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Work is worship, duty is God! This is the constant teaching given by Sai Baba.

Through work
filled with right conduct - dharma - on emay progress towards worship that the selfsame divinity
is present within all. Through such worship you are fill with wisdom.
Work, Worship, Wisdom; raw fruit, mature fruit, juice-filled fruit: this is the order of spiritual
progress of each individual. To this end, the services of astrology may be utilised in order
that one discovers innate qualities which may be developed further so that one may be of
service to humanity in this lifetime and thus, attain the goal of life.
Indications of Planets, Vargas and Professions
The sign Virgo is said to be the hospital of the Zodiac and the sign of Scorpio indicates
medicines and chemicals. The Sun or Mercury in Virgo or Scorpio receiving beneficial aspect
form J upiter makes one a good physician. Other patterns are: The Sun and Mars in the 10th
house make one a good surgeon, the Sun, Venus and J upiter a gynecologist; the Sun and Saturn,
a dentist.
Priests, judges and physicians often either have Saggitarius or Pisces rising or else J upiter
angular or several planets in these signs. Mars, Mercury and J upiter in Scorpio make good
surgeons as the Scorpio gives boldness, destroys fear and keeps the nerves strong and active.
The fifth house is the house of music and the 2nd is for vocal and 3rd represents instrumental
music. Venus is the Kaaraka for all pleasures including music. So Venus and the Moon in the
2nd, 3rd and 5th or in the voice signs make one a good Musician. The Sun in Saggitarius gives
tastes for music. The Air Signs viz. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are also known as musical or
voice signs. Mars, Saturn and Venus in voice signs show tastes for tabla or mridangam. If
Venus is in the 4th, the person becomes proficient in music.
Religious Field
Saturn plays a great part in making religious prophets. Saturn in the 10th house receiving aspect
either from J upiter or the Moon makes one a religious leader. Other patterns are: Saturn, the Sun
and Mercury in the 5th, Jupiter in the 5th. This makes one learned in Vedas and Vedangas; If
Saturn, Mercury and the Sun are in the 5th, the person becomes well-versed in philosophical
A seeker will find in Gautama Buddha, Prophet Mohammed, Jesus Christ, Rama Krishna,
Vivekananda's horoscopes, Saturn posited in their 10th house receiving beneficial aspect either
from Jupiter or the Moon. This position of Saturn made them world famous.
J upiter conjoined with Mercury or J upiter in good aspect to Mercury makes the person take up
educational and intellectual persuits. Mars in good aspect to Mercury or Mars conjoined with
Mercury in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius gives ready wit and fluent speech, making a good debater,
apt at argument and retort. Mercury in angular house i.e. especially in the first, seventh or tenth
house gives superb oratorial powers and ability for public speaking.
Alone, J upiter cannot give intellect, but if conjoined with Mercury, it may vivify and fertilise
almost any of the higher regions of the mind, oratorial and imaginative powers, poetic and
philosophical powers that expand the horizon of the mind. When afflicted by Mars, the religious
side of its influence is largely spoilt.
In the region of intellect, J upiter when in good aspect to the mental ruling planets generally
gives much openess of mind, broad outlook, common sense, tact, persuasiveness and sound
judqernent, The mind becomes plastic, receptive fertile and sensitive. These are the essential
requisites for a good teacher and professor.
In General
The nature of Saturn is to put obstruction, hindrance in the way of passing any examination, to
delay it and even to deny success in it. Saturn delays, retards and hinders for no other purpose
than that perfection shall be reached by all things and all men. Saturn concentrates and purifies
until all impurities are vanished.
Mars has a nature similar to that of Saturn in putting obstacles and in causing delay in matters of
education. But Rahu does not do much harm so far as education is concerned. It helps one in
getting higher education. Again Mars is not always deleterious. Without Martial influence, there
would be no courage, energy, endurance, push and go ahead spirit.
Favourable Mars gives success in examination, confers favours or scholarships from the
Government. It is only when Mars is weak or is afflicted, that he causes troubles. Rahu in the 3-
4-7-10th houses is auspicious for education. The Sun in the 3-4-10th house is most auspicious
for education, as well as for acquiring top positions in life. Mercury in the 1-7-10th house
unaffilicted by Saturn promises success in educational field. The intelligence becomes well
developed and the mental ability good enough for higher education, if Mercury is unafflicted.
So, Mercury is the chief planet which controls general education and J upiter is the planet that
controls almost all the higher forms of education, professional, collegiate or professorial.
Profession and Dashamsha Lords
[Editor] Please note the change in Nitins contact number. He can be reached at 09968039321 -
or- 09868752639 -or- 01125054200 and is free on Saturdays to take your calls.
Author : Nitin Kashyap
In my opinion, prediction of vocation and guidance in professional life can easily be considered
to be among one of the toughest areas in Astrology. I have been doing some research on vocation
and choice of profession life of people. In the past, there were very limited options as far as jobs
are concerned. In this modern day and age, things have changed are in this era of specialization,
jobs are too many to choose from. This poses interesting problems for an astrologer to solve.
The content in this article is my attempt to apply some of the knowledge passed down by gurus.
Dashamsha is the divisional chart that relates to profession and success and failure in
professional life should be judged from this chart. I have looked at a few charts to try and derive
the modern meaning of Dashamsha.
For assessing professional life, we have to look for the following:
Lord of the Tenth House
Planets aspecting tenth house
Planets situated in tenth house
Tenth House mid point (Bhaav Madhya)
If you recall how Dashamsha is calculated, we need to take the longitude of the lagna and see
which tenth of rashi division does it fall under. Accordingly, the dashamsha lagna is calculated.
These ten parts can be thought of corresponding to ten directions. The lords of these directions
along with the significance that can be accorded to them in the current yuga are as follows:
Indra is the king of Gods, i.e. Devraj. He is the head of the department and wields control over
other staff in the place of work.
Needless to say, Agni would rule professions related to fire, i.e. jobs that that need a lot of
energy and aggression. Police, security and places where a furnace is at the center of affairs.
Yama is puctual, follows rules and is niyam ka pakka. He controller institutions that make
laws. Naturally, it relates to court of law and associated professions judges, lawyers, etc.
The mind of a Rakshasa is not constructive and wanders a lot. A Rakshasa has serious problems
with authority and with taking advice from others. A Rakshasa is therefore a law breaker. It can
also denote department of municipal corporation in cities that have the responsibility of
destrying illegal construction, encroachment etc.
Varun relates to water. Sailor and professions related to ships are professions denoted by
Varun. Water is also the basis of all life on earth. Varun can therefore be related to medical
profession as well.
Ever changing and freely flowing, Vaayu, i.e. air relates to profession where dissemination of
ideas is important. Examples of such professions are teaching, consulting, writing books,
poems etc. Its effect can also make a person change their profession as well.
Kuber presides over the treasury of Gods. His work therefore relates to finance, stock market,
banks and currency market.
Ishaan is the son of Brahma. His work relates to taking care of people in need etc. Hence, in the
current context, this may be applied to organizations doing social service, e.g. NGOs
Brahma is the creator. His influence on professional life would be towards the manufactering
Literally translated as infinite, Anants influence would be spread all over the world akin to
working in a multinational company.
To work out the Deva/lord that is applicable, the mid point (bhava madhya) of tenth house
should be looked at. Based on the sign falling in the tenth house, the following table should be
referred to.
Degree Odd Sign Even Sign
0 3 Indra Anant
3 6 Agni Brahma
6 9 Yama Ishaan
9 12 Rakshasa Kubera
12 15 Varun Vaayu
15 18 Vaayu Varun
18 21 Kubera Rakshasa
21 24 Ishaan Yama
24 27 Brahma Agni
27 30 Anant Indra
Editors note: What next? I have asked Nitin to further elaborate on workings of tenth house
and how to determine profession based on the planetary influence on tenth house.
Predicting profession, a person is likely to take up and succeed, is quite
a complex job and it is one of the most sought after fields in predictive
Vedic Astrology. Numerous areas and highly competitive environment;
be it business, service, profession, politics, etc., and its magnitude are
the areas which have charged the atmosphere making it quite difficult
for the decision makers to identify one which would be most suitable
from the point of view of success and also the potentialities of the
There are number of factors which help us in arriving at a decision on
this vital issue, viz. the nature of sign falling in the ascendant, tenth
house governing profession, second house ruling the status, the impact
of the third house which rules enterprising nature, the eleventh house
signifying income and the ascendant of dasamsa (the divisional chart
for analysis of professional matters) of a native. All of the foregoing
factors collectively govern the magnitude of the professional matters.
The sign of a royal planet like the Sun, the Moon or affluent planets
Venus, Jupiter, Mars, etc. indicate the level of affluence of the
profession of a native and the income, there from.
The lords of the second, third and ninth houses, if containing
mooltrikona signs, also act as the Sun. The strength of the lords of
these signs and the operating planetary periods hold the key to decipher
the planetary influences. Similarly, understanding the nature of planets
becoming significators for profession and the planets exerting close
influence on the houses ruling professional matters is necessary.
The lords of the tenth and the second houses, if containing mooltrikona
signs, are considered as the primary determinants for analysing the
professional affairs. In case there is no mooltrikona sign in any of these
houses, then the lord of the first house is considered the prime
determinant. The planets closely influencing the tenth and the second
houses or the ascendant, if there is no mooltrikona in the tenth and the
second houses, or closely influencing their lords by way of close
aspects/conjunctions as well as the planets placed in these houses act
as secondary determinants for analysing the professional affairs. The
lord of the ascendant of dasamsa containing a mooltrikona sign
becomes an additional primary determinant for profession. The close
influence of the lord of the third house on the houses ruling professional
matters or the third house, itself, indicates business ventures.
The significations of planets fructify during their own main/sub-period
as per their strength. The readers may please note the stress being laid
on the strength of the planets. The weakness of the planets in a nativity
is the very reason of existence of this divine science. It is but natural
that a native may approach an astrologer in the hour of difficulty and
thereafter he may like to utilize the services of this divine science
without being faced with the problems but to avoid the incidence of
problems as also to augment his ventures for optimum benefits. The real
job is to find out the true strength of those planets which are apparently
strong in the rasi chart of a nativity. As per Maharishi Parashara the
weak planets of the natal chart do not acquire any strength in any of the
Vargas. The weak natal planets, until and unless they are strengthened,
fail to bestow good results even if they are in strength in the divisional
charts or having maximum benefic bindus in Ashtakvarga.
In fact delineating anything from a natal chart requires application of the
principles in a comprehensive manner. Most of the times, the
significators may be overlapping and indicating more than one area of
pursuit, while a person might have one of the area as a hobby. Similarly,
a planet signifies variety of occupations. For example (1) the Sun
signifies administration, practice of medicine, politics, etc. (2) Venus
signifies practice of life saving drugs, the business of artistic nature,
engineering or luxury items, financial advisor's role, etc. (3) Mercury
signifies dealing in writing, accountancy, analytical studies, application
of law, designing work of engineering involving calculations, etc. (4) The
Moon signifies love and care, house keeping, public relations, etc. (5)
Mars signifies execution, commandership in the armed forces, initiative
and entrepreneurship, etc. (6) Jupiter signifies practice of law, teaching,
financial management, advisory roles, propagation of spirituality,
Astrology, etc. (7) Saturn signifies participation in mass production
involving large work force, low technology industry, leadership of
labor/industrial workers, service, etc.
What we have to see is which type of influence is more in operation and
has to synchronize the same with the operating planetary periods. As a
group, those planets which exert more influence indicate the choice or
area of profession. The prominence, fame, wealth or notable
contributions in various fields is the result of a group of strong planets
congruent in nature. The group of Venus, Jupiter and Mercury may
indicate the area of profession as advisory role in financial institutions
or in financial matters, legal advice, or collectively legal and financial
areas. The confluence of the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, etc. as a
group may indicate good positions in administration. The confluence of
Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Mars may indicate a profession of
engineering. The confluence of Mercury, Mars, Venus and the Sun may
indicate a profession in the technology sectors. Further classification in
the major field depends on the leading role of one of the significators.
When the significators are weak or the main period of weak planets is in
operation, the natives go in for routine jobs i.e. clerical or mechanics,
sales representatives/assistants, etc. or merely work as helping hands.
For entering into business the role of the third house and the Sun,
Venus and Mercury is supreme as they provide planning, trading and
organizing capabilities. Royal planets (the Sun and the Moon) and Mars,
the planet of executive authority, under the benefic influence of Jupiter
becoming significators of profession indicate involvement of political
career. Rahu gives impetus to the efforts. However, success depends on
the good placement of Rahu and neither it should be aspected by or
related to the functional malefic planets nor it should be closely
afflicting other planets in the natal chart. Ketu in its main/sub-periods
often retards the growth. Persons with weak Mercury, which rules
planning and analytical faculties, often end up with losses in business
because of mainly two reasons i.e. (1) they depend on the wisdom of
others; and (2) they take wrong decisions when they are under great
mental pressures.
For detailed study of this aspect, the readers may refer to Chapter 15 of
our book, Predictive Techniques and the Application of Astrological
Remedial Measures and study our book, "How to Avert Professional
By way of a few charts, we will further see the confluence of various
groups of planets.
Male born 1st March, 1942, 1014 Hrs. 28.39N 77.13E
(Click here to see chart)

The ascendant lord, Mars, being prime determinant of professional
matters is placed in the house of status but is weak. Mars gives
entrepreneurial competence. Another planet which makes a man an
industrious person, Saturn, though weak, is placed close to the most
effective point of the ascendant. The Moon is strong in the chart and
closely influences the most effective point of the tenth house. Both
Jupiter and Venus are strong but they are not close to the most effective
point of the houses. The Sun is afflicted by Rahu-Ketu axis. The
ascendant of the dasamsa is Sagittarius and the planets Mercury and
the Moon are in their signs of debilitation. The advantage of the strength
of the Moon in the rasi chart is lost due to debilitation in dasamsa so far
as the professional matters are concerned. The education of the native
was completed in the main period of Venus. As the planets Mars, Saturn
and the Moon become significators for the professional pursuits, the
native, due to the weakness of the planets involved, went in for a
diploma course in engineering. The nodal affliction to the Sun either
keeps the person away from governmental jobs or lands the person in
trouble in the government job and the person is compelled to leave the
job. The weak planets did not allow the native to use his entrepreneurial
skills and he joined his brother's industry. The strong Jupiter and
Venus, however, helped him in getting good gains due to the prosperity
of his brother's industry.
Male born 5th May, 1946, 0730 Hrs. 23.09N 79.57E
(Click here to see chart)

The lord of the tenth house, Saturn, being prime determinant of
professional matters is placed in the house of status. The lord of the
fifth house, debilitated Mercury, is closely aspected by the functional
malefic planets, Jupiter and Ketu, and the functional benefic Saturn. The
influence of Jupiter on the lord of the fifth house bestowed the native
with management studies. The aspect of Saturn to Mercury reduces the
impact of weakness and afflictions to some extent. The Sun, is in the
twelfth house and in its sign of debilitation both in navamsa and
dasamsa. The functional malefic planets are not close to the most
effective point of the houses of their location. The sign Cancer rises in
dasamsa and the Moon becomes the additional prime determinant of the
professional matters. The native after doing his engineering graduation
joined a government organization. Due to weakness of the prime and
additional prime determinants of professional matters and debilitation of
the Sun in dasamsa, the status of the native was not matching to the
position held by him.
Male born 30th June, 1967, 0745 Hrs. 28.37N 77.10E
(Click here to see chart)

Mars becoming one of the prime determinants of professional matters is
placed in the third house ruling initiatives and courage. The Sun, ruling
the house of status, and being another prime determinant of
professional matters is placed close to the most effective point of the
twelfth house. The impact of Jupiter, the lord of the sixth house, is close
to the most effective points of the house occupied and the houses
aspected and the Moon. The exact influence of Jupiter on the most
effective points of the ascendant and the fifth house bestowed the native
with medical studies as Jupiter rules the sixth house. The exact impact
of Jupiter as a functional malefic planet gave health problems to the
native, conflicts, an uncompromising wife and sufferings to the father.
The weak Venus is lord of the fourth house and Ketu is closely conjunct
with the most effective point of the fourth house. The significator for
intelligence is exalted. The Moon becomes the additional prime
determinant of professional matters as its mooltrikona sign rises in the
ascendant of dasamsa. Taken together the chart indicates a profession
connected with the significations of Mars, Sun, Moon, Rahu and Jupiter.
The position of the lord of the second house in the twelfth house in
addition to the significators, weigh the scale in favor of a profession
connected with the hospitals. The native is a medical graduate. The
weaknesses and afflictions, however, does not indicate a successful and
flourishing career.
Male born 22nd October, 1965, 0310 Hrs. 08.11N 77.30E
(Click here to see chart)
Mercury becomes the prime determinant of the professional matters.
The close influences in the chart are of strong Saturn on the ascendant
and the fourth house, Mars and Venus on the fourth and tenth house
and of the Mercury on the third house. Aquarius ruled by Saturn rises in
the ascendant of dasamsa and Saturn becomes the additional prime
determinant of the professional matters. The influence of Mercury gives
an analytical bent of mind and Mars, Saturn and Venus all give interest
in engineering studies. The native is a graduate engineer and during the
period of his engineering studies was running the main period of the
yogakaraka Mars, which is exalted in the dasamsa chart. The native is
enjoying a prosperous career with an international trading organization
as he is having five strong planets. In this case Mercury, Venus and
Mars act as Sun and all these planets are strong in the chart.
Male born 26th September, 1936, 1045 Hrs. 31.06N 77.10E
(Click here to see chart)

The Sun and Jupiter are the prime determinants of professional matters
in this case. The Sun is placed in the eleventh house, close to the most
effective point of the house indicating good income from the profession
ruled by the Sun even though the Sun is weak. Mars closely influences
the most effective point of the tenth house. Rahu is closely conjunct
with the most effective point of the house of status and aspects the
tenth house and Mars closely. Jupiter, the lord of the house of status, is
in the ascendant. Virgo rises in the dasamsa ascendant. Mercury
becomes the additional prime determinant of the professional matters.
The Moon acts like a Sun, it is strong and closely influences the most
effective points of the third and ninth houses. The group of planets the
Sun, Mars, Rahu, Mercury and the Moon give a predominant interest in
the profession of medicine. Jupiter's distant connection combined
teaching. The native went in for teaching in medicine. The influence of
Mars and Rahu as functional malefic planets is bad in other matters but
their placement close to the most effective point of the houses create
interest in matters pertaining to them. At the time of education the native
was in the main period of Mars. The placement of the lord of the twelfth
house in twelfth house bestowed with good living in foreign lands.
Male born 19th April, 1960, 0820Hrs. 25.28N 81.52E
(Click here to see chart)

Saturn is the prime determinant of professional matters in this case. The
sign Cancer rises in the dasamsa ascendant and therefore, the Moon
becomes the additional prime determinant of professional matters. Mars
closely influences the most effective point of the tenth house in the rasi
chart and it becomes the secondary significator for professional
matters. The Moon acting as a Sun is strong and placed in the chart in
the house of fortune. Accordingly, the significators for profession turn
out to be the Moon, Mars and Saturn in this nativity. The native is a
doctor of medicine. The affliction of Mars to the most effective point of
the fourth house caused marital dissonance and problems in his
professional pursuits.
Male born 22nd April 1950, 0315Hrs. 16.03N 80.54.E
(Click here to see chart)

Saturn becomes the prime determinant for the professional matters as
there is no mooltrikona sign either in the tenth or the second house. In
dasamsa Leo rises whose lord is exalted in the rasi chart and becomes
the additional prime determinant for professional matters. Saturn and
Venus closely aspect each other and both of these planets being
functional benefic planets closely influence the most effective point of
the ascendant. Venus acts as the Sun in this case being lord of the ninth
house. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter influence the ascendant of dasamsa.
The confluence of Venus, Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter in the
nativity took the native to organization and financial management. The
native is an MBA and CA and is doing well in his profession of financial
Know Your Profession with the Help of Karakamsha
Pt. S. R. Swamy, Ahmedabad
People are more anxious to seek guidance, well in advance about the profession and careers of
their children. Soon they attain a particular stage in their education. It is the ignorance of the
parents, guardians and the teachers who contribute considerably to the miserable failures of
careers of the children. We have often come across people, whose lives are a failure just because
they chose an unsuitable vocations. In other words, what we call aptitude is completely ignored
with the result ones talents are suppressed and one is made to suffer apparently for no fault.
One of the most important uses of astrology is the guidance it gives to the parents, who are more
keen to know about the future of their son or daughters educational career well in advance.
Astrology can guide a grown up man who is still undecided about the occupation in his life. If a
study of astrological principles is taken up seriously, a more valuable guidance can be given to
an individual as to what vocation would be suitable for him to achieve success. Required level of
accuracy in prediction of this subject is still awaited as it needs to be strengthened with more
I shall endeavour to show in this article how far astrology enables one to choose a successful
vocation consistent with his aptitude. The important considerations are
(a) In what occupations the child would take interest.
(b) what are the occupations in which the child can display his / her ability and knack in a
brilliant manner.
To begin with, consider Karakamsha chart as a pivotal point. A planet in Karakamsha becomes
the key planet. The dominant planet having been thus discovered notice must be taken of the
blend, it makes with other planets, which is aspected, or with the sign in which it is placed etc. In
considering the blends care must be taken to note which is stronger of the influences blended.
According to Jaimini the planet with highest longitude becomes the Atmakaraka. The sign in
which the Atmakaraka is situated in the Navmansha becomes the Karakamsha. Association of
various planets with Atmakaraka either in the Rashi or Navmansha, we can get a clue for the
vocation of the native.
Here are some of the astrological combinations of planets, which shall give a glimpse of the
profession of the Native.
Sun is responsible to give more power, ability to rule and command, will make the native to gain
fitness for a Government employment, or a high profile business executive with status and
(a) If Sun occupies the Karakamsha lagna, the native will be fond of public work, and will take
interest in political activities.
(b) If Sun and Venus aspect Karakamsha, the native will be employed by Royal people or Top
Class politicians.
(c) Sun occupying 10th house in Karakamsha chart and aspected by Jupiter, the native will be a
successful Trader of Cattle.
(d) If Sun occupies 5th house in Karakamsha chart the native will become a Philosopher or a
(e) If Sun is in conjunction with Rahu and occupies Karakamsha, and Sun being located in
benefic vargas, the native will become a Doctor treating poisonous afflictions.
Moon is responsible for fluctuations in occupation or business, but encourages the native for
business in aqua products, Marine produces, Liquid chemicals, Restaurant, Dairy products etc.
(a) If full moon and Venus joins Atmakaraka in Navmansha money will be earned by education.
(b) If Moon is conjunct with Jupiter in Karakamsha or in 5th from Karakamsha, the native
becomes a author and earns his livelihood by authouring books.
(c) If Moon is alone in Karakamsha or in 5th from Karakamsha, the native become a musician.
(d) Moon in Karakamsha aspected by Venus makes the native an Alchemist.
(e) Instead of Venus if aspected by mercury he will be a Doctor.
Mars denotes employment in the field where courage is required and a need to be skillful, brave.
Dentists, Surgeons, Engineers are also part of this group.
(a) If mars occupies the Karkamsha the native earns his livelihood by meta llurgy.
(b) If mars occupies the Karakamsha with benefic aspects, the native will be a Judge.
(c) If mars occupies 5th place from Karakamsha under the aspect of Saturn, the native will
become a Mechanic.
Mercury is solely responsible for the field of literature, arts and occupations requiring study, skill
and intelligence.
(a) If mercury occupies the karakamsha the native becomes Merchant and well versed in social
and political matters.
(b) If mercury occupies 5th place from Karakamsha, the native will become a Vedic Scholar.
Jupiter :
Usually Jupiter gives the profession of physicians, lawyers, ministers, bankers, authors,
journalists, philosophers etc.
(a) When Jupiter occupies the karakamsha the native becomes a philosopher, religious head and
will have good knowledge of Vedanta.
(b) If Jupiter occupies 5th place from karakamsha, he will be a scholar in Vedas and Upnishads.
Venus is responsible to gain financial assistance through marital sources, jewellery pleasure and
(a) If Venus joins Atmakaraka in Navmansha, the native will become a big politician.
(b) If Venus joins karakamsha or the 5th from karakamsha, the native will become a great poet.
Saturn is responsible to the professions, such as builders, miners, land surveyors, agriculturists,
labour contractors, municipal officials etc.
(a) If Saturn occupies the Karakamsha the native will adopt the profession of his forefathers.
(b) If Saturn alone occupies 4th or 5th place from karakamsha, the native will be skillful in
archery and will adopt the same skill for livelihood.
(c) Saturn occupying karakamsha under the aspect of mars the native will become a builder.
Indirectly Rahu will give results like Saturn but some of the combination indicates different
professions also.
(a) If rahu joins atmakaraka in navmansha, the native earns his bread as a thief or decoit.
(b) Rahu having close association with Mandi and occupying 4th place from karakamsha the
native will be specialised to treat snake bites and poisonous problems.
(c) Rahu in 5th from Karakamsha makes the native to be a good mechanic.
Ketu will give results partially like Jupiter and mars.
(a) If ketu occupies 4th place from karakamsha the native will become a clock maker Repairer.
(b) Ketu occupying karakamsha makes the native a mathematician, if occupied in 5th house from
karakamsha under benefic aspects the results will be same.
(c) Ketu occupying karakamsha under malefic aspects makes the native a thief.
(d) Ketu occupying 5th place from karakamsha under the aspect of Jupiter makes the native an
Combination of planets will give more than one activity with relation to the occupation of the
respective planet.
Apart from above there are other Methods are also available as indicated by different schools of
Astrology. In the matter of determining the profession, importance has been given to the
Ascendant, 10th and 8th houses either from ascendant or Moon and the planets occupying these
houses, lordship of these houses can also be taken in to consideration. In this article only a
glimpse on determination of profession has been taken, to give a general idea of the subject with
the help of karakamsha and Navamsha etc.
Careers by planet
Sun authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government employees, doctors, jewelers
Moon nursing, the public, women, children, travelling, marine, cooks, restaurants, import/export.
Mars fire, energy, metals, initiative, weapons, construction, soldiers, police, surgeons, engineers.
Mercury intellect, writing, teaching, merchandise, clerks, accountants, editors, transport,
Jupiter finance, law, treasury, scholars, priests, politicians, advertising, psychologist,
Venus pleasures, luxuries, beauty, art, music, entertainment industry, sex industry, hotels.
Saturn the aged, death, real estate, labour, agriculture, building trades, mining, monk.
Rahu researchers, engineers, physicians, medicine/drugs, speculators, aviation, electricity,
Ketu idealism, enlightenment, religion, secret affairs, poisons, metaphysics.
Uranus scientists, inventors, computing, astrologers, lab technicians, electronics.
Neptune photographers, movies, marine, oil, pharmaceutical, psychics, poets.
Pluto research, investigators, insurance, death, longevity-related technology, espionage.

Careers by sign
Aries army and police, surgeon, mechanics, iron and steel, firefighting, industrialists, athletes.
Taurus luxury goods, jewelry, cosmetics, music, actors, banking, tailors, fashion, property.
Gemini media and journalism, accountants, representatives, translators, writers.
Cancer naval and marine, fishing, nursing, interior design, food, petroleum, historians.
Leo government jobs, politics, religion, investing, diplomacy.
Virgo computing, astrology, accounting, media, doctors, healing.
Libra judges, artists, cosmetics, fashion, receptionists, advertising, interior decorating,
Scorpio chemicals, drugs, liquids, insurance, doctors, nurses, police, occult.
Sagittarius law, religion, banking and finance, entrepreneurs, athletes, clothing and shoes.
Capricorn raw material extraction and processing such as lumber and mining
Aquarius advisors, consultants, philosophers, astrologers, engineers, computing
Pisces doctors, marine related, chemicals, oil, painters, hospital, prisons.

Careers by house
First self-employment, politics or the public at large, the body (e.g. health club)
Second banking, investments, accountants, restaurants, teaching, consultants, psychologists,
Third communication, arts, sales, advertising, computing, writing, publishing
Fourth agriculture, building trades, real estate, vehicles, water, geology and mining
Fifth politics, stockbrokers, religious rituals, entertainment, authorship
Sixth lawyers, military, police, labour, health related professions, food, waiters.
Seventh business, trade, merchant, females, foreign business.
Eighth insurance, research, death-related, metaphysics (e.g. astrology), sex industry.
Ninth law, university teaching, travel, religious professions, foreign countries.
Tenth government jobs, dealing with public and the masses, managers, politics.
Eleventh trade and business, accountants, financial institutions, group work.
Twelfth foreign, jobs requiring secrecy, travels, hospitals, prisons, charities, advocacy.

Case study: Graham Greene
[Please note I use the sidereal zodiac and whole sign houses. The unequal houses cusps are
shown for comparative purposes only.] There are no simple rules or formulas to put together
these influences into a single comprehensive picture. Here are a few ideas that I have found
helpful. So we not only have to look at strong unafflicted planets if possible, but also connections
between planets that reinforce dominant themes in the chart. For example, in a writers chart, we
would expect to see Mercury and Venus prominent in some way, along with the 2nd, 3rd and 5th
houses. Signs are of least importance, but we could include Gemini as well as the Venus ruled
signs, Taurus and Libra, since they are associated with aesthetic sensibilities. The key in a
writers chart is that there is usually a connection between these factors. Mercurys sign or
nakshatra dispositor may be placed or ruling the creative houses.

Graham Greene Natal Chart
We can see how these chart factors combine in the chart of famed British novelist Graham
Greene (Oct 2 1904 10.15 am GMT Berkhamsted, England). First, we look at the condition of
the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Note that both Sun and Moon are placed in signs owned by
Mercury, the planet that governs communication. Sun is placed in Virgo in the 12th house in the
nakshatra of Hasta, which is ruled by the Moon. Moon, in turn, is in Gemini, the sign of writing
par excellence. The Moon is given extra career importance because it is 10th lord is very well
placed in the 9th, aspecting the 3rd house. This supports the notion of the career connected with
writing since the 3rd is associated with communication and writing. The Moon also closely
conjoins Neptune which produces a strong imagination. The Libra ascendant is ruled by Venus,
the planet linked with the arts. Venus itself is strong by virtue of its placement in its own sign of
Libra. The Ascendant is aspected by 3rd lord Jupiter and 5th lord Saturn. While the 3rd rules
communication, the 5th is often associated with the intellect and authorship. Ketus trine aspect
to the Ascendant magnifies some of these themes since it is placed in the 5th house and its
nakshatra dispositor Jupiter rules the 3rd.
Another powerful feature of Greenes chart is the close opposition aspect from 3rd lord Jupiter to
Venus, the ruler of the 1st in the 1st house. This is an excellent configuration for aesthetic
appreciation and will push the native to harness his sense of beauty in his daily work and
communication. The MC falls in the nakshatra ruled by Venus, yet another aesthetic influence.
For its part, Mercury conjoins
Rahu and is close to the MC. Rahu magnifies the Mercury and its placement in the 11th house
suggests that it is a source of gains. Its placement close to the MC, the unequal 10th house cusp,
also tells us that Mercury-related matters such as writing will be expressed in the career.
The 2nd house is also closely associated with writing and not surprisingly, we see Greenes 2nd
lord Mars placed in the 10th house of career. Its dispositor Sun is also in a Mercury-ruled sign
Virgo in the 12th house. This is more evidence of a writerly orientation and may also relate to
Greenes double life as a British intelligence agent while visiting many far-flung places. The
12th house is connected to secrecy and foreign countries. Moreover, Mars and the 2nd house are
strengthened immensely by a very favourable aspect from Jupiter.
This chart analysis shows how several different houses are often involved in a single profession.
In my experience, this is a necessary way of doing astrology. However much we may want to
keep things simple, we also have to recognize that astrology does not lend itself well to simply
deductive rule-based systems. Although individual houses may be connected to individual
professions, (e.g. writing and the 3rd, health and the 6th), in practice we generally look for
combinations of houses.

Case study: Oprah Winfrey
The horoscope of television talk show maven Oprah Winfrey (Jan 29 1954 4.30 am CST
Koscuisko, MS) provides another illuminating case of career astrology. Oprah has become one
of the richest women in the world through her unparalleled success in the entertainment arena.
Like most entertainers, we would expect a strong Venus influence, along with Mercury, and the
2nd, 3rd, 5th houses. Because of her high public profile we should also find strong associations
to the 1st and 10th houses.

She has Sagittarius rising, with its ruler Jupiter in the 6th house in Taurus. While 6th house
placements are considered problematic by some astrologers, this is a fine placement that
underlines Oprah's dedication to helping others and service to humanity. She has become known
as a self-help guru, something which is very appropriate given the 6th house's traditional
affiliation with health and service. What is also important to note is that her chart ruler or
lagnesh, is exactly aspecting the Midheaven (i.e unequal 10th house cusp) by trine. This is a
powerful and precise connection between the 1st and the 10th houses that suggests success and
Oprah Winfrey - NatalThe Moon is placed in the 12th house debilitated in Scorpio with Mars.
This dussthana placement of a luminary is not what we would expect from a world famous
entertainer. Still, it's worthwhile to note that simple house placement isn't everything. The Moon
here has some problems but it is also aspected by 1st lord Jupiter, an aspect . that gives
prominence. She has a four planet stellium in the 2nd house in Capricorn. The 2nd house
represents speech and communication. For a woman who earns her living talking to millions on
television every day, this is a reasonable placement. The 10th lord of career is Mercury, and it is
placed in the 2nd, so that is another hint that the 2nd house will be central to Oprah's career.
Jupiter aspects this Mercury very closely and thereby confers great strength to the Mercury (the
planet of communication) and to the 10th house by virtue of its lordship. So the evidence begins
to accumulate that pushes the 2nd house to the forefront of the chart, along with Mercury.
Mercury in fact may be the strongest planet in the chart. The Sun is also rendered superstrong
through its extremely tight conjunction with Venus -- with just 8 minute s orb. Besides further
boosting the 2nd, it also supports the indications of the 9th house, including higher knowledge
and duty. This is perhaps one reason why Oprah did not pursue the usual TV trash daytime talk
show and instead chose to tackle more serious and refined social issues that aimed at the
betterment of her viewers.

A Rough Guide to Career Astrology
So here are some rough and ready rules for career selection. Its nearly impossible to suggest
which factors are most important since each depends on several other subsidiary associations.
Its best to simply make note of each of them and watch for repeating themes.
1. House and sign of Sun, Moon and ascendant and ascendant ruler (lagnesh). Look for
repeating patterns e.g. A Jupiter-dominated horoscope might have Suns dispositor
conjunct Jupiter and Moon in Sagittarius with Pisces rising.
2. All aspects to these. e.g. a close square from Mars to the Moon will often lend a definite
martial flavour to the person and influence career choices in that direction.
3. Any houses with 3 or more planets (outers excluded). This house and the one opposite
will usually be connected with career in some basic way.
4. 10th house and its lord and aspects thereto. Also planets in close aspect to MC.
5. The strongest planet in the chart such as one that is exalted and unafflicted or receives a
close aspect from Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury. Also planets that are heavily aspected by
several planets are like pivots for the whole chart. Similarly, slow (less than 20% of
normal speed) or stationary planets exercise an undue influence. If connected to the 2nd
or 11th houses representing money, strong planets will probably provide the best avenue
in life for prosperity.

Timing Issues: Predicting career ups and down
Besides providing a vocational guide, astrology can also indicate when career advances and
setbacks are most likely. Using a combination of transits and planetary dashas, we can usually
determine which times will yield favourable results and which times may prove more difficult.
The dasha of a poorly placed, afflicted planet may prevent any advance despite the best efforts
and hard work on the job. Conversely, the period of a well-placed planet may bring a very easy
promotion or a new job that seems to just fall in ones lap.
The critical issue then lies in determining which planets can yield good results and which will
not. This is rarely straightforward and requires careful consideration of the natal and dashamsha
(D-10) charts. Vital information can be gleaned from a planets house, sign, dispositor, nakshatra
lord, aspects, declination, and midpoint pattern.

Case study: Sandra Day OConnor
An interesting example can be found in the chart of recently retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice
Sandra Day OConnor (Mar 26 1930 1.10 am MST El Paso, TX). She was the first female justice
on the Supreme Court. Her legal career can be seen by the significator of law, Jupiter, in the 6th
house in Taurus. The 6th house is associated with legal matters. This Jupiter is especially strong
because it is chart ruler. This makes the 6th house a focus of the horoscope. Jupiter is further
enhanced by its dispositor, Venus, exalted in Pisces in the 4th house, is placed in a kendra house,
close to the IC and Sun. The 4th house square aspect from Mars may have produced some health
concerns over the years, but for career matters, this influence was not negative. Mars ruled the
5th house of counselling and intelligence, and gave greater wisdom to OConnors Jupiter.
Further, Jupiters nakshatra lord is the Moon, and it is unafflicted and strong in the 2nd house
representing education and speech. All of these influences make Jupiter an exceptional planet in
this chart.
OConnor was appointed to the Supreme Court in the summer of 1981 and was sworn-in in
September of that year. This coincided with the running of the Saturn-Mars dasha. Although
these are two natural malefics, we can see good results from the periods of these planets as long
as they are strong in the horoscope. In this case, they are. Saturn is 2nd and 3rd lord well placed
in the first house, unaspected except for a wide trine from Rahu and a tight square from Uranus.
The Rahu influence neednt be negative for occupation at all since Rahu is associated with
ambition and material gain. The Uranus influence is also not a hindrance for career matters and
may describe the sudden or tumultuous nature of life events throughout the period. Saturn is
further strengthened by virtue of its placement in Purvashada, a nakshatra owned by Venus.
Venus, as we know, is very strong by exaltation and placed in a kendra with the Sun. Finally, the
favourable 9th and 10th lords Sun and Mercury are both placed in Uttara Bhadrapada, a
nakshatra ruled by Saturn. This enhances the results of the Saturn dasha, especially as they
pertain to career advancement (10th house) in legal matters (9th house).
The bhukti lord Mars is a crucial factor here. 5th lord Mars is placed in the 3rd house and is
aspected by Saturn, lord of the 2nd house of status and wealth. Its dispositor Saturn is strong in
the first house. Its nakshatra lord Rahu is also strong since it is placed in the favourable 5th
house. Moreover, the benefic Moon is placed in Dhanista, a Mars-ruled nakshatra. The two dasha
lords, Mars and Saturn are in a very auspicious 3-11 house relationship with each other which
also helps the results for this period.
O'Connor sworn-in Sept 25, 1981It is also important to note the transits at the time of the
appointment. Dasha lord Saturn was transiting the 10th (whole sign) house of career and fame
and most importantly fell under the exact aspect of benefic natal Jupiter at the time of the
confirmation and swearing-in. Transit Rahu was also exactly aspecting OConnors 10th lord
Mercury. Although Rahu is a natural malefic, it often operates favourably in material matters
such as career, particularly when it is well placed natally. It is as if that positive natal energy of
the planet is bundled up and carried on the long transit journey through the sky, ready for
distribution in transit situations. Finally, transit Jupiter closely aspected 10th lord Mercury at the
time of the appointment and then 11th lord Venus two months later at the time of the swearing-
in. All in all, those three excellent transits gave crucial support to the favourable dasha picture
and helped bring about OConnors appointment to the highest court in the land.

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