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Frequently asked dsp interview questions

1. What is the basic difference between FIR and IIR filters? basic difference is FIR has liner phase response,where has IIR filter has nonlinear phase response. 2. why we use DCT extensively in compression? DCT has excellent energy compaction property, for highly correlated input it give excellent energy compaction similar to KL transform. 3. why after DCt we use a zig zag manner for run length coding? to convert to 2d to 1d data for run length coding, zig-zag is preferredbecause it scan the 2d data from low frequency to high frequencycoef. 4. what is the special about minimum phase filter ? minimum phase system has both poles and zeros reside in side unit circle, these are basically used for compensating channel impairments. 5. whats differences b/w butter worth, chebyshev, elliptical filter and advantages/disadvantages of each"? butter worth -monotonic response in pass band and stop band. chebyshev-1 ripple in pass band, and monotonic in stop band. chebyshev-2 monotonic in pass band ripple in stop band. elliptic- ripple response both in pass band &stop band. for given set of parameters we can achieve minimum transition band width with elliptic filter , other way we can implement with fewer number of coeff than other methods. 6. Why IIR filters doesn't have Linear phase?. Liner phase IIR filter cannot physically realizable , its unstable. 7.Can IIR filters be Linear phase? how to make it linear Phase? Idealy Physically realizable doesn't have linear phase, but we can implement IIR filter with linear phase response in pass band. (refer Bessel series Approx) 8. What is the advantage of a Direct form II FIR over form I? 1. it has fewer number of memory elements so its reduce number of delay elements by 1/2. 2. it less immune to noise than direct form -1 9 . Tell some thing about Interpolation and decimation? Interpolation basically filling missing samples , and increase sample rate decimation basically reducing the sample rate. 10. What is Interpolation and decimation filters and why we need it? interpolation for reconstruction and for sample rate up conversion. decimation filter sample rate down conversion.

11. what is the simplest high pass filter ? write the equation? give me some precise more details Hp= 1- Lp 12. what is the difference between DFT and DTFT? DFT gives spectrum of DFT also discrete in nature,where as spectrum of DTFT is continuous. 13. what do u mean by spectral resolution? its separation of two signal in frequency domain. 14. how do u reduce spectral leakage?

By increasing the window length in time domain we can reduce spectral leakage. 15. What is the application of Cross correlation and Auto Correlation? Cross correlation is used to find the similarities of two signals if its +1 or -1 it means its highly correlated and 0 signifies signals are uncorrelated . Auto correlation is used to find the similarities of a signal with its delayed version .

16. What is the difference between equiripple filter and FIR filter? Equiripple filter means it has equal number of ripples in pass band and stop band and its one of method to implement filter design. FIR filter is finite impulse response filter

Posted by dspfaq at 9:22 PM


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