August 5, 2015 Builder
August 5, 2015 Builder
August 5, 2015 Builder
Sunday, August 9
Contemporary Service
9:00 AM
Bible Study
10:00 AM
Morning Worship
11:00 AM
Missions Committee
4:00 PM
Evening Worship
6:30 PM
Ice Cream Social
7:30 PM
Monday, August 10
Saints Alive Rehearse
10:30 AM
Tuesday, August 11
Youth Prayer Breakfast
6:45 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast
7:00 AM
Wednesday, August 12
Finance Committee
5:00 PM
640 Worship
6:00 PM
Family Supper
6:00 PM
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM
Chancel Choir
7:45 PM
Thursday, August 13
Seniors Game Night
6:30 PM
Sunday, August 9
Evening Worship
First Baptist
August 5, 2015
Plan to join us at 6:15 PM on Sunday, August 9, as we share
one of our favorites, Blessing Medley in the PM service that
evening. Wear your green, if you still have it. A new year of
Saints Alive resumes on Monday, August 10. The new music
for our annual Senior Adult Choir Festival is special! Bring a
friend and come into His presence with singing, and into His
courts with praise!
Back to School!
Please begin to pray for our teachers and children as they return to
their campuses. Pray especially for those teachers and students who
know Jesus as their Savior to be the salt and light to others in our
What's Happening:
August 19 RAs, GAs and Mission Friends
August 30 High Attendance Sunday