October 8, 2014 Builder
October 8, 2014 Builder
October 8, 2014 Builder
October 8, 2014
Pastor Rev. Paul Medley
Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer
Sunday October 5, 2014
Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By
Missions Georgia Offering
Bible Study
October 15
Garlic Bread
October 12
Threasa Hall, Eddie & Nan Jordan, Ty Jones, Winston & Marcia Brock,
Chelsey Jones and Wendell & Carla Nix.
Make way for Fall Cleaning in the church library!
Please help our library by helping yourself to a variety of FREE books (no
limit!) located on tables in the Educational Building hallway.
Also, if you have Christian books with copyrights no more than ten years
old that you would like to donate, the Library Committee would be glad to
accept them! There is a shelf marked Book Donations just inside the
door of the library. Thank you!
Miscellaneous Bridal Shower for Staci Betts
Bride-elect of Louis Simpson
Saturday, October 18, 2014
10:00 AM-11:30 AM
1914 Lake Douglas Road
MORNING AT 8:30 am AND 11:00 am. Rob Coram, Pastor of
the Thomas Memorial Baptist Church in Quincy, FL, will be doing
the preaching and John Hall, Minister of Music at Thomas
Memorial will be leading the music. Rob served on staff at
Fellowship Baptist in our association and attended here for several
months during a time of interim in his ministry. Rob is an excellent
preacher and dedicated follower of Jesus.
John Hall also has connections with our congregation. John
and Kay Hall are the parents of Allison Barber and the proud
grandparents of Maci, Hudson and Ashley Kate Barber, of our
congregation. John is an accomplished musician and a dedicated
servant of our Lord. John and Kay are former members of First
Even with the dedicated and outstanding leaders that will be
with us in Revival that is not a guarantee we will experience revival.
For revival to be experienced several things must take place. First,
we, each one of us, must see where we need revived in our walk
with the Lord. Second, we, each one of us, must come before the
Lord in repentance before the services begin, readying our hearts for
revival. Third, we, each one of us, must seek to invite and
encourage not only the lost to attend but the congregation as a whole
to be faithful in worship. Finally, we, each one of us, must pray
seeking an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this place.
I believe God wants to bless us with an old fashioned, Spirit
filled, life changing revival. He is ready to do this, are we ready to
receive His blessings?
I look forward to seeing you this Sunday.
Basil & Phyllis Lucas and family in the death of his brother, Ray Lucas
of Merritt Island, FL on September 7.
Virginia Claire & Charles Bennett and family in the death of her sister,
Ruby Nell Seymour Courson of Ocilla, GA.
Sunday, October 12
Early Revival Service 8:30 AM
Bible Study 9:45 AM
Morning Revival Service 11:00 AM
Evening Revival Service 7:00 PM
Monday, October 13
Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM
Fellowship Club Noon
Revival Service 7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 14
Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:30 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM
Revival Service 7:00 PM
Wednesday, October 15
Bereavement Committee 5:30 PM
Family Supper 6:00 PM
Fields of Faith 6:30 PM
Revival Service 7:00 PM
Chancel Choir 8:00 PM
Thursday, October 16
Bus Committee 7:00 PM
BCM @ College 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 18
Deacons Retreat 9:00 AM
Revival Services
Speaker Rob Coram
Music John Hall
October 12-15
We are blessed to have John Hall leading the musical wor-
ship. I expect every adult singer to join us in the Revival
Choir! We have a rehearsal at 6PM on Sunday and rehears-
als at 6:30 PM (Monday-Wednesday) to polish up the choir
selections we will do for all the services. Were singing two
selections in each service, so it is very important to be on
time. We need you in the Revival Choir!
Saints Alive Choir was at the Toccoa Conference Center
this Monday and Tuesday. Were taking the largest number
of singers to this festival that we have ever taken. Thanks to
Billy Poppell for doing such a great job as our bus driver
these two days. Watch this column next week for the report
of our trip.
You are invited to visit our Chancel Choir rehearsal and ex-
perience the thrill of singing. Sing our new Christmas can-
tata All Is Well on Wednesday night at 7:45.
The Fellowship Club for October has been moved back one
week to noon on Monday, October 13. The Saints Alive
will be away on our regularly scheduled date, so we have
shifted the date. Our guest speaker will be Lynn Ray who
has a personal ministry in nursing homes and assisted living
facilities in Alabama and here in Georgia for over 20 years.
Bring a friend and be blessed on October 13.
I hope everyone had a great fall break and you are getting back in to
the swing of things. October is a full month for our youth. Revival
begins Sunday. Make plans to attend our revival services and come
with an open heart to hear what God has to say to us.
On Tuesday night of our revival, we will be feeding our youth
supper that night and have a time with Bro. Rob for a few minutes
before the service begins. Lets bring our friends and make this
night of revival one to remember. We will begin gathering about
5:45 and eat at 6:00.
October 15 is Fields of Faith at the stadium. We will not have a
normal meal at our church but will meet together at the stadium for
the evening.
On Friday night October 24 we will have a Progressive All Nighter.
This is an all night event that will be filled with worship, fellowship,
and a night of fun activities. Mark your calendars for this night.
The football team is off so lets stay up all night!!
Parents, I want to begin sending out email Blasts every two weeks
as a way to keep you up to date with what is happening in our youth
ministry. If you want to be a part of this, please shoot me an email
and let me know. jbaxley@fbcbainbridge.com. Also, mark your
calendar for Sunday November 2nd. Following the morning service
I want to meet with you. Lunch will be provided.
Wednesday Night Meal: No meal for October 15 due to fields of
Revival Childcare October 12-15 7 pm
Nursery care will be provided for babies through 3 year olds from 7-8 pm (or
until the end of service) each night of the revival. In addition on Wednesday,
October 15, childcare will be provided for 4s through 3rd grade. Babies
through 3's will go to the 2's Sunday School room on the preschool
hallway. There is room for up to 8 children. Children 4 years old through 3rd
grade will meet in the 5 year old Sunday School room on the preschool
hallway. There is room for up to 12 children. This will be on a first come
basis. If you would like to reserve a spot, please contact me via email, text,
phone call or Facebook message. My contact information is below.
GAs invite YOU to join! Wednesday Nights 7 pm
Educational Building
If you are a girl in grades 1st-2nd, Mrs. Carolyn and Miss Emily invite you to
join GAs every Wednesday night. Following a lesson on missionaries, we'll
have some GIRLS ONLY fun!
Trunk or Treat October 29 7 pm
Join us for a most exciting event! Children are invited to bring their candy
buckets and visit cars for treats! But we need YOUR help. You can
participate in the following ways:
1. Decorate a car. Sunday School classes, small groups or individuals are
invited to decorate a car (you can enter more than one car, just make sure you
have two people to man each vehicle). The children's committee has many
ideas to help get your creative ideas flowing. You may even consider hosting
a game or snack from your vehicle. Sign up on the sheet in your Sunday
School folder.
2. Donate candy. We are asking cars to bring some candy, but we need so
much more! Please drop off individually wrapped candy to the bucket
outside the church office.
Chili Cook-off October 29 6 pm Fellowship Hall
NOT JUST FOR THE MEN! Before the Trunk or Treat fun, join us for as we
celebrate fall! If you would like to place a pot of chili in the competition,
please call the church office to sign up.
What's Happening:
October 12 AWANA Regular Night
October 15 No RAs, GAs, Mission Friends
October 19 AWANA Tacky T-shirt Night