TK Summative Assessment 2017
TK Summative Assessment 2017
TK Summative Assessment 2017
Tyler Kahn
Special Education Early Childhood Education - Early Intervention
Special Education Early Childhood Education - Preschool
Special Education Mild Moderate Disabilities
Special Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Special Education Visual Impairment
Special Education Severe Disabilities
Special Education DeafBlind
Fall 2017
Jason Sikes
John Funk
Position of Evaluator:
Field Experience:
Evidence for Evaluation (Check all that apply for this evaluation):
When rating, items with a "O" are evaluated through observation; items with a "C" are evaluated through consultation
Tyler has set up an incredible learning environment for his students. He maintains a positive
outlook and has an engaging interaction with his students. He respects the fact that they
are sixth graders.
Instructional Practice:
Effective instructional practice requires that teachers have a deep and flexible
understanding of their content areas and be able to draw upon content
knowledge as they work with learners to access information, apply knowledge in
real-world settings, and address meaningful issues. They must also understand
and integrate assessment, planning, and instructional strategies in coordinated
and engaging ways to assure learner mastery of the content.
Standard 5: Assessment
The teacher uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own
growth, monitor learner progress, guide planning and instruction, and determine
whether the outcomes described in content standards have been met.
Tyler routinely pulls information from the students and encourages them to find ways to
mine the information. He also brings in additional information into his lessons that serve
and interesting background notes to improve engagement.
Professional Responsibility:
Creating and supporting safe, productive learning environments that result in
learners achieving at the highest levels is a teacher’s primary responsibility. To
do this well, teachers must engage in meaningful, intensive professional learning
by regularly examining practice through ongoing study, self-reflection, and
collaboration. They must be aware of legal and ethical requirements and engage
in the highest levels of professional and ethical conduct.
For Standard 10, the minimum score at pre-student teaching practicum/SPED field
studies is 4 (yes to both questions); minimum score for final student teaching is 4
(yes to both questions).
Tyler has far exceeded the skills of a first year teacher in his teaching strategies and the
confident way he runs his classroom. He has made excellent progress this year!
Teacher Candidate
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Tyler Kahn
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that you have signed this document.
John H. Funk
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