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Summative 2011

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Students were on task, participating,

successful, and engaged in their own

learning. Mrs. McCartney did a great
job of serving as the facilitator of the
learning process. Students were
allowed to use manipulatives and
visuals to practice various math
Domain I: Active, Successful Student Participation in the Learning Process
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Engaged in learning
2. Successful in learning
3. Critical thinking/
problem solving
4. Self-directed
5. Connects learning
15 6 0 0 21
Total: 20 to 25 Exceeds Expectations
12 to 19 Proficient
4 to 11 Below Expectations
0 to 3 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Mrs. McCartney introduces lessons with the objective and product. Mrs. McCartney
regularly uses manipulatives in her class to teach various math concepts. Students
work in whole group, guided groups, small groups, and individually. Mrs.
McCartney serves as the facilitator of the students learning process. Mrs.
McCartney worked extremely hard this year to develop a high level of expectations
with children in her class.
100% alignment of lessons. Weekly
planning with Math/Science strategist to
create great aligned lessons.
Student on-task behavior and
engagement in the lesson. Lesson
Domain II: Learner-Centered Instruction
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Goals and objectives
2. Learner-centered
3. Critical thinking and
problem solving
4. Motivational strategies
5. Alignment
25 12 0 0 37
Total: 37 to 45 Exceeds Expectations
23 to 36 Proficient
7 to 22 Below Expectations
0 to 6 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Lesson frame is posted and visible. Mrs. McCartney begins her lesson for the day
began with students going over the lesson frame.Students actively participating by
sharing out answers to help other students. The lesson transitions are smooth with
little loss of instructional time was lost. Students for the most part are on-task and
engaged in the lesson. The lessons are 100% aligned with the goals and objectives
for the activity. Mrs. McCartney asked great questions and allows for adequate time
for students to respond.
6. Pacing/sequencing
7. Value and importance
8. Appropriate question-
ing and inquiry
9. Use of technology
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
Revised June 2004 1
Mrs. McCartney does provide specific
feedback on student performance by
facilitating data sessions with her
students. Progress monitoring and goal
setting is done on a regular basis.
Tutoring at all possible moments.
Meetings with Math Strategist to review
data and develop plans to assist
Domain III: Evaluation and Feedback on Student Progress
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Monitored and
2. Assessment and in-
struction are aligned
3. Appropriate assess-
4. Learning reinforced
5. Constructive feedback
15 9 0 0 24
Total: 25 to 30 Exceeds Expectations
15 to 24 Proficient
5 to 14 Below Expectations
0 to 4 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Mrs. McCartney consistently walks room checking for student understanding. Mrs.
McCartney uses personal communication and specific answer to check for student
understanding. Make sure that students understand and are attempting to live up to
your classroom expectations at all times.
6. Relearning and
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
Revised June 2004 2
Little off-task behavior witnessed. Students worked well in their small groups to complete
the lesson. Mrs. McCartney manages her time and the materials needed for the lesson.
Varied characteristics used such as; manipulatives, small group, whole group, personal
communication, specific answer, visual representations, and an assessment handout.
(x 0)
(x 1)
(x 3)
(x 5)
1. Discipline procedures
32 0 0 12 20
8. Manages time and
Multiple and varied instructional
characteristics used. With the multiple
behavioral and academic needs of your
class you did an exceptional job of
managing your classroom.
Management of instructional time and
Overemphasize the positive academic and
behavioral things you are witnessing in
your class in an attempt to help increase
academics and behavior.
Domain IV: Management of Student Discipline, Instructional Strategies,
Time, and Materials
2. Self-discipline and
self-directed learning
3. Equitable teacher-
student interaction
4. Expectations for
5. Redirects disruptive
Total: 34 to 40 Exceeds Expectations
20 to 33 Proficient
6 to 19 Below Expectations
0 to 5 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
6. Reinforces desired
7. Equitable and varied
Mrs. McCartney is the team leader of
the 3rd grade team and always has her
team prepared. Mrs. McCartney does a
fantastic job communicating with
parents, staff and other Lee
stakeholders. You are supportive and
courteous to your students and
colleagues. Visual models and anchor
charts support classroom expectations
and instruction. Students used thumbs
up when ready to move forward.
Domain V: Professional Communication
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Written with students
2. Verbal/non-verbal with
3. Reluctant students
4. Written with parents,
staff, community
members, and other
5. Verbal/non-verbal with
parents, staff, com-
munity members, and
other professionals
30 0 0 0 30
Total: 25 to 30 Exceeds Expectations
15 to 24 Proficient
5 to 14 Below Expectations
0 to 4 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Social Contract posted and implemented. CKH used during lesson.
6. Supportive, courteous
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
Revised June 2004 3
colleagues. Visual models and anchor
charts support classroom expectations
and instruction. Students used thumbs
up when ready to move forward.
Has done an exceptional job preparing
herself throughout the year for her first
year in 3rd grade. Mrs. McCartney
worked extremely hard to be prepared
and worked constantly to meet the
needs of her students.
Domain VI: Professional Development
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Campus/district goals
2. Student needs
3. Prior performance
4. Improvement of
student performance
10 6 0 0 16
Total: 16 to 20 Exceeds Expectations
9 to 15 Proficient
3 to 8 Below Expectations
0 to 2 Unsatisfactory
Strengths Areas to Address
Mrs. McCartney implements and is involved in campus and district goals such as
the following:
1. CKH is practiced.
2. Lead Your School Trainings and Implementation.
3. Alignment of lessons using CSCOPE.
4. Using CScope curriculum and is active and participatory with the building of her
team's lesson plans.
5. Involved in creating Rigor and Relevance in her plans.
6. The RTI process at Lee.
7. Tutoring
8. Campus Team Leader
9. Data Collection / D2SC
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
Revised June 2004 4
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
Has done an exceptional job preparing
Revised June 2004 5
Domain VII: Compliance With Policies, Operating Procedures,
and Requirements
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
1. Policies, procedures,
and legal require-
2. Verbal/written
3. Environment
15 0 0 0 15
Total: 13 to 15 Exceeds Expectations
9 to 12 Proficient
3 to 8 Below Expectations
0 to 2 Unsatisfactory
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
Candice is supportive and has helped
to build a positive nurturing environment
at Lee.
Strengths Areas to Address
Classroom is neat and organized allowing for limited student distractions. There is
no teachers nest in classroom. Candice complies with all policies and procedures
on the campus and district level.
Revised June 2004 6
Domain VIII: Improvement of Academic Performance Of All Students
on the Campus
(x 5)
(x 3)
(x 1)
(x 0)
Total 1-9
Subtotal 1-9
1. Aligns instruction
2. Analyzes TAKS data
3. Appropriate sequence
30 9 0 0 39
Total: 37 to 45 Exceeds Expectations
23 to 36 Proficient
7 to 22 Below Expectations
0 to 6 Unsatisfactory
4. Appropriate materials
5. Monitors student
6. Monitors attendance
7. Students in at-risk
8. Appropriate plans for
9. Modifies and adapts
40 to 50
24 to 39
8 to 23
0 to 7
**Teachers's 1st
Year on Campus
Teacher's Subsequent
Years on Campus
**Campus performance rating or AYP not scored as per Commissioner's Rules, Ch. 150.1002(f)
PLUS 10. Campus Performance Rating of:
A. Exemplary
Academically Acceptable
Academically Unacceptable
B. Meets AYP
*Needs Improvement
*If needs improvement, list in the spaces below Indicators from page 8.
0 Total A+B ________
Graduation Rate/Attend
Participation Performance
Participation & Performance (Sum of 1-10)
Final Total Domain VIII
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
Strengths Areas to Address
Mrs. McCartney has appropriately aligned and sequential lessons. She has
implemented plans to intervene with her student's success. Has adapted her
instruction based off first six weeks assessment results. Has been involved in team
planning to discuss data from the first six weeks assessment....(Data Driven
Decisions Template). Has been to numerous district and campus sessions to
address student academic needs.
Signature of Appraiser:
My appraiser has given me a copy of this Observation Summary Report.
Signature of Teacher:
Observation Summary
Signature of Appraiser:
My appraiser and I have discussed this Summative Annual Appraisal Report.
Signature of Teacher:
Summative Annual Appraisal
Signed: 57810
Signed: 57280
Revised June 2004 7
2 0 0 4 R e v i s i o n
Beginning Time:
Appraiser: Date: Campus: Assignment/Grade:
Ending Time: P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t A n d A p p r a i s a l S y s t e m
Observation Summary
Summative Annual Appraisal
Lee Elementary 5/7/2011 Bartlett, Donnie 3 McCartney, Candice
AYP Needs Improvement Indicators
Reading Performance and/or Participation 1.
Performance Only 1a.
Participation Only 1b.
Performance and Participation 1c.
Mathematics Performance and/or Participation 2.
Performance Only 2a.
Participation Only 2b.
Performance and Participation 2c.
Graduation Rate 3.
Attendance 4.
Reading and Mathematics 5.
Reading Performance Only and Math Performance Only 5a.
Reading Performance Only and Math Participation Only 5b.
Reading Performance Only and Math Performance and Participation 5c.
Reading Participation Only and Math Participation Only 5d.
Reading Participation Only and Math Performance and Participation 5e.
Reading Performance Only and Graduation Rate 6.
Reading, Mathematics, and Graduation Rate 7.
Reading/Performance, Math/Performance and Graduation Rate 7a.
Reading/Performance, Math/Participation and Graduation Rate 7b.
Reading/Performance, Math/Performance/Participation and Graduation Rate 7c.
Mathematics and Graduation Rate 8.
Mathematics/Performance and Graduation Rate 8a.
Mathematics/Participation and Graduation Rate 8b.
Mathematics Performance/Participation and Graduation Rate 8c.
Revised June 2004 8

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