This document defines and provides formulas for calculating 18 performance indicators used to measure education outcomes in early childhood development programs, elementary education, and secondary education. The indicators include gross enrolment ratios, promotion and repetition rates, dropout rates, completion rates, and transition rates between education levels. Formulas generally involve comparing enrolment, graduate, promotion, or dropout figures to population or previous enrolment figures.
This document defines and provides formulas for calculating 18 performance indicators used to measure education outcomes in early childhood development programs, elementary education, and secondary education. The indicators include gross enrolment ratios, promotion and repetition rates, dropout rates, completion rates, and transition rates between education levels. Formulas generally involve comparing enrolment, graduate, promotion, or dropout figures to population or previous enrolment figures.
This document defines and provides formulas for calculating 18 performance indicators used to measure education outcomes in early childhood development programs, elementary education, and secondary education. The indicators include gross enrolment ratios, promotion and repetition rates, dropout rates, completion rates, and transition rates between education levels. Formulas generally involve comparing enrolment, graduate, promotion, or dropout figures to population or previous enrolment figures.
This document defines and provides formulas for calculating 18 performance indicators used to measure education outcomes in early childhood development programs, elementary education, and secondary education. The indicators include gross enrolment ratios, promotion and repetition rates, dropout rates, completion rates, and transition rates between education levels. Formulas generally involve comparing enrolment, graduate, promotion, or dropout figures to population or previous enrolment figures.
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1.1. Gross Enrolment Ratio in Early Childhood Development Programs
This indicator measures the general level of participation of young children in early childhood development programs. It indicates the capacity of the education system to prepare young children for elementary education.
Enrolment Pre-sch, SY N ---------------------------- x 100 Population Age 4-5, SY N
Where: Enrolment Pre-sch, SY N - Total Pre-school Enrolment (Tale A ! "ESP# Population Age 4-5, SY N - Population $rom NS% 1.2. Percentage of Grade 1 Pupils with Early Childhood Development Programs This indicator measures the level of participation of grade 1 pupils in ECD programs. Enrolment &ith E'( "r 1, SY N --------------------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 1, SY N
Where: Enrolment &ith E'( "r 1, SY N - Total "ra)e 1 Enrolment &ith E'( (Tale * - "ESP# Enrolment "r 1, SY N - Total "ra)e 1 Enrolment (Tale * - "ESP#
1.3. pparent!Gross "nta#e Rate The Apparent Intake Rate reflects the general level of access to primary education. It also indicates the capacity of the education system to provide access to grade 1 for the official school- entrance age population. It is used as a sustitute for !et Intake Rate in the asence of data on ne" entrants y single years of age.
Enrolment "r 1, SY N --------------------------- x 100 Population Age +, SY N
Where: Enrolment "r 1, SY N - Total "ra)e 1 Enrolment (Tale * ! "ESP# Population Age +, SY N - Population $rom NS% 1.$. %et "nta#e Rate This indicator gives a more precise measurement of access to primary education of the eligile# primary school-entrance age population than the Apparent Intake Rate. Enrolment "r 1, Age +, SY N ------------------------------- x 100 Population Age +, SY N
Where: Enrolment "r 1, Age +, SY N - Total Age + "ra)e 1 Enrolment (Tale * - "ESP# Population Age +, SY N - Population $rom NS%
1.&. Gross Enrolment Ratio The indicator is used in place of the !et Enrolment Ratio "hen data on enrolment y single years of age is not availale. It can also e used together "ith the !et Enrolment Ratio to measure the e$tent of over-aged and under-aged enrolment. Total Enrolment All Ages, SY N ----------------------------------- x 100 Population Age +-11, SY N
Where: Total Enrolment All Ages, SY N - Total Enrolment (Tale * - "ESP# Population Age +, SY N - Population $rom NS% 1.'. %et Enrolment Ratio!Participation Rate The indicator provides a more precise measurement of the e$tent of participation in education of children elonging to the official school age. Total Enrolment Ages +-11, SY N ------------------------------------- x 100 Population Age +-11, SY N
Where: Total Enrolment Ages +-11, SY N - Total Enrolment (Tale * - "ESP# Population Age +, SY N - Population $rom NS% %age & 1.(. Cohort )urvival Rate The Cohort 'urvival Rate computes the percentage of a cohort of pupils(students "ho are ale to reach grade )I(*ear I).
Elementary: Secondary: Enrolment "r + SY N -------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 1, SY N-5 Enrolment Yr 4, SY N -------------------------- x 100 Enrolment Yr 1, SY N-, Where: Enrolment "r +, SY N Enrolment Yr 4, SY N - -ul. ,1 Enrolment (Tale A - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 1, SY N-5 Enrolment Yr 1, SY N-, - Pre0ious 5 SYs $or the Elementar.1Pre0ious , SYs $or the Secon)ar. 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( ! "ESP / "SSP# 1.*. Promotion Rate The %romotion Rate assesses the e$tent of pupils(students "ho are promoted to the ne$t grade(year level. The grade +(year , promotion rate is the graduation rate for the elementary(secondary level.
Elementary: Secondary: Promotees "r 4, SY N -------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 4, SY N Promotees Yr 4, SY N -------------------------- x 100 Enrolment Yr 4, SY N
Where: Promotees "r 4, SY N Promotees Yr 4, SY N - Pre0ious SY Promotees (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 4, SY N Enrolment Yr 4, SY N - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP# 1.+. Repetition Rate This is an E-A indicator "hich determines the magnitude of pupils(students "ho repeat a grade(year level.
Elementary: Secondary: 5epeaters "r 4, SY N --------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 4, SY N-1 5epeaters Yr 4, SY N --------------------------- x 100 Enrolment Yr 4, SY N-1
Where: 5epeaters "r 4, SY N 5epeaters Yr 4, SY N - 5epeaters (Tale A - "ESP / "SSP# %age . Enrolment "r 4, SY N-1 Enrolment Yr 4, SY N-1 - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP# 1.1,. )chool -eaver Rate 'chool /eaver Rate is the E-A measure for dropout rate. It covers oth pupils(students "ho do not finish a particular grade(year level as "ell as those "ho finish ut fail to enroll in the ne$t grade(year level the follo"ing school year. It is theoretically more comprehensive than 'imple Dropout Rate ut ecomes unreliale in areas "ith sustantial migration. Care should e e$ercised in using this indicator at the level of the Division# 0unicipal and /egislative Districts. The system does not allo" use of 'chool /eaver Rate at the school level "here it is very likely to result in a misleading measure of dropout rate. School Leaver Rate = 1 - Promotion Rate - Repetition Rate Or School Leaver Rate = 1 - Promotion Rate - Repetition Rate Or Elementary: (Enrolment "r 4, SY N-1 - 5epeaters "r 4, SY N# - (Enrolment "r 431, SY N - 5epeaters "r 431, SY N# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 4, SY N-1 Secondary: (Enrolment Yr 4, SY N-1 - 5epeaters Yr 4, SY N# - (Enrolment Yr 431, SY N - 5epeaters Yr 431, SY N# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ x 100 Enrolment Yr 4, SY N-1 Where: Enrolment Yr 431, SY N - Enrolment (Tale A - "ESP / "SSP# 5epeaters "r 4, SY N 5epetears "r 431, SY N - 5epeaters (Tale A - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 4, SY N-1 - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( ! "ESP / "SSP# 1.11. )imple Dropout Rate The 'imple Dropout Rate calculates the percentage of pupils(students "ho do not finish a particular grade(year level. It does not capture pupils(students "ho finish a grade(year level ut do not enroll in the ne$t grade(year level the follo"ing school year. Elementary: Secondary: (ropouts "r 4, SY N ------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 4, SY N (ropouts Yr 4, SY N ------------------------- x 100 Enrolment Yr 4, SY N
%age , Where: (ropouts "r 4, SY N (ropouts Yr 4, SY N - Pre0ious SY (ropouts (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 4, SY N Enrolment Yr 4, SY N - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP#
1.12. .ransition Rate The indicator assesses the e$tent y "hich pupils are ale to move to the ne$t higher level of education 1i.e. primary to intermediate and elementary to secondary2. Primary to Intermediate: Elementary to Secondary: Enrolment "r 5, SY N --------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 4, SY N-1 Enrolment Yr 1, SY N -------------------------- x 100 "ra)uates "r +, SY N-1
Where: Enrolment "r 5, SY N Enrolment Yr 1, SY N - -ul. ,1 Enrolment (Tale A - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 4, SY N-1 - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP# "ra)uates "r +, SY N-1 - Pre0ious SY Promotees1"ra)uates (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP#
1.13. Completion Rate The Completion Rate measures the percentage of grade(year 1 entrants "ho graduate in elementary(secondary education. Elementary: Secondary: "ra)uates "r +, SY N --------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 1, SY N-5 "ra)uates Yr 4, SY N -------------------------- x 100 Enrolment Yr 1, SY N-,
Where: "ra)uates "r +, SY N "ra)uates Yr 4, SY N - Pre0ious SY Promotees1"ra)uates (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 1, SY N-5 Enrolment Yr 1, SY N-, - Pre0ious 5 SYs $or the Elementar.1Pre0ious , SYs $or the Secon)ar. 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( ! "ESP / "SSP#
1.1$. /ailure Rate This indicator evaluates the e$tent of pupils(students "ho failed a given grade(year level. Elementary: Secondary: %age 3 6ailures "r 4, SY N -------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 4, SY N 6ailures Yr 4, SY N --------------------------- x 100 Enrolment Yr 4, SY N Where: 6ailures "r 4, SY N 6ailures Yr 4, SY N - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment - Promotees 1
(Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 4, SY N Enrolment Yr 4, SY N - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP#
1.1&. Retention Rate The Retention Rate determines the degree of pupils(students in a particular school year "ho continue to e in school in the succeeding year. Elementary: Secondary: Enrolment "r 7-+, SY N ---------------------------- x 100 Enrolment "r 1-5, SY N-1 Enrolment Yr 7-4, SY N ---------------------------- x 100 Enrolment Yr 1-,, SY N-1
Where: Enrolment "r 7-+, SY N Enrolment Yr 7-4, SY N - -ul. ,1 Enrolment (Tale A - "ESP / "SSP# Enrolment "r 1-5, SY N-1 Enrolment Yr 1-,, SY N-1 - Pre0ious SY 2arch ,1 Enrolment 3 (ropouts (Tale ( - "ESP / "SSP#