Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard Paes 101: 2000
Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard Paes 101: 2000
Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standard Paes 101: 2000
This standard is a revision of the Philippine National Standard (PNS) 606:1991 General
Code of Safety for Agricultural Machinery. The revision was initiated by the Agricultural
Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC) under the project entitled "Enhancing
the Implementation of AFMA Through Improved Agricultural Engineering Standards" which
was funded by the Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) of the Department of Agriculture
This revised standard was reviewed by the Technical Committee for Study 1- Development
of Standards for Agricultural Production Machinery and was circulated to various private and
government agencies/organizations concerned for their comments and reactions. This
standard was presented to the Philippine Society of Agricultural Engineers (PSAE) and
subjected to a public hearing organized by the National Agriculture and Fisheries Council
(NAFC). The comments and reactions received during the presentation and public hearing
were taken into consideration in the finalization of this standard.
This standard has been technically revised in accordance with PNS 01:Part 4:1998 - Rules for
the Structure and Drafting of Philippine National Standards. The main changes are listed
1 Scope
This standard provides guidelines pertaining to the prevention of accidents arising from the
use of tractors and machinery for agriculture. It also specifies technical means of improving
the degree of safety of operators and others involved in the course of normal operation,
service and maintenance of the machine.
2 References
The following normative documents contain provisions, which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Standard:
ISO 5692 : 1979, Agricultural vehicles Mechanical connections on towed vehicles hitch-
rings Specifications.
Tractors and machinery for agriculture shall be designed and constructed in such a way that
they do not cause danger when properly used.
Operating and maintaining the machine should be carried out in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions. These requirements shall primarily be met by the design of the
machine. If this is not possible, the machine shall be equipped with special means for
ensuring safety, for example guards or safe location of the dangerous parts. Functional
components that need to be exposed for correct operation shall be shielded to the maximum
extent permitted by the intended function of the components. Additionally, in such
circumstances, warning of the hazard shall be indicated on the machine (see clause 8).
PAES 101: 2000
In general all moving parts shall be treated as dangerous; particular attention is drawn to the
following :
- all shafts (including joints, shaft ends and crank shafts), pulleys, flywheels, gearing
(including friction roller mechanisms), cables, sprockets, belts, chains, clutches,
couplings and all blades or wings of fans;
- keyways, keys and grease nipples, etc. that protrude from moving parts;
- ground wheels or tracks adjacent to the operators position (standing platform, seat,
footrest) and passenger seat (where provided).
5 Guard types
There are three types of guards designed to prevent contact with the moving parts by a person
and/or clothing. These may be classified as:
a) shield or cover;
b) casing;
c) enclosure;
Protective devices designed and fitted so that alone or with other parts of the machine, they
prevent the dangerous part being reached from the side or sides covered (see figure 1).
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5.2 Casing
Protective device designed and fitted so that, alone or with other parts of the machine, it
prevents contact with the dangerous part from all sides (see Figure 2).
Moving part
Figure 2 Casing
5.3 Enclosure
Protective device, which by means of a rail, fence, frame or the like ensures the safety,
distance necessary so that the dangerous part cannot be reached inadvertently.
6 Guard construction
Guards shall be sufficiently strong. Unless it is clearly inappropriate, these shall, without
cracking, tearing or permanently deflecting, withstand a perpendicular static load of 1,200 N.
Parts designed as platforms and steps, which are also guards, shall comply with appropriate
strength requirements for platforms and steps.
Where a guard is in such position that it may occasionally be used as a step, it shall withstand
a load of 1,200 N.
Guards shall be rigidly fixed, have no sharp edges, be weather-resistant and retain their
strength under extremes of temperature, taking into account the intended use.
Guards shall be designed in such a way that operating and servicing the machine can be
readily carried out.
Guards shall normally be permanently attached to the machine; these may be easily opened,
in which case these should remain attached to the machine in some way, for example by
means of a hinge, slide, linkage or other suitable means, and should be provided with a
convenient means to keep them closed. Permanent attachment includes the use of threaded
fasteners, split pins, or other means that can be dismantled with common hand tools.
In some circumstances it is necessary for guards which can be opened to be designed so that
the movement of dangerous parts is automatically stopped when the guard is opened or the
design prevents the guard from being opened until all movement of the dangerous parts has
ceased. This can be achieved for example by designing the guard securing device(s) so that
the part will stop before the guard is opened. A suitable warning notice shall be fitted to all
such guards and to any opening in them without such securing devices.
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Guards may be formed of a welded or rigid mesh or grill. The size of the allowable opening
depends on the distance between the guard and the moving parts as given in clause 7. The
design of the guard shall be such that it is not possible to distort the mesh or the grill during
proper use in such a way that the opening size and distance relationship exceeds the limits
given in clause 7.
7 Safety distance
There may be circumstances where the requirements of clause 3 can be met by ensuring a
safety distance, as described in 5.3, from dangerous part.
It is possible to circumvent the protection provided by a safety distance (as specified in 7.1)
by the misuse of steps, ladders, boxes or chairs, etc., but the general principle of a safety
distance, in compliance with clause 3, is acceptable provided the criteria in 7.1 and 7.2 are
met so that the dangerous parts are out of reach.
The safety distance is based on measurements from the location where a person can occupy
to operate, maintain or inspect the dangerous part.
The safety distance for upward reach is 2,500 mm for persons standing upright.
No safety distance is specified where it is possible to reach below a safety barrier, unless the
aperture is small enough to be considered only in relation to finger, hand or arm access in
which case the requirements of 7.1.6 apply.
Barriers, the height of which is less than 1,000 mm above the location, which a person can
occupy, shall not be acceptable.
The safety distance for sideward or downward reach over barriers of 1,000 mm or greater
height depends on
When designing a barrier, the dimensions in Table 1 shall be met (see figure 3).
PAES 101: 2000
dangerous moving parts
b a
Figure 3 Principles for determining the distance required from a guard to the
dangerous part
Dimensions in millimeters
a 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000
2400 - 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
2200 - 250 350 400 500 500 600 600
2000 - - 350 500 600 700 900 1100
1800 - - - 600 900 900 1000 1100
1600 - - - 500 900 900 1000 1300
1400 - - - 100 800 900 1000 1300
1200 - - - - 500 900 1000 1400
1000 - - - - 300 900 1000 1400
800 - - - - - 600 900 1300
600 - - - - - - 500 1200
400 - - - - - - 300 1200
200 - - - - - - 200 1100
1) Values of b < 1000 mm do not increase the reach. Moreover, the danger arises of falling towards the danger source.
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Table 2 shows the extent of reach around barriers, which can be attained, taking into account
the aperture and the distance from other obstructions. Dangerous components shall be beyond
these limits if they are not independently guarded.
Dimensions in millimeters
Limb Safety distance,
From To r
PAES 101: 2000
7.1.6 Openings
The openings shall not exceed the size appropriate to the distance of the guard from the
moving part (see Tables 3a and 3b).
Dimensions in millimeters
When the width is greater than 135 mm, part of the body can also pass through the aperture. In this case, safety distances
as specified in 7.2 shall be observed.
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Dimensions in millimeters
b a
Polygonal openings, where the diameter of the largest circle that can be inscribed is not less
than the distance between the two apexes that are the furthest apart, shall meet the same
requirements as for round openings. The diameter of the inscribed circle shall be regarded as
the size of the opening. All other polygonal openings shall be regarded as slots.
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A pinching point is considered dangerous for the parts of the body illustrated in Table 4 if the
appropriate minimum separation distance is not maintained. The design of the machine shall
ensure that the next bigger part of the body cannot pass through.
Dimensions in millimeters
Minimum separation
Limb Illustration distance required
Finger 25
Wrist 100
Arm 120
Foot 120
Leg 180
Body 500
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8 Provision of information
Where safety precautions are necessary during operation and servicing of agricultural
machines, appropriate instructions shall be provided with the machine.
Operating manuals shall also include a warning that a revolving hitch or a revolving clevis
shall not be connected with a mating unit which also revolves on a towed machine or trailer.
Durable warning notices shall be affixed to the machine where parts present danger to the
operator. Also included are circumstances where the inadvertent lowering of parts of
equipment can cause danger. Particular danger or safety warnings shall be indicated on the
Existing national or other regulations may require specific symbols, sizes, layout or color.
The warning notice shall be either pictorial or text in a language acceptable to the user or, if
appropriate, the national regulating authority concerned.
9 Working stability
Machines and trailers that may create a danger to the user through tilting, as a result of the
shifting of the center of gravity (for example when emptying or filling), shall be provided
with means of preventing such danger.
Hydraulically raised components that need to be held in a raised position to allow servicing
or adjustment shall be provided with an independent and reliable means of retaining them in
the required position.
10 Operators workplace
Any machine, on which the presence of a driver or operator is necessary, including any place
to which access is required for service or maintenance, shall be fitted with handle or
handholds and steps so the person has a safe, convenient means of mounting and
Both handholds and steps may be parts of the machine if they are suitably designed and
placed. Steps shall be designed in relation to the general construction in order to ensure
protection from moving parts. If moving parts, for example tire sections, form restrictions or
trapping areas with the steps, a suitable means of protection shall be provided. Steps shall
have a non-slip surface a vertical retainer at both sides.
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The dimensions for steps will normally be found in the parts of this standard relating to
specific machines. Where there is no specific provision, the steps shall comply with the
dimensions in millimeters as shown in Figure 4.
Where access is provided by a series of steps which are designed to be used alternately each
by one foot, then the minimum width and height specified do not apply.
300 max.
300 max.
120 min.3)
150 min.
550 max. 2)
200 min.
Ground level
a) multi-step configuration
200 min. 150 min.
550 max. 2)
Ground level
1) Minimum clearance and not size of tread surface.
2) The dimensions shall be obtained also with the largest tires (normally inflated).
3) The vertical distance between adjacent steps shall be equal (within a tolerance of + 20 mm).
PAES 101: 2000
Means shall be provided to prevent the operator from falling from his workplace. Any
platform on which the operator is required to stand during the operation of the machine shall
be level and shall have a non-slip surface, and if necessary, drainage shall be provided.
a) a foot-guard (toe-board) on all sides, which shall be fitted around the edge of
the platform or not more than 50 mm farther away and shall extend not less
than 75 mm above the platform;
b) a guard-rail which shall be not less than 1000 mm and not more 1100 mm
above the platform and an intermediate rail so that the vertical distance between any
two rails does not exceed 500 mm.
However, it is not required to provide a foot-guard or fixed guard-rails for the platform:
a) when the machine itself affords protection at least equal to that which the foot-
guard and guard-rail would provide if these were fitted;
10.3 Seats
On a machine on which the operator is required to sit, a seat shall be provided which will
adequately support the operator in all working and operating modes. Adequate and
comfortable support and protection for the feet shall be provided.
The operating controls, such as steering wheel or steering levers, transmission levers, cranks,
pedals, and switches, shall be arranged and fitted in such a way as to allow safe and easy
control and manipulation by an operator in the normal operating position. Pedals and controls
shall be positioned so that they do not obstruct access. The function of the controls shall be
marked on or near the control.
The steering mechanism shall be so designed as to reduce the force of any sudden movement
of the steering wheel or steering lever(s) due to reaction from the steered wheel(s).
Provision shall be made to protect and locate controls so as to prevent accidental operation
which may cause dangerous movement.
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a) Foot-operated clutches
b) Hand-operated clutches
Every power source shall be fitted with a device by means of which it can be stopped quickly.
It shall be so designed that it does not depend on sustained manual effort for its operation and
that, when it is in the stop position, the power source cannot be started unless the device is
reset manually.
The purpose and method of operation shall be clearly indicated. The control shall be red in
color and preferably in contrast with the background and other controls.
In the case of hand-operated valves, taps and switches or their means of control provided for
controlling pneumatic, hydraulic or electrical systems, the function and effect of the device in
each of its positions shall be clearly indicated, where necessary for safety reasons.
10.4.6 Pedals
Pedals shall be of adequate size and of appropriate configuration. These shall have slip-
resistant surfaces in order to minimize the possibility of the operators foot slipping off the
pedals, and where necessary, be provided with a rim at the edge of the pedal.
Any manually operated device fitted to a machine to lock the differential gear shall be
designed and fitted so that there is a clear indication to the operator that the lock is engaged.
It shall be designed so that it minimizes the possibility of inadvertent actuation.
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11.1 Hitches
Mobile machines that are not self-propelled shall be provided with suitable hitch devices.
Machines used for towing or which are towed shall be provided with a towing device
constructed and fitted to be secure for the purpose.
11.1.2 Drawbars
The drawbar shall be situated in the longitudinal mid-plane of the tractor. The diameter of the
hole in the drawbar should be 33 + 00.5 mm. The thickness of the drawbar shall be
not more than 32 mm.
11.2.1 Machines, which are not stable when disconnected, shall be provided with a jack or
other support to prevent tilting.
Supports shall be attached (to avoid the risk of losing them), but these may be detached only
if necessary to permit the machine to operate.
11.2.2 Non-stable machines or trailers having a drawbar shall be provided with a jack
capable of raising or lowering the drawbar.
The jack shall be constructed and secured to the machine so as to prevent the drawbar from
falling when the jack is in use and shall have a base of adequate size to prevent it from
sinking into soft ground.
- any other machine when the machine is unladen and the downward force
acting through the drawbar at the hitch point exceed 250 N. The downward force
acting through the drawbar shall be measured with the machine stationary on
horizontal ground and the drawbar hitch point at a height of 400 mm above the
This requirement shall not apply to a machine or trailer with a drawbar designed to be picked
up mechanically by the towing vehicle, but in such cases, a stand capable of securely
supporting the drawbar with the hitch point 150 mm above the ground level shall be fitted.
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12 Power transmission
12.1.1 When in use, a cover or, if necessary, a casing that protects the sides of the PTO, shall
be fitted.
12.1.2 An additional non-rotating casing shall be provided when the cover or casing is not in
position and when the PTO is not in use. This casing shall encase the PTO completely and be
fixed to the tractor or machine body.
12.1.3 The provisions covering instructions of guards (see clause 6) shall also be met.
12.2.1 A casing which completely encloses PIC and overlaps the casing fitted to the PTO
drive-shaft so that no part of the shaft (or couplings, clutches, etc.) is exposed at any time
shall be fitted.
12.2.2 The provisions covering construction of guards (see clause 6) shall also be met.
12.3.1 A casing which provides stationary protection against contact with the PTO drive-
shaft and protects the shaft throughout its length (whether the machine is towed, mounted or
semi-mounted) shall be fitted.
12.3.2 The guard shall be firmly mounted, i.e. it shall be detachable only by means of tools.
It may be permanently fitted to the shaft.
12.3.3 The provisions covering construction of guards (see clause 6) shall also be met.
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13 Miscellaneous
The outlet of the exhaust pipe shall be located and directed in such a way that the driver or
any other operator obliged to stand on the machine will not normally be exposed to harmful
concentrations of noxious gases or fumes, for example by locating the outlet over or to the
side of the head level of the operator or the air intake of the cab.
Protection shall be provided to minimize the possibility of inadvertent contact with any
exposed element which may cause burns during mounting, dismounting or operating the
tractor or machine.
13.3 Battery
The location of the batteries shall be such that hazards to the operator due to fumes and
electrolyte are minimized.