Ascendants in Vedic Astrology
A Brief Look at The Twelve Lagnas/ Ascendants in Vedic Astrology
0he placement of the lord of the !agna in a specific 2h-va %2hava& from the !agna is also of great relevance' 0he *raha tends to sap that 2h-va %2hava& of energ in order to feed the native with energ and an other mode of sustenance' 0he placement of !agne.a %!agnesha& in certain 2h-vas %2havas& is conspicuous and for good reason' (n association of the !agna and the >th and ?th 2h-vas %2havas& and lords from the !agna leads to the @hAmantaha %@himantah& Boga which leads to high levels of intelligence' 0his is include the placement of the !agne.a %!agnesha& in sa the ?th 2h-va %2hava& from the !agna' (nother quick wa to perceive !agna and what it connotes is to view it as something =rising= or bringing to life that precious =ra of light=' 0hough @i.- %@isha& or direction is more important for the $-lacakra %$alachakra&, and in more immediate matters, from the CrDha !agna %(rudha !agna&, we would do well to remember that the @i.- %@isha& of the !agna or the direction associated with the !agna is the downward direction and is governed b 2rahm- %2rahma&' "a;as decends into the world where it works best while something like $etu sumbolises the upward direction because $etu wants to spiral out of creation into Moka %Moksha& or release' +ven so, we must alwa s remember that the !agna )hakra is but one reference point and others such as the charts reckoned from the CrDha !agna %(rudha !agna& and the $-raka %$araka& !agna are equall important' 5e have to see where the important CrDdha %(rudha& Padas such as the (E or the @-r-pada %@arapada& are placed which indicate sustenance, wealth, and relationships, both from the !agna and the Crudha %(rudha& !agna' 0he $-raka %$araka& !agna is actuall supreme since the Ctmak-raka %(tmakaraka& is the $4ng of the horoscope according to MaharA Par-.ara %Maharshi Parashara&' 0here can be other correlations such as the placement of )aFdra %)handra&# the Moon in the !agna1 this means that the !agna and the "-.i %"ashi& are identical' 0ransits over the !agna# "-.i %"ashi& have a far greater impact due to this as two reference points have come together' (s an aside, people with the Moon in the !agna are sociable and eas to connect with1the mingle a lot and get about' )aFdra %)handra& is a !agna in itself and is a ver important determinant of how matters related to the world will shape up' (nother point to clarif is that while each !agna will have the various "-.is %"ashis& # /edic signs positioned in a particular wa and each *raha will be assigned different roles, one !agna cannot simpl be preferred over another' +8istence has created all of us with different $-rmic frameworks which are well elaborated b the independent !agnas rising there' 4n other words, it is not correct to sa wonder as to which !agna might be best or indeed if one !agna is better than the other' +ach !agna# rising sign will have its own characteristics' 5ith these points in mind let us proceed to stud the various !agnas or (scendants in 3 otia' Mea (Mesha)/ Aries Lag aG 0he head of the $alapurusha' 0he "o al sign' "uled b the fier Mars, lording the 8th House also' <udden changes in life are implicit but would also depend on the placement of the 8th co1!ord $etu' Bes, $etu also lords <corpio' 3upiter is also a good planet, ruling 2hag a and foreign travel' "ed )oral can be worn' <o can the "ub , indicative of <ur a, the >th !ord of the future of the 3atak' 3upiters Push araga# Pukhra; can also be worn' (void @iamond as <hukra is a Maraka for the !agna and avoid an of these "atnas given above if the planets indicated are placed in strength in the Ird or ?th Houses from the (rudha !agna' 7nless ou want to give
ever thing up and head to the forestJ +merald, generall no no, as 2udh is a functional malefic, being the Ird and ?th !ord for all ou fier , headstrong and ambitious folk' 0here is a problem in that without association with saints and <a -sAs, pra ers might not be accepted' *urD %*uru& shows the @harma of the !agna and so the natural inclination would be towards eternal wisdom and the esoteric arts shown b *urD %*uru&' 2hagw-na is important for the natives governed b Mea %Mesha& !agna and Magala %Mangala& because this is the onl wa the battle can be won' 2hagwan 2hakta /atsala, Magala %Mangala&' +ver thing is archet pal for this !agna since all the planets are the natural lords of the 2h-vas the govern' 4f :ani %<hani& indicates sloggers and slogging then it is all the more so for this !agna since the *raha rules the 1Kth 2h-va %2hava& of $arma and the profession' 4n this manner all the planets, lords of the 2h-vas %2havas& are to be understood' Vria!ha (Vrisha!ha)/ Ta"r"s Lag aG 0he pleasure loving' "uled b <hukra, who also rules the ?th House of enemies' @iamond can be worn save for the conditions laid down in (ries above' Placement of :ukra in the !agna can form the celebrated M-lav a %Malav a&Boga which can give a ma;or knowledge of finance and taste for rich food' 9inance and conservatism will be dominant in the personalit ' <hani is the Bogakaraka but also the 2adhak !ord' @evi worship might become important to get over the struggle which appears destined' 2lue <apphire is possible but 4 do not recommend this stone ever' 4f ou want to appease !ord <hani, do it differentl ' +merald is a good choice as Mercur rules the Lnd and >th' +loquence can be aplent if this *raha is well placed' Muite conservative and focused on finances' 0he sturd and powerful 2ull' (void Pukhra; unless "ahu is placed in the Nth House' !ikewise for the pearl as the Moon is the functionall malefic Ird !ord of the chart' *reat fi8it is seen and conservatism since this is a <thira "-.i %"ashi& and the anger of the bull can be tremendous if roused' 2e careful with these people especiall if planets are placed in the first @rekk-a %@rekkana&' 0hese people have landed propert and are the Oamind-rs of ore' 0here is a tendenc to get the most out of peeople the interact with' 0his is the e8altation sign or the 7chcha "-.i of the Moon and so the kingdom of the world resides in this "-.i' 0he MDlatkoa "-.i %Moolatrikona "ashi& of the Moon as well and so /ai. a %/aish a& interaction is at its highest here %read mone 1making&' Mi#h" a/ Ge$i i Lag aG )ommunication, writing, information and Mercurial worlds are dominant' *overned b Mercur ' Mercur also rules the Pth House and, please, it does 6Q0 carr the $endradhipati @osha' 3ust like ou cant blame ourself for owning our personalit %at least not usuall , 4 hope&, please afford the same privilege to 2udh' *uru is the 2-dhaka, so if it is not afflicted and is well1placed, obstacles that come from the 2adhak shall not come' 9ortune will rise after the marriage is *urD is well placed in the radi8' Mars is a bad planet for the !agna and "ed )oral is best avoided' "egarding the "atnas we would do well to remember in general that the placement of the *rahas from the CrDha !agna and from the !agna in the <oman-tha @rekk-a must alwa s be seen' +merald is safe' /enus is also a good planet, ruling the >thG a !akshmi <thana and the basicall neutral 1Lth House' @iamond is also a fair possibilit ' 0ake care of that nervous s stem' +ven if Mars
signifies it, it is our own nervous s stem and in the @asha of 2udh guard against e8cessive thought' <hani1<ur a Boga in a @usthana can give an astounding /ipreeta "a;a Boga at times' 0here is a rider that comes with :ukra %<hukra& since the inherent attributes or the $-rakattwa of :ukra are liable to take a beating due to the se8ual structure of Mithuna "-.i %"ashi&' 2eing the Ird 2h-va from the !agna in the 2ha )hakra of the $-lapurua %$alapurusha&, this "-.i indicates copulation and the culmination of all se8ual activit ' 0his is the result of the $-ma 0kona %$ama 0rikona& or the trine relating to se8ualit ' Kar%aa (Kar%a#a)/ Ca &er Lag aG "eceptive, like )handra who lords the !agna' 0he pearl is a good gem to wear' Mars is a Bogakaraka and can give rise on its own' 4t can also give /ipreeta "a;a Boga if placed in a @usthana or afflicted but the significations of con;oining planet will be stressed' <hukra is the 2adhak and is also a functional malefic' *uru lords the 2hag a but also the ?th House, therefore it is a mi8ed planet for this !agna' 0his status of a mi8ed planet can be radicall altered b a significantl dignified placement of *urD bacause the most benefic planet in the ,odiac does not need much in order to shower the person with unlimited bount ' "ahu is the 8th !ord and can become even more diabolical in this !agna' <hani is equall problematic e8cept if it is placed in !agna where it gives <imhasan Boga' 4t will give rise' (s in !agna it will be in Marana $araka <thana and will damage the Eth and 8th Houses, which it lords' 0herefore, people with this placement can e8perience difficulties in marriage or in getting married' 0his is also indicative of issues arising even when :ani %<hani& ma not be placed in the !agna 2h-va %2hava& due to its Eth 2h-va %2hava& lordship' :ani %<hani& is a slow and old planet and gives its results onl when the slowness and dela has manifested and ears have passed' Qne other facet to remember in this conte8t is that :ani %<hani& matures at I? ears of age and before that the areas either lorded or influenced b the planet <aturn will pose considerable problems' :ani %<hani& has no time for oungsters who according to him do not know an thing, are not capable of an thing and onl when the *raha delivers the $arma will the sit up, take notice, cr a little and finall =grow up= when the become more tolerable for :ani %<hani&' <ome natives born in this sign displa an e8tremel competitive streak and can use lesser than the best means to pull others down' 0his of course is never to be applied blindl but must be confirmed b the other features of the horoscope' Note- For the transits of Grahas relative to the various Lagnas and especially in context of the ever moving Moon (read moods, emotions and the flow of things) the following link contains a general daily evaluation of matters astrologicalhttp !!planetarytransformation"#logspot"in!$%!&'(&!'&!daily-vedic-astrology-horoscope-)yotisa"html Si$ha/ Le' Lag aG (nother ro al sign' "uled b the <un itself' Pride, authorit , inabilit to ask for favours' "ub can be worn' 3upiter lords the >th but also the 8th' 0he @asha of *uru can transform life' However, transformation might be in conte8t of discharging $-rmic burden' 0he results of the *urD @a.- %*uru @asha& will be hugel dependent on the dignit and strength of the *raha' Magala# Mars is again Bogakaraka but also the 2-dhaka %2adhaka&' (s it rules the Nth House, there
ma be conflict and struggle at the level of luck' <ur a# <hiva must be propitiated' 0his can work for law ers as the thrive on conflict and litigation' <till, it might be a good idea to ease ones own life path' +ven law ers are entitled to that' 0he Moon is the 1Lth !ord and if afflicted or if it is an (m-vas a %(mavas a& birth, the mind can become vulnerable to acute suffering' Mercur , though malefic is like $ubera for the chart and can bring wealth if associated with the CrDha %(rudha& !agna' <hani is malefic for the !agna' 0his is for the reason that it is the *raha lording the :atru 2h-va %<hatru 2hava& and indicates enmit in the horoscope' 4t can bring illness, debts, enemies, general nuisances and emotional issues' 4t also rules the area of marriage and so some romantic partners ma end up showing an inimical attitude to the native' :ani rules suffering and delivering of some onerous $arma and so if the planet is ver strong and finall disposed to relent then people ma not look to harm the person in relationships but the relationships ma not work out till the heav $arma %also seen through 2h-va lordships of the @a.- %@asha& lords& is e8hausted' 0he person ma look for pragmatic partners capable of doing =what is required=' :ani %<hani& will dela marriage and functional relationships, generall speaking and a lot of work will be required if growth is e8pected of the ?th House, work and# or remedial measures' 5ork, if the *raha is associated with work or with 2h-vas associated with work b e8tension; remedial measures if the higher facets of 3 otia %3 otisha& indicate the performance of remedial measures' 0hough there are other "-.is %"ashis& with the (gni 0attwa, <imha has the highest quantum of fire within it' 9or this reason, people with this !agna should not undertake onerous fasts as the Pitta# bile in the "-.i %"ashi& alwa s needs something to work on' People accuse the natives of this !agna of being aloof and distant, too ro al and unwilling to consider other their equals' Virg'/ Ka () (Ka (a) Lag aG Mercur again' 0he plea of the whole world is, perfection is alright to strive for, but is not to be found in e8istence' <o, do keep that in mind' /er finick ' +merald is again a good idea and /enus is a good planet, so the diamond is also a good gem' <aturn is a mi8ed planet as it lords the >th and ?th but "ahu, lording $umbha is the malefic ?th !ord' Mars is the most malefic planet and can bring adversit in its @asha unless well placed in /ipreeta "a;a Boga' 4n !agna, it can bring fier issues' 0here is this film called (nger Management' 0his sign has some deep comple8ities and when asked to deal with animal maturit , it falters since this is the sign of the debilitation of :ukra %<hukra& ' 6o se8 does not agree with :ukra and this *raha would like to have nothing to do with virgins indicated b $an - %$an a& !agna' 4f :ukra %<hukra& is not engaged in se8ualit and sensualit and intercourse of that kind it feels fallen and debilitated' 0here is a huge sense of purit as an ob;ective because the sign is dual and has some sort of affinit with sin or ignorance encapsulated in some sort of belief that 1=nobod is watching=' Qne must remember that 3agan-tha has huge round e es and He is watching all the time' 0he great imuprit of the P-papurua %<in1Man&, s mbolised b all our $-rmic falterings b the *raha :ani pose b far the greatest issues, even more than the abrupt (gni impulse of the malefic Magala' 0here is a reason as to wh people with an e8alted :ukra %<hukra& in MAna "-.i %Meena "ashi& have marital issues and that reason is to be found in $an - "-.i %$an a "ashi&' 0his is the area in the horoscope that harbours unbridled ambition' 4t compels people to work and to go to work ever da ' 4f breakthroughs in this realm are e8periences it can mean relief coming through $an - or the ?th 2h-va and this means the ?th 2h-va is becoming an 7paca a 2h-va
indicating growth' 4llusion and malefic tendencies can be pronounced in the $an - %$an a& e8perience' T"*) (T"*a)/ Li!ra Lag aG Private sector, social focus, love, attraction and other areas ruled b <hukra' <hukra is also the 8th !ord so the potential for changes in life is implicit' 3upiter is a functional malefic so the gemstone should not be lightl worn' <hani is Bogakaraka and can bring rise on its own' 4n a @usthana it can give /ipreeta "a;a Boga' Mercur rules 2hag a so emerald is also a good choice but avoidable for the newl married, alwa s' (void the red coral as Mars is Maraka' <ince this "-.i %"ashi& is the one directl opposite Mea "-.i %Mesha "ashi&# (ries it also has a problem that the working intellect can be tainted b the filth of ignorance and worse so that pra ers are not accepted automaticall ' 5hile :ukra %<hukra& is himself the greatest ascetic he likes nothing better than to tell the person under his prowess that there is nothing more than pleasing the senses in this life' 9or such natives the @wi1*urD Boga can come in hand ' 0he persons born under this sign are sociable and fond of material pleasures' 4t ma not be ideal for them to get into power1centric domains and the would do better instead in realms related to fashion, beaut , lu8ur and film' 0he person would be quite competitive in the work application' ( logical approach will work well in matters of religion' 0his "-.i %"ashi& is susceptible to disease and serious se8ual ailments such as (4@< come from this "-.i %"ashi&' Positive *rahas are required to combat these illnesses in the horoscope' Vri&i%a/ S&'r+i' Lag aG !orded b both Mars and $etu' *uru is ver auspicious, ruling the Lnd and the >th Houses' Qne cannot term *urD %*uru& as M-raka %Maraka& and bode evil due to a "-.i %"ashi& placement of *urD %*uru&' *urD %*uru& is the greatest protection in the nativit and is a representative of 2hagw-na' 4t is the onl *raha which does good for the native without asking for an thing in return' 5e must also remember that Par-.ara has a specific dictum for the placement of *urD %*uru& in the !agna in an "-.i %"ashi& whatsoever' Mercur is a functional malefic' <hani remains a malefic' /enus is a Maraka' <un is a good planet, ruling $arma' 0he Moon is also a benefic for the !agna, ruling luck itself' 0he pearl, "ub and "ed )oral can be choices for this !agna' 0hese people can be pre1disposed to research and occult stud and the *uru1Mangal Boga can be especiall fruitful' 4f 4 do not mince m words, the 3-taka of this !agna will readil agree that the have faced some heav trials in life' 4f the *rahas are not ver strong in the nativit then the will often feel that the have had to carr some unseen burden' 0his is a difficult "-.i and the challenge is to keep the heart clean and at an cost the emotions should not be poisoned' "efer back to the part about *urD above and this need not be taken literall 1it can be an source of wisdom and illumination' <ome natives can be hirsute' Dha "a 'r Dha "/ Sagi##ari"s Lag aG !orded b *urD %*uru& which is the !agne.a %!agnesha& and the ruling *raha' Push araga# Pukhr-;a %Pukhra;a& or the ellow sapphire is an automatic choice since it is the "atna of the !agne.a %!agnesha& or the !agna !ord' 0he gemstone for Mars# Magala %Mangala&, the red coral or MDg- %Moonga& is also a good choice, being the >th !ord' 0he sign rules teachers, law ers and finance professionals' 4t is the MDtatkoa %Moolatrikona& of $etu and
the <waketra %<wakshetra& or own house of *urD %*uru& nand so it gives e8pression to profound religious and spiritual literature with a focus on final emancipation through eternal wisdom or 3F-na' 0he <un rules 2hag a and the "ub is a good choice along with the red coral' Mercur is a 2adhak planet and also carries the $endradhipati @osha; if it is afflicted, it can cause trouble' <hukra is also a functional malefic lording the ?th and the 11th Houses and can punish' <o, natives of this !agna can e8perience trouble in the area of romance and marriage unless the $arma is offset b fine placements in the nativit ' Ma%ara/ Ca+ri&'r Lag aG !orded b <hani' Pragmatic and practical people, good with managerial and functional aspects of life' /enus is the Bogakaraka and diamond is a good choice' 3upiter is a malefic for this !agna' Mercur , though the ?th !ord is also the Nth !ord and is a bit of a mi8ed planet' Mars is not bad as it gets e8alted in the !agna and onl $etu can trul pose trouble for the chart' 9or this reason red coral or MDg- for Magala cannot be ruled out for the !agna at the outset' *uru, even if debilitated can give "a;a oga provided <hani is placed in strength' 6ot ever thing in life comes without a price, if at all, so this placement can pose troubles to siblings if *uru is 6eecha in !agna' Makara is also known b the name 6akra' 4t indicates fi8it and a certain $-rmic confusion which makes the blessings of *urD %*uru& slightl difficult to receive' "eaders should dwell in the pictorial and s mbolic representation of this "-.i %"ashi& for further insights' K"$!ha/ A,"ari"s Lag aG $umbha !agna is lorded b both :ani and "-hu %<hani and "ahu&' Philosophical, linked with groups, democratic' 0his sign is so e8pansive, though malefic, that *urD %*uru&, the most benefic planet gives results akin to e8altation' 4t is a good thing because there is real need for the illumination that comes from wisdom for this sign' <hukra is Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& and is capable of giving success on its own withut requiring association of an other *raha' 4t gives e8cellent results' 0he diamond is a good choice for this !agna' Mercur is the >th and 8th !ord is a favorable planet but can also bring sudden adversit and requirements of personal transformation which are alwa s vulnerable periods and cannot be said to be auspicious from the social point of view' 3upiter can be a wealth planet for this !agna as it lords the Lnd and the 11th Houses for the chart1it is capable of performing functions akin to $ubera, the lord of wealth' (n interesting point to note here is that despite "ahus bad reputation, it can crown the native with success when it transits the trines to the (rudha !agna' 4t is opposite for the same transit of $etu' 6atives of this !agna might do well to look up some thoughts at this website b clicking this link1 =happ hours=' 0here is a lot of mood altering going on in this sign and into8ication and pharmaceuticals find their roots in this "-.i' M- a (Mee a)/ .is&es Lag aG 0he sign of release, final emancipation' 0he "a.i %"ashi& of the is %"ishis&' 0he persons born in this !agna are ruled b 2rihaspati, the *urD %*uru& of the planet 3upiter, the greatest benefic in the ,odiac' 0hose with *uru in !agna have the Hamsa Mahapurusha Boga' /er pious and spiritual people' <uch people with *urD %*uru& in MAna %Meena& !agna have e8tremel high levels of intelligence and the benefits of the !agna come through the 0attwa or the foundational elements of creation'
Mars is also a ver favorable and both Push araga and the MDg- %Moonga&# "ed )oral is also a good choice' Magala %Mangala& being the Lnd !ord and the Nth !ord acts almost as a Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& for the MAna %Meena& !agna' <hukra# /enus lords the Ird and 8th !ord and can bring trials, so the diamond is best avoided, generall speaking' "omance and marriage as too delicate and unfavourable placement of /enus for the MAna !agna can cause problems' 0his "-.i %"ashi& also has some $-rmic perple8ities associated with it and the fact that the have a sleep and dream demeanour could have more to it' 0he Moon is an auspicious *raha for this !agna, being the >th !ord of PDrva Pun a %Poorva Pun a& or good deeds done in the past lives' 4f 2udha# Mercur is involved in auspicious combinations then the @oa %@osha& of ownership of the quadrants will not manifest' *lancing at the various !agnas in this manner is onl the tip of the iceberg as far as predictive 3 otia %3 otisha& is concerned and specific professional papers composed for consulters all over the world such as the @etailed )hart (nal sis, )ustomised or )omposite )harts (nal ses1coalescing various astrological modules, )ompatibilit (nal sis, 0ithi Prave.a )akra (nal sis# (nnual )hart (nal sis et al serve to demonstrate the manner in which these multifarious /edic astrological techniques use the principles in a pragmatic manner so as to address the needs of the clients' BIRD/S EYE VIEW OF CERTAIN YOGAS IN 0YOTIA (0YOTISH) FOR VARIO1S LAGNAS/ ASCENDANTS2 2 Boga is meant = oking= or ;oining and this ma not accrue onl due to two or more *rahas, even though this is the most common manner in which Bogas are formed' 4t might be apposite here to discuss certain Bogas that might obtain with respect to the !agna# "-.i %"ashi&# sign#ascendant %s& the characteristics of which have been enumerated above for the sake of continuit and cohesion of understanding' 5hen core astrological areas such as the characteristics and attributes of the various !agnas are coalesced with the much discussed Bogas, especiall in focussed professional consulting work, it becomes possible to understand the potential of life and what the person has to work with as a given' 9ree1will and determinism are comple8 theoretical issues and while there are cr stal clear e8positions on the sub;ect in 3 otia, for the present purposes suffice it to sa that when the combinations formed b the planets in certain signs are anal sed, the start telling a certain stor , which is an incredible mirror to what has transpired in life, what is happening and of course what ma reasonabl be e8pected to occur at a future time' Qther factors such as @a.-s make it a picture so rich and replete with realism, that this ancient art becomes irresistible' Mea (Mesha) Lag a/ Aries2 0he celebrated *urD1Magala %*uru1Mangal& Boga formed b the association, including con;unction of Mars and 3upiter is an auspicious Boga where the (gni is channeled well and the knowledge and wisdom attained are e8pressed well' 0he placement of :ani %<hani& in dignit with *urD %*uru& can also make for the @harmakarm-dhipati %@harmakarmadhipati& Boga where the application in work is e8cellent' 0he sobering factors come from the 8th House lordship of Magala %Mangal& and the 2-dhaka %2adhaka& status of :ani %<hani& as the 11th !ord for the movable !agna'
Va!ha (Vrisha!ha) Lag a/ Ta"r"s2 :ani %<hani& is the Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& *raha for the /abha %/rishabha& !agna and as the Nth and 1Kth !ord of the horoscope it is itself capable of giving the "-;a oga %"a;a oga&' "eaders should refer to m article on /iparAta "-;a Boga on this website for further insight as to the unique position a malefic Bogak-raka en;o s b virtue of certain placements in the horoscope' %5ithout accent marks, the Boga is written as /ipareeta "a;a Boga&' 2udha is an e8cellent planet for this !agna and the Boga of either !agne.a %!agnesha& :ukra %<hukra& with :ani %<hani& %despite other problems that such a combination might create& or the Boga or :ukra %<hukra& with 2udha can be e8cellent' Mi#h" a Lag a/ Ge$i i2 0he auspiciousness of the Bogas is quite similar, and these are statements tarred with a ver broad brush1since Bogas are a huge sub;ect in 3 otia %3 otisha& and cannot be discussed in snippets, to those obtaining for 0aurus !agna' *emini# Mithuna !agna is governed b 2udha and the association of this planet with :ukra %<hukra& leads to auspicious results' 0he association of the !agne.a %!agnesha& 2udha with the PaFcame.a :ukra %Panchamesha <hukra& leads to e8cellent results' Kar%aa (Kar%a#a) Lag a/ Ca &er2 5hen we think of either the former Prime Minister <mt' 4ndira *andhi or the )hief Minister of Qrissa :rA 6avin Pattanaik, :ani %<hani& in $arkaa %$arkata& !agna is a sure1shot "-;a oga %"a;a oga&' 0his happens onl with MAna %Meena& or $arkaa "-.i %$arkata "ashi& in the <imh-sana %<imhasana&# throne 2h-vas %2havas&' 0here ma be problems associated with the $-rakattwa of :ani %<hani& in these placements but the "-;a oga %"a;a oga& accrues to the e8tent promised b the horoscope' Qther crucial planets should of course not be flushed down the drain in order for the benefits to come through properl ' Magala %Mangal& is an e8cellent planet for this !agna ruling the >th 2h-va %2hava& from the !agna and the 1Kth 2h-va %2hava& from the !agna as well' 4f well placed both the spiritual and material worlds and their blessings are forthcoming to the native' 5e should again remember the /iparAta "-;a Boga %/ipareeta "a;a Boga& that will come from the malefic Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& but the ideal situation is that such a *raha should not be placed with another beneficial *raha which the malefic will destro ' ( great Hamsa M-h-purua %Mahapurusha& Boga is formed if *urD %*uru& is placed in the !agna in e8altation' Qne can pra to the "-.i )akra %"ashi )hakra& of 2hagw-na :rA "-ma %2hagwana <hri "ama& with e8alted 3upiter# *urD %*uru& in $arkaa !agna %$arkata&# )ancer ;oined a <waketra %<wakshetra&# own sign )aFdra %)handra& forming *a;akesarA %*a;akesari& Boga in the !agna' (n association of *urD %*uru& with $arka "-.i %"ashi& in the radi8 and in the 6av-m.a )akra %6avamsha )hakra& will bless the native with high spiritualit and esoteric wisdom' +8ternal benefits such as name and fame shall also come' Note-
*he impact for the rwelve Lagnas from Mea (Mesha)! +ries to M,na (Meena)! -isces is also largely contingent on the transits of the various planets and this is applied to the Lagnas for the rising sign or the +scendant! .daya Lagna, the /a0dra (/handra) Lagna! 123i! (1ashi) 4ama 123i (4anma 1ashi)or )ust 123i (1ashi) and of course to the 5r6ha Lagna (+rudha Lagna)" *he we#site offers premium monthly 7edic astrology content which is restricted to su#scri#ers and is not #eing pu#lished on the we#site" *he content is #eing sent to the su#scri#ers through an ela#orate email! independent -8F attachment focussing on each sign! 7edic 123i (rashi) and the movement of the nine planets! Grahas as it applies to the Lagna, /a0dra Lagna (/handra Lagna) and 5r6ha (+rudha) Lagna continuum descri#ed in the post the link to which is given at the end of this 9ote" *he movement of the Grahas is #eing evaluated from the Lagna, /a0dra (/handra) Lagna! Moon :ign, 5r6ha (+rudha) Lagna and advanced findings #eing recorded #ased on correlations of the various astrological entities such as ;h2va (;hava), aspects, con)unctions, signs, intervention! +rgala et al" *his will also include the application of the device of 7arga Gochara or divisional transits #ased on the +m3as (+mshas) attained #y the planets in transit" *he su#tle picture is revealed in this manner making it a composite whole" More may #e read as to this option athttp !!planetarytransformation"#logspot"in!$%!&'(<!'<!su#scri#e-to-premium-monthly-vedic"html Si$ha Lag a/ Le'2 0he ruling planet is "avi# the <un and its placement in a certain 2h-va from the !agna is ke ' <ince the <Dr a %<ur a& !agna is a reference in itself and it is the lord of the !agna, one must stud the placement of the <un with care' 2udha# Mercur is a good planet and *urD as the >th and 8th !ord carries great spiritual and transforming potential' (n association of *urD and 2udha apart from giving e8cellent communication skills, intelligence, logical abilit , rationalit and intellectual alacrit and adaptabilit , also forms the *urD1:i a %*uru <hish a& Boga where the person stands to learn from esoteric traditions' 2udha speaciall pla s the role of $ubera being the Lnd and the 11th !ord and its involvement in an @hana Bogas are bound to bring great gains to the person born in <imha !agna' Magala %Mangal&# Mars is b far the best and most favourable planet for this !agna being the Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& for the !agna and having the power to give "-;a oga %"a;a oga& on its own' (ssociation of *urD %*uru& with Magala %Mangal& forms the *urD1Magala %*uru1Mangala& Boga which is e8cellent for law ers, teachers, ;udges, finance professionals and spiritualists alike' 4f the horoscope is otherwise strong, an association of :ukra %<hukra& with Magala %Mangal& can form @harmakarm-dhipati %@harmakarmadhipati& Boga and can lead to stupendous achievement in the career realm' 4n "avi is placed in the @a.ama 2h-va %@asham 2hava& or the 1Kth House it attains 1KKR @igbala# directional strength and imparts great leadership skills to the native' Ka () (Ka (a) Lag a/ Virg'1
<ince this !agna is the e8altation sign for 2udha# Mercur , the placement of 2udha in !agna leads to the 2hadra Mah-purua %Mahapurusha& Boga' :ukra %<hukra& is the Lnd and the Nth !ord from the !agna and an association of 2udha and :ukra %<hukra& is likel to generate !akmA %!akshmi& Boga' @espite the ownership of the $edra %$endra& if *urD %*uru& is well placed in the "-.i )akra %"ashi )hakra& fortune can smile after marriage' :ani %<hani& is a mi8ed planet being the ?th !ord as well and generall speaking causes notable problems for this !agna' )aFdra %)handra& is the 11th !ord and association with the benefic 2udha and :ukra %<hukra& can augment gains and lead to the fulfilment of desires' Bogas involving these planets will be fortunate for the native of $an - %$an a& or /irgo !agna' T"*) (T"*a) Lag a/ Li!ra2 9or this !agna, the natural malefic :ani %<hani& is a Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& and is capable of giving "-;a oga %"a;a oga& on its own without assistance from another *raha' 4t is the lord of the Pth and the >th Houses, a $edra %$endra& and 0koa %0rikona& both and so /iu1!akmA %/ishnu1!akshmi& Boga is guarantted if :ani %<hani& supports' ( unique Boga is formed when :ani %<hani& is placed in the @usth-na %@usthana& from the !agna in either the ?th, 8th or the 1Lth 2h-vas from the !agna where une8pected success accrues to the native' 4t is ideal if no other *raha is placed with :ani %<hani& because the malefic Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& is capable of damaging the significations of the other *raha' 2udh strongl indicates foreign lands and works well when participating in Bogas with the !agne.a :ukra %!agnesha <hukra& or with :ani %<hani&, though considering the nature of these *rahas the should not impact certain 2h-vas %2havas&' V&i%a (Vrish&hi%a)/ S&'r+i'2 *urD %*uru& is an e8cellent *raha for this !agna and the blessings are in fact required for the persons born under this rising sign# !agna# (scendant' *urD %*uru&# 3upiter rules the Lnd and >th 2h-vas from the !agna and strongl indicates !akmA %!akshmi&' 4t governs the t pe of $arm- %$arma& that the native shall e8perience and also the qualit of speech, absorption of knowledge, finances, food and drink, intelligence, discrimination, progen and such areas which have to be shortlisted based on other factors in the horoscope' )aFdra %)handra&# the Moon is also an e8cellent planet for this !agna being the 2h-g e.a %2hag esha& or the Nth !ord' ( *a;ake.arA %*a;akesari& Boga would trul make the native a renowned figure as the intelligence and purit would also be supported b sheer fortune' "avi is the 1Kth !ord as it should be' 0here are two great blessings b wa of read made Bogas for this !agna1 one the are inherentl blessed in matters of progen and children and two, $arm- and application in work is e8cellent since "avi attains a kind of $-rmic @igbala' 0ests are thus reserved in the personal realm onl and are mostl directed to life circumstance and personalit ' Dha "a (Dha "sha) Lag a/ Sagi##ari"s2
*urD %*uru& in the !agna forms Hamsa Mah-purua %Mahapurusha& Boga and the person will be e8cellent in his knowledge of finance, spiritualism, esoteric arts, and religion' 0his is an e8cellent Boga for this !agna' "avi as the lord of the 2h-g a <th-na %2hag a <thana& makes divinit all the more manifest in life' 0he soul connects easil with *od if the <un is powerful and well placed in the nativit ' @espite the $edr-dhipati @oa %$endradhipati @osha& attributed to 2udha, if this *raha is well placed, the areas of work and marriage will give a lot of happiness, especiall work awarness will be at a premium' <o man other factors such as the $arme.a %$armesha& will pla an important role before an thing can be ventured but then all that is in the realm of predictive1anal tical work and here in this paper Bogas and combinations are being dicsussed' Ma%ara Lag a/ Ca+ri&'r 2 0his is one of the signs with inherent $-rmic %$armic& confusion' +ven so, :ukra# <hukra# /enus is the Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& *raha for this !agna as it lords a $edra %$endra# quadrant& and a 0koa %0rikona# trine& from the !agna both' 0he auspicious placement of /enus for Makar# )apricorn !agna can make life vastl different' Mercur is a problem planet being the ?th and the Nth lord both for the !agna' 3ealous can inhibit real growth but is such problems are addressed then 2h-g a can flower' 0he Boga of 2udha with :ukra %<hukra& and with :ani %<hani& though causative of other issues can lead to !akmA %!akshmi& Boga and such fortunate combinations' @ur oga or bad things can accrue through artificial ego1aspirations due to the malefic lordship of the <un' Magala %Mangal# Mars& even though inimical to the !agne.a :ani %!agnesha <hani& is not in itself a bad *raha for the !agna' 9irstl , Magala %Mangal& gets e8alted in the !agna and rules the Pth and 11th 2h-vas %2havas# houses&' <econdl , enterprise and aspirations ma have been viewed with circumspection when the Bogas were put down in writing b the sages %is# "ishis& but in the $ali uga and in the birth in 2hDloka %2huloka& the qualit of initiative and enterprise aimed at gains and aspirations and their attainment cannot be viewed with a slanted e e' 4n other words the Bogas involving Mars are crucial for this !agna' K"!ha (K"$!ha)/ A,"ari"s Lag a2 9or the $umbha or (quarius !agna "-hu and :ani %"ahu and <hani& are crucial planets as the lord the !agna' :ukra %<hukra# /enus& is again the Bogak-raka %Bogakaraka& for the !agna ruling the Pth and the Nth Houses' )heck the dignit and placement of the Moon# )aFdra %)handra& for the $arma relating to the mother and for mental peace due to the portfolio allocated to :ukra %<hukra& who is not aligned with the Moon' @ue to their own fluidit , the look for a dominant and regal spouse and so marriage can impact status and resources considerabl ' Mars is equall important as it is for )apricorn !agna# Makara# 6akra due to the Ird and 1Kth House lordship'
2udha is a $-rmic planet and this factor can never be overlooked, especiall in the @a.- %@asha& even if this *raha is placed in the >th 2h-va from the !agna' M- a/ Mee a/ .is&es Lag a1 Qnce again this sign has some $-rmic %$armic issues& and *urD %*uru# 3upiter& is the best planet for the !agna' @espite the friendship with the !agne.a %!agnesha&, "avi# the <un can be a reall problematic planet' 4 have found people of this !agna besotted with politics, power and authorit figures, all indicated b the <un and the are usuall a long wa off the mark' 5hile Magala %Mangala& is a @eva *raha its malefic lordship for the 2h-g a 2h-va %2hag a 2hava& is not eas and remedial measures are required' Qnce the fate anf fortune decides to smile then Bogas between *urD %*uru& and 2udha for instance can create e8cellent knowledge based environments' 0he Moon and 3upiter can also form e8cellent Bogas due to their beneficial lordships from the !agna' 0hus when we see the characteristics of the !agna and the Bogas that can obtain to propel the natives of the various !agnas, with their own characteristics and life paths, we can begin to understand the basic framework which results for the purposes of elaborate astrological anal sis' (ll these factors are then carried over to each divisional chart of interest and studied with the man , countless tools of esoteric classical /edic astrolog # 3 otia in order to arrive at specific understandings about the person=s life' 0his is crucial' Humanit has advanced and nations have advanced as far as empirical and material life is concerned and such focused and elaborate work must distinguish between the var ing characteristics of people=s lives so as to astutel e8plain to them the reasons and the background and the future propensities about their '3 lives and not ;ust some general trends that might broadl appl to a (' e with similar Bogas' 0his sort of attention to detail and personalised adherence to the horoscope at hand has to be the hallmark of all consulting' 5hat do the various t pes of (nal ses and papers described and reproduced on this website doS ( lot of classical references and interpretations are route1maps travelled in order to arrive at advisor conclusions and in all m consulting, the are there also for the reading pleasure of advanced 3 otia enthusiasts and consulters' 0his is deep and profound knowledge at its core drawn from the unique and renowned m stic heritage of 4ndia, and a vast number of consulters are also dedicated /edic astrolog enthusiasts1this elaborate ;ourne in each consulting paper is also undertaken for their benefit' 2ut the "*#i$a#e '!4e&#i5e is alwa s to gives reponses that directl and unambiguousl address the realities, needs and requirements of the person approaching me for solutions'