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Chaos Vindicator

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Chaos Vindicator Siege Tank

125 points (70 base + 55 for cannon)

Tracked vehicle.
Crew: 1 Chaos Space Marine driver, 1 Chaos Space Marine gunner
Armed with: 1 Demolisher siege cannon with 4! "ront "ire arc

#ptions: Ma$ %e e&uipped with a bulldoer blade for +10 points
and'or reinforced ar!our for +5 points.
The (indicator ma$ %e e&uipped with a set of assault
launchers at +5 points.
)ote that the vindicator ma$ not take the super*charged engine vehicle card.
+urther vehicle cards ma$ %e added as per the usual rules.
,am Movement
Str Dmg
Slow Com%at +ast
- D1. * / 1/ .4
Demolisher cannon
,ange To hit Str Dmg
short short short long
10 .D1 *2
23 %last4
move or "ire5 1. .4 * *
D1 6ocation +ront Side'rear
1 Track 7nearest to attacker8 1 1
2*4 9ull .0 1/
*1 Cannon .. ..
Damage ta%les
1 Damaged4 the (indicator is reduced to slow speed "or rest o"
.* The track is %lown o"". The (indicator moves out o" control
ne:t turn and then comes to a permanent halt "or the rest o"
the game.
1 The track is %lown o"" and the (indicator "lips over. The wreck
comes to a rest D13 awa$ in a random direction. An$ models
it lands on 7including the crew58 take D1 S- hits with a *. save
1 The driver is killed. The (indicator moves out o" control until
another model takes over.
.*4 The gunner is wounded and ma$ onl$ "ire the Demolisher
cannon on a roll o" 4 or more "rom now on.
1 The vehicle;s ammo e:plodes5 <ver$ model within 13 takes D1
hits at S10 with a *2 save modi"ier and an armour penetration
o" 2D1=10.
1*. The Demolisher cannon is damaged and "iring it %ecomes
risk$. >" the dice roll to hit is a 1, the weapon mis"ires
catastrophicall$, causing the (indicator to e:plode as under 1
2*4 The gunner is killed. The Demolisher cannon cannot %e "ired
until another model takes over as gunner.
*1 The vehicle;s ammo e:plodes5 <ver$ model within 13 takes D1
hits at S10 with a *2 save modi"ier and an armour penetration
o" 2D1=10.

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