Maritime News 17 Apr 14
Maritime News 17 Apr 14
Maritime News 17 Apr 14
A unique service from KVH Media Group International maritime news for seafarers Thursday, April 17, 2014
The 7uropean .aritime )ilots- Association #7.)A$, in association with the +autical Institute, has adopted a resolution a%out the use of 8oya&e 3ata 9ecorders #839s$ in the maritime industry* The resolution su&&ested that the 7.)A encoura&e the use of 839 to help accident investi&ators review actions and procedures, to ena%le the causes of incidents to %e identified and lessons to %e learned* It further recommended that the !ode for Investi&ation of .arine !asualties and Incidents %e strictly followed* )articular attention was demanded for the protection of privacy when usin& 839 data* The 7.)A presupposes that the !harter of :undamental 9i&hts of the 7uropean Union re&ardin& privacy protection is ta'en into account at all times* The use of 839 data for disciplinary, criminal or lia%ility investi&ations is not accepta%le* The le&islation re&ardin& :li&ht 3ata usa&e in the aviation industry should %e used as a standard for the maritime industry* ource; 7.)A
The !hinese &overnment is steppin& up the plannin& of revivin& the .aritime il' 9oad in the 21st century, with port construction as the priority, local media reported on 5ednesday* The plan is e6pected to focus on infrastructure construction of countries alon& the route, includin& ports of )a'istan, ri (an'a and =an&ladesh, the !hina ecurities @ournal said* !hina will co0ordinate customs, quality supervision, e0commerce and other a&encies to facilitate the scheme, which is also li'ely to contain attempts to %uild free trade ?ones* The 21st century .aritime il' 9oad was proposed %y !hinese )resident Ai @inpin& in a speech on stren&thenin& economic ties with the Association of outh0east Asian +ations durin& his visit to Indonesia in ,cto%er* outhwest !hina-s Bunnan )rovince and "uan&6i Chuan& Autonomous 9e&ion are stron& options for %ein& one end of the route* The .aritime il' 9oad dates %ac' to as early as 2,000 years a&o, when ancient merchants sailed from !hina-s eastern coast, passin& outh0east Asia, outhernmost of India and 7ast Africa, all the way to the )ersian "ulf and the 9ed ea, stren&thenin& economic ties and cultural communication, Ainhua reported*
D)A "eneral .ana&er ,perations, !aptain Twali% Dhamis, said the e6perts will assess the port-s capacity to handle the %i&&er vessels &iven that .om%asa is currently investin& more to increase the facility-s efficiency*
Two years after !+)-s %an'ruptcy the contract was ta'en over %y yner&as, who decided to complete the ship, )A) reported*
Market snapshot: 1100 GMT Dry Index BDI 936 Capesize Index BCI 1613 ana!ax Index B I "9# &'pra!ax Index B&I 909 -34 -111 $1% -"
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Tur'ey is on the .editerranean, in the Anatolian re&ion of 5est Asia, with a small section in outheastern 7urope separated %y the Tur'ish traits #=osphorus, ea of .armara, and 3ardanelles$* 5ith the =lac' ea to the north and the Ae&ean ea in the west and .editerranean ea to the south0west, Tur'ey is surrounded %y =ul&aria and "reece to the west, Armenia, A?er%ai4anand "eor&ia to the north0east, yria, Iraq and Iran to the south0east*
Gettin$ t#ere
By p a!e" Tur'ey-s primary international &ateway %y air is Istan%ul-s AtatHr' International Airport* An'ara-s 7sen%o&a Airport handles a comparatively limited selection of international fli&hts and there are also direct charters to .editerranean resort hot spots li'e Antalya in the pea' summer and winter seasons* By #rai!" Travellin& from 7urope to Tur'ey %y train is more of historical or perhaps even romantic interest than fast or practical* A cheap way of travelin& to or from Tur'ey mi&ht %e the =al'an :le6ipass*
,op attractions
Ha$ia Sop%ia" The /a&ia ophia is one of the %est preserved ancient %uildin&s in the world* =uilt in the si6th century A3 %y the =y?antine 7mperor @ustinian, the %uildin& was converted to a mosque with the Tur'ish conquest and today operates as a museum* Ep%e&u&" Tur'ey is full of ancient cities, ma'in& it tou&h to select 4ust one for this list* 7phesus near modern elcu' is one most popular of these attractions* It contains some of the %est preserved "ree' and 9oman ruins in the world and remains a well0trodden part of the tourist trail from near%y resorts such as Dusadasi and I?mir* Cappado'ia (!der$rou!d Ci#ie&" Under&round cities of !appadocia are amon& the most intri&uin& and fascinatin& tourist attractions of Tur'ey* =uilt over a period spannin& hundreds of years, the area now includes several such comple6es many of which are now open to the pu%lic* The main tourist locations are the under&round cities of Dayma'li, 3erin'uyu, ,?'ona', .a?i and Ur&up*