05 6 2012 Builder
05 6 2012 Builder
05 6 2012 Builder
May 6, 2012 Order of Worship 8:30 & 11:00AM Prelude Welcome and Announcements Parent/Child Dedication Pianist Rev. Paul Medley Davis Cottles Son of Julie & Bryan Cottles Call to Worship How Great Thou Art Saints Alive Hymn 392 Were Marching to Zion Childrens Sermon Rev. Paul Medley Music Witness O Say, but Im Glad Saints Alive Testimony Lynn Ray Hymn 446 Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine Offertory Organist Music Witness What a Day That Will Be Saints Alive with Solo, Ray Harrell Message The Art of Growing Old Rev. Paul Medley Psalm 92:12-15 Hymn 662 Satisfied with Jesus Benediction Russ Willis Postlude Pianist 6:30 PM
OUR CONDOLENCES TO: *****Linda Hall and Family in the death of her nephew, Hale Duke. *****Skeet, Tommy Olive and Joy Burrell and family in the death of their loved one, Grace Veal of Augusta. EXTENDED SESSION May 6 Eric & Randa Barr, Kriss Powell, Crystal Kelly, Brian & Mandi OMara, Sandra Heath, Emily Medley, Debbie Shepard, Faye Young, Prissy Barber, Sandra Wilkinson. WHAT'S HAPPENING May 6th-Senior Pictures due to Richard May 9th-Money due for Jr./Sr. Trip May 12th-College Students Project May 14th thru 18th-College Mission Trip May 16th-Money due for Summer Camp May 20th-Senior Breakfast at Church May 24th-26th-Junior and Senior Trip
First Baptist
May 6, 2012
www.fbcbainbridge.com Pastor Rev. Paul Medley Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce Minister of Youth Brian Steward
Nominations for Deacons are being taken at this time. Please use the form mailed to your home or pick one up from the church office. Each member may nominate up to ten men to serve as deacons for the next three years. Once nominated, the screening committee will review each nomination and bring back to the church, on the first Sunday in August, a slate of candidates to choose from . You have also received your church service form. Please indicate which areas of service where you would like to serve. If every member chose only one area, no one would be overburdened in their service. I glad you are here today. Paul CHILDRENS CHOIR RECOGNITION SERVICE TONIGHT Join us tonight at 6:30 as we recognize the great work of our leaders and students in the Childrens Choirs. Each of our groups will be sharing their music. This is always a special time as we see how each of the children have grown and matured in their musical skills. Take a moment to thank the wonderful ladies who have volunteered to mentor our children in choir each week. They have all done an awesome job! SENIOR ADULT DAY IS COMING Today, May 6, 2012, we are celebrating Senior Adult Day here at FBC Bainbridge. Our Senior Adults are a vital and active group here at the church. We have set aside this day to honor them and their contributions to ministry and fellowship. The Morning Worship services will feature them as they sing, lead and give testimony of Gods grace in their lives.
Sunday, May 6 Early Service Bible Study Morning Worship Junction 56 Childrens Musical Monday, May 7 Saints Alive Rehearsal Fellowship Club at Boat Basin Property Committee Tuesday, May 8 Youth Prayer Breakfast at Bettys Mens Prayer Breakfast Wednesday, May 9 YAC Meeting Graded Choirs Family Supper Youth Supper & Bible Study Mission Friends, GAs, RAs Girls of Grace AWANA Awards Recognition in Sanctuary Chancel Choir College Ministry Thursday, May 10 Ladies Bible Study in Cooper House 10:30 AM Noon 5:00 PM 6:45 AM 7:00 AM 5:00 PM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 6:15 PM 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM
WHATS NEW Thank you for the out pouring of love to your college students. I put a simple request in the builder and I have been overwhelmed with gracious gifts supporting their trip. We have almost meet our need and are encouraged about the support of the church. Thank you to all that gave. Continue to pray for the trips ahead for all of the Student Ministries. Continue to pray that God changes us through EVERYTHING we do so that we may begin to look like HIM and be a light in a dark world. Brian CHURCH WIDE FISH FRYMay 17 5:007:00 PM Fellowship Hall Cost $5.00 each or $15.00 per family Please sign up in the church office ASAP