The article summarizes several maritime news stories:
1) The remaining crew members of a Malaysian-flagged vessel hijacked by Somali pirates in 2010 have been released and returned safely to Kenya with the help of the Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme.
2) A small painting task on a support vessel turned fatal when the fast rescue boat's coxswain became trapped between the boat and the ship's hull during high winds and swell, falling to the deck and later dying from his injuries.
3) South Korean rescuers searching for victims from the April 16 ferry sinking have recovered another body, bringing the death toll to 292 with 12 still missing.
The article summarizes several maritime news stories:
1) The remaining crew members of a Malaysian-flagged vessel hijacked by Somali pirates in 2010 have been released and returned safely to Kenya with the help of the Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme.
2) A small painting task on a support vessel turned fatal when the fast rescue boat's coxswain became trapped between the boat and the ship's hull during high winds and swell, falling to the deck and later dying from his injuries.
3) South Korean rescuers searching for victims from the April 16 ferry sinking have recovered another body, bringing the death toll to 292 with 12 still missing.
The article summarizes several maritime news stories:
1) The remaining crew members of a Malaysian-flagged vessel hijacked by Somali pirates in 2010 have been released and returned safely to Kenya with the help of the Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme.
2) A small painting task on a support vessel turned fatal when the fast rescue boat's coxswain became trapped between the boat and the ship's hull during high winds and swell, falling to the deck and later dying from his injuries.
3) South Korean rescuers searching for victims from the April 16 ferry sinking have recovered another body, bringing the death toll to 292 with 12 still missing.
The article summarizes several maritime news stories:
1) The remaining crew members of a Malaysian-flagged vessel hijacked by Somali pirates in 2010 have been released and returned safely to Kenya with the help of the Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme.
2) A small painting task on a support vessel turned fatal when the fast rescue boat's coxswain became trapped between the boat and the ship's hull during high winds and swell, falling to the deck and later dying from his injuries.
3) South Korean rescuers searching for victims from the April 16 ferry sinking have recovered another body, bringing the death toll to 292 with 12 still missing.
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Monday, June 9, 2014
International maritime news for seafarers MPHRP hails safe return of vessel's crew News that the remaining crew of a Malaysian-flagged vessel hiac!ed "y #omali $irates nearly four years ago "eing released was music to Maritime %iracy &umanitarian 'es$onse %rogramme(s )M%&'%* ears, with its chairman e+$ressing delight over the seafarers( safe return, M%&'% chairman %eter #wift said he is filled with oy as the remaining crew of M- .l"edo are now "ac! safely in /enya, &e than!ed all of M%&'%(s $artners and other international organisations that hel$ed in securing the release of the crew mem"ers, #wift also e+tended the alliance(s condolences to the family of an Indian crew mem"er who was !illed during his ca$tivity, #omali $irates hiac!ed the vessel on Novem"er 20, 2010 and too! 11 crew mem"ers as hostages, 'e$orts said the ca$tives were treated "adly, often "eing "eaten u$ and tortured, &ennie 1a 2range, M%&'%(s acting $rogramme director, meanwhile, noted that the alliance has always wor!ed hard to secure the release of M- .l"edo(s crew mem"ers, &e said they will soon meet with the freed seafarers and $ledged that the M%&'% will do what it can to hel$ them reunite with their families and reintegrate into the society, 3he official also $romised that the freed sailors will again "e a"sor"ed "ac! to the maritime industry once they have full recovered from the ordeal, 3he M%&'% director gave credit to all of the alliance(s officials who never sto$$ed assisting the affected families, &e li!ewise as!ed the international community to continue efforts in securing the release of all seafarers who are still "eing held hostage in #omalia, SAFETY STUDY THE COST OF POOR PLANNIN 1ittle did the crew of a su$$ort vessel !now that a small $ainting o" com"ined with a scheduled rescue drill would turn into a fatal e+ercise, S!MMAR" 3he master of a su$$ort vessel decided to use the 4ast 'escue 5raft as a $latform from which to (touch u$( a small area of scratched $aintwor! on the shi$(s $ort 6uarter, 3he 4'5(s co+swain $re$ared the $aint, rollers and a $ilot ladder on the main dec! and rigged lines to hold the 4'5 in $osition, 3he chief officer "riefed the co+swain and his crewman on the launch and recovery o$erations, No details on ha7ards associated with this additional tas! were covered on the "rief, 3he co+swain drove the 4'5 under the shi$(s cutaway on her $ort 6uarter, It was then secured using the $re-$ositioned lines fore and aft, 3he crew had difficulty securing the lines on the 4'5(s "itts and "ecause the su$$ly vessel had swung a"out her anchor due to a change in the tidal stream, the 4'5 was "eing "uffeted against the $ort 6uarter "y the swell, 3he co+swain had to $ush the 4'5 away from the vessel(s hull several times, 3he master as!ed the co+swain if it was safe to carry on and he re$lied that it was, 3he co+swain then "ecame tra$$ed "etween the 4'5(s lifting frame and the su$$ly vessel(s hull, falling to the dec!, &e was in $ain "ut was conscious, and told his crew mates that he thought that he had crac!ed a ri", 3he 28 gave the co+swain medication to ease the $ain, . near"y fishing vessel too! the co+swain ashore and he reached a hos$ital two hours later, where he was declared dead on arrival, LESSONS 9nusual tas!s $resent unusual ha7ards, . ris! assessment is an invalua"le tool to ensure that any activity is com$leted as safely as $ossi"le, :hen underta!ing a tas! that is affected "y tides, tidal streams and the weather, always thin! ahead, &uman nature and $rofessional $ride often lead to seafarers ta!ing ris!s to com$lete tas!s in "orderline conditions, ;o not "e tem$ted, If in dou"t, "ale out, . shi$(s medical officer is not a doctor, and the full e+tent of a $erson(s inuries is not always a$$arent, It is always "etter to see! $ro$er medical advice from $rofessionals or immediate evacuation to hos$ital, #ource< 9/ M.I= Hi#ac$e% ree$ tan$er li$el& in To'olese waters( hana . 2ree! oil tan!er that vanished in the $irate-infested 2ulf of 2uinea is li!ely to have moved from 2hanaian to 3ogolese waters, a 2hanaian military s$o!esman said #unday, >3he vessel is not in our waters,> ?ric .ggrey-@uashie told .4%, >It(s gone off and they sus$ect it(s moving towards 3ogo, )3he navy* is trying to get confirmation from the 3ogolese if they have identified any vessel in the waters,> . 2ree! shi$$ing firm re$orted losing contact with its vessel on 3hursday, when it was sailing in waters off the coast of 2hana, 3he shi$ has 24 crew mem"ers on "oard and has a cargo of fuel oil, the com$any said in a statement, 3he waters of west .frica(s 2ulf of 2uinea are among the world(s most dangerous, recording 19A of all $iracy incidents worldwide last year, according to the International Maritime =ureau, Most of the $iracy in the region emanates from Nigeria(s southern Niger ;elta, where indigenous grou$s have "een fighting for a greater share of the country(s oil wealth, .4% re$orted, Risin' !S )etrol %e*an% a +oon for )ro%uct tan$er *ar$et #urging demand for $etrol in the 9# could $rom$t a rise in the need for more $roduct tan!ers, according to %oten B %artners, 5iting data from the 9# ;e$artment of ?nergy(s ?nergy Information .gency, the shi$"ro!er disclosed that wee!ly demand for $etrol in the 9# currently hovers at 9,1 million "arrels $er day )"$d*, u$ 4C0,000 "$d "ased on a four-wee! moving average, .nd as tonnage oversu$$ly $ersists, this will mean a need for more $roduct tan!ers, thus s$urring s$ot mar!et rates, %oten B %artners also said that "ecause $etrol demand in the 9# is highly seasonal, e+isting $rices may go u$ and could result in more ?uro$ean im$orters "eing ro$ed in, further im$roving shi$ demand, >.lthough the reci$e is ri$e for im$roving shi$ demand, a long and growing tonnage availa"ility list will $ro"a"ly !ee$ a lid on the $otential of any runaway rates,> the shi$"ro!er said, %oten also stressed that the $ossi"ility of crude oil e+$orts "eing im$lemented under the current administration remains dim, It stressed that :ashington will unli!ely $ermit crude oil e+$orts any time soon as domestic crude oil $roduction continues to "e on the u$tic!, Chennai, -ochi to host *ariti*e tra%e an% securit& conference 3he im$ortance of maritime trade and security will "e discussed in a s$ecial conference that will "e held in 5hennai tomorrow, >8ceans cover D1A of the ?arth surface and one-third of oil consumed around the world are located offshore, Maritime trade and security have "een growing and when they grow there are e6ual o$$ortunities and challenges,> said ;avid Michel, director &enry 1 #timson 5entre ?nvironmental- #ecurity, one of the organisers of the two-day event, 3he conference, titled #ea 5hange< ?volving Maritime 2eo$olitics in the Indo-%acific region, would also "e held in /ochi on June 12, It is ointly organised "y 9# 5onsulate 5hennai, 3he &enry 1 #timson 5entre and 8"server 'esearch 4oundation, Michel said D0A of trade ta!es $lace "y sea in the Indo-%acific region and more than half of the $roteins were contri"uted from sea for countries li!e #ri 1an!a, =angladesh and Maldives, 4ormer Navy 8fficer and 8"server 'esearch 4oundation, #enior 4ellow, ;r % / 2hosh said India(s de$endence on energy would "e 92,0A "y 2020 while for 5hina it would "e D0,2A, >Most of the energy comes from sea and issues li!e these will "e discussed during the seminar,> he said, &e said on the one hand maritime trade is growing while on the other, challenges li!e marine terrorism, attac! "y $irates are also going u$, %3I re$orted, INCIDENTS South -orea ferr& search o)erations fin% another +o%& .nother "ody has "een recovered "y #outh /orean rescuers on #unday, 3his "rings to 292 the death toll in the .$ril 10 tragedy, ;isaster res$onse centre s$o!esman /oh Myung-seo! said a male "ody was recovered "y divers on the fourth floor of the vessel, 3welve other $eo$le remain missing in the tragedy, with 1D2 $eo$le rescued, 3he search o$erations, which have entered ;ay CC, focused on the shi$(s rear side, ;ivers $ulled out floating o"ects and entered $assenger ca"ins in search of the other missing $assengers, DEVELOPMENT PH )rovince e&es intl sea)ort .n international sea$ort is "eing eyed at the current site of the #an 'amon %rison and %enal 4arm in Eam"oanga 5ity, %hili$$ines, once the detention facility is transferred to another location, 3his was announced "y Eam"oanga 5ity #$ecial ?conomic Eone and 4ree$ort )Eam"oeco7one* chairman and administrator 5hristo$her 1awrence .rnuco following a move "y the 'egional ;evelo$ment 5ouncil-9 )';5-9* to transfer the detention facility, 3he ';5-9, through a resolution a$$roved during its 14Dth meeting, has re6uested to ustice de$artment to transfer the $rison facility from #itio #an 'amon, =arangay 3alisayan, 20 !ilometres west of this city, to =arangay 5uruan, C0 !ilometres east of Eam"oanga 5ity, 3he transfer is aimed to attract more investors to the Eam"oeco7one, .rnuco said he is ha$$y to note that ';5-9 is initiating the transfer of the $rison facility since it is not good to see the detention centre near the Eam"oeco7one, which is an investment hu", &e said the construction of an international $ort will hasten the shi$ment of $roducts of the locators at the Eam"oeco7one, ENVIRONMENT Intl co**unit& *ar$s .orl% Oceans /a& In cele"ration of :orld 8ceans ;ay, 9N #ecretary-2eneral =an /i-moon a$$ealed to world leaders to do their $art in maintaining ocean resources and ensuring its sustaina"ility for future generations, >If we are to fully "enefit from the oceans, we must reverse the degradation of the marine environment due to $ollution, overe+$loitation and acidification,> =an said in a statement, >I urge all nations to wor! to this end, including "y oining and im$lementing the 9nited Nations 5onvention on the 1aw of the #ea, 1et us wor! together to create new waves of action for ocean sustaina"ility - for $eo$le and the $lanet,> Meanwhile, 9N?#58 ;irector-2eneral Irina =o!ova also too! the o$$ortunity to a$$eal for $ro$er ocean management, #he told mem"er-nations to >change how we understand, manage and use ocean resources and coastal areas,> 3he cele"ration of :orld 8cean ;ay this year also coincided with the 20th anniversary when the 9N 5onvention on the 1aw of the #ea came into force, PORT OF THE WEEK Port of To$&o 3he %ort of 3o!yo is one of the largest and "usiest sea$orts in Ja$an and in the %acific region, 3he com$le+ has an annual traffic ca$acity of around 100 million tonnes of cargo and 4,C00,000 3?9(s, "orne "y over F2,000 shi$s every year, 3o!yo %ort em$loys more than F0,000 wor!ers to achieve these remar!a"le statistics, .s the forerunner of the %ort of 3o!yo, the ?do %ort $layed a very im$ortant role in the history of marine trans$ort of Ja$an and as a distri"ution $oint for su$$lying goods for the $eo$le of ?do, ;uring the 3o!ugawa #hogunate, the %ort of 3o!yo was closed to international trade, 8nly the near"y %ort of Go!ohama was allowed to engage in foreign trade, .long with the com$letion of another two terminals, #hi"aura and 3a!eshi"a, the %ort of 3o!yo o$ened for international trade on May 20, 1941, .fter :orld :ar II, the reha"ilitation of the $ort "ecame a res$onsi"ility of the Ja$anese industry, and construction started on the 3oyosu coal terminal, the &arumi terminal and other terminals one after another, =y the late 1900s, the container trans$ort system had "ecome a maor factor in shi$$ing world-wide, In 190D, Ni$$on 5ontainer 3erminals "ecame Ja$an(s first container terminal o$erator, ena"ling the %ort of 3o!yo to "ecome a maor international trading $ort, 3he %ort of 3o!yo has three container terminals with an area of 1,C04,D1H m2 with a total num"er of 1C "erths and a 6uay length of 4,4D9 metres, 3he 8i terminal has seven "erths with an area of 94C,D00 m2 and a 6uay length of 2,FC4 metres, 3he .omi terminal has five "erths with an area of 4D9,0D9 m2 and a 6uay length of 1,CD0 metres, 3he #hinagawa terminal, the oldest in the country, has three "erths with an area of D9,9F9 m2 and a 6uay length of FFF metres, 3he com$le+ has two roro terminals with a total length of 1,200 metres, a land area of 100,000 m2, storage ca$acity of 22,000 cars and a through$ut ca$acity of F,C00,000 units $er year, SHIPPING DATA 0ALTIC E1CHANE Market snapshot: (June 6) Dry Index BDI 989 +12 Capesie Index BCI 1!9" +1#$ %ana&ax Index B%I !2! '"1 (upra&ax Index B(I 8#2 '9 E1CHANE RATES )e* +ork (,ri C-s) ,.n Curren/y 0(D in ,.n in 0(D Curren/y Britain (%ound) 116812 #129$8 Canada (Do--ar) #191$8 11#9"1 China (+uan) #116## 6122#" 3uro 11"6$! #1!"28 India (4upee) #1#169 291#9## Indonesia (4upiah) #1####8$ 1188#1## Japan (+en) #1##9!2" 1#212"## )or*ay (5rone) #11682 219$$8 %hi-ippines (%eso) #1#2"# $"121## %o-and (6-oty) #1"""1 "1#### 4ussia (4u7-e) #1#291 "$1$212 (in.apore (Do--ar) #1!99# 112212 0kraine (8ry9nia) #1#8$2 1118"#8