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Profections Technique - Aux Mailles Godefroy

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1. Profections
a. Alcoceden
b. Profection Techniques
i. Step 1: Find the Year
c. Step 2: The degree of Profection
d. Step 3: Identify the Alcocoden and the Adjutors.
e. Step 4: Honors and dignities
f. Step 5: Find Profected Moon
g. Step 6: Read the chart
h. Determining Timing
i. Interpreting the results
2. Definition by Nick Dagan Best
3. Related pages

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SahThoth's Edit Log

Written by Theosebia based on notes from on session given Robert

Zoller talking about Bonatti's methodologies. Tape available through

Site Index

Profections are 12 year cycles, similar to the Chinese Zodiac system

which is also based on twelve year cycles. When you are born, your first
year is ruled by the sign on the ascendant and its ruler. The next year,
the second sign and its ruler will govern your chart and this continues in
twelve year cycles. (Sagittarius rising at birth, Capricorn on year two, ...
Sagittarius again when you are 12, 24, 36 etc.)

To keep this all straight, we use the term "Alcocoden" as the planet that
rules the profected ascendent. This will also make you sound really cool
to be able use the term in public.
The Alcocoden is always the Lord of the profected sign. (A planet).
The Adjutors - are co-rulers. It can be:
A planet in the same house as the Alcocoden
the Almuten of the Profected house
A planet casting rays into the house - that is, A planet
making aspects by sign.

Profection Techniques
Easiest way to do the calculations is to do this using Astrology Software.
Solar Fire will calculate profections. It is found on the "Chart Menu", as
a choice under menu item "Transits, progressions and directions"
I didn't note the house system he was using, as I recall Zoller uses
The Profection chart will tell you what will change concerning you
individually. It must be compared to the annual chart (Natal chart or
solar return chart???).
Step 1: Find the Year
Look at the birth chart, using the age of the subject, find the profected
sign - Divide the age by 12. The remainder will the the house number.
Age 20 - the sign on the 8th house will be the sign ruling the profected
chart that year.
Look at the ascendent on a profection chart and its ruler.

Step 2: The degree of Profection

This is the degree of the ascendent. If you run a chart on the birthday the ascendent degree with match the degree of the natal ascendent.
Solar Fire will create profected charts adjusted for any date - this is not
covered by Zoller. I'd recommend running these charts only on
birthdays for accuracy using these techniques.

Step 3: Identify the Alcocoden and the Adjutors.

The planets stay in the same degrees and houses as they were in the
natal chart, but the signs change.
Note where the Ruler of the profected sign is, its aspects and other
planets in the sign.

Step 4: Honors and dignities

Find the profected sign of the Sun. Look on the profected chart and find
what sign the sun is in.

Step 5: Find Profected Moon

Find the moon on the profected chart and the sign it is in.

Step 6: Read the chart

Look at the condition of the profected ruler (Alcocoden) and its aspect
(Adjutors) to determine the conditions or influences on each house
Meanings Comments


Look at
profected -sign of the

Look at
of the
profected -body and
sign of the
Look at
Profession the
profected -Duties
sign of the
Look at
Prosperity sign of the

To determine Wealth and Prosperity Look at

both the condition of the second house ruler
and the sign of the profected part of fortune and
the condition of its ruler.

State of
His health and overall fortune.
the native

House of
(see also the profected part of Fortune)







or maids




House of
substance How your partner's wealth will fare this year
of the wife





For Profession and duties - look at the sign

where you find the profected MC and its rulers.




Source: Robert Zoller


Determining Timing
1. Find the degrees and minutes of the ascendant
2. Find the degrees and minutes of the planet in question in its sign.
3. Find the distance between these two numbers - each number will

be less than 30 (30 degrees per sign).

4. Multiply the distance by 12 and 1/6th to get the day of the
aspect/impact of that planet.
For example if you have the Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio and the
Ascendent at 1 degree Sagittarius, this is a difference of 6 degrees (forget
about the signs, just look at the degrees). Multiply 6 times 12 1/6, which
is 73 days. The effect of the condition of the moon and events ruled by
the moon will be felt 73 days after the birthday of the native. Some years
this will be harsh (when the moon is in Detriment or fall) other years it
will be nice (when the moon is in Cancer).

Interpreting the results

A way of analyzing issues
Using aspects, aspects by signs indicate something one can notice.
If it is Benefic, it creates harmony, if it is malefic it will create
what areas of life are affected? This depends on the entity or
Looking at the causes or root causes - it requires comparing the
profected chart with the natal chart. The planets in the houses and
the Rulers in their houses can indicate who or what is causing the
events to happen. The planets in a house with the ruler indicate
the obvious causes of the issue. The Ruler of the sign in its house,
shows a less obvious cause. The Almutens may show a more
hidden influence on the events.
Look at the nesting of cycles - back to previous cycles and the natal
chart. Look at the cycles of the planets in their own cycle (where in
the 29 year saturn cycle is saturn, if saturn is a major player in the
drama this year). Where is the planet in which house, even look at
a geodesic chart to see where on earth or related geogrpahical
places. why there? Was there a station, an eclipse or something
else waiting to be triggered? Why then? Look for a sensitive point
(ie parts or sensitive spots) or other cycles.

Definition by Nick Dagan Best

Profection is the term used for a time-lord technique that dates back to
the Hellenistic period. Various time-lord systems were used by
astrologers to determine which planets in a given nativity would be
active at a given time, and in what manner.
So how are profections calculated? Easiest thing in the world: the first
year of life is ruled by the sign of the Ascendant. The second year of life
is ruled by the sign following the Ascendant. The third year of life is
ruled by the sign following that, and so on.
On the 12th, 24th, 36th, 48th, 60th, etc birthdays, the profected sign

returns to the Ascendant and the cycle begins again.

Note that I said the "sign" is the ruler of the year. That will include the
ruler of that sign, but it is important to see the profection in the context
of the sign, not just its ruler.
What does it mean for a sign to rule a year? Well, essentially, at every
Solar Return, when the profection hands over, the new sign "lights up"
in the chart. Natal planets in that sign become very active, and transits
through that sign are especially dominant in the context of that person's
Also, match that information with the transit of the sign's ruler. If
Sagittarius is the profected ruler of the year, it will matter whether
transiting Jupiter is in Taurus or Cancer or whatever, especially if it is
an angular sign or there are other natal planets in that sign.
From the blog of Nick Dagan Best , April 22, 2007 "Miles Davis,
Marilyn Monroe & Allen Ginsberg, Gemini 1926: Profections and Venus

Related pages:
the Directory for information in our vast Astrology Center.
Also, a brief introduction providing insight into the philosophy
and techniques spanning thousands of years.
Foundations of Astrology: Directory for the Foundations of
Astrology, introducing large areas devoted the Zodiac, the
Planets, the Houses, an overview of reading a chart, the core
meaning of each planet, Definitions of Aspects and Special
aspect patterns between planets and interpretation of each
combination of planets, The Qualities, Special Points and
Astronomical information about the planets.
Techniques of Astrology: Directory to the Disciplines of
Astrology including Horary, Forecasting, Natal, Mundane,
Financial, Medical, Physical Appearance, and many more such
as interpretations of aspects.
Our site is filled with Astrology Tables: Planet Tables, Zodiac
Tables, House Tables which simplify many tasks and provide
unique insights into the information.
Astrology Sky Archive This is your guide to the
movements of the planets in the night sky 2008, 2009,
2010, Zodiac Calendar, Solar Ephemeris, Retrograde
Transits, Eclipse Dates, Movements and aspects of outer
planets past, present and future, Current transits of the
outer planets and significance, and more.
Scientific Prejudice: It's not easy when an individual, no
matter how distinguished, challenges the status quo, the

commonly held assumptions. This is one of the worst

hurdles in science today - for controversial results the
answer should be "How could that happen?" rather than
destruction of the career of the scientist. Here we
examine a few cases where the ostracized scientist was
ultimately proved correct after years of hardship.

Copyright 2006-2011 AuxMaillesGodefroy -- LegalNotice

Last edited February 26, 2009 (history)

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