Anderson Dwain Becky 1984 HongKong&Thailand
Anderson Dwain Becky 1984 HongKong&Thailand
Anderson Dwain Becky 1984 HongKong&Thailand
News From
Field Address: Mr. and Mrs. Dwain F. Anderson
Forwarding Agents: Bill and Margaret Ettling Rt. 2, Box 360 Jackson, MO 63755 Phone: (314) 243-8825
Sending Congregation:
IFirst Church of Christ State Street at Marshall
Hdorado, !L 62930
Jan.-Feb.-Mar., 1984
; X
evil spirits away from each home. The ladies of each household could be seen going from one of the village's three altars to another with their offerings of fruit, meat, tea and incense. The families
worshipped at their own family altars as well. There is a lot of celebration and happiness at Chinese New Year time. The Chinese people see the New year very much as a time of new beginnings. This part of the celebration we like because we all need the sense of new beginning in our lives. At the same time, however, most of the worship and the performing of special rites at New Year's time is designed to appease the ancestors and thus guarantee success and plenty in the new year. This part of the celebrations we find very sad, because as Christians we know that the worship of one's ancestors not only cannot guarantee success and plenty, but is sin in the eyes of God
as well. Those Chinese who are Christians can enjoy the
happiness and joy of the celebration without the fear and superstition. Oh, that more could know Jesus!
Filipino Fellowship
On February 19th, the Filipino church which meets in the home of Ben and Karen Rees, organized an all-
church fellowship for the Christians in Hong Kong. The meeting was held at the workers' lounge which is run by Wayful and Helen Jew, and each of the congregations
here were invited to attend and to bring special music. The day was a great success and the fellowship was
good. Four men preached: Gary Anderson, Ben Rees, Ken Smyth and Ho Jung Sun. Several individuals had special music and the Filipino choir and the choir from the Mei Foo church each had special music as well. Qver
fitse ms that lmost al ofthe mis onary familes her have be n hit
almost like an all-church outing.
bit more special by the fact that we all left from the church building after morning worship and went to the fellowship as a group. In all, there were 26 people from both the English and Chinese worship services in Tuen Mun, and it took two mini-buses to hold all of us. It was
pretty hard by sickness or injury lately. Both Lynne Poling and Helen Jew had to make trips to the doctor for tests recently, but are better now. On the 24th of February, Joyce Anderson fell and broke her ankle in two places.
She had to have surgery in which steel plates were put in to repair the
^ 1 can get around on crutches. At present she goes for therapy twice per week.
She will be on crutches for another month yet.
damage. A cast was put on, too. Joyce has since had the cast removed and
jr Linda Smyth has been having inner ear problems since January, and ir / yesterday (April 6) underwent an operation to put tubes in her ears. She is ^ doing okay, but will be in the hospital for 3or4days. The doctor has said that
ifthis procedure does not clear the problem up, that major sinus surgery will needed. Let's pray that the tubes will solve the problem. Becky and Mark came very close to serious injury recently when the taxi they were riding in was
struck from behind as it turned into our village. That turn is a real danger spot where several accidents
have taken place. A couple of months ago a person from our villagewas killed in an accident just like theirs. Becky and Mark were both taken to an emergency clinic and then Mark had x-rays done on his head, but they were both OK, just shaken and sore. We thank God for keeping them safe from serious
I (Dwain) have made alot of progress with my back in the past three months, and for that we're thankful. It's not necessary for me to take any pain medicine now, and on most days I can go all day without laying down for a rest. My movement is still somewhat limited. I've forgotten what it's like to touch my toes, for instance, but the doctor says that more freedom will come as time passes. I'm still not supposed to lift anything, but I hope that restriction will be taken away by furlough time. In
comparison to what I felt like before surgery, I feel like a new man now. PTL! Please pray for God's protection and for the good health of all the missionaries and their families
here in Hong Kong.
Furlough Plans
Plans for our furlough are coming along nicely. Our car has been sold, a new contract signed to allow Jean Montgomerv to take over our apartment when we leave, and air tickets to the States for May 4th con firmed and paid for. Since all our things will remain in the apartment while we're gone, we will pack them all up. That job is about done now. Much of the packing
will be need to be done at the last minute.
Our speaking schedule is getting filled. Most of May, June and July is full now, though there are still some dates open. August through December is more open, and we hope to fill it after we get to
America. If you would like to arrange a speaking date, camp, VBS, or mission rally please contact our
forwarding agents, Bill and Margaret Ettling at the address on the front of this newsletter. They will
be able to help you. As of April 7th, our schedule is as follows:
May 4 Arrive in St. Louis, Missouri. May 5-19 Visit family and friends, relax, find a car and place to live. May 20 P.M.: First Christian Church, Florissant, Missouri. June 3 Mt. Auburn Christian Church, Cape Cirardeau, Missouri. June 8 Attend Becky's sister's wedding, Cape Cirardeau, Missouri. June 10-15 V.B.S. at First Christian Church, Harrisburg, Illinois. June 17-19 Sunday services a.m. and p.m., plus V.B.S., Ramsey Christian Church, Ramsey, IL. June 20-21 V.B.S. at Mt. Vernon, Illinois. June 24 P.M.: Christian Church, Piggott, Arkansas. July 1 P.M.: Southwest Church of Christ, Mt. Vernon, Illinois. July 3 First Christian Church, Greenville, Illinois. July 8-14 N.A.C.C., Atlanta, Georgia (we plan to have a booth there, please look us up).
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needed to be done.) The Lord really answered prayers, and Gary Anderson has been able to acquire
twoshopspaces nextto thechurch. Onewas rentedfor a period oftwoyears for useas anoffice, so as to allow more seating capacity for worship services. The other space was purchasedat a very good price for Hong Kong. Theprevious owner hadalready installed wall covering, floor tile, air conditioner
and a divider which makes the space perfect for classrooms.
Please pray that the Lord continues to bless the work in Tuen Mun and Gary andJoyce as they serve there. There are great opportunities for growth there, and the present facilities shouldhelpthe
church be more able to meet the challenge.
Thank you for your prayers andfor your financial support to ourwork. We hope toseeas many of
our supporters as is possible while we are on furlough. May the Lord bless you.
In His Service,
National l^lissionary
'fileat ^'tear/ungf!
JULV 10-J3.J984
September 9-12 (Sunday-Wednesday), 1984
Civic Plaza Phoenix, Arizona
/f> I
Howard R. Scott, Minister
Ptione; 273-3073
'JIIM 2 9 1984
June 5, 198U
As regular supporters of Dwain and Becky Anderson we are writing to tell you of a change in plans for their future service. In early 1985 they and their
family will be going to Thailand as their field of service rather than returning
to Hong Kong,
congregation with Dwain and Becky upon their return to the states for furlough in May. The consideration for this move was based chiefly upon Dwain and Becky's talents and goals for missionary service and the present situation in Hong Kong. In Thailand they plan to work in unevangelized, rural areas at a more "grass roots" level than is possible in Hong Kong. They will be sharing more informa tion about this change and their future plans in their next regular newsletter.
We, the elders, fully endorse this change of fields and recommend your continued prayers and support of their work. Also please note that in the future
their official mission name will be Christian Ambassadors to Thailand.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact either us or Dwain and Becky.
News From
Sending Congregation:
First Church of Christ State Street at Marshall
Eldorado, IL 62930
This newsletter long overdue and we are sorry for that. We arrived in the United States on May 4th
and have been very busy ever since. This week is the first one that we ve had that had a few minutes left in
to get newsletter written.
arrived back in the States for furlough we met with the elders sending congregation, the First Church of Christ in Eldorado, Illinois. At that time
main one is that as we lookat the present situationinHongKof^g and then compare that with our own talents and goals for missionary service, we, as well as ourelders, believe that we can accomplish more
for the Kingdom of God by going to Thailand rather than returning to Hong Kong. We made a twoweek survey trip to Thailand inApril before returning to the U.S. on furlough. In Thailand weplan to work in unevangelized rural areas at a more"grassroots"level than ispossible inHong Kong. Dwain's
agricultural background and Becky's interest in and knowledge of medicinewill both be assets in the
work we plan to do in Thailand. A letter sharing news of this change was sent to all our regular
supporters in early June this year.
About Thailand
Thailand is located in southeast Asia and has borders with the countries of Kampuchea
(Cambodia), Laos, Burma and Malaysia. Fifty million people live in Thailand, which has an area
roughly equal to the combined states of Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Arkansas.
The vast majority of the people in Thailand make their living from agriculture. Rice is the main crop. The methods used in some areas would be considered modern. However, for a great number of
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because they depend upon very primitive farming methods and hand
for food, hygiene, and community development. Buddhism is a dominant force in Thailand. About 85% of the population are Buddhist and there are many costly temples dedicated
worship of Buddha. Spirit worship also plays a part in their
living. Northern Thailand is part of the area known where ofneed the world's opium supply is grown. Golden In theseTriangle, areas people are much in great of training in agriculture
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I'elision. Almost every home and business will have a spirit house or shrine dedicated to the spirits. Fewer than 1% of Thailand's people are Christians. In fact, only about 450,000 out of the entire 50 million are
Christians in any sense.
missionaries in Thailand from all groups world-wide is about 700. Even with this number, however, there are still vast areas which have few, ifany, Christian workers. There are hundreds of villageswith countless people who have had no opportunity to hear the gospel message. The need for Christian
missionaries in Thailand is great indeed!
Our Goals
It is our plan to return to Thailand in January of 1985. When we arrive we will need to spend one
year in Bangkok in language study. After that, our planned area will be the mountainous northern provinces of Thailand. We plan to reach out into areas where others have not gone and hope to work
with people of both Thai and tribal villages in these as yet unreached areas. Agricultural projects, hygiene and some limited medical projects, such as first aid training, will be a part of our work. These will be used both to simply help those with whom we work, and to earn opportunities to preach the
gospel to those who have not heard it. Our long-range goals are to reach people for Christ, and then to go on to train them so that indigenous congregations might develop. We also hope to train these new converts to evangelize their own people.
Furlough Activities
As we said earlier, we've been busy but we praise God that Fie has given us the energy to meet our schedule. We also praise Him that prayers concerning a house and a car were answered. We have been able to rent a nice house in Eldorado at a reasonable price and with no lease, so we won't be penalized for not keeping it a full year. Also, we were able to buy an older model car
this car was a real answer to prayer. We got into St. Louis, Missouri on Friday, May 4th, and the car came into the car lot where a Christian friend worked, on May 5th. He told us about it on May 6th, and
we bought it on the 7th. That's timing! P.T.L.
Sara (above left) and Mark (above right, big smile) enjoy V.B.S. at Ramsey, Illinois.
So far this summer, we have preached or reported on our work in 14 churches, and participated in 6Vacation Bible Schools, one camp, and the North American Christian Convention. During this time we have been guests in the homes of many people and have met a lot of others. We really appreciate the friendliness and hospitality of the people in all of the churches we've been to. One thing that we get todo that others do not, is visit a lot of churches. It is great tobe able todo this and tomeet somany of
the Lord's people. It's a real encouragement.
On June 8th in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, we were able to
attend the marriage of Becky's sister, Sharon Kinsey, to David A. Filbeck, son of Dr. and Mrs. David Philbeck,
missionaries to Thailand. The younger David grew up in Thai
got to participate in their wedding. Sara was flower girl, Mark was ring bearer, Becky served at the reception, and Dwain was a groomsman. We are very happy for the new couple and pray God's blessing upon their lives together.
Sara as flower girl, and Mark as ring bearer at
Aunt Sharon's wedding.
Becky Hospitalized
We have had one unpleasant experience this summer. Shortly after wecameon furlough, a visit to
the doctor confirmed what Becky already knew. She was pregnant and due in December. We were excited about the news and decided to delay our return to the field untilFebruary to make sure mother and baby had enough time to be ready for travel. In late July, however, the pregnancy ended in a
miscarriage. Becky was in the hospital in Cape G irardeau, Missouri for a little more than 24 hours. She
is okay-now, and yet understandably, we are sad to have lost the baby. We have appreciated the help
and comfort given by many people at this time. The doctor and hospital bill was about$l,800andwas not covered by insurance. The hospital has allowed us to take up to 6 months to pay their part ofthe bill. We thank God for this provision. We also trust Him that what has happened was best for all ofus
and that He will provide the comfort and healing we need.
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Our Schedule
At present our schedule for September through early January is as follows:
September 8-13 National Missionary Convention, Phoenix, AZ First Christian Church, Maiden, MO 16 22-23 First Christian Church, East Prairie, MO 26 Chapel, St. Louis Christian College
7 14
18 25
December 23-29
Norris City Christian Church, Norris City, IL First Christian Church, Ziegler, IL
13 15-30
4 7
Thank You
We want to say thank you to all of you for your prayers, concern and support. The Lord has taken good care of us so far, and we trust Himto do so inthe future. We will need to raiseabout $250-300 per month in additional support before we go back. Also, we have established a one-time expense fund to take care of air fare to Thailand, shipping to Thailand, and the purchase of a truck in Thailand. The need for this fund is about $16,000 - no small amount. So far, we have about $3,000of this amount in
Write to us ifyou get a chance. Ifyou have any questions concerning our work in Hong Kong, the
decision to move, or our plans for work in Thailand, please feel free to ask them. Our God has
promised to meet the needs of His people, and we praise Him that He has suppliedour needs through
In His Service,
/yrr m
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News From
Sending Congregation:
First Church of Christ State Street at Marshall
Eldorado, IL 62930
The Lord has continued to keep us safe and bless us this furlough, and we praise Him for it. We have traveled many miles during the past five months with no problems. We've also visited with many of you as we spoke in your congregations. This has been both a blessing and an encouragement to us. We look forward to the next three months in which we will visit the remainder of our supporting churches along with several others before our return to Thailand in January.
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If we were to choose one verse from the Bible to be the key verse describing how we ought to pray, it would be I Thess. 5:17. That verse says very simply, "pray continual!},'". When we look to Jesus as our example in prayer life, we see Him praying in the morning (Mk. 1:35); in the evening (Mk. 6:46ff); at other times (Lk. 5:15ff); and even all night (Lk. 6:12). We are encouraged by the apostle Paul to "devote" ourselves to prayer. Finally, there's one passage in the Bible which gives so much comfort and encouragement to us as Christians. Philippians 4:6-7 says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in eueryfhing, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present \,>our requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and};our minds in Christ
Jesus" (NIV)
As we go to Thailand there are many things which need to come about or fall into place. Will you help us present these requests to God by praying about them with us? Please pray with us that our
Father will:
Grant travel safety for the remainder of our furlough and as we go to Thailand. Cause the timely issuance of our visas to live and work in Thailand. Help us locate an acceptable school for Sara and Mark in Thailand with a reasonable rate of
Help us to be able to schedule flights to Thailand and also to arrange for shipping of the goods we
need to take with us.
Cause Sara and Mark to be able to adjust to new surroundings and a new school. Help us deal with being away from family and friends for a long period of time.
Provide suitable housing in Bangkok. Cause us to be able to learn the language well and as quickly as possible.
Grant boldness, safety and wisdom in preaching the Gospel there. Meet our physical needs. Provide the equipment needed to do the work, especially a vehicle.
Bless our labors with fruit from His harvest.
The area of Thailand in which we plan to work is very mountainous. The best roads through the area resemble good quality blacktop roads in the U.S^A. The worst ones and this includes a lot of them are just one-lane dirt
paths which have been carved out of the mountainside either by hand or by a bulldozer. It's over these roads that we'll be doing a lot of traveling. The roads are narrow, rough, and dusty, though passable, in good weather. In bad weather they become difficult to travel. By far the best kind of vehicle for these roads is a fourwheel-drive. Because of this, we have started to save money to purchase such a vehicle once we begin our work in those mountainous areas. At this point our plans are to be in Bangkok for the first year and we will be using that time to save the necessary money.
The best information available indicates that a new four-wheel-drive truck will cost about $13,000.
We realize that this isa lot of money, and so we are allowing adequate time to accumulate that amount. Any offerings for this special project should be sent to our forwarding agents. Bill and Margaret Ettling, and designated "Truck Fund". Checks should be made payable to Christian Ambassadors to Thailand. Please pray with us that God will, through His people, provide these
funds by the time they are needed. We ask too, that you considerwhat you or your church might be
able to do to help withthis special project. As of now our one-time expense fund contains about $4,000; ^3,000 of^his will be needed for airfare and shipping costs, leaving $1,000 to be used for the Truck
Both Becky and Dwain are taking a computer class at a nearby junior college. We believe a computer would be a help and a time-saver in some aspects of our work. Dwain is taking an Emergency Medical Technician class this semester. Its a good class and will be put to good use in Thailand.
Sara and Mark are settled into school at the Eldorado Elementary School. They both seem to
be doing pretty well. PTL!
October 28 is Mark's 5th birthday. He is really looking forward to number five. We are all really enjoying the time we are able to spend in worship and fellowship with the church in Eldorado, our sending congregation. The folks here have been a big help to us through the loaning of furniture and appliances to use while we're home, and in a lot of other ways, too.
At present, our schedule for November, 1984 through January, 1985, is as follows:
7 11
A.M.: Crestwood, MO P.M.: Norris City, IL P.M.: Eldorado, IL missions rally West Frankfort, IL Northside Christian Church,
Vandalia, IL
9 12
30-Jan. 3
January 6 13
Murphysboro, IL
Return to the field
We are ever thankful for your concern, prayers, and support. Our prayer is that God willuse us to bring glory to His name, and that He will bless you for your help to us.
In His Service,
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