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May 14, 2014 Builder

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First Baptist

May 14, 2014
Pastor Rev. Paul Medley
Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer
Sunday May 11, 2014
Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By
Bible Study

May 21
Baked Chicken
Butter Beans
Potato Salad

May 18
Jim & Natalee Dozier, Mary Lynn White, Carolyn Thompson, Chris &
Ann Hobby, Misty Griffin and Patti Hall.

The family of Kenneth Hines.

The family of Pearson Martin.

Ricky Trammell & family in the death of his brother, Richard Leon
Trammell of Conway AR.

This Sunday morning we will recognize the High
School Graduating Class of 2014. These young adults have
worked hard to accomplish a goal set before them twelve
years ago. As a church family we want to congratulate each of
you and encourage you in your future endeavors.
Not only are there those graduating High School but
several of our congregation have recently graduated college.
To these individuals we also say congratulations and best
wishes in the days ahead.
The Bainbridge High School Baccalaureate Service
will be held this Sunday evening at Bainbridge High School.
As is our custom, we will not have services here on Sunday
evening that we might attend this community worship event. I
always enjoy the Baccalaureate Service and look forward to
attending this week.
School will be out next week and everyone already has
a busy schedule set up for the summer. I hope you enjoy your
summer but will remember to be faithful in your attendance
and giving to the Lord. God does not take the summer off.
Let us not forget Him during this season of the year.
I look forward to seeing you in Sunday School and
Church this Sunday.


Volunteer Ministry boxes have been put out. Be sure to fill
out a sheet and drop it in one of the boxes so the nominating
committee will know where you are willing to serve. They are
hard at work trying to get all positions filled and need your
Saturday, May 17
RA Canoe Trip 10:00 AM

Sunday, May 18
Senior Breakfast 8:30 AM
Early Worship 8:30 AM
Bible Study 9:45 AM
Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Baccalaureate 7:00 PM

Monday, May 19
Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM
Finance Committee Meeting 5:30 PM
Deacons Meeting 6:30 PM

Tuesday, May 20
Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:45 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM
Mary Blair Group Noon
@ Shirley Gardners
BHS Graduation 8:00 PM

Wednesday, May 21
Student Ministry 6:00 PM
Family Supper 6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Chancel Choir 7:45 PM

Thursday, May 22
Ladies Bible Study 5:45 PM
Led by Frances Gay in Church Library
During the summer months, Decatur County has hundreds of
farm laborers who come to harvest crops grown by local farm-
ers. To support the farmers and laborers, we have teamed up
with state and local teams who also labor to meet the needs of
individuals and families. A variety of volunteers provide
medical, dental, healthcare education, translation as well as
food and clothing assistance. In addition to hosting a meal for
all the volunteers, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH has provided
clothing. Workers, clothing, and cash is needed in order to
help all who need it. See the Missions Bulletin Board across
from the office for specific detail on how you can help.
Our Childrens Choirs shared a presentation of music on
Wednesday, May 14. Report on that event in next weeks
Builder. Thanks for supporting our children with your pres-
ence. The final Wednesday Choirs date for this spring was
May 14. We look forward to our Childrens Choir beginning
again at the end of the summer, when schools begin.
All Senior Adults are invited to be a part of the trip to Atlanta
to see the Braves play. See Staceys column to the right for
details on how you can participate.
We need your input. Our Senior Adult Committee wants to
continue to host exciting and relevant programs. Please feel
free to call or text me with any suggestions you might have for
Fellowship Club programs in the future.
We depart at 10:45 on Monday, May 19. Traveling to Thom-
asville, well eat at the Plaza Restaurant and then sing at
Southern Pines Assisted Living Facility. A tour of the Rose
Gardens in Thomasville will follow. Wear your outfits.

May 18 Senior Breakfast 8:30 AM in Fellowship Hall
May 18 Senior recognition in Morning Worship
May 20 Prayer Breakfast @ Bettys 6:45 AM
May 21 Youth Supper & Bible Study
May 21 Team 2 Host Wednesday Supper
April Helms, Jan Thomas, April Aldridge, Pam Oliver,
Prissy Butler
May 30June 1 Jr/Sr Trip See David Helms to sign up
June 16-20Merge Mission Camp

Jr/Sr Trip
Date: May 30June 1, 2014
See David Helms to sign up.

Hannah Bius Holly Long
Hunter Boyd Preston Norris
Peyton Burrell Hill Olive
Wynn Butler Cole Thomas
Tucker Greene Jakob Thorn
Jackson Harrell Reid Willis
Savannah Locke
Chris Franklin Megan White
RA Canoe Trip @ Spring Creek Saturday, May 17
10 am-3 pm (Meet at FBC Parking Lot)
We will be swimming and canoeing in the Springs only.
Sausage dog, chips and drink will be provided. Please RSVP to
Bo at 220-2200!
Inflatable Craziness! Wednesday, May 21
FBC Parking Lot 6-7:45 pm FREE!!
Come ready to bounce and jump like crazy! Dinner will be
Braves Game! Wednesday, June 4
Braves vs. Mariners 6:30 am - 9 pm
Recommended for kids (everyone who is young at heart too!) 1st
Grade and above. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
$20 per person, plus bring money for ball park lunch, Golden
Corral Dinner & souvenirs. You must sign up with payment at
the church office or see Ms. Stacey to reserve your spot on the
church bus.
VBS! D3 Detective Agency! June 22-25 6-8:30 p.m.
Looking for some leaders! Are you willing to lead the rotation
for Elementary Recreation, K4-5 Crafts, K4-5 Bible Story?
Please let me know! If you are willing to be a crew leader (take
4-6 children to each rotation) or help in a rotation, please sign up
in your Sunday School class!
Summer T-Shirts!
We will be on the go this summer! Get your FBC Children's t-
shirts for only $5! Call Stacey with your size!
What's Happening:
May 21 Inflatable Craziness! 6-7:45 pm
June 4 Braves Game

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