Valen's Rules For Planetary Longitudes
Valen's Rules For Planetary Longitudes
Valen's Rules For Planetary Longitudes
Balbillus, and the Illusion of
Astrology’s Self-sufficiency
Cristian Tolsa
2 See A. Jones, “Studies in the Astronomy of the Roman Period III. Plan-
etary Epoch Tables,” Centaurus 40 (1998) 1–41.
3 For the use of Babylonian Goal-Year periods in Greek astronomy see
Ptol. Alm. 9.2, as well as the astronomical papyri edited and commented in A.
Jones, Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus (Philadelphia 1999) (where they are
used in conjunction with the arithmetical methods). For the Babylonian
theory of the Goal-Year periods see J. M. K. Gray and J. M. Steele, “Studies
in Babylonian Goal-Year Astronomy I: A Comparison between Planetary
Data in Goal-Year Texts, Almanacs, and Normal Star Almanacs,” Archive for
History of Exact Sciences 62 (2008) 553–600.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
the true longitude, since the planet does not appear to move at
constant speed throughout the zodiac, actually experiencing
retrogradation around opposition. However, because of
Saturn’s small change in velocity (it moves more slowly in
comparison with the other planets) the discrepancy is of just a
few degrees.4
The procedures for Jupiter and Mars are analogous to the one
for Saturn, but they attain lower degrees of accuracy, especially
in the case of Mars. For Jupiter, the 12-year sidereal period is
used (in which Jupiter completes approximately one revolution),
with an algorithm involving an intermediate step designed to
make the formula for the longitude appear very similar to that
of Saturn (HAMA 795), probably for the sake of memorization,
but at the cost of some extra inaccuracy. In the case of Mars, a
crude period of 2 years in which the planet supposedly completes
one exact revolution is used, giving a result involving an error of
more than quadrant for the mean longitude (the longitude of the
epicycle’s center), but which in Valens’ example is suspiciously
made to agree with the true longitude by way a couple of
mistakes in the application of the rules (HAMA 796).
The approach for the inner planets is different. Venus com-
pletes 5 synodic periods (i.e. solar cycles) in 8 years, and the
method correspondingly divides 8 years into 5 roughly equal
periods of time (360 x 8/5=576º), each starting with a maximum
elongation as evening star (the phase when the inner planets are
at maximum distance from the sun) taking place at the beginning
of different zodiacal signs (HAMA 798). Neugebauer interprets
that the dates in Valens are garbled, but it seems possible that
4 In comparison with the epoch value here (i.e. the departing point of the
method), that is, August 1 Thoth 1 = 0º Cancer, the mean longitude (i.e. of
the center of the epicycle) was 13º Gemini, and the true longitude 21º30ʹ
(HAMA 795), but these are tropical longitudes calculated from Ptolemy’s
methods (i.e. counting from the vernal point, whose slow motion through the
stars is called precession); the sidereal longitude normally used by ancient
astrologers including Valens would yield by the second century some 5 de-
grees higher, amounting in this case to approximately 27º Gemini, only 3
degrees from 0º Cancer.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
they were modified so that the longitudes were close to the first
degrees of the signs (see the computed longitudes in Neu-
gebauer’s table). Then, instead of using an auxiliary table with a
template to track the position of the planet along one synodic
period, there follows a procedure apparently designed ad hoc for
the given examples, since it subtracts 120 days to skip to another
phase of the planet (station as morning star) and then compute
the rest of days using a mean velocity valid for the period be-
tween this phase and the next maximum elongation. Nothing is
said for the case in which the date falls before that period of 120
days in the synodic period. The case of Mercury is perhaps even
more striking. Not only does the method assume an exact
number of synodic periods in a year (three), which with time
produces impossible results (viz. placing Mercury too far from
the sun), but again no template is used, just making the planet
advance with the mean velocity of the sun (one degree per day)
(HAMA 800). The procedure involves an addition of 162 days
that take the planet back to an initial position close to its phase
of maximum elongation as evening star, the same as Venus be-
fore: a possible conclusion is that the inventor of the method
drew inspiration from practice with auxiliary templates that gave
the advancement in longitude along the synodic cycle.
The question is, then, to what purpose were such methods
invented and used? It is obvious that Valens does not use them
for his horoscopes, which are all well computed using auxiliary
astronomical tables. Furthermore, as Neugebauer shows, Valens
in some cases manipulates the data exemplifying the methods,
so that they approximately agree with the real, computed longi-
tudes.5 He is then fully conscious that the methods were of little
practical use, and probably records them in part because they
appeared in the work of some predecessor. The epoch dates at
the beginning of the Augustan era mark a terminus post quem at
least for the version in Valens, and by that time arithmetical
schemes were already in circulation in the Graeco-Roman
world, as shown by the approximately correct longitudes of the
in relation to astrology see F. Cramer, Astrology in Roman Law and Politics (Phila-
delphia 1954).
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
12 Ptol. Tetr. 3.3.1–2 (ed. W. Hübner, Claudi Ptolemaei Opera III.1 [Leipzig
Jugrin, “The Way of ἀνάλυσις: Clement of Alexandria and the Platonic Tra-
dition,” Studia Philosophiae Christianae 52.2 (2016) 71–94, at 73 and 77.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
15 CCAG VIII.3 99–101. It is the common view that Thrasyllus’ work was
named Pinax, from this witness alone—the title of the excerpt reads συγ-
κεφαλαίωσις τοῦ πρὸς Ἱεροκλέα Θρασύλλου πίνακος, and a very similar
statement closes it. I suspect however that πίναξ, meaning “astrological
board,” was also a generic name for an astrological treatise. The evidence is
in the fourth-century compiler Hephaestion, who on only two occasions
seems to give the title of an astrological work. Since most astrological writers
had written only one book, their names were sufficient and titles were entirely
forgotten if they ever existed; Hephaestion’s own treatise bears no title. One
of his apparent titles corresponds to the Synagogai of Protagoras of Nicaea
(Apotel. 3.47.52), which suspiciously has the same title that Hephaestion
( once applies to his own work. The other is Critodemus’ Pinax (Apotel.
2.10.42), but, as we know from Valens (3.9.3, 9.1.5), Critodemus’ work was
entitled Horasis, a much more specific and thus credible title. The author of
the summary must have felt compelled to choose a descriptive term (yet not
necessarily the exact title) because he wanted to include the name of the
dedicatee. The same would be true of Balbillus’ ἀστρολογούµενα (CCAG
VIII.3 103–104).
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
from the sun to the moon, and to compare this with the re-
mainder of dividing by 360 the multiplication of the length of
the day by the hour of birth. The distance from the sun to the
moon is also used in a method by Balbillus’ contemporary
Anubion to find the ascendant naturally (ap. Heph. Apotel.
2.2.11–18); the fact that this number appears independently in
two roughly contemporary sources could imply that it was de-
rived from an older source.16 The second number—the re-
mainder of dividing by 360 the multiplication of the length of
the day by the hour of birth—is much weirder. The length of the
current day runs from 170 to 210 time-degrees in the latitude of
Alexandria, and the multiplication by the hour of birth can
reach a very large number, which is then reduced modulo 360.
Methods of this kind only survive recorded in Valens.
Fourth, in the chapters in Valens’ text preceding the expo-
sition of the rules of thumb for the longitudes of the planets, we
find a series of methods for the natural determination of the
ascendant containing variations of the one by Thrasyllus (1.4),
as well as a chapter on the calculation of the longitude of the
moon (1.17), both of which could have been taken from the last
part of Balbillus’ astrological work. The method for the moon,
which gives good approximations, uses the fact that 19 years
contain an almost exact number of lunations (i.e. synodic periods
16 Valens specifies that the distance must be taken in time-degrees, that is,
in equatorial degrees, which recalls the standard procedure of so-called
“primary directions” for measuring the client’s lifespan from the distance
between the starting-point (ἀφέτης) to the destroyer (ἀναιρέτης), actually the
first doctrine recorded in Balbillus’ summary. Astrologers chose these two
points along the ecliptic and then computed the equatorial degrees in which
this stretch of the zodiac rose above the horizon, using a table of ascensions
that divided the whole rising time of a sign equally among all ecliptic degrees.
Thus, if Scorpio rises in 35 time-degrees, any degree of Scorpio was assumed
to rise in 35/30 time-degrees (this is, of course, a simplification based on the
mathematical average; in the astronomical reality even the single degrees
have slightly different rising times). Then these degrees were counted as years
of life. The procedure was refined with Ptolemy’s table of ascensions in his
Handy Tables, which uses spherical trigonometry, but this was not widespread
until the middle of the third century.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
18 I am using the latitude of Alexandria, and assume that when the division
was exact the remainder was understood to be 5, not 0. In the method for the
longitude of the moon, the remainder of division by 3 of the number of years
in the present cycle of 19 years can likewise be 3 (Vett. Val. 1.17.1–3).
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
(ed.), Ptolemy in Perspective. Use and Criticism of his Work from Antiquity to the Nine-
teenth Century (New York 2010) 45–94.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 59 (2019) 397–414
26 The description of the voyage, the oaths, and the tables are criticized at
3.9.3–5; the voyage and the tables again at 9.1.5–7. Valens mentions his own
arrival in Egypt, echoing Critodemus’ words, at 4.11.4; he exacts an oath at
4.11.12 and 7.1.1–3; and he draws two big tables at the end of Book 8, the
first of which we know (from the title of 3.6) is from Critodemus.
27 I wish to thank the two GRBS reviewers for their many insightful com-