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Magnetic Refirgeration

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Magnetocaloric effect

materials for magnetic refrigeration

Ekkes Brck

Introduction Magnetic cooling Giant magnetocaloric effect Outlook

Review: E. Brck, Magnetic refrigeration near room temperature, Handbook of magnetic materials Vol 17 chapt. 4 (2007) ed. K.H.J. Buschow

Magnetocaloric effect

Basic magnetocalorics Two energy reservoirs



Magnetocaloric effect

Basic magnetocalorics



Magnetocaloric effect
Domain movement

Magnetocaloric effect
Magnetic cooling: Debye and Giauque 1926

61g Gd2(SO4)38H2O, B=0.8T, 1.5K 0.25K

Nobel prize 1949


Magnetocaloric effect
Zeeman effect for state with total moment J

Ground state J is 2J+1 times degenerated: J =-J, -J+1, J

Splits in magnetic field into sublevels

E = g L B

Jz 2 1 0 -1 B -2

H P = B = z B E =< H P >= g Lande B J z B z

g Lande =
3 2

L (L + 1) S (S + 1)
2J (J

+ 1)

Spectroscopic splitting factor gLandee depends on L, S, and J Splitting at B=1 Tesla in the order of meV Atom behaves as if it has effective moment: eff=-gLBJ

Magnetocaloric effect

Statistical physics description

When a system, in contact with a heat bath at temperature T can be in a state with energy E, the probability for this is given by the Gibbs rule:

where k is Boltzmann's constant. Z is called the partition sum,

Magnetocaloric effect
Z is needed to have the proper normalization

The strength of statistical physics is that by calculating Z a lot of information about the system can be derived. The Helmholtz free energy is:

while the Gibbs free energy is:

Magnetocaloric effect

Thermodynamic relations:
Differential of Gibbs free energy
S (T , B, p ) =
G T B ,p

M (T , B , p ) =

G B T , p

V (T , B , p ) =

G p T ,B


Magnetization Differential of entropy


S S S dS = dp dT + dB + T B,p B T ,p p T ,B

Magnetocaloric effect
Identification of terms

S dS = dT + dB Vdp T B T p CB p
, ,

S M Maxwell relations = B T
Magnetic entropy

Adiabatic process at constant pressure

T S dT = dB C B p B T p
, ,


S m =

M dB T B


Magnetocaloric effect
From definition of specific heat

S0 can be set to zero because it is not depending on field

Easy measurable


Magnetocaloric effect
Experimental determination from magnetic measurements

M +1 (T +1 , B) M (T , B) S (T , B) = B T +1 T
i i i i m i i i


Magnetocaloric effect

Continuous phase transition

In the absence of an external field, H=0, the system with exchange interaction J/k=1may spontaneously order.

1 1 1 1 1 2 F = NJm - NHm+NT ( -m) ln ( -m)+( +m) ln ( +m) 2 2 2 2 2 T=0.2J/k

T=0.25J/k T=0.3J/k


Magnetocaloric effect

First order phase transition

If interactions with quartets play a role this may result in local minima in the free energy.

1 1 1 1 1 4 F = NJm - NHm+NT ( -m) ln ( T=0.0225 -m)+(J/k +m) ln ( +m) 2 2 2 2 2

T=0.02 J/k

T=0.025 J/k

Magnetocaloric effect
MCE in iron 10 6T 0T
Cp [J/mol K] T [K]


3T 0.8T 0
T [K]

Magnetic ordering T

T [ C]

Magnetocaloric effect
MCE in gadolinium

Total entropy vs reduced temperature of gadolinium in low field (blue) and high field 9T (purple) (Gschneidner et al)


Magnetocaloric effect
MCE in gadolinium

Magnetic entropy change (green left scale) and Temperature change (red right scale) Derived from specific heat data. (Gschneidner et al)


Magnetocaloric effect
The magnetocaloric properties of selected binary intermetallic compounds
TC (K) Compound Gd4Bi3 Gd4(Bi2.25Sb0.75) Gd4(Bi1.5Sb1.5) Gd4(Bi0.75Sb2.25) Gd4Sb3 Gd2In Gd2In

-SM (mJ/cm3K) 0-2T 0-5T 27 47 47 49 55 37 -4 0-2T 2.2 3.7 3.1 3.2 3.2 2.0 -0.7

Tad (K) 0-5T 4.2 6.8 6.5 6.4 6.4 4.4 -0.2

Dens. (g/cm3)

332 308 289 273 265 194 ~50a

15 27 24 26 29 18.5 -12

10.073 9.679 9.259 8.834 8.414 8.316 8.316

at which SM has the largest positive value and Tad has largest negative MCE value

Ilyn M I, Tishin A M, Gschneidner K A Jr, Pecharsky V K and Pecharsky A O 2001 Cryocoolers 11 ed R G Ross Jr (New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum) p 457 Niu X J, Gschneidner K A Jr, Pecharsky A O and Pecharsky V K 2001 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 234 193


Magnetocaloric effect
The magnetocaloric properties of selected binary intermetallic compounds
TC (K) Comp. Nd2Fe17 Gd7Pd3 TmAg TmAg TmCu TmCu
aTemperature bMaximum

-SM (mJ/cm3K) 0-2T 0-5T 46 57 74c -55c 118c -131c 0-2T 1.9 3.0 0.8 -0.4 0.6 -0.4

Tad (K) 0-5T 4.0 8.5 4.2c -0.9c 3.6c -1.8c

Density (g/cm3)

325 323 ~12b ~ 7a ~10b 6.7d

25 22 11 -26 25 -68

7.797 8.707 10.169 10.169 9.692 9.692


at which SM has the largest positive value and Tad has largest negative MCE value cInterpolated in MCE (no magnetic ordering observed at this temperature)


Dankov S Yu, Ivtchenko V V, Tishin A M, Gschneidner K A Jr and Pecharsky V K 2000 Adv. Cryog. Engin. 46 397 Canepa F, Napoletano M and Cirafici S 2002 Intermetallics 10 731 Rawat R and Das I 2001 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13 L379


Magnetocaloric effect
The magnetocaloric properties of selected ternary intermetallic compounds.

T Ca

-SM (mJ/cm3K) 0-2T 0-5T 79 80 125 142 171 0-2T ------3.2 ---

Tad (K) 0-5T ------8.6 ---

Dens. (g/cm3)

Compound GdCoAl TbCoAl DyCoAl GdPd2Si HoCoAl 100 70 37 17 10

37 41 70 42 100

7.575 7.649 7.619 9.358 7.961

Zhang X X, Wang F W and Wen G H 2001 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 13 L747


Magnetocaloric effect
dimensionlless lattice heat capacity of three solids with different Debye temperatures, D, vs. temperature

D = 150 K

Lattice heat capacity, CL/R


D = 350 K


D = 250 K


0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300


Temperature, T (K)

Magnetocaloric effect
Rules for magnetocaloric effect

Larger moment larger S & T Smag J Lower temperature larger S & T Lower thermal agitation Lower heat capacity


Magnetocaloric effect
Magnetic refrigeration:

External magnetic field changes entropy of magnetic moments

No CFCs, easy scalable, high efficiency, permanent magnets


Magnetocaloric effect
Chubu and Toshiba Refrigerator 2003

Gd metal Rotating magnet 0.76 T Cooling power 60 W T span 20 K


Magnetocaloric effect


Magnetocaloric effect
Other AMR prototypes
Name Ames Laboratory/ Astronautics Barcelona University of Victoria Lab. Electric Grenoble Astronautics AMR Type reciprocatin g rotary reciprocatin g reciprocatin g rotary rotary reciprocatin g reciprocatin g AMR Material Gd spheres Gd foil Gd , Gd Tb

Magnetic Field (T) 5 (S) 0.3 (P) 2 (S) 0.8 (P) 1.5 (P) 1 (P) 2.18 (E) 2.0 (S)

Remarks COPT 10 Olive oil epoxy bonded pucks COPR 2.2 4 Hz Torque 10 Nm COPT 25
T 50K


(Zimm et al. 1998) (Bohigas et al. 2000) (Richard et al. 2004) (Clot et al. 2003) (Zimm et al. 2006)
(Vasile et al. 2006) (Gao et al. 2006)


Gd foil Gd, Gd-Er, spheres LaFeSiH particles Gd plates Gd spheres; Gd5(Si,Ge)4 pwdr. Gd , Gd Tb

Natl Inst. Appl. Sci. / Cooltech Xian Jiaotong Univ.

University of Victoria

Gd Er
.74 .85



(Rowe et al. 2006)


Magnetocaloric effect
Replace Gd with material with large MCE

1990 FeRh (Nikitin et al.) 1997 Gd5Si2Ge2(Percharsky & Gschneidner Jr.) 1998 RCo2 (Foldeaki et al. ) 2000-2002 La(Fe,Si)13 (Zhang et al., Fukamichi et al.) 2001 MnAs1-xSbx (Wada et al.) 2002 MnFe(P,As) (Tegus et al.) 2003 Co (S1-xSex)2 (Yamada & Goto)


Magnetocaloric effect
Giant magnetocaloric effect in Gd5Ge2Si2

Magnetically dilute yet higher effect double transition?

Pecharsky & Gschneidner PRL 78 (1997) 4494


Magnetocaloric effect
Crystal growth

D=4mm Sphere was cut by spark erosion from as grown rod

Crystal was grown in a mirror furnace by means of traveling solvent floating zone method


Magnetocaloric effect
Unusual behavior
Extraordinary magnetic behavior: first-order character of the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition.
3.0 2.5

Gd5Si 1.65Ge 2.35 Crystal Sphere d=4mm B=0.05T Stepwise heating mode


M (B /f.u.)


a b c



0.0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

600 350 550


M (B/f.u)


T (K)

a b c

500 450 400

C (J/molK)


Gd5Ge2.35Si1.65 crystal Sphere d=4mm at 5K

0 0 1 2

350 300 250 2003

150 B (T) 100 50 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

T (K)


Magnetocaloric effect
Unusual behavior
The high temperature paramagnetic monoclinic phase transforms to the low temperature ferromagnetic orthorhombic phase. The low temperature phase has a higher symmetry than the high temperature, which is the opposite of what is normally observed for other polymorphic systems.

<Tc: Pnma, No.62

>Tc: P1121/a, No.14

31 Crystallographic data comes from W Choe PRL v84, n20, p4617, 2000

Magnetocaloric effect
Unusual behavior
Volume decreases when cooling through the transition, i.e., the cell volume in the low-temperature ferromagnetic phase is smaller ( v>0.4%) than in the high-temperature paramagnetic one. This is in contrast with the general physical picture of the magnetovolume effects which are transtions from a lowvolume low-moment to a high-volume high-moment state.




Magnetocaloric effect
Unusual behavior

Gd5Si4 based orthorhombic Pnma Ferro magnet Q.L.Liu et al.

Recent XRD investigation reported that Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 alloys form a completely miscible solid-solution crystallized in the Gd5Si4-type Pnma structure below TC regardless of the composition. Ground state is low temperature (Gd5Si4based) orthorhombic ferromagnet

Temperature of structural phase transition always coincides with Curie temperature TC.


What is responsible for the unusual behaviors?

Magnetocaloric effect

b a

x > 0.5 Gd5Si4 type Pnma

0.4 < x < 0.5 Gd5Si2Ge2 type P1121/a (Gd3+)5(T26-)1.5(T4-)(2e-)

x < 0.3 Gd5Ge4 type Pnma (Gd3+)5(T26-) (T26-)2 (1e-)

T=Si, Ge (Gd3+)5(T26-)2(3e-)

Breaking Breaking and and making making bond bond

RKKY RKKY or or superexchange superexchange

V. K. Pecharsky and K. A. Gschneidner, Jr., J. Alloys Compd. 260, 98-106 (1997) 34

Magnetocaloric effect
Summary Gd5Ge2Si2
Magnetically driven 1st order structural transition below 270 K. Gd5Ge2Si2 monoclinic above magnetic transition orthorhombic below. Anisotropy on X-tals. Exceptional coupling of lattice with s-state 4f-magnetism.

Hysteretic transition: locking of structure? Mechanical stability?


Magnetocaloric effect

Transition-metal compounds

other alternative

High abundance (low price) Intermediate magnetic moment (moderate MC effect) Strong coupling to lattice (Simultaneous magnetic and structural transitions or metamagnetism)


Magnetocaloric effect
La(Fe,Si)13 compound

Cubic CaZn13 type of structure stabilized by addition of 10% Si (Kripyakewich et al. 1968) Invar type of behavior and unusual magnetic transition (Palstra et al 1983) Difficult to obtain single phase.


Magnetocaloric effect
Concentration dependence of Curie temperature and moment

Tc increase with dilution

Palstra et al. 1983


Magnetocaloric effect
LaFe13 system

MCE decrease with dilution

APL Zhang et al 2000 Fujieda et al 2002


Magnetocaloric effect
LaFe13 system with hydrogen

Tc increase with hydrogen! Sharp transition maintained!

PRB Fujita et al 2003

Magnetocaloric effect
LaFe13 system with hydrogen

MCE almost not affected with hydrogen

PRB Fujita et al 2003


Magnetocaloric effect
Summary La(Fe,Si)13
Field driven 1st order metamagnetic transition around 200 K . La(Fe,Si)13 cubic above magnetic transition cubic below volume change 1.5%. Low Tc can be increased by addition of Cobalt or Hydrogen. Hysteretic transition: powder after hydrogenation? Mechanical stability?

Magnetocaloric effect
MnFeP1-xAsx Hexagonal Fe2P type of structure

Space group: _ P62m Mn 3g sites Fe 3f sites P/As 1b&2c sites

Bacmann, JMMM 1994 43

Magnetocaloric effect
Sample preparation
Starting Fe2P, Mn2As3, Mn & P mechanical alloying sintering 1000oC annealing 800oC


Magnetocaloric effect
Temperature dependence of magnetization with different compositions

Tc tunable

Magnetocaloric effect
Temperature dependence in different fields

Strong shift of Tc with field


Magnetocaloric effect
Magnetization process near Tc

Field induced transition with small hysteresis


Magnetocaloric effect
Concentration dependence of TC for MnFeP1-xAsx
340 320 300 280 PM

T (K)

Somewhat higher TC compared with lit. Almost linear concentration dependence.

260 240 220 200 180 160 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


Magnetocaloric effect
Comparison with Gd metal

Step-like transition first order

but very little hysteresis


Magnetocaloric effect
Comparison of magnetocaloric effect in different materials

Entropy change concentrated in relevant T interval

Tegus et al. Nature 415


Magnetocaloric effect
MCE as function of composition
35 30 25
MnFeP 1-xAs x

x=0.35 x=0.45 2T 5T x=0.5 x=0.55 x=0.65


Broad T interval covered

20 15 10 5 0 150 200 250



T (K)

Magnetocaloric effect
Adiabatic temperature-change
B = 1.45 T

Tad (K)


3 2

Sample dependence need for careful 1 preparation

0 285 290 295 300 T (K) 305 310 315

Direct measurements MSU


Magnetocaloric effect
Summary MnFe(P,As)
Field driven 1st order magnetoelastic transition 150 K < Tc < 450 K . MnFe(P,As) hexagonal above magnetic transition hexagonal below. Hardly any volume change( 0.1 %) but change of c/a.

Hysteretic transition: Hysteresis depends on grain size? High chemical stability allows As content?

Magnetocaloric effect

First order magnetic transition common to the different systems! Structural transition may cause extra hysteresis. Control of hysteresis very important. Evaluation of entropy change needs care. Fe and Mn based systems with much lower materials costs. Relevant T range covered by La(Fe,Si)13Hx and MnFe(P,As,Si,Ge). Sample preparation simplest for MnFe(P,As) with As replaced by other element.


Magnetocaloric effect

Cooltech current N4 Prototype

IMPORTANT issues: 1 The AMRR Cycle (Active Magnetic Regenerator Refrigeration): with Gd inserts as cross-flow plate heat-exchangers. 2 - Amplification of by accumulation of cycles. 3 - Reduction in torque (10 Nm) obtained by ensuring a ferromagnetic continuity on the disc. 4 - Very low level of noise and vibrations (< 25 dB) 5 - Creation of magnetic fields of 0.7 to 2 Tesla with standard permanent magnets. 6 - Low thermal losses, completely separate hot and cold fluid circuits.

Registered Patents, Brand and Models

Magnetocaloric effect
Limiting ingredient Gd metal Gadolinium Silicon alloys Gd4(Si1-xGex)5 Manganese alloys Gd Ge Estimated availability 1000 WW prod=90t, avail 10t ? Total availability of MC material 1000t 140t

Mn(As1-xSbx) MnFe(P1-xAsx)
Lathanum alloys



No limitation for an industrial production







4000 WW prod=90t, avail 10t ?




Data : Cooltech source and USGS.GOV

Magnetocaloric effect
25 20 15 10 5 0 0 20 40
T (C0)

Increased T span with active magnetic regenerator containing different materials with tailored TC

S (J/Kkg)



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