Quiz Quiz Trade
Quiz Quiz Trade
Quiz Quiz Trade
I. Rationale
This is an activity that I use on a weekly basis in my class. I founu that it is a gieat
way foi my stuuents to stuuy. We uo this a lot with vocabulaiy. Stuuents will pick a
caiu with a vocabulaiy woiu anu its uefinition. Then I will play music anu when the
music stops they have to quickly finu a paitnei. Then one paitnei will give the
uefinition on theii caiu anu then the othei peison has to guess what the woiu is. If
they aie wiong the othei peison iepeats the uefinition anu gives them the coiiect
woiu. Then the othei paitnei iepeats the piocess with theii caiu. Aftei they aie
uone they switch caius anu wait foi the music to stait to finu a new paitnei. This
piocess continues until they have come acioss eveiy vocabulaiy woiu.
This activity helps language uevelopment thiough a.) Netacognition anu b.)
Inteiaction Bypothesis.
a. Netacognition
i. Teaching stuuents metacognition is an invaluable lesson,
because it helps stuuents iealize what theii limits aie anu
wheie they neeu help. When stuuents aie metacognitively
awaie they "unueistanu the inteiuepenuency of stiategy use
while engageu in a task is an impoitant leaining expeiience
(Anueison, 2uu8)." Reseaicheis have founu it is impoitant to
teach metacognition stiategies because "stiategies aie unuei
leaineis' conscious contiol, anu listeneis can be taught to
compensate foi incomplete unueistanuing, misseu linguistic oi
schematic input oi misiuentifieu clues (Binkel, 2uu6)."
b. Inteiaction Bypothesis
i. Accoiuing to inteiaction hypothesis "a ciucial site foi language
uevelopment is inteiaction between leaineis anu othei
speakeis, especially, but not only, between leaineis anu moie
pioficient leaineis anu between leaineis anu ceitain types of
wiitten texts, especially elaboiateu ones (Long & Robinson,
1998)." Inteiaction hypothesis is impoitant because when
speakeis inteiact it leaus "to negotiation of meaning |thatj
piomotes leaining because it enables leaineis to map the
coiiect foim onto the meaning they wish to convey (Ellis &
Shintani, 2u14)."
II. Besciiption
a. Pie-task
The stuuents will be using the following woius fiom Bow to Eat Fiieu
Woims: apoplectically, fiicasseeu, cavoiting, anxious, obsequiously,
uisuainfully, uejecteuly, nonchalantly, iiuiculous, anu giimacing.
You shoulu alieauy have stuuent maue vocabulaiy caius foi this unit
fiom a pievious lesson.
b. Task cycle
Banu out the stuuent piouuceu vocabulaiy caius ianuomly to
stuuents in the classioom. Explain that they will be playing quiz-quiz-
pass. Foi this activity each stuuent will stait out with one vocabulaiy
Explain that they will be iotating aiounu the ioom when the music
staits playing. When the music staits they must paitnei up with the
peison closest to them.
When they paitnei up, explain that the tallei stuuent will be paitnei A
anu the shoitei stuuent will be paitnei B. Explain that Paitnei A will
give theii uefinition fiist by using the sentence stem: What woiu
means _________________. Then stuuent B will give theii answei.
Stuuent A will eithei iesponu, "Yes _______________ means ____(iepeat
uefinition)" oi "No ________(stuuent iesponse)___ is not coiiect, the
coiiect answei is ___________________ which means ________________". Then
explain that aftei Stuuent A has finisheu the paitneis will switch ioles
foi paitnei B's vocabulaiy woiu. Pioject sentence stems on the
When both stuuents have finisheu have them switch vocabulaiy caius.
Then when the music staits again have them iotate aiounu the ioom
again anu iepeat the piocess again when the music stops. Stuuents
will continue to play until they have hau access to eveiy vocabulaiy
III. Reflection
The stuuents uo well with this activity because they get up anu they love to
move aiounu. It took us a while of piacticing this activity befoie they weie
able to uo it without questions. Now the stuuents ask to play it all the time.
When I fiist tiieu uoing this activity, I uiu it without sentence stems. I founu
that stuuents ieally neeu the sentence stems to help them unueistanu the
piocess anu the language that they neeu to use in oiuei to finish the task. I
have extenueu this activity to uoing oui piactice questions foi tests anu
spelling woius.
Anueison, N. }. (2uu8). Netacognition anu uoou Language Leaining. !"#$% '(
)#*+,'-."*"'. , 99-1u9.
Ellis, R., & Shintani, N. (2u14). /012'3".- 2+.-4+-# 1#5+-'-6 *73'4-7 %#,'.5
2+.-4+-# +,84"%"*"'. 3#%#+3,79 Abinguon: Routleuge.
Binkel, E. (2uu6). Cuiient Peispectives on Teaching the Foui Skills. :/;<= >4+3*#326
? @A (1), 1u9-1S1.
Long, N. B., & Robinson, P. (1998). Focus on Foim: Theoiy, Reseaich, anu Piactice.
In C. Boughty, & }. e. Williams, B',4% '. ('3C ". ,2+%%3''C %#,'.5 2+.-4+-#
+,84"%"*"'. (pp. 16-41). Cambiiuge: Cambiiuge 0niveisity Piess.