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Vettius Valens and The Planetary Week

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Geraty, Lawrence T., The Pascha • and the Origin of Sunday
Observance ...................... 85
Johns, A IgerF., Did David Use Assyrian-Type Annals? .... 97
Odom, Robert L., Vettius Valens and the Planetary Week ... no
Running, Leona G., An Investigation of the Syriac Version of
Isaiah: I ....................... 138
Schwantes, Siegfried}., A Historical Approach to the 'r'lrn of Is
33 : 7. ........................ 158
Strand, Kenneth A., Some Notes on the Sabbath Fast in Early
Christianity ...................... 167


Washington, D.C.

A very important testimony concerning the planetary week

in the second century A.D. is that of Vettius Valens, a noted
astrologer of Antioch, who was active during the reigns of
Antoninus Pius (138-161) and Marcus Aurelius (161-180). His
Anthology, an astrological treatise written in Greek, has been
a valuable subject of study by scholars because of the astro-
nomical and chronological data it contains. 1 Otto Neugebauer,
noted expert in the mathematics of ancient astronomy, has
worked out, with the collaboration of Henry B. Van Hoesen,
the horoscopes recorded by that astrologer. In their book
presenting their findings they say:
The importance of the Anthology of Vettius Valens for our subject
can be illustrated by the following figures. With its about 130
(partial or complete) horoscopes it contains twice as many examples
of Greek horoscopes as all papyri combined. Without Vettius
Valens (whose examples range from A.D. 37-188) we should have
only five examples of 'literary' horoscopes before A.D. 380. 2

The same scholars report:

The fact that every one of these horoscopes can be shown to be
astronomically correct for a date in the first or second century
A.D. is therefore proof that Vettius Valens was using empirical
material exclusively, collected either by himself or by his prede-
cessors. 3

1 Franz Cumont, "The Frontier Provinces of the East," The Cam-

bridge Ancient History, XI (New York, 1936), 643; Astrology and
Religion among the Greeks and Romans (New York, 1912), pp. 36, 86, 87,
93; The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism (New York, 1956), p.
171; F. H. Colson, The Week (Cambridge, Engl., 1926), pp. 47-52.
2 Otto Neugebauer and Henry B. Van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes
(Philadelphia, 1959), p. 176. I gratefully acknowledge the kindness of
Dr. Neugebauer for reading this paper and making helpful suggestions,
although the conclusions reached are my own.
3 Ibid.

They also say: "The Anthology contains some 40 explicit

references to years of the Roman imperial period and about
100 horoscopes which do not quote their dates but which can
be dated astronomically." 4 These horoscopes range from
A.D. 37 to 188. 5 Moreover, "all evidence agrees that Vettius
Valens must have worked for at least twenty years, from 154
to 174, on the composition of the Anthology." 6
In his Anthology, Vettius Valens presents a chapter in
which he tells how to find the day of the week on which a
given birth date—the year, the month, and the day of the
month—had fallen. This information was then deemed impor-
tant in astrology, because each day of the week was supposed
to be under the aegis of the planetary god after which it was
named. Besides giving us his mathematical formula for that
purpose, he presents an example showing how it worked.
His style is terse, his jargon that of persons of his profession,
and the mathematical short cut he employs in his formula a
clever device. Here is the Greek text of his statement :

Ilepl Se T7J<; £(3So[iaSo;; xal cra(3p<XT!,x9j<; Y][j.Epa<; GUT-CO?. TOO dato

Auyou<7Tou eTY) TiXvjpY) Kail TOO? i[L^>G\l[i,o\)<; avaXa^wv TtpocrOe? xal
TOO? dcTTO 0co6 ECO? TYJ? yEveOXiaxYJ? Y][zepa? xal EX TOUTCOV aqsatpet
SUVY) S-KIOL, TOC? Se XOITOX? daro 'HXioo- ei? olov 8' av
^7](; aarepa, sxetvou eaToci Y] Tjfjlpa. TJ Se TOC^IC TCOV acrre-
ptov Tipo? TOC? TjfiEpai; O()TCO<; 'iyzi' "HXio? SsXy)vy) "Apv)? 'Kp|A7Jc;
ZEU? "AcppoSiTTj Kpovoc. r; SE TWV ^covcov StaOsoi.? oGTCoc;' Kpo-
vo? Zei? "Apr)? "HXto? 'AcppoStTT) 'Ep^i; SEXYJVTJ • ex TOO!>TV)<; Se TV)?
SiaOeaecoi; ai <bpoa (jyjjjiaivovTat,, ex SE TWV copwv Y) -yjfxepa TOU
e^v)? aerrepoc. olov eTo? S' 'ASpiavou Me^lp xara 'AXe^avSpEi?
iy' VUXTO? &pa «' • TOC dtTro Auyoucnrou ETV) 7rXY)pY) p^Y)' xal ejjip6-
Xifjiot X?' xal auo 0w0 eax; iy' Mex,lp YijiEpai. p£y' • yiyveTai, TjjiC-
acpaipco IpSofiaSai; [i6', XoiTcai S' • aTto 'HXiou xaTaXY)yei ei? 'Ep-
fz.ou y)[zepav, xal Y) a' &pa VUXTO? 'EpjAou, YJ SeuTEpa SEXYJVYJ?, Y]

5 Ibid., pp. 176, 177.

8 Ibid., p. 177.

TptTT) KpOVOU, 7) TSTapTT) AlO?, Y) TOfZTTO) "ApECD?, Y] SXT7) 'HXlOU,

rj e(B86[r/j 'AcppoSi-rrjc, r) oySoy) 'Epjj.ou, r) evaTT) SsXTjVY)?, YJ SexaTY)
Kpovou, YJ evSexdcTY) Aio?, rj SwSsxaTYj "Apecoc- [rj] Yj^epa a' 'HAiou,
P' 'AcppoSmrji;, TptTY) 'Epfiou, TSTapTY) SeAY)VY)<;, 7te[i7rTY] Kpovou,
EXT?) Ai6?, epSofjiY] "Apscx;, oySorj 'HXtou, sva-a) 'A^poStTrj?, Sexarr)
'Epjxou, evSexary] SsXyjvrji;, ScoSsxaTTj Kpovou. eiTa E^TJ? yiyve-
Tai 7) eTnouaa 7)[iepa TOUTeaTt Me/lp tS' • e'crrou Aio? xai YJ a'

A translation with explanatory words added in brackets to

make the meaning clearer would read thus: "And concerning
the week and [the] sabbatical day [the formula is] thus:
Taking [the number of] full years and the [number of] inter-
calations from [the commencement of the Era of] Augustus,
add also the [number of] days from [the first day of] Thoth
to the birth date, and subtract from [the total of] these
[numbers] seven as many times as possible, and [count] the
remaining (days) from [that of the] Sun [Sunday]. And in
this manner you may reckon the [planetary] star to which
the day belongs. And the order of the [planetary] stars in
relation to the days [of the week] holds thus: Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, [and] Saturn. But the ar-
rangement of their orbits [around the earth is] thus: Jupiter,
Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, [and] Moon. Moreover, by this
[same] arrangement the hours [of each day] are designated;
and by means of the hours [is indicated the] day of the next
[planetary] star.
"For example: Year 4 [of the reign] of Hadrian, Mechir 13
according to [the calendation of the] Alexandrians, [and]
hour i of night [are the birth date]. The full years from [the
commencement of the Era of] Augustus [are] 148, and [the]
intercalations [are] 36, and from [the first day of] Thoth to
Mechir 13 [are] 163 days. They are [thus a grand total of] 347.
Subtract 49 weeks [from this sum, and] there remain 4 (days).
From [the day of the] Sun [Sunday] count to [the] day of
Mercury [Wednesday], and the hour i of night [is that] of

Mercury; the second, [that] of [the] Moon; the third, [that] of

Saturn; the fourth, [that] of Jupiter; the fifth, [that] of Mars;
the sixth, [that] of [the] Sun; the seventh, [that] of Venus;
the eighth, [that] of Mercury; the ninth, [that] of [the] Moon;
the tenth, [that] of Saturn; the eleventh, [that] of Jupiter;
the twelfth, [that] of Mars; [and] hour i of day [is that] of
[the] Sun; the second, [that] of Venus; the third, [that] of
Mercury; the fourth, [that] of [the] Moon; the fifth, [that] of
Saturn; the sixth, [that] of Jupiter; the seventh, [that] of
Mars; the eighth, [that] of [the] Sun; the ninth, [that] of
Venus; the tenth, [that] of Mercury; the eleventh, [that] of
[the] Moon; the twelfth, [that] of Saturn. Therefore the
following day will be Mechir 14, and hour i will be [that] of
Jupiter." '
In order to understand the mathematical formula presented
by Vettius Valens for finding the day of the week on which
a birth date had fallen, and to see how accurate that formula
is shown to be by the example which he presents to illustrate
the way it works, it is imperative that the data and the means
he employed be clearly kept in mind. Hence we shall discuss
them at this juncture.
i. Vettius Valens used a system of calendation that had
been in vogue at Alexandria, Egypt, during the imperial
period since the reign of Augustus. •
Prior to the conquest of Egypt by Octavius and his making
it a province of the Roman Empire, the Egyptian calendar
year had consisted of twelve months of 30 days each, which
amounted to 360 days. Five supplementary or epagomenal
days, added to the 360, completed the calendar year and
gave it a grand total of 365. No extra day was intercalated
every fourth year to align the calendar year with the tropical
solar year of 365.242 days. However, Egyptian savants had
long been aware that their system of calendation was defect-
7 Vettius Valens, Anthologiarum libri, V. 10. 10-33. The Greek
text is given according to the edition of G. Kroll (Berlin, 1908), p. 26;
the translation is mine.

ive, but the people of Egypt refused to accept any reform of

their calendar. 8
When Julius Caesar and his adviser, the Alexandrian
astronomer Sosigines, 9 planned in 46 B.C. the reform of the
Roman calendar, they assumed that the mean length of the
tropical solar year was precisely 365.25 days and made this
the mean length of the year of the new calendar introduced
into use by the Roman government on January i, 45 B.C.
After three successive common years of 365 days each, every
fourth year was to have 366 days by the intercalation of an
extra day in February. By perpetuating this quadrennial
cycle, that Julian calendrical system continued in vogue
until A.D. 1582, when the reform introduced by Pope Gregory
XIII was first adopted.
Because the old Egyptian calendar year of 365 days was
one fourth (0.25) of a day shorter than the mean calendar
year of 365.25 days in use among the Romans, the New
Year's Day of the Egyptians came one full day earlier every
four years in relation to the Julian calendar from 45 B.C.
onward. As a result of this shifting, it would take 1,461 Egyp-
tian calendar years (365 X 1,461 = 533,265 days) to equal
1,460 Julian calendar years (365.25 x 1,460 = 533,265 days).
Thus the Egyptian New Year's Day slowly regressed, at the
rate of one day every four years, through all the seasons of
the natural year and through all the twelve months of the
Julian calendar in a cycle of 1,460 Roman years or 1,461
Egyptian years. 10
8 Ptolemy III (Euergetes I), who reigned from 247 to ca. 222 B.C.,
and was noted as a generous patron of learning, attempted to reform
the Egyptian calendar by his famous "Decree of Canopus," in 238
B.C., to provide for the regular intercalation of an extra (sixth) epago-
nienal day every fourth year, but his people would not accept it.
See Duncan McNaughton, A Scheme of Egyptian Chronology (London,
1932), pp. 297-299; J. P. Mahaffy, The Empire of the Ptolemies (London,
1895), p. 234.
9 Pliny the Elder, Natural History, II. 6 (Loeb ed., I, 192, 193);
XVIII. 57 (Loeb ed., V, 322, 323).
10 Censorinus, De die natale, 18 (F. Hultsch, ed. [Leipzig, 1867],

During a civil war among the Romans, Octavius defeated

Mark Antony, assisted by Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, in a
great battle near the Epirot town and promontory of Actium
on the south side of the Ambracian Gulf. This engagement
took place on September 2, 31 B.C., in the year when Octavius
was consul for the third time, with M. Valerius Messala
Corvinus as his colleague. u A Roman historian says:
Such was the naval battle in which they [Augustus and Mark
Antony] engaged on the second of September. I do not mention
this date without a particular reason, nor am I, in fact, accustomed
to do so; but Caesar now for the first time held all the power alone,
and consequently the years of his reign are properly reckoned from
that day. 12

It was from that date—September 2, 31 B.C.—that the

Romans reckoned their Actian Era, in commemoration of
the victory of Augustus over Mark Antony in the battle of
Actium. But this is not the era of Augustus, and September 2,
31 B.C., is not the beginning of it, as employed by Vettius Valens
in accordance with Alexandrian usage.
After the battle of Actium, Mark Antony fled to Egypt,
rejoined Cleopatra, and made preparations to defend that
country against invasion by his adversary. As winter was
approaching, Octavius passed through Greece and part of
western Asia to the island of Samos. 13
On January i, 30 B.C. Octavius later known as Augustus,
became consul for the fourth time, with Marcus Licinius
Crassus as his colleague. 14 In mid-winter he sailed for Brun-
PP- 38, 39); Theon of Alexandria, Commentaire sur les tables manuelles
astronomiques de Ptolemee, Abbe Halma, ed., I (Paris, 1822), 30.
11 For the names of the Roman consuls in the year in which the
battle of Actium was fought, see Valleius Paterculus, The Roman
History, II. 84 (Loeb ed., pp. 226-228); Dio Cassius, Roman History,
L. 10 (Loeb ed., V, 454-457).
12 Dio Cassius, op. cit., LI. i (Loeb ed., VI, 2-7).
13 Suetonius, The Lives of the Caesars, "Octavius Caesar," 17 (Loeb
ed., I, 147); Valleius Paterculus, op. cit., II. 85 (Loeb ed., pp. 228-231);
Dio Cassius, op. cit., LI. 1-4 (Loeb ed., VI, 2-15).
14 For the names of the Roman consuls for 30 B.C., see Dio Cassius,
op. cit., LI. 4 and 19 (Loeb ed., VI, 10-15, 5°-55)-

disium, where he settled complaints of disgruntled veterans.

Having done this, he left for Greece on the 3Oth day after
his arrival in Brundisium. From Greece he went to Asia
via Rhodes. Moving quickly down through Syria, he in-
vaded Egypt and laid siege to Alexandria, which he took
on August i, 30 B.C. 15 Mark Antony committed suicide by
the sword, and Cleopatra later in the same month took her
life by pressing a venomous asp to her breast. 16 Thus ended
the long reign of the dynasty of the Ptolemies over Egypt.
That country now became a part of the Roman Empire by
conquest, and Gneius Cornelius Gallus, commander of one
of the invading armies, became the first Roman governor of
Egypt by appointment from Augustus. 17
Clement of Alexandria, writing ca. A.D. 200, said:
From the taking of Babylon to the death of Alexander, a hundred
and eighty-six years. From this to the victory of Augustus, when
Antony killed himself at Alexandria, two hundred and ninety-four
years, when Augustus was made consul for the fourth time. ls

Note that Clement places the death of Mark Antony, which

occurred when Augustus took the city of Alexandria, in the
year when he was consul for the fourth time. That was the
year 30 B.C. Moreover, Clement states that the interval from
the death of Alexander the Great to that of Mark Antony
was 294 years. This agrees exactly with the computation given

15 The date—"K. Aug. . . . Aug. Alexan. recepit" (On the Kalends

of August [August i]. . . . Augustus took Alexandria)— is found in an
inscription of the ancient calendar of Antium. See CIL, Vol. X (1883),
pt. i, no. 6638, p. 664; Vol. I (1893), pt. i, col. 3, p. 323; Paulus
Orosius, Historiae, VI. 19 (MPL, XXXI, 1050, 1051), where the date
is given as "Kalendis Sextilibus" (on the Kalends of August, or August
i), Sextilis being the original Latin name of the month now called
16 Dio Cassius, op. cit., LI. 5, 9-13 (Loeb ed., VI, 14-17, 24-39);
Suetonius, op. cit., 17 and 18 (Loeb ed., I, 144-149); Valleius Pater-
culus, op. cit., II. 87 (Loeb ed., pp. 232-235).
17 Dio Cassius, op. cit., LI. 17 (Loeb ed., VI, 46-49); Eutropius,
Abridgment of Roman History, VI. 7 (J. S. Watson, ed. [London,
1886], p. 499).
18 Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, I. 21 (ANF, II, 332).

in the Canon of the kings compiled by Claudius Ptolemy, the

Alexandrian astronomer, earlier in the second century A.D.
The precise date when Augustus completed his conquest
and occupation of Alexandria is not known. Though the city
fell on August i, as already shown, he spent some time there
before Cleopatra ended her life and before he concluded his
arrangements for the provisional administration of Egyptian
affairs by the Romans. It was about the last of August that
he left Alexandria and passed through Syria into Asia, to
spend the winter there. 19
In the meantime news of the conquest of Egypt and of the
death of Antony and Cleopatra reached Rome. The senate
and the people there were so highly elated by Augustus'
success in bringing the civil war to a conclusion that they
voted great honors for him. "The day on which Alexandria
had been captured they declared a lucky day, and directed
that in future years it should be taken as the starting-point
in their reckoning of time." 20
Thus history records that the era of Augustus began in the
year when that Roman ruler conquered Egypt by taking
Alexandria, which was 30 B.C. It was this era, and not the
Actian, that Vettius Valens used in his mathematical formula
for ascertaining the day of the week on which a birth had
2. The twelve months of the Egyptian calendar were as
follows: (i) Thoth, (2) Phaophi, (3) Hathyr, (4) Choiak,
(5) Tybi, (6) Mechir, (7) Phamenoth, (8) Pharmuthi, (9)
Pachon, (10) Payni, (n) Epiphi, (12) Mesore, followed
immediately by five epagomenal days to make a total of 365.
Thus Thoth i was the New Year's Day of the Egyptians.
In his illustration of the way his formula works, Vettius
Valens mentions the months of Thoth and Mechir. The era
of Augustus according to the Alexandrians began with Thoth i
of 30 B.C., and it is from that date that Vettius Valens reckoned
19 Dio Cassius, op. cit., LI. 18 (Loeb ed., VI, 48-50).
20 Ibid., LI. 19 (Loeb ed., VI, 52-55).

in making his calculations. To what month date of the Julian

calendar did Thoth i correspond in 30 B.C. ? The answer will
be given below.
3. Vettius Valens speaks twice about "intercalations,"
indicating that he used the reformed Egyptian calendar, and
not the old one which had no intercalation. This raises another
question: When did the first intercalation of an extra day
in the new calendar used at Alexandria begin ? Evidence
shows that it began in the reign of Augustus. Diodorus Siculus,
writing during the early part of the reign of that Roman
emperor, said:
The Thebans say that they are the earliest of all men and the
first people among whom philosophy and the exact science of the
stars were discovered, since their country enables them to observe
more distinctly than others the risings and settings of the stars.
Peculiar to them is their ordering of the months and years. For
they do not reckon the days by the moon, but by the sun, making
their month of thirty days, and they add five and a quarter days
to the twelve months and in this way fill out the cycle of the year.
But they do not intercalate months or subtract days, as most of
the Greeks do. 21

Thus in the time of Diodorus Siculus provision had been

made for the intercalation of the extra day as needed to
make the mean calendar year of the Egyptians 365.25 days
Strabo in the early part of the reign of Augustus noted that
the Egyptians
. . . reckon the days, not by the moon, but by the sun, adding to
the twelve months of thirty days each five days each year; and, for
the filling out of the whole year, since a fraction of the day runs
over and above, they form a period of time from enough whole
days, or whole years, to make the fractions that run over and above,
when added together, amount to a day. 22

The same writer refers to "the fractions of the day and

21 Diodorus Siculus, The Library of History, I. 50 (Loeb ed., I,

22 Strabo, Geography, XVII. I. 47 (Loeb ed., VIII, 124, 125).

night which, running over and above the 365 days, fill out
the time of the true year." 23
It is evident therefore that during the early part of the
reign of Augustus the Alexandrians reformed their system of
calendation by intercalating (adding) a sixth epagomenal
day at the end of every fourth year. By this means they kept
their calendar dates synchronized with the corresponding
ones of the Julian calendar.
However, this does not mean that the Egyptians discon-
tinued the use of their old system of calendation, which made
no provision for the insertion of an intercalary day once in
four years. The fact is that both the old and the new calendars
were used simultaneously in Egypt throughout the Roman
imperial period. It was chiefly at Alexandria, the seat of
learning as well as the headquarters of the government of
Egypt as a Roman province, that the reformed calendar was
most appreciated and used. This is logical, because the Roman
government officers there would hardly be in a mood to be
inconvenienced by the instability of the old Egyptian calendar
in their business transactions.
Theon, an astronomer at Alexandria during the reign of
the Emperor Theodosius the Elder (379-395), wrote a valuable
commentary on the astronomical works of Claudius Ptolemy,
the noted astronomer at Alexandria during the reigns of
Hadrian (117-138) and Antoninus Pius (138-160). In writing
his works on astronomy, Ptolemy had used the old system of
Egyptian calendation. Theon, in his commentary on the
tables of the astronomical manuals of Ptolemy, explained
how to convert dates given according to the old Egyptian
system of calendation into their corresponding dates in the
new system. In doing so, he speaks of the calendar year of the
old system as "The Egyptian year," and of the calendar year
of the new system as "the year of the Greeks, or of Alexan-
dria." It must be remembered that Egypt had been incor-

83 Ibid., XVII. 17. 29 (Loeb ed., VIII, 84, 85).


porated into the Hellenistic Empire by Alexander the Great,

after whom the city of Alexandria was named; and that the
Macedonian dynasty of the Ptolemies ruled over Egypt for
a period of about 294 years—from the death of Alexander
the Great in 323 B.C. till the death of Queen Cleopatra in
30 B.C. Hence Theon says:
Here, now, is the way of taking the month and the day of the
Egyptians: Inasmuch as the year of the Greeks, or of Alexandria,
followed by us is of 365 days and a quarter, and that of the Egyptians
is of 365 days only, as we have said, it is evident that by the end of
four years the year of Alexandria counts one day less than the
Egyptian year, and that in 1,460 years it counts 365 days, that
is, one Egyptian year, less. Alexandria and Egypt begin together
the year, the months, and the days, in the manner of Egypt,
but for one year only, and, at the beginning of the following
year, the Egyptians begin to have one quarter of a day's advance,
and so forth. Now this period of 1,460 years, commenced from a
certain time, terminated in the fifth year of the reign of Augustus;
so, from this last epoch, the Egyptians begin all over again to find
themselves every year one quarter of a day in advance. Therefore,
when at any time of the year of Alexandria, or of the Greeks, we
want to know the month and the day counted then by the Egyptians,
taking the quarter of the sum of the years from the fifth of Augustus
until the year in question, because, as we have already said, they
have one day more every four years, and omitting the residue,
that never exceeds 3, we will thus have the number of the days
that the Egyptian year is in advance of the years of Alexandria
that they have called tetraeterides. 24
A little farther on in the discourse Theon reminds his
readers that "we have said that the return of the coincidence
of the year of Alexandria with that of Egypt occurred five years
after the beginning of the reign of Augustus." 25
The portions of Theon's statements, as italicized above by
us to call attention to them, plainly state that the adoption
of the new Alexandrian calendar took place in the fifth year

24 Theon of Alexandria, op. cit., I. 30. The tetraeterides was a four-

year cycle by which one day was intercalated to make up the quarter
of a day in excess of the 365 days of each calendar year of that period.
Our present system of intercalating an extra day in February every
fourth year similarly operates on the basis of a four-year cycle.
25 Ibid,., I. 32.

of the reign of Augustus as reckoned by the Alexandrians,

who dated the era of Augustus from Thoth i (August 31) of
30 B.C. Five years later the adoption of the Alexandrian
calendar began with Thoth i (August 30) of 26 B.C. Thoth i
of both the old and the Alexandrian calendars then fell on
the same date. In 25, 24, and 23 B.C., both fell on August 29.
Though there was an accumulation of one fourth of a day per
year for one of them, no perceptible divergence between the
two systems of calendation was apparent during the first
three years of that first four-year cycle for the Alexandrian
system of calendation. But at the close of the fourth year of
that first four-year period, a sixth epagomenal day was
intercalated in the Alexandrian calendar year to give to each
year of the four-year cycle a mean length of 365.25 days,
while no such extra day was provided for the old calendar
year still in use among the Egyptians. Consequently, whereas
the last (fifth) epagomenal day of the year 23/22 B.C. fell on
August 28, 22 B.C., for the old calendar, the last (sixth)
epagomenal day fell on August 29, 22 B.C., for the Alexandrian
calendar. As a result of this, Thoth i which followed imme-
diately in the old calendar fell on August 29, 22 B.C., and
Thoth i which followed immediately in the Alexandrian
calendar fell on August 30, 22 B.C. 26 Thus one day of diver-
gence between the two systems of calendation first became
apparent in 22 B.C., two days in 18 B.C., three days in 14 B.C.,
etc. 27
Albiruni, the Arab scholar (A.D. 973-1045), wrote in his
notable work on chronology: "It was Augustus who caused
the people of Alexandria to give up their system of reckoning
by non-intercalated Egyptian years, and to adopt the system
of the Chaldeans, which in our time is used in Egypt." 28 Also:
28 The shift of one day for Thoth i from August 31 in 30 B.C. to
August 30 in 26 B.C. was due to the fact that an extra day was inter-
calated in February of the Roman calendar in 29 B.C. because it was
a leap year for the Latins.
27 See the calendrical table in Appendix II.
28 Albiruni, The Chronology of Ancient Nations, tr. C. Eduard
Sachau (London, 1879), p. 33.

They [the Egyptians], as we have mentioned, used the names of

the thirty days till the time when Augustus, the son of Gajus
[Caius Julius Caesar], ruled over them. He wanted to induce them
to intercalate the years, that they might always agree with the
Greeks and the people of Alexandria. Therefore he waited till five
years of his rule had elapsed, and then he ordered them to intercalate
one day in the months every fourth year, in the same way that the
Greeks do. 29

Thus Albiruni, like Theon, has stated that it was in the

fifth year of the reign of Augustus that the (Alexandrian)
calendar, with the intercalation of an extra day every fourth
year, was adopted in Egypt. Theon says that the reason for
the choice of that year—the fifth of the emperor's reign,
which was 26 B.C.—was that a i,46o-year Sothic cycle had
terminated then. Albiruni credits Augustus with having
ordered Egypt to adopt the plan of intercalating an extra
day every four years.
What we have presented above concerning the Alexandrian
era of Augustus and the adoption of the Alexandrian system
of calendation in Egypt is supported further by historical
documents and by astronomical data, some of which we shall
present now.
A papyrus document from the Roman imperial period
presents a horoscope of a person born on "Phaophi i, but
according to the ancient reckoning Phaophi n." 30 A differ-
ence of ten days is seen between the date Phaophi i of the
new Alexandrian calendar and that of Phaophi n of the old
calendar. Thus the Roman date was a September 28 during
the years A.D. 15 to 18, in the reign of Tiberius. 31
Another horoscope carries the double date of "Pharmuthi
6 ... which the Romans call the kalends of April [April i]"

29 Ibid., p. 58. During the Roman imperial period the Greeks also
had a reformed calendar and were intercalating an extra day every
fourth year. Albiruni refers elsewhere to the epagomenal days of the
Egyptian calendars as "the small month."
30 Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt, eds., The Oxyrhynchus
Papyri, II (London, 1899), 137, 138.
31 See years 45 to 48 in the calendrical table in Appendix II.

in the third year of the Emperor Titus. 32 The date is Phar-

muthi 6 (April i) of A.D. 81, the third year of the reign of
Titus and the year in which he died.
Another interesting feature of the Alexandrian calendar of
Egypt was the way in which the intercalation of the sixth
epagomenal day at the end of the fourth (last) year of the
four-year cycle affected the relationship of Thoth i to its
corresponding date in the Julian calendar. This extra epago-
menal day actually was intercalated as the last day of the
four-year cycle. Consequently the next day, which was
Thoth i of the following year, fell one day later in relation
to the Julian calendar. Thus Thoth i fell on August 30 in the
first year, and on August 29 in the next three years, of the
four-year cycle. But during the month of Mechir of the first
year of the next four-year cycle, February of the Julian
calendar was given an extra day, because it was a leap year
for the Latins, and this compensated for the shift produced
by the intercalation made at the close of the last year of the
Alexandrian four-year cycle. The following shows the relation
of each year of the new Alexandrian four-year cycle to the
Julian calendar:

Year i August 30 to August 28

Year 2 August 29 to August 28
Year 3 August 29 to August 28
Year 4 August 29 to August 29

Year i August 30 to August 28

Year 2 August 29 to August 28
And so on ad infinitum

The intercalation was always made in the Alexandrian

calendar of Egypt about six months before the intercalation
was made in the Julian calendar. The first intercalation in
the Alexandrian calendar of Egypt was made in 22 B.C.—

32 Frederick G. Kenyon, ed., Greek Papyri in the British Museum,

I (London, 1893), 132-139.

when the first four-year cycle ended—and the additional

(sixth) epagomenal day corresponded to August 29 of that
year insofar as the Julian calendar was concerned. About
six months later, early in 21 B.C., the intercalary (bissextile)
day was inserted between February 24 and 25 of the Julian
calendar, and it corresponded to Mechir 30 of the Alexandrian
calendar. The following table illustrates how this was done:
The Alexandrian Year 23/22 B.C.—Aug. 29 to Aug. 29
I. Thoth 1-30 — Aug. 29 to Sept. 27
2. Phaophi 1-30 — Sept. 28 to Oct. 27
3- Hathyr 1-30 — Oct. 28 to Nov. 26
4- Choiak 1-30 — Nov. 27 to Dec. 26
5- Tybi 1-30 — Dec. 27 to Jan. 25
6. Mechir 1-30 — Jan. 26 to Feb. 24
7- Phamenoth 1-30 — Feb. 25 to Mar. 26
8. Pharmuthi 1-30 — Mar. 27 to Apr. 25
9- Pachon 1-30 — Apr. 26 to May 25
10. Payni 1-30 — May 26 to June 24
ii. Epiphi 1-30 — June 25 to July 24
12. Mesore 1-30 - July 25 to Aug. 23
Epagomenae i-5 — Aug. 24 to Aug. 28
Epagomena 6 — Aug. 29
The Alexandrian Year 22/21 B.C.—Aug. 30 to Aug. 28
1. Thoth 1-30 — Aug. 30 to Sept. 28
2. Phaophi 1-30 — Sept. 29 to Oct. 28
3. Hathyr 1-30 — Oct. 29 to Nov. 27
4. Choiak 1-30 — Nov. 28 to Dec. 27
5. Tybi 1-30 — Dec. 28 to Jan. 26
6. Mechir 1-29 — Jan. 27 to Feb. 24
30 — Feb. 24b
7. Phamenoth 1-30 — Feb. 25 to Mar. 26
8. Pharmuthi 1-30 — Mar. 27 to Apr. 25
9. Pachon 1-30 — Apr. 26 to May 25
10. Payni 1-30 — May 26 to June 24
11. Epiphi 1-30 — June 25 to July 24
12. Mesore 1-30 — July 25 to Aug. 23
Epagomenae 1-5 — Aug. 24 to Aug. 28

Having discussed at length the era of Augustus (established

in 30 B.C.) and the new system of calendation (adopted in
Egypt in 26 B.C.), let us now consider the mathematical
formula of Vettius Valens for ascertaining the day of the

week on which a given birth date fell, and his illustration of

how it works.
Vettius Valens took Thoth i (August 31), 30 B.C., as the
commencement of the era of Augustus and the primary point
of reference in making his computations. The date fell on
Sunday, the first day of the week. He knew this fact. For this
reason he first added up all years from the beginning of the
era of Augustus, the intercalated days, and the days lying
between Thoth i and the birth date under consideration.
From this total number he then subtracted as many sevens
as possible and thus ascertained "the sabbatical day" (Satur­
day) which marked the end of the last full week before the
one in which that birth occurred.
Another important factor is that Vettius Valens did not
use the Roman civil day, which was reckoned from midnight
to midnight. He employed the day as reckoned from evening to
evening. When he mentions a day of the week or a day of the
month, he is speaking of a day that began with the evening
(about sunset) before the midnight marking the commencement
of the civil day. This is shown by the fact that he counts
the 24 hours of the day invariably from the first hour of night.
When one takes the Roman civil day (midnight to mid­
night) into account, Sunday, August 31, 30 B.C., was the
beginning of the era of Augustus. But when one takes the day
from evening to evening as Vettius Valens did, it is obvious
that Sunday, Thoth i, marking the beginning of the era of
Augustus, actually began at sunset on Saturday afternoon of
August 30, 30 B.C., according to Roman civil time. Thus, that
date, as Vettius Valens used it, corresponded to Sunday, Thoth
i (August 30/31), 30 B.C., Roman civil time. Therefore,
Neugebauer and Van Hoesen, in their work on Vettius Valens,
are correct in saying that dates of the Alexandrian calendar
can be converted into Julian dates by the formula "Augustus
o Thoth (I) i = — 30 August 29." 33 Also:

33 Neugebauer and Van Hoesen, op. cit., pp. 2, 3.


In the Alexandrian calendar a sixth epagomenal day is added

every fourth year. Consequently the Alexandrian year remains in
fixed relation with the Julian [Roman] year, the first of Thoth
being for three years in succession August 29, then once August 30,
etc. 34

In the example which he gave to illustrate the working of

his formula, Vettius Valens states that from the commence­
ment of the era of Augustus to the commencement of the
fourth year of the reign of Hadrian, according to the Alex­
andrian system of calendation, there were 148 full years.
That is, 148 full years comprise the interval from Thoth i
(August 30), 30 B.C., to Thoth i (August 30), A.D. 119. From
Thoth i (August 30), 30 B.C., to the beginning of the Christian
era there were 29 years, 4 months, and i day. From the
commencement of the Christian era to Thoth i (August 30),
A.D. 119, there were 118 years, 7 months, and 29 days. Thus
the total number of years for the entire period was 148, as
B.C. — 29 years, 4 months, i day
A.D. — 118 years, 7 months, 29 days
Total 148 years, o months, o days
The testimony of Vettius Valens is, therefore, historical
proof that the era of Augustus, according to Alexandrian
reckoning, began on Thoth i (August 30), 30 B.C. 35
However, Vettius Valens says that 36 intercalations were
made in the Alexandrian calendar during that period of 148
years of the era of Augustus. The 36 intercalations correspond­
ed to 36 four-year cycles or 144 years (4 X 36 = 144).
34 Ibid.
35 F. H. Colson, translator of the works of Philo Judaeus for the
Loeb Classical Library, has well said: "There has been some contro­
versy as to whether this was August 3oth or 3ist. Mommsen (rightly,
I believe) decided in favor of the latter, though he does not seem to
have known the passage in Valens, which, I think, must decide the
controversy finally. For any one who takes the trouble, and it is no
more, to calculate, will find that August 3ist in that year actually
was what we call Sunday" (The Week, pp. 52, 53). Colson erred in
supposing that Mechir 13 of the fourth year of Hadrian's reign fell
on February 7, A.D. 119 (ibid., pp. 47-52).

Inasmuch as the thirty-sixth intercalation was made on the

very last day of that 148-year period—that is, on August 29,
A.D. 119—this means that the first four-year cycle of the 36
began 144 years previous—that is, on August 30, 26 B.C. ;
and that the first intercalation was made four years later—
on August 29, 22 B.C. Thus the total number of years for the
entire period of 36 four-year cycles was 144, as follows:
25 years, 4 months, I day
118 years, 7 months, 29 days
144 years, o months, o days
The horoscopes of Vettius Valens and his formula for
ascertaining the day of the week on which a birth date fell
are, therefore, historical proof that the adoption of the
Alexandrian calendar began with Thoth i (August 30),
26 B.C., and that the first intercalation made in it took place
on August 29, 22 B.C., according to the Julian calendar.
Why did Vettius Valens merely add 148 (the number of
the full years) and 36 (the number of intercalations) and 163
(the number of days from Thoth i to Mechir 13 of the fourth
year of the reign of Hadrian) together in order to find out
how many days in excess of the total number of full weeks
(hebdomads, "sevens") would remain? He knew that the year
of 365 days contains one day in excess of 52 full weeks
(7 X 52 = 364). The number 148 was the total number of
such excessive days for the 148 years at the rate of one day
per year. However, he knew that 36 of those 148 years were
leap years of 366 days each, and that he should allow an
additional day of excess for each of them. So he needed to
add 36 days more to the 148. Moreover, there yet remained
the 163 days from Thoth i to Mechir 13 in the fourth year of
Hadrian's reign, which formed only a part of a full year. They
had to be taken into account. Thus, by adding together the
148, the 36, and the 163 days, he had a total of 347. Instead
of dividing the 347 days by 7, he simply subtracted 343 days
(49 weeks) from the 347 days, and had a remainder of only
four days. This means that from Sunday, Thoth I (August

30/3 1 ). 3° B - c -> to Mechir 13 (February 8), A.D. 120, minus

four days comprised an even number of full weeks, and
that Mechir 9 (February 4) of that year was "the sabbatical
day" (Sabbath, day of Saturn, Saturday)—the last day of
the last full week of that period. As there remained 4 days
till Mechir 13—the birth date given—he needed only to
count them by beginning thus: Mechir 10 (February 5) would
be the day of the Sun (Sunday); Mechir u (February 6)
would be the day of the Moon (Monday); Mechir 12 (February
7) would be the day of Mars (Tuesday); and Mechir 13
(February 8) would be the day of Mercury (Wednesday).
That mathematical short cut used by Vettius Valens in his
formula is a clever one indeed, perhaps novel to us. But we
must remember that the decimal system of mathematics
which we employ today is a great improvement over the
clumsy numerals and arithmetic of the Greeks, in which the
letters of the alphabet, and not the Arabic numerals such as
we have, served as numbers. To see that the mathematical
formula of the astrologer provided him with a correct answer,
let us solve his problem another way:
There were 148 Alexandrian years from Thoth i (August 30),
30 B.C., to Thoth i (August 30), A.D. 119. But only 36 of those
years were leap years, and 112 were common years. The 112
common years of 365 days each had a total of (112 X 365)
40,880 days. The 36 leap years of 366 days each had a total of
(36 x 366) 13,176 days. Then there were 163 days in the
fraction of a year from Thoth i (August 30), A.D. 119 to
Mechir 13 (February 8), 120. Adding together the 40,880 days
and the 13,176 days and the 163 days, we have a grand total
of 54,219 days for the whole period from Sunday, Thoth i
(August 30/31), 30 B.C. to Wednesday, Mechir 13 (February 8),
A.D. 120. Dividing the 54,219 days by 7, we find that they
consisted of 7,745 weeks plus 4 days. Therefore Mechir 13
(February 8), A.D. 120, was the fourth day of the week—
Wednesday (Mercury's day)—as Vettius Valens has said.
Another interesting and important fact, in this connection,

is that Mechir 13 in the fourth year of the reign of Hadrian,

as a calendar date, figures in four different horoscopes in the
Anthology by Vettius Valens, apart from his mathematical
formula for ascertaining the day of the week on which a
birth date had fallen. In all four instances Neugebauer and
Van Hoesen have worked out the horoscopes and found that
Mechir 13 in the fourth year of Hadrian was February 8,
A.D. 120. 36
In the example which he gives to illustrate his method of
ascertaining the day of the week on which a birth date had
fallen, Vettius Valens stated that it belonged to the fourth
year of the reign of Hadrian, according to the Alexandrian
system of calendation. The biographer of Hadrian indicated
that he began to reign as emperor on August n, and other
evidence shows it was in A.D. 117. 37 However, evidence shows
further that though Hadrian's reign began only 18 days prior
to Thoth i (August 29), A.D. 117, that fraction of the Alex­
andrian year from Thoth i (August 29), A.D. 116, to Thoth i
(August 29), 117, was reckoned as the first year of his reign.
The Alexandrian year from Thoth i (August 29), A.D. 117, to
Thoth i (August 29), 118, was counted as his second year as
emperor. And the Alexandrian year from Thoth i (August 29),
A.D. 118, to Thoth i (August 29), 119, was his third.
We are specific in this matter for a good reason. There is
extant a
. . . copy of a letter translated from the Latin which was posted
in the commander's quarters at the winter camp of the third
Cyrenaic and the Twenty-second Deioteiran legions in the 3rd year
of Traianus Hadrianus Augustus Publius Aelius in his third consul­
ship which he held with Rusticus as colleague. Dated the day before
the Nones of August [August 4] or Mesore n. 38
That letter was the publication of a legal decision by Hadri-
36 Neugebauer and Van Hoesen, op. cit., pp. 180, 181, and Table 15.
The four horoscopes referred to are Vettius Valens, op. cit., I. 4,
p. 20; 10, p. 26; 20, p. 36; V. 7, p. 215.
37 Aelius Spartianus, Hadrian, 4 (Loeb ed., I, 12, 13).
38 Allan Chester Johnson, Roman Egypt to the Reign of Diocletian
(Baltimore, 1936), p. 678.

an concerning the heirship of children born to soldiers not

legally married but while in military service. The document
is not only doubly dated as having been issued "on the 4th
of August which is the nth of Mesore," 39 but names of the
Roman consuls for the year—which is A.D. 119—are given too.
Mesore n of the Alexandrian calendar fell on August 4,
A.D. 119, the year in which Hadrian was consul for the third
time, with C. Junius Rusticus as his colleague. The double
dating, which gives the month date according to the Alex­
andrian calendar and the month date according to the Julian
calendar, together with the names of the Roman consuls for
the year, testifies to the veracity of Vettius Valens in the
use of calendrical data.
Claudius Ptolemy, the Alexandrian astronomer already
mentioned, wrote an astronomical treatise called The Mathe­
matical Composition, which is better known today as The
Almagest, a title given to it by Arabian scholars. In that work
he mentions 19 eclipses of the sun and moon. His Canon lists
the reigns of kings successively, with the number of years
they reigned individually and collectively, from noon of
Thoth i (February 26), 747 B.C., down to his own time in
the second century A.D. The astronomical observations made
by him as recorded in The Almagest extend from A.D. 127 to
151. His life covered the reigns of Trajan (98-117), Hadrian
(117-138), and Antoninus Pius (138-161). He considered
Hipparchus (ca. 135 B.C.) his master in astronomy and often
cited him as an authority on the subject.
Ptolemy mentions using in an astronomical problem a
partial lunar eclipse which he had observed:
We took that [lunar eclipse] observed in Alexandria in the year
9 of Hadrian, Egyptianwise Pachon 17-18 at 3 3/5 equatorial hours
before midnight; and the moon was eclipsed likewise to the extent
of 2 digits from the southern side. 40

39 Arthur S. Hunt and C. C. Edgar, eds., Select Papyri, II (Cam­

bridge, Mass., 1956), 88, 89 ("Letter of Hadrian").
40 Claudius Ptolemy, The Almagest, R. Catesby Taliaferro, ed., IV.
9, in "Great Books of the Western World," XVI (Chicago, 1939), 136.

Ptolemy used the astronomical day, which was reckoned

from noon to noon. 41 Because the Egyptian civil day was
reckoned from sunrise to sunrise, 42 and the Roman day from
midnight to midnight, he was careful to indicate both of the
civil days involved in each of the dates he gave for the
eclipses he observed. Though he states that the moon was
partially eclipsed on Pachon 17-18, yet the fact that he
reports that it occurred "before midnight" shows that it
actually occurred on Pachon 17 according to old Egyptian
count. Pachon 17 of the old Egyptian calendar corresponded
to Pharmuthi 10 (April 5) of the new Alexandrian calendar
in the ninth year of Hadrian, which was from Thoth i (August
29), A.D. 124, to Thoth i (August 29), 125. Thus the eclipse
of the moon took place on April 5, A.D. 125, 43 according to
the Julian calendar.
Another document from that period is a birth certificate of
Nerenius Gemella, a girl born in the year when Nonius
Torquatus Asprenate was consul for the second time, and
M. Annius Libone was consul for the first time, "on April 13
in the twelfth year of the Emperor Caesar Trajan Augustus,
which was Pharmuthi 18 in Alexandria for the Egyptians." 44
This double dating, with the names of the Roman consuls
for -the twelfth year of the reign of Hadrian, one of whose
names was Trajan, means that the birth occurred on Phar­
muthi 18 (April 13), A.D. 128, according to the Alexandrian
Ptolemy says:
Since, of the first equinoxes observed by us, one of the most
accurate occurred as the autumn equinox in the year 17 of Hadrian,
41 See note 45 below for data concerning Ptolemy's use of the
astronomical day (noon to noon).
42 Richard A. Parker, The Calendars of Ancient Egypt ("Studies in
Ancient Oriental Civilization," XXVI; Chicago, 1946), p. 10.
43 This lunar eclipse is listed as No. 2058 in Theodor R. von Oppol-
zer's Canon of Eclipses (New York, 1925), p. 345, the date given as
Aprils, A- D - I2 5-
44 John G. Winter, ed., Papyri in the University of Michigan
Collection, III (Ann Arbor, 1936), 149, 150.

Egyptianwise Athyr 7, very nearly 2 hours after midday—it is

clear that at that time the sun was 116° 40' in mean movement on
the eccentric circle, away from the apogee in the direction contrary
to the movement of the heavens. But from the reign of Nabonassar
to the death of Alexander [the Great] amounts to 424 Egyptian
years; and from the death of Alexander to the reign of Augustus,
294 years; and from the year i of Augustus, Egyptianwise Thoth i,
midday (for we establish the epochs from midday) to the year 17 of
Hadrian, Athyr 7, 2 hours after midday, amounts to 161 years,
66 days, and 2 equatorial hours. And therefore from the year i of
Nabonassar, Egyptianwise Thoth i, midday, to the time of the
autumn equinox just mentioned amounts to 879 years, 66 days, and
2 equatorial hours. 45
As Ptolemy was using the old Egyptian calendar, but
reckoning the day from noon to noon, the date of that
autumnal equinox has been computed as September 25,
A.D. 132, in the seventeenth year of the reign of Hadrian
according to the Alexandrian reckoning. And note that he
adds the important observation that "from the year i of
Augustus, Egyptianwise Thoth i, midday (for we establish
the epochs from midday) to the year 17 of Hadrian, Athyr 7,
2 hours after midday, amounts to 161 years, 66 days, and
2 equatorial hours." This means that the autumnal equinox
of September 25, A.D. 132, in the seventeenth year of Hadrian's
reign, took place in the i62d year of the era of Augustus,
according to the Alexandrian system of calendation. This
shows conclusively that by the Alexandrian reckoning the
era of Augustus began with Thoth i (August 30/31) 30 B.C.,
as Vettius Valens has indicated. And it should be remembered
that Vettius Valens and the Emperor Hadrian were contem­
poraries of Claudius Ptolemy.
Concerning another astronomical problem Ptolemy says:
Again of the three eclipses we have chosen from those most
carefully observed by us in Alexandria, the first occurred in the

45 Claudius Ptolemy, op. cit., III. 7. This statement shows that

Ptolemy used the astronomical day, reckoned from midday to midday,
not only in making astronomical observations, but also in reckoning
the years of the kings since the first year of Nabonassar, king of
Babylon, which began on Thoth I (February 26), 747 B.C., according
to the Alexandrian reckoning.

year 17 of Hadrian, Egyptianwise Payni 20-21; and we accurately

calculated the middle of it to have occurred 3/4 equatorial hour
before midnight. And the eclipse was total. 46

That total eclipse of the moon occurred during the night

of May 6, A.D. 133, in the latter part of the seventeenth year
of the reign of Hadrian according to the Alexandrian reckon­
ing. 47
The same Alexandrian astronomer says :
"The second [lunar eclipse] occurred in the year 19 of Hadrian,
Egyptianwise Choiac 2-3; and we calculated the middle of it to
have occurred i equatorial hour before midnight. And there was
an eclipse to the extent of 1/2 -f 1/3 of the diameter from the
southern side." 48

That partial lunar eclipse occurred on October 20, A.D. 134,

in the nineteenth year of the reign of Hadrian according to
the Alexandrian reckoning. 49
Ptolemy goes on to say:
"The third of the [lunar] eclipses occurred in the year 20 of
Hadrian, Egyptianwise Pharmuthi 19-20; and we calculated the
middle of it to have occurred 4 equatorial hours after midnight.
And there was an eclipse to the extent of 1/2 of the diameter from
the northern side." 50

That partial eclipse of the moon occurred on Pharmuthi 20

(March 6), A.D. 136, in the twentieth year of Hadrian's reign
according to the Alexandrian reckoning. 51
In three respects the calendation used by Vettius Valens,
insofar as the days of the week and the 24 hours of the day
axe concerned, differs significantly from that depicted in
46 Ibid., IV. 6. 2.
47 That lunar eclipse of May 6, A.D. 133, is listed as No. 2071 in
von Oppolzer's Canon, p. 345.
48 Claudius Ptolemy, op. cit., IV. 6. 2.
49 That lunar eclipse is listed as No. 2074 in von Oppolzer's Canon,
P- 345-
50 Claudius Ptolemy, op. cit., IV. 6. 2.
61 That lunar eclipse is listed as No. 2075 in von Oppolzer's Canon,
P- 345-

the astrological calendars used in the West during the period

in which he wrote. He placed Sunday (the day of the Sun)
first in the order of the days of the week. The astrological
calendars of the West placed Saturday (Saturn's day) first. 52
He began the 24 hours of the day with the first hour of night,
thus reckoning the day from evening to evening. In this
respect he was in accord with the Athenians, for both Varro 53
and Pliny the Elder 54 state that in their time the day was
counted from sunset to sunset by the people of Athens. Too,
the Jews and the early Christians did likewise. Moreover, he
assigned the first hour of the night to the planet for which
that day is named. The astrological calendars of the West
during that period assigned the first hour of the morning
(the sunrise hour) to the planet for which the day was named. 55
Significant is the fact that in his astrological formula
Vettius Valens, who undoubtedly was a pagan, used the week
of seven days, reckoned the seven-day week as beginning
with the day of the Sun (Sunday) and ending with "the sabba­
tical day" (Sabbath day), and reckoned the 24-hour day from
evening to evening. This suggests that such usage may have
been more widespread throughout the Roman world during
the second century A.D. than some church historians in
modern times have suspected. 56

52 Robert L. Odom, Sunday in Roman Paganism (Washington,

D.C., 1944), pp. 56-59, 64, 115-121, 204-217.
53 Varro, quoted by Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights, III. 2 (Loeb ed.,
I, 238-241).
64 Pliny the Elder, op. cit., II. 79 (Loeb ed., I, 318-321). See also
Censorinus, op. cit., 23 and 24.
55 Odom, op. cit., pp. 201-217.
56 Writing shortly before the beginning of the second century A.D.,
Josephus said, in reply to an attack on the Jews by the learned gram­
marian, Apion of Alexandria: "The masses have long since shown a
keen desire to adopt our religious observances; and there is not one
city, Greek or barbarian, nor a single nation, to which our custom
of abstaining from work on the seventh day has not spread" (Against
Apion, II. 39 [Loeb ed., I, 405, 407]). Theophilus, bishop of Antioch
(168-181), wrote, "concerning the seventh day, which all men acknowl­
edge; but the most know not that what among the Hebrews is called

In conclusion, the work of Vettius Valens certainly provides

conclusive evidence that the era of Augustus began on
Sunday, Thoth i (August 31, midnight to midnight; or
August 30/31, evening to evening), 30 B.C., 57 and that the
continuity of the cycle of the seven-day week suffered no
disruption whatever from that date down to Wednesday,
Mechir 13 (February 8), A.D. 120, in the fourth year of the
reign of Hadrian, as reckoned by the new Alexandrian system
of calendation. He provides evidence that the adoption of
the Alexandrian calendar in Egypt began with Thoth i
(August 30), 26 B.C., and that the perceptible divergence
between this new calendar and the old one first occurred on
August 29, 22 B.C., when the sixth epagomenal day was first
intercalated at the end of the first four-year period of the
new calendar. Historical documents and astronomical records
of that period confirm the testimony of Vettius Valens
concerning that matter.
Month Days Corresponding Roman Date
1. Thoth 1-30 Aug. 29(30) — Sept. 27(28)
2. Phaophi 1-30 Sept. 28(29) — Oct. 27(28)
3. Hathyr 1-30 Oct. 28(29) — Nov. 26(27)
4. Choiak 1-30 Nov. 27(28) — Dec. 26(27)
5. Tybi 1-30 Dec. 27(28) — Jan. 25(26)
6. Mechir 1-30 Jan. 26(27) — Feb. 240
7. Phamenoth 1-30 Feb. 25 — Mar. 26

the 'Sabbath,' is translated into Greek the 'Seventh' (e(38o(i<x<;), a

name which is adopted by every nation, although they know not the
reason of the appellation" (To Autolycus, II. 12 [ANF, II, 99]). It is
not strange, therefore, that Vettius Valens of Antioch, though he was
a pagan, should refer to the seventh-day Sabbath in Greek as "the
sabbatical day."
57 From Thoth i (August 29), A.D. 284, and long thereafter the era
of Augustus was called "the era of Diocletian." This was done in
honor of Diocletian, who became emperor on September 17, 284.
After his death, some ecclesiastical writers referred to it as "the era
of the Martyrs," because of the terrible persecution which the Chris­
tians suffered under the reign of that ruler.

Month Days Corresponding Roman Date

8. Pharmuthi 1-30 Mar. 26 — Apr. 25
9. Pachon 1-30 Apr. 26 — May 25
10. Payni 1-30 May 26 — June 24
ii. Epiphi 1-30 June 25 — July 24
12. Mesore 1-30 July 25 — Aug. 23
Epagomenae 1-5(6) Aug. 24 — Aug. 28(29)
Note: A sixth epagomenal day was intercalated (added) at the end
of every fourth year of the four-year cycle, and thus was August 29
of that year. For this reason Thoth i of the first year of every four-
year cycle always fell on August 30. But because an extra February 24
was intercalated as a "bissextile day" between February 24 and 25
of the Julian calendar once every four years, Thoth I fell on August
29 during the last three years of the four-year cycle. During the first
centuries of the Christian era the intercalary day of the Julian calendar
was not added as February 29 as is customary to do now.

This table shows the correspondence between the new (reformed)
and the old calendars used in Egypt during the Roman imperial
period after that country was incorporated into the Roman Empire
in 30 B.C., and also their relationship to the Julian calendar.
Column i lists the years of the era of Augustus according to the
Alexandrian reckoning, beginning with 30/29 B.C.
Column 2 lists the Egyptian years as they corresponded to the
Julian years, the portion in italics indicating where the intercalation
was made in each leap year of the new (reformed) calendar of Egypt,
and the portion in bold indicating where the intercalation was made
in each leap year of the Roman calendar.
Column 3 shows the count of the leap year intercalations of the
new (reformed) calendar of Egypt from 22 B.C.
Column 4 shows the Julian date on which Thoth i of the new
(reformed) calendar of Egypt fell each year.
Column 5 shows the Julian date on which Thoth i of the old calendar
of Egypt fell each year.
Column 6 shows the number of days of divergence between the
Julian dates on which Thoth i of the new (reformed) calendar and
Thoth i of the old calendar of Egypt fell from 22 B.C. onward.
This Table, prepared primarily for use with the preceding article,
covers only the 60 Egyptian calendar years of the Roman imperial
period from 30 B.C. to A.D. 31. It is a simple matter to extend the
coverage further into the Christian era.

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I 30/29 B.C. — — — Aug. 3i — 34 4/5 A.D. Aug. 29 Aug. 22 7

•2. 29/28 ,, — — — „ 30 — 35 5/6 „ ., 29 ,, 22 7
3 28/27 „ — — — „ 30 — 36 6/7 „ 8 ,, 29 ,, 22 7
4 27/26 „ — — — ,, 30 — 37 7/8 „ „ 30 tt 22 8
5 26/25 „ Aug. 30 ,, 30 — 38 8/9 „ „ 29 tt 21 8
6 25/24 „ ,, 29 ,, 29 — 39 9/io ,, .. 29 tt 21 8
7 24/23 „ ,, 29 „ 29 — 40 10/11 ,, 9 „ 29 tt 21 8
8 23/22 „ I ,, 29 ,, 29 — 41 n/12 „ „ 30 tt 21 9
9 22/21 „ „ 30 ,, 29 I 42 12/13 „ „ 29 lt 2O 9
10 21/20 ,, 29 ,, 28 I 43 13/14 „ „ 29 tf 2O 9
ii 20/19 ,, 29 ,, 28 I 44 J 4/-f5 „ 10 „ 29 tt 2O 9
12 I9/JS „ 2 ,, 29 ,, 28 I 45 15/16 ,. „ 30 tt 2O 10
J3 18/17 „ ,, 30 ,, 28 2 46 16/17 .. ,, 29 lt 19 10
14 17/16 „ ,, 29 ,, 27 2 47 17/18 „ ,, 29 ,, 19 10
15 16/15 ,. ,, 29 t, 27 2 48 I8/J9 ., 11 ,, 29 ,, 19 10
16 15/14 ,< 3 „ 29 t, 27 2 49 19/20 „ „ 30 (( 19 ii
17 14/13 „ ,, 30 ,, 27 3 50 20/21 „ ., 29 )( 18 ii
18 13/12 „ „ 29 ,, 26 3 51 21/22 „ 29 tt 18 ii
19 12/11 ,, „ 29 ,, 26 3 52 22/23 „ 12 ,, 29 tt 18 ii
20 I I/JO 4 „ 29 ,, 26 3 53 23/24 „ „ 30 )t 18 12
21 io/9 „ 3° ,, 26 4 54 24/25 „ „ 29 ft 17 12
22 9/8 „ ,. 29 ,, 25 4 55 25/26 „ .. 29 lt 17 12
23 8/7 „ „ 29 ,, 25 4 56 26/27 .. 13 „ 29 tl 17 12
24 7/6 ,. 5 „ 29 ,, 25 4 57 27/28 „ „ 30 tt 17 13
25 6/5 „ „ 30 „ 25 5 58 28/29 „ ,, 29 )t 16 13
26 5/4 „ „ 29 ,, 24 5 59 29/30 „ „ 29 >t 16 13
27 4/3 „ „ 29 „ 24 5 60 30/3J „ J4 „ 29 lt 16 13
28 3/2 ,. 6 „ 29 ,, 24 5
29 2/1 ,. „ 30 ,, 24 6
30 I/I A.D. „ 29 ,, 23 6
31 1/2 ., „ 29 „ 23 6
32 2/3 „ 7 >. 29 ,, 23 6
33 3/4 „ -, 30 ,, 23 7

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