1. The document discusses how to install and configure the DHCP service on a Windows Server 2008 computer to provide IP addresses and options to iSCSI clients on the network.
2. Key steps include installing the DHCP role, creating a scope to define the range of IP addresses, setting up reservations for each iSCSI client with a static IP address and boot configuration, and configuring DHCP options.
3. Additional documentation is provided on authorizing the DHCP server, troubleshooting authorization issues, and configuring additional clients.
1. The document discusses how to install and configure the DHCP service on a Windows Server 2008 computer to provide IP addresses and options to iSCSI clients on the network.
2. Key steps include installing the DHCP role, creating a scope to define the range of IP addresses, setting up reservations for each iSCSI client with a static IP address and boot configuration, and configuring DHCP options.
3. Additional documentation is provided on authorizing the DHCP server, troubleshooting authorization issues, and configuring additional clients.
1. The document discusses how to install and configure the DHCP service on a Windows Server 2008 computer to provide IP addresses and options to iSCSI clients on the network.
2. Key steps include installing the DHCP role, creating a scope to define the range of IP addresses, setting up reservations for each iSCSI client with a static IP address and boot configuration, and configuring DHCP options.
3. Additional documentation is provided on authorizing the DHCP server, troubleshooting authorization issues, and configuring additional clients.
1. The document discusses how to install and configure the DHCP service on a Windows Server 2008 computer to provide IP addresses and options to iSCSI clients on the network.
2. Key steps include installing the DHCP role, creating a scope to define the range of IP addresses, setting up reservations for each iSCSI client with a static IP address and boot configuration, and configuring DHCP options.
3. Additional documentation is provided on authorizing the DHCP server, troubleshooting authorization issues, and configuring additional clients.
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This article discusses how to install and configure the
Dynamic Host Configurat... This article discusses how to install and configure the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service for iSCSI Network oot configuration in !icrosoft "indows Server #$$%& ack to the to' MORE INORM!TION To start se"arate com"uters to indi#idually assigned i$C$I targets% you can use... To start se'arate com'uters to individually assigned iSCSI targets( you can use DHCP reservations& ) reservation lets you s'ecify the target( or *root 'ath(* and host name o'tions for each com'uter& "hen you s'ecify these o'tions at the sco'e level or at the server level( all clients use the same root 'ath and host name when the clients receive leases from the sco'e or from the server& The current iSCSI im'lementation does not su''ort single image instancing& Therefore( you cannot use sco'e and server o'tions to s'ecify the root 'ath& efore you configure the DHCP service( make sure that you are not trying to host DHCP on a network that already has an active DHCP server& If you do this( you may disru't service for users of the e+isting server& ack to the to' How to install and configure the DHC& ser#ice for i$C$I startu" ,& Install the DHCP service on a com'uter on the local network where the iSCSI client com'uter will -e starting& To do this( follow these ste's. a& Click $tart( 'oint to Control &anel( and then click !dd or Remo#e &rograms& -& In the !dd or Remo#e &rograms dialog -o+( click !dd'Remo#e (indows Com"onents& c& In the "indows Com'onents "i/ard( click Networ)ing $er#ices in the Com"onents list( and then click Details& d& In the Networ)ing $er#ices dialog -o+( click to select the Dynamic Host Configuration &rotocol *DHC&+ check -o+( and then click O,& e& In the "indows Com'onents "i/ard( click Ne-t to start the Setu' 'rogram& Insert the "indows Server #$$% CD into the com'uter0s CD drive or D1D drive if you are 'rom'ted to do this& Setu' co'ies the DHCP server and tool files to the com'uter& f& "hen the Setu' 'rogram is finished( click inish& #& If the DHCP server is not a domain mem-er( go to ste' %& 2therwise( authori/e the DHCP server& In "indows Server #$$%( DHCP servers in an )ctive Directory directory service3-ased domain must -e authori/ed to 'revent rogue DHCP servers from coming online& )ny DHCP server that is running "indows Server #$$% and that is unauthori/ed cannot manage clients& To authori/e the DHCP server( follow these ste's. a& Click $tart( 'oint to &rograms( 'oint to !dministrati#e Tools( and then click DHC&& -& In the console tree( click the server name( and then click !uthori.e on the !ction menu& Notes o To authori/e the server( you must -e an enter'rise administrator of the forest and a domain administrator for the server4s domain& 5or more information( click the following article num-er to view the article in the !icrosoft 6nowledge ase. %,7%8$ (htt'.99su''ortµsoft&com9k-9%,7%8$9 ) )ccess is denied when you try to authori/e a DHCP server in a child domain o ) red down arrow may seem to indicate that the server is not authori/ed& However( the server status may not u'date immediately& "ait at least %$ seconds for the DHCP server to u'date the )ctive Directory( and then 'ress 57 to u'date !icrosoft !anagement Console (!!C)& 5or more information( click the following article num-er to view the article in the !icrosoft 6nowledge ase. #::;%< (htt'.99su''ortµsoft&com9k-9#::;%<9 ) !icrosoft !anagement Console does not recogni/e new DHCP server o 5or more information a-out 'ro-lems that may occur when you authori/e the DHCP server( click the following article num-er to view the article in the !icrosoft 6nowledge ase. %$%%,8 (htt'.99su''ortµsoft&com9k-9%$%%,89 ) =ou are una-le to authori/e DHCP Server in )ctive Directory 2. )fter you have installed and started the DHCP service( you must create a sco'e& ) sco'e is a range of valid IP addresses that are availa-le for lease to the DHCP client com'uters on the network& "e recommend that each DHCP server in the environment have at least one sco'e that does not overla' with any other DHCP server sco'e in the environment& To create a sco'e( follow these ste's. a& Click $tart( 'oint to &rograms( 'oint to !dministrati#e Tools( and then click DHC&& -& In the console tree( right3click the DHCP server on which you want to create the new DHCP sco'e( and then click New $co"e& c& In the New Sco'e "i/ard( click Ne-t( and then ty'e a name and a descri'tion for the sco'e& The name may -e any name that you want& However( the name should -e descri'tive enough so that you can determine the 'ur'ose of the sco'e on the network& 5or e+am'le( you may use a name such as *)dministration uilding Client )ddresses&* d& Click Ne-t( and then ty'e the range of addresses that can -e leased as 'art of this sco'e& 5or e+am'le( use a range of IP addresses from a starting IP address of ,>#&,;<&,$$&, through an ending address of ,>#&,;<&,$$&,$$& ecause these addresses are given to clients( they must all -e valid addresses for the network and currently not -eing used& If you want to use a different su-net mask( ty'e the new su-net mask& e& Click Ne-t( and then ty'e any IP addresses that you want to e+clude from the range that you entered& This includes any addresses in the range that have already -een statically assigned to various com'uters in the organi/ation& Domain controllers( "e- servers( DHCP servers( Domain Name System (DNS) servers( and other servers ty'ically have statically assigned IP addresses& )dditionally( you must e+clude the address that you will use to create a reservation in ste' :c& f& Click Ne-t( and then ty'e the num-er of days( hours( and minutes -efore an IP address lease from this sco'e e+'ires& This num-er determines how long a client may hold a leased address without renewing it& g& Click Ne-t( and then click /es% I want to configure these o"tions now to e+tend the wi/ard to include settings for the most common DHCP o'tions& h& Click Ne-t( and then ty'e the IP address for the default gateway that should -e used -y clients that o-tain an IP address from this sco'e& i& Click !dd to add the default gateway address in the list( and then click Ne-t& ?& If you are using DNS servers on this network( ty'e the organi/ation0s domain name in the &arent domain -o+( ty'e the name of the DNS server( and then click Resol#e to make sure that the DHCP server can contact the DNS server and determine its address& Click !dd to include that server in the list of DNS servers that are assigned to the DHCP clients( and then click Ne-t& If you are using a "indows Internet Naming Service ("INS) server( follow these same ste's to add its name and IP address( and then click Ne-t& k& To activate the sco'e and to let clients o-tain leases from the sco'e( click /es% I want to acti#ate this sco"e now( and then click Ne-t& l& Click inish& #& Create a reservation& To do this( follow these ste's. a& In the DHCP sna'3in( e+'and the newly created sco'e for which you want to create a reservation& -& Select and then right3click Reser#ations( and then click New Reser#ation& c& In the New Reser#ation dialog -o+( enter values for Reser#ation name( for I& address( for M!C address( and for Descri"tion& d& Select the a''ro'riate entries in $u""orted ty"es& These should -e set to 0OOT& only or to 0oth& #& Configure the reservation& To do this( follow these ste's. a& @ight3click the reservation that you ?ust created( and then click Configure O"tions& -& Select the 123 4 host name o'tion( and then ty'e the host name for the client& c& Select the 125 4 root file o'tion( and then ty'e the iSCSI target0s iSCSI Aualified Name (IAN)& Note Bach iSCSI initiator and target must have a worldwide uniCue name& Ty'ically( this is an IAN name& The single IAN name a''lies to all iSCSI host -us ada'ters (H)s) and to the !icrosoft iSCSI Software Initiator in the system& =ou should configure an iSCSI H) to have a different IAN name than the IAN name that is used -y other iSCSI H)s and -y the !icrosoft iSCSI Software Initiator& The !icrosoft iSCSI Initiator service will automatically select an IAN name that is -ased on the "indows com'uter name( the domain name( and the !icrosoft&com domain name address& If the "indows com'uter name or the domain name is changed( the IAN name also changes& However( an administrator can s'ecifically configure the IAN name to -e a fi+ed name instead of a generated name& If an administrator does this( the fi+ed name must -e maintained as a worldwide uniCue name& If you configure the iSCSI client com'uter and the DHCP server so that the iSCSI client com'uter receives a reserved IP address from the DHCP service( it will a''ear as if you had configured the iSCSI client com'uter to receive a static IP address from the DCHP service& Note The DHCP server is running "indows Server #$$%& The server is now configured to 'rovide an address and the a''ro'riate o'tions to this client& Some im'lementations might reCuire you configure o'tion ;$ (ClassID) and sets the string value of &6EClient& This setting is configured as a server o'tion and is dis'layed together with each reservation& If this o'tion is missing after installation( install the o'tion manually& To configure additional clients( re'eat ste's : through 7 for each client& 5or more information( click the following article num-er to view the article in the !icrosoft 6nowledge ase. %#%:,; (htt'.99su''ortµsoft&com9k-9%#%:,;9 ) How to install and configure a DHCP server in a workgrou' in "indows Server #$$%