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Mihai Eminescu The Lake Water lilies load all over The blue lake amid the woods,

That imparts, while in white circles Startling, to a boat its moods. And along the strands I'm passing istening, waiting, in unrest, That she !rom the reeds ma" issue And !all, gentl", on m" breast# That we ma" $ump in the little %oat, while water's voices whelm All our !eelings# that enchanted I ma" drop m" oars and helm# That all charmed we ma" be !loating While moon's kindl" light surrounds &s, winds cause the reeds to rustle And the waving water sounds. %ut she does not come# abandoned, 'ainl" I endure and sigh onel", as the water lilies (n the blue lake ever lie.

Mihai Eminescu Lacul acul codrilor albastru )u!eri galbeni *l *ncarc+# Tres+rind *n cercuri albe El cutremur+ o barc+. ,i eu trec de-a lung de maluri, .arc-ascult /i parc-a/tept Ea din trestii s+ r+sar+ ,i s+-mi cad+ lin pe piept# S+ s+rim *n luntrea mic+, 0ng1na2i de glas de ape, ,i s+ scap din m1n+ c1rma, ,i lope2ile s+-mi scape# S+ plutim cuprin/i de !armec Sub lumina bl1ndei lune '1ntu-n trestii lin !o/neasc+, &nduioasa ap+ sune3 4ar nu vine... Singuratic 0n 5adar suspin /i su!+r 1ng+ lacul cel albastru 0nc+rcat cu !lori de nu!+r.

Mihai Eminescu Desire 6ome now to the !orest's spring 7unning wrinkling over the stones, To where lush and grass" !urrows 8ide awa" in curving boughs. Then "ou can run to m" open arms, %e held once more in m" embrace, I'll gentl" li!t that veil o! "ours To ga5e again upon "our !ace. And then "ou can sit upon m" knee, We'll be all alone, alone there, While the lime tree thrilled with rapture Showers blossoms on "our hair.

Mihai Eminescu Dorina 'ino-n codru la i5vorul 6are tremur+ pe prund, &nde prispa cea de bra5de 6rengi plecate o ascund. ,i *n bra2ele-mi *ntinse S+ alergi, pe piept s+-mi ca5i, S+-2i desprind din cre/tet v+lul, S+-l ridic de pe obra5. .e genunchii mei /edea-vei, 'om !i singuri-singurei, Iar *n p+r *n!iorate (r s+-2i cad+ !lori de tei.

9our white brow with those golden curls :runtea alb+-n p+rul galben Will slowl" draw near to be kissed, .e-al meu bra2 *ncet s-o culci, 9ielding as pre" to m" greed" mouth +s1nd prad+ gurii mele Those sweet, red, cherr" lips . . . Ale tale bu5e dulci... We'll dream onl" happ" dreams Echoed b" wind's song in the trees, The murmur o! the lonel" spring, The caressing touch o! the gentle bree5e. And drows" with this harmon" (! a !orest bowed deep as in pra"er, ime-tree petals that hang above us Will !all si!ting higher and higher. 'om visa un vis !erice, 0ng1na-ne-vor c-un c1nt Singuratece i5voare, %l1nda batere de v1nt# Adormind de armonia 6odrului b+tut de g1nduri, :lori de tei deasupra noastr+ (r s+ cad+ r1nduri-r1nduri.

Mihai Eminescu

Mihai Eminescu

Sleepy birds All those sleep" birds )ow tired !rom !light 8ide among the leaves ;ood-night3 (nl" the spring whispers When the wood sleeps silentl"# Even !lowers in the gardens Sleep peace!ull"3 Swans glide to their nest Sheltering among the reeds Ma" angels guard "our rest, Sweet dreams3 Above a night o! sorcer" 6omes the moon's grace!ul light, All is peace and harmon" ;ood-night3

Somnoroase psrele... Somnoroase p+s+rele .e la cuiburi se adun+, Se ascund *n r+murele )oapte bun+3 4oar i5voarele suspin+, .e c1nd codrul negru tace# 4orm /i !lorile-n gr+din+ 4ormi *n pace3 Trece leb+da pe ape 0ntre trestii s+ se culce :ie-2i *ngerii aproape, Somnul dulce3 .este-a nop2ii !eerie Se ridic+ m1ndra lun+, Totu-i vis /i armonie )oapte bun+3

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