AD EHSMS CoP1 Hazardous Material
AD EHSMS CoP1 Hazardous Material
AD EHSMS CoP1 Hazardous Material
0 February 2012
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of 17
Abu Dhabi EHSMS Regulatory
EHS Regulatory Instrument
Code of Practice
EHS RI - CoP 1.0 Hazardous Materials
Version 2.0
February 2012
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With gratitude Abu Dhabi EHS Center acknowledges the great support provided by the Executive
Council in facilitating the issuance of Abu Dhabi Emirate Environment, Health and Safety Management
System (AD EHSMS) and its implementation at Emirate level.
The issuance of the system would not have been possible without the supervision, diligent efforts and
productive recommendations of the AD EHS Center Board of Directors.
These documents (Regulatory Instruments) constitute the efforts of the Abu Dhabi EHS Center and the
concerned Sector Regulatory Authorities and who worked together to integrate all relevant regulatory
requirements under AD EHSMS RF. The input, contribution and constructive views of all sectors is
highly appreciated.
May these documents prove to be beneficial and helpful in system implementation and in expanding
the knowledge in the EHS field.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6
2. Training and Competency..................................................................................................... 6
3. Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 8
3.2 Employees Health and Safety ................................................................................. 13
3.3 Emergency Management and Notifications ............................................................. 14
4. References ......................................................................................................................... 15
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This Abu Dhabi EHS Regulatory Instrument was developed by the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi as
the primary Competent Authority for this topic to set the minimum mandatory requirements.
Every effort was made in developing this document so that it does not conflict with existing local or
federal laws and regulations. In case of conflict, requirements of the existing local and federal laws and
regulations shall prevail, and all concerned are obliged to bring the same to the attention of AD EHS
Center for resolution.
This AD EHS Regulatory Instrument has been developed, reviewed and approved, following the
process as described in AD EHSMS Implementation Guideline: The Integration of EHS Requirements in
the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, by the following stakeholders:
Abu Dhabi EHS Higher Committee;
Abu Dhabi EHS Center;
Environment Agency Abu Dhabi;
Department of Municipal Affairs;
Abu Dhabi Municipality;
Al Ain Municipality;
Western Region Municipality;
Department of Transport Abu Dhabi;
Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority;
Health Authority - Abu Dhabi;
Higher Corporation for Specialized Economic Zones (ZonesCorp);
Center for Waste Management Abu Dhabi;
Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority;
Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority;
Abu Dhabi Education Council
Regulation and Supervision Bureau; and
Other Relevant Federal and Local Competent Authorities.
The AD EHSMS consists of the following hierarchy of documents:
AD EHSMS RF Elements - Mandatory System Requirements
EHS Regulatory Instruments:
Standards and Guideline Values - Mandatory EHS threshold and exposure levels
Codes of Practice - Mandatory EHS technical requirements subject specific
Mechanisms - Mandatory system implementation processes and procedures
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Technical Guidelines - Non-mandatory guidance on how to implement an EHS Regulatory
AD EHSMS Guidance Documents - Non-mandatory guidance and interpretation of an AD EHSMS
RF concept and/or principle
Further, this document is not intended to conflict with any contractual obligations in effect at the time of
its issuance. However, all future contracts shall adhere to applicable requirements stated herein, and
existing long term contracts shall be brought into compliance with its requirements as soon as
reasonably practicable as stipulated by relevant subject authorities.
This document will be reviewed periodically as part of the continual improvement cycle.
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1. Introduction
(a) This Code of Practice (CoP) applies to all duty holders within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi that
import, store, transport, sell, or use hazardous materials.
(b) The purpose of this CoP is to reduce associated risks to the health and safety of employees,
the community, and the environment.
(c) This CoP is not a substitute for any other laws or regulations mandated by the Federal
Government or the Government of Abu Dhabi, or advisory guidance established by other
Abu Dhabi government authorities. It is the responsibility of the Employers to ensure that this
document is read and applied in conjunction with applicable laws, regulations and guidance
relevant to the entity. If requirements of this document conflict with requirements set by
another regulatory authority, employees are required to follow the more stringent
(d) This CoP does not apply to radioactive sources (Class 7 of the United Nations Model
Regulations, which are not included in Federal Law No. 24 of 1999). Of the materials
classified as explosives (Class 1 in Regulations of the Federal Law No. 24 of 1999 and the
UN Model Regulations), this CoP shall only apply to chemical substances that have
explosive properties but are also used for other applications (eg. ammonium nitrate as
2. Training and Competency
(a) Employers shall ensure that EHS training complies with the requirements of:
(i) AD EHSMS RF Element 05 Training and Competency;
(ii) AD EHS RI Mechanism 7.0 AD EHS Professional Entity Registration; and
(iii) AD EHS RI Mechanism 8.0 AD EHS Practitioner Registration.
(b) Employers shall train all employees on the general awareness/familiarization of hazardous
materials prior to starting work.
(c) Employers that import, store, transport, sell, or use hazardous materials shall train all
employees and contractors that package, handle, store, or transport hazardous materials to
a level that is commensurate with their responsibilities. At a minimum, training shall include:
(i) use of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) (previously known as Material Safety Data Sheets,
MSDS) and/or profile sheets;
(ii) required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling hazardous materials;
(iii) properties of and risks associated with hazardous materials;
(iv) storage, handling and decanting requirements;
(v) appropriate disposal requirements;
(vi) actions to take to prevent accidental exposures or releases of hazardous materials;
(vii) incompatible materials and segregation requirements;
(viii) appropriate labeling of hazardous materials and hazardous waste;
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(ix) meaning of signs and placards;
(x) specialized training for specific hazardous material management requirements
applicable to the responsibilities of their position; and
(xi) control measures to take if there is an incident involving hazardous materials.
(d) Employers that transport hazardous materials shall train employees transporting hazardous
materials on the following:
(i) all training listed in Section 2(b);
(ii) safe driving techniques;
(iii) correct loading and unloading techniques;
(iv) correct techniques for securing loads;
(v) actions to take in the event of an incident;
(vi) actions to take if there is a release/spill of hazardous materials during transport;
(vii) any applicable journey management, reporting and logbook requirements; and
(viii) any transport pathways pre-assigned by the authorities.
(e) Employers involved in classifying, labeling, packaging, preparation of transport documents
for hazardous materials, offering or accepting hazardous materials for transport, carrying or
handling hazardous materials in transport, marking / placarding / loading / unloading
packages of hazardous materials into or from transport vehicles / bulk packaging / freight
containers or are otherwise directly involved in the transport and handling of hazardous
materials shall train contractors and employees on the following:
(i) all training listed in Section 2(b);
(ii) requirements for labeling, marking, and placarding;
(iii) description of hazard classification criteria;
(iv) purpose and requirements for transport documentation; and
(v) use of emergency management documents.
(f) Employers shall at a minimum train their managers and supervisors on the following
elements of security awareness:
(i) nature and recognition of security risks;
(ii) control measures to reduce identified security risks;
(iii) actions to be taken in the event of security breaches; and
(iv) notification systems to alert management about new security risks.
(g) Training shall take into account literacy levels and be held in an appropriate language for the
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3. Requirements
3.1 Roles and Responsibilities
3.1.1 All Employers that Handle Hazardous Materials
(a) Employers that handle hazardous materials shall perform a risk assessment in accordance
with AD EHSMS RF Element 02 Risk Management. The assessment shall cover all
activities, products and services to identify all hazardous materials that are present, stored
or being handled at the worksite and the risks associated with them.
(b) Employers shall familiarize themselves with the requirements of all Federal and Abu Dhabi
Emirate laws and regulations applicable to the hazardous materials they handle, including
but not limited to:
(i) Federal Law No. (24) of 1999 concerning Protection and Development of the
(ii) Federal Regulations for Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Wastes and
Medical Wastes, issued by Cabinet Decree No. 37 of 2001;
(iii) Environment Agency Abu Dhabi Standard Operating Procedures for Permitting of
Chemicals and Hazardous Materials in Abu Dhabi;
(iv) Environment Agency Abu Dhabi Guidelines for Storage of Chemical and
Hazardous Materials;
(v) current revised editions of international model regulations / codes of practice ratified
by the United Arab Emirate and came into force;
(vi) current revised editions of international model regulations prescribed by applicable
federal or local laws and regulations or by federal or local Competent Authorities;
(vii) requirements of relevant Competent Authorities and/or SRAs as identified through
codes of practice, guidelines, permit conditions, notices, information bulletins and
inspection and audit reports; and
(viii) Safety Data Sheets issued by manufacturers of hazardous materials.
(c) Employers shall familiarise themselves with the lists of hazardous materials that are banned
or restricted by applicable laws and regulations. Employers shall ensure they:
(i) do not import, produce, store, export or otherwise handle any banned materials;
(ii) obtain any import permits / approvals required by the relevant Competent Authorities
before proceeding to import any restricted materials; and
(iii) comply in the handling of each restricted material with the corresponding special
requirements and conditions set by the relevant Competent Authorities.
Note: For information on lists of banned and restricted hazardous materials and their
relevant Competent Authorities, visit
(d) Employers shall ensure they have the permits, licenses, approvals, and other necessary
documentation required by the relevant Competent Authorities and/or SRAs to undertake
their activities.
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(e) Employers shall appoint competent persons to oversee the storage, use and disposal of
hazardous materials within the workplace.
(f) Employers shall implement all reasonably practicable control measures to reduce the
harmful effects of hazardous materials on human health and the environment by preventing
and/or minimizing emissions, exposure and hazardous waste generation at source.
(g) Employers shall conduct routine inspections of hazardous materials in storage / use and
replace expired or damaged materials. Expired or damaged materials shall be handled in
accordance with applicable Federal and Local regulations. Unclear or damaged labels shall
be replaced.
(h) Employers shall ensure that expired and waste chemicals and hazardous materials are
disposed of through methods or contractors that are approved / permitted by the Center of
Waste Management Abu Dhabi, as per AD EHS RI CoP 54.0 Waste Management.
(i) Employers shall implement appropriate programs for protecting safety and health of
employees working with or near hazardous materials.
(j) Employers shall develop an emergency response plan for incidents involving hazardous
materials. Refer Section 3.3.
(k) Employers that handle the following classes of hazardous materials shall familiarize
themselves and comply with requirements of the corresponding Competent Authorities:
(i) precursors of narcotic drugs: Ministry of Health;
(ii) materials with explosive properties: Ministry of Interior;
(iii) materials, products and wastes related to the petroleum industry: Supreme Petroleum
(iv) precursors of chemicals weapons: National Committee for the Regulation and Control
of Chemical Weapons and Materials; and
(v) pesticides and fertilizers: Ministry of Environment and Water.
3.1.2 Manufacturers of Hazardous Materials
(a) Manufacturers of hazardous materials shall assess and classify materials by reference to
applicable international model regulations (eg. UN: Global Harmonization System),
laboratory analysis, expert judgment, and/or weight of evidence to determine if materials
create a:
(i) physical hazard;
(ii) health hazard;
(iii) environmental hazard;
(iv) biological hazard; or
(v) other hazard.
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(b) Manufacturers of hazardous materials shall:
(i) use the data obtained during the classification process to create a Safety Data Sheet
(SDS) in accordance with applicable international model regulations;
(ii) provide a copy of the SDS with any shipment of the hazardous material offsite;
(iii) as far as reasonably practicable, make an electronic copy of the SDS available to end
(iv) maintain appropriate inventory records;
(v) review and update the SDS on an annual basis; and
(vi) ensure all individual containers or bulk packaging of hazardous materials are labelled
as required by applicable federal and local laws and regulations and / or applicable
international model regulations.
3.1.3 Importers and Distributors of Hazardous Materials
(a) To the extent required by applicable federal and local laws and regulations and /or
concerned federal or local Competent Authorities and / or SRAs, Importers and Distributors
of hazardous materials:
(i) shall not import any restricted material unless in possession of required import
permit(s) / approval(s);
(ii) shall not store, transport, dispense, sell, or dispose of any hazardous material unless it
is appropriately packaged and labelled and accompanied by a SDS or equivalent;
(iii) maintain appropriate inventory records; and
(iv) shall inform manufacturers or suppliers of hazardous materials of local relevant
3.1.4 Transporters of Hazardous Materials
(a) Depending on the mode / modes of transport in use, transporters must comply in the receipt,
handling, packaging, labelling, documentation, transport and delivery of hazardous materials
shipments with the requirements stipulated by:
(i) applicable Federal and Local laws and regulations;
(ii) current revised editions of international model regulations / codes of practice ratified by
the United Arab Emirate and came into force;
(iii) current revised editions of international model regulations prescribed by applicable
federal or local laws and regulations or by federal or local Competent Authorities;
(iv) requirements of relevant Competent Authorities and/or SRAs as identified through
codes of practice, guidelines, permit conditions, notices, information bulletins and
inspection and audit reports;
(v) Safety Data Sheets issued by manufacturers of hazardous materials; and
(vi) any special instructions for handling any specified hazardous materials.
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(b) To the extent required by the applicable laws and regulations and / or relevant Competent
Authorities and / or SRAs, transporters shall ensure that hazardous materials are
(i) in compatible and appropriately labelled containers, packages, vehicles or tankers;
(ii) in appropriate packages or containers that are secured (blocked and braced) in the
vehicle to prevent damage during transportation;
(iii) using vehicles constructed to an approved specification;
(iv) using vehicles equipped with appropriate fire extinguishers, flash lights and/ or other
emergency management equipment and information;
(v) using vehicles that are appropriately maintained and in good condition;
(vi) using vehicles equipped with Global Positioning System (GPS) devices;
(vii) using appropriately permitted vehicles;
(viii) using a manifest based journey management system to document transport and
delivery operations;
(ix) by qualified drivers / persons;
(x) with appropriate escort; and
(xi) through roads pre-assigned for this purpose within the Abu Dhabi Emirate.
(c) Transporters shall develop an Emergency Response Plan for incidents during transportation
of hazardous materials. Refer Section 3.3.
3.1.5 Entities Using or Storing Hazardous Materials
(a) Employers that mix hazardous materials or produce hazardous waste shall:
(i) assess and classify the material / waste as described in clause 3.1.2(a);
(ii) use the data obtained during the classification process to create a profile sheet
equivalent to an SDS However, this document shall be identified as a Mixed Material
Profile or a Waste Material Profile and not as a SDS;
(iii) provide a copy of the Mixed Material Profile or Waste Material Profile with any
shipment of hazardous material / waste offsite;
(iv) as far as reasonably practicable, make an electronic copy of the Mixed Material
Profile or Waste Material Profile available to end users / handlers;
(v) review and update the Mixed Material Profile or Waste Material Profile on an annual
(vi) maintain appropriate inventory records; and
(vii) ensure all individual containers and bulk packaging of hazardous materials / wastes
are labelled as required by applicable federal and local laws and regulations and / or
applicable international model regulations.
(b) All hazardous materials shall be stored in an appropriate storage facility, ensuring
appropriate compatibility risk assessments have been undertaken, when not in operational
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(c) Hazardous wastes shall be identified, handled / stored on site, pre-treated, transported off
site, and disposed of according to the following and any subsequent guidelines issued by the
Centre for Waste Management Abu Dhabi:
(i) Technical Guideline No. 1 Requirements and Procedures for the Disposal of
Hazardous Wastes;
(ii) Technical Guideline No. 2 Annual Approvals for Hazardous Wastes Disposal; and
(iii) Technical Guideline No. 3 Requirements for the Transport of Hazardous Wastes.
(d) Prior to storing hazardous material / waste, storage facilities shall comply with location,
construction and design with requirements, specifications, guidelines and approval /
permitting requirements of applicable laws and regulations and / or relevant Competent
Authorities and / or SRAs; including at a minimum:
(i) Federal Regulations for Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Wastes and
Medical Wastes, issued by Cabinet Decree No. 37 of 2001;
(ii) Environment Agency Abu Dhabi Guidelines for Storage of Chemical and Hazardous
(iii) requirements of the Supreme Petroleum Council with regards to materials, products
and wastes related to the petroleum industry; and
(iv) requirements of the Directorate General of Civil Defence (including UAE Fire and Life
Safety Code 2011).
(e) Employers using hazardous materials, generating hazardous waste, and / or storing
hazardous materials or waste shall have a hazardous materials / waste management
system that includes, at a minimum:
(i) a schematic / plan of any store showing locations of the hazardous materials / wastes
stored, locations of emergency and fire-fighting equipment, and access and escape
(ii) appropriate storage compatibility risk assessments undertaken;
(iii) limitations on quantities of the materials / wastes stored;
(iv) storage conditions / procedures to be implemented;
(v) an updated and accurate inventory of the materials / wastes stored, including the
1) name of the hazardous material / waste;
2) manufacturer of the hazardous material;
3) location of the hazardous material / waste;
4) quantity of the hazardous material / waste onsite (can be an average); and
5) if applicable, expiration date of the hazardous material.
(vi) copies of current SDSs / profile sheets for all hazardous materials / wastes stored,
such that the SDS / profile sheets are available:
1) in hardcopy or electronic copy for access by employees and emergency
responders; and
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2) in language/s understood by the workforce.
(vii) an emergency response plan for any store of hazardous materials / wastes (see 3.3).
3.2 Employees Health and Safety
(a) Employers shall ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that employees and other persons
are not exposed to the health and safety risks from hazardous materials.
(b) Employer shall implement the Occupational Health and Safety Hierarchy of Controls when
developing and implementing hazardous material control measures, as per AD EHSMS RF
Element 02 Risk Management.
(c) Employees in areas where hazardous materials are being used or stored must be protected
through effective programs for:
(i) prevention of overexposure to hazardous substances - refer AD EHSMS RF
Occupational Standards and Guideline Values;
(ii) personal protection refer AD EHS RI CoP 2.0 Personal Protective Equipment;
(iii) First aid and medical facilities refer AD EHS RI CoP 4.0 First Aid and Medical
(iv) vaccination or prophylaxis; and
(v) medical surveillance refer AD EHS RI CoP 5.0 Medical Surveillance.
(d) Appropriate Personal Protection Equipment shall be available, including but not limited to:
(i) protective helmets and or caps;
(ii) safety spectacles, goggles, face shields;
(iii) respiratory protection;
(iv) gloves;
(v) rubber or plastic aprons for handling materials;
(vi) coveralls; and
(vii) safety boots.
(e) Eating or changing of clothes shall not be allowed within areas where hazardous materials
are being stored or used. Eating and changing facilities shall be segregated by at least 10m
away from the storage / use areas.
(f) To protect their health and safety, employees in areas where hazardous materials are being
used or stored must, at a minimum:
(i) never use smell, taste or touch as means for material identification;
(ii) refrain from smoking;
(iii) refrain from any practice that is risky or incompatible with the hazardous materials,
eg, welding or use of lighters in areas where flammable materials are being stored;
(iv) avoid mixing of unknown or incompatible materials;
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(v) always use compatible and appropriately identified portable containers for
transporting even small quantities of hazardous materials;
(vi) use colors, tags or both to identify at least the following when using equipment
including liquid hazardous materials:
1) tanks, control valves, and pumps;
2) fill and discharge openings; and
3) content and direction of flow in pipelines.
(vii) clean and decontaminate any used PPE after use; and
(viii) observe all precautions stated in safety data sheets of the relevant materials.
3.3 Emergency Management and Notifications
(a) Employers / facilities importing, exporting, producing, storing, or managing chemicals or
hazardous materials shall comply with any inventory / record keeping, notification and
incident planning requirements prescribed by applicable laws and regulations and / or
relevant Competent Authorities and / or SRAs.
(b) Hazardous materials storage and handling facilities must perform a risk based identification
of potential emergency scenarios and develop corresponding emergency management
programs and response plans in consultation with emergency management authorities and
other stakeholders. At a minimum, the program and plans thus developed must comply with
requirements of:
(i) AD EHSMS RF Element 06 Emergency Response and Management;
(ii) National Crisis and Emergency Management Authority;
(iii) The Directorate General of Civil Defence;
(iv) Local emergency services, including Abu Dhabi Police and Health Authority Abu
Dhabi; and
(v) Environment Agency Abu Dhabi.
(c) In particular, the emergency management program and plans thus developed must identify
and ensure provision of the following, as required:
(i) arrangements to prevent build-up of static electricity, occurrence of sparks, and
consequent potential for fire or explosion, eg, near the outlet of a fill pipe or opening of
a liquid container where flammable materials may be present in air;
(ii) arrangements for grounding or bonding of flammable material containers;
(iii) alarms, detectors or tests, eg. for presence of flammable or toxic mixtures in air;
(iv) arrangements for informing employees of parties to be contacted in case of emergency
(names, telephone numbers, etc.);
(v) emergency response kits, eg. adsorbent materials and PPE;
(vi) arrangements for containment of spilled materials, and for preventing them from
reaching groundwater, sewerage network or storm-water pipes;
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(vii) arrangements for site decontamination and for disposal of waste and contaminated
(viii) types and numbers of fire extinguishers, sprinklers, fire hose reels, fire hydrants, fire
pumps and other control measures; and
(ix) inspection and surveillance requirements.
(d) Incidents of hazardous materials at entities or during transport shall be reported to the
relevant emergency services, Competent Authorities and/or SRAs in accordance with the
reporting requirements of AD EHSMS RF Element 07 Monitoring, Investigation and
(e) Employers shall disclose the ingredients of hazardous materials on request by emergency
responders responding to an incident, licensed medical practitioners treating patients
exposed to the hazardous material, enforcement agencies, and authorized members of the
Competent Authorities and / or SRAs.
4. References
AD EHSMS RF Element 01 Roles, Responsibilities and Self-Regulation
AD EHSMS RF Element 02 Risk Management
AD EHSMS RF Element 05 Training and Competency
AD EHSMS RF Element 06 Emergency Response and Management
AD EHSMS RF Element 07 Monitoring, Investigation and Reporting
AD EHSMS RF Element 08 Audit and Inspection
AD EHSMS RF Occupational Standards and Guideline Values
AD EHS RI CoP 2.0 Personal Protective Equipment
AD EHS RI CoP 4.0 First Aid and Medical Treatment
AD EHS RI CoP 5.0 Medical Surveillance
AD EHS RI CoP 17.0 Safety Signage and Signals
AD EHS RI CoP 54.0 Waste Management
Centre for Waste Management Abu Dhabi, Technical Guideline No. 1 Requirements and
Procedures for the Disposal of Hazardous Wastes
Centre for Waste Management Abu Dhabi, Technical Guideline No. 2 Annual Approvals
for Hazardous Wastes Disposal
Centre for Waste Management Abu Dhabi, Technical Guideline No. 3 Requirements for
the Transport of Hazardous Wastes
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Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, Standard Operating Procedures for Permitting of
Chemicals and Hazardous Materials in Abu Dhabi, April 2010
Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, Guidelines for Storage of Chemical and Hazardous
Materials, 2006
Federal law No. 39 of 1992 Concerning Production, Import and Handling of Fertilizers
Federal law No. 41 of 1992 Concerning Regulation of Pesticides and Fertilizers
Federal law No. 24 of 1999 Concerning Development and Protection of the Environment
UAE, as amended
Federal Law No. 40 of 2006 Concerning Prohibition of the Synthesis, Production, Storage
and Use of Chemical Weapons, as amended by Federal Law No. 12 of 2009
Federal Law No. 13 of 2007 Concerning Goods Subject to Import and Export Control
Federal Law No. 3 of 2009 Concerning Arms, Ammunition and Explosives
Federal Regulation for Handling Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Wastes and Medical
Wastes, issued by Cabinet Decree No. 37 of 2001
Law No. 21 of 2005 Concerning Waste Management in Abu Dhabi Emirate
Ministerial Decision No. 554 of 2009 Concerning Banned and Restricted Pesticides in the
United Arab Emirates
UAE Fire and Life Safety Code 2011
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Abu Dhabi EHS Center 2012
This document is and shall remain the property of the AD EHS Center. The document may only be used for the purposes
for which it was intended. Unauthorised use or reproduction of this document is prohibited.