01 11 2012 Builder
01 11 2012 Builder
01 11 2012 Builder
WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT January 18 6:00 PM Baked Ham Butter Beans Potato Salad Rolls Dessert EXTENDED SESSION January 15 Beth Briggs, Chris & Anne Hobby, Jennifer Hall, Susan Lanier, Patsy Brock, Renee Sims, Melissa Brock, Carolyn Thompson, Patti Hall. This Weeks Memory Verse: I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart. Jeremiah 24:7 Deacon of the WeekAric Aldridge Home 243-8821
January 15, 2012 Order of Worship AM Announcements Rev. Paul Medley Prelude Organist Welcome and Memory Verse Crown Him King of Kings Chancel Choir Hymn 28 To God Be the Glory Childrens Sermon Rev. Paul Medley Blessed Be the Name Adult Praise Team Hymn 358 Share His Love Offertory Pianist How He Loves Adult Praise Team Testimony Mr. Brian L. Steward Hymn 502 Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Benediction Aric Aldridge Postlude Organist PM Prelude Pianist Hymn 312 Jesus, Your Name Invocation Hymn 576 Give Thanks "Abide In Me" Katie Faythe Roland Hymn 375 Make Me a Channel of Blessing Offertory Prayer Offertory Organist "O the Blood of Jesus" Mens Choir Sermon Rev. Paul Medley Hymn 513 The Nail-Scarred Hand Benediction Aric Aldridge Postlude Pianist WELCOME VISITORS
First Baptist
January 15, 2012
Pastor Rev. Paul Medley Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Following this mornings worship service we will vote on Brian Steward as Minister of Youth and College at First Baptist Church. If you are a member of First Baptist we encourage you to vote. Members are those who have joined this church by Profession of Faith, transfer of Letter, or by Statement. Only members should vote. God is beginning to move in a mighty way as we approach the time of Revival Services. Several homes will be open the week prior to the Revival services for Cottage Prayer meetings. I encourage you to go to the home in your community and join in a time of prayer for Gods move among us. Many years ago I had the privilege of watching Sonny and Lisa, two of the youth in my youth group, give their hearts to Christ on the first night of a revival. I watched as the next night they attended and as the invitation was given they walked back to where there Mom and Dad were and encouraged them to accept Christ. All four came down the aisle and both parents made professions of faith. Who will you walk with down the aisle during this revival? I look forward to all God is going to do among us. I thank God for all He is doing. Paul
WORD OF APPRECIATION On behalf of my wife, Dian, and her family, we want to share our gratitude and appreciation to everyone in the First Baptist Family for your outpouring of love to us in the passing of Dians mother last week. Vony Lee was a special child of God who faithfully served Him all her life. Your cards, words of encouragement, food and support were a source of strength to us during this difficult time. CALLING ALL SINGERS FOR REVIVAL CHOIR! I want to encourage every singer, high school age and above to join us for our REVIVAL CHOIR. If you have participated in: mens or ladies choirs, ensembles, solos, Sunday School class choirs, Shockwave, Chancel Choir or Saints Alive, I want you in the REVIVAL CHOIR. Saturday, January 28 will be our kickoff dinner and initial rehearsal with our Music Evangelist and my friend, Benny Boggus. Lord, send a revival , and let it begin in me. JEFF STEINBERG IN CONCERT Born with what others would call HandicapsNO arms or hands, and malformed legs, Jeff Steinberg wants you to know that God has a unique design for your life! He knows. This tiny GIANT, at 4 feet 6 inches tall has a unique message for you: Quit focusing on the handicap and start appreciating the Gift. Join us as we travel to Arlington Baptist on Friday, Jan. 20 to hear Jeff in concert! Call to reserve your seat. FELLOWSHIP CLUB Thanks to all who attended last Monday. I apologize for my absence while performing my mother-in-laws funeral in Tallahassee. Thanks also to Harold Kelley and Ray Boyette who did a great job. Our next meeting will be Monday, February 13 as we welcome Rev. Lynn Roberts as our program guest. Art abruce@fbcbainbridge.com 400-7070
January 13-15 Meet the Stewards Brian & Regina Steward and family will be here in view of a call as the Minister of Youth and College. Saturday January 14 he will meet with Youth Committee at 11:30 AM. He will meet with all youth from 2:30 to 4:00 PM at Bean Around the World on the Square. A church wide reception will be held in the Fellowship Hall 6:008:00 PM. Brian will be speaking in both Morning Worship Services. Called Conference will be held after both Sunday Services to vote on Brian for the Youth & College Minister.
Sunday, January 15 Early Worship 8:30 AM Bible Study 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Interpretive Movement 4:45 PM Shockwave 5:00 PM AWANA 5:30 PM Evening Worship 6:30 PM SNAC 7:30 PM Monday, January 16 Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM Finance Committee 5:30 PM Deacons 6:30 PM Tuesday, January 17 Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:45 AM Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM Wednesday, January 18 Graded Choirs Rehearse 5:45 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Youth Bible Study & Supper 6:00 PM Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Mission Friends, GAs, RAs 7:00 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Chancel Choir 8:00 PM
Sunday January 15th Preschool children committee meets @ 4PM SNAC at Dairy Queen immediately following the PM Service Monday January 16th Helen Lane Group meets @ 3PM Women on the Go meet @ 6:30PM REVIVIAL January 29February 1 Rev. Troy Fripp preaching Rev. Benny Boggus directing music DNOW Weekend February 17-19 Redefining Normal Host Homes are needed for this event. If you are interested in hosting some of our youth for DNOW Weekend, please contact April Aldridge at aprilaldridge@att.net or 220-4775. Tables of LoveFebruary 21 If you would like to be a Table Host contact Cathy Wiggins 246-0284