Sexul Tantric En, Carte
Sexul Tantric En, Carte
Sexul Tantric En, Carte
Tantric sex
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Sex pathw ays
to absolute bliss and ecstasy
Francisco Bujan
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Tantric sex
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Table of contents
Intro ____________________________________________
Tantric sex !ideos ________________________________ "
Tantric sex #udios _______________________________ $%
&art $ 'ystical (uest for pleasure and total bliss) _______ $$
So, what is tantric sex? ______________________________________ 12
Why pleasure is good________________________________________ 1
The universal dimension o! tantra ______________________________ 2"
Why go to tantric sex in the !irst place? _________________________ 22
#ow to $now i! tantric sex is !or you ____________________________ 2%
&s tantric sex !or everyone? ___________________________________ 2'
Tantric temple _____________________________________________ 2(
Tantric sex &s it )ust a test? _________________________________ 2*
The central core o! the tantric temple ___________________________ +"
,o you need sexual intercourse to create tantric union? ____________ +2
The inner school o! tantric sex_________________________________ +%
Shouldn-t we suppress desire? - &sn-t tantric sex adding !uel to the !ire? +'
Sexual desire is .eauti!ul/ ____________________________________ +(
Sex as spiritual practice??? ___________________________________ +0
When sexual energy con1uers your whole .eing___________________ %1
Why !ocus on sex? __________________________________________ %%
What is sex without tantra____________________________________ %(
#ow to reach sexual .liss ____________________________________ %
2roticism _________________________________________________ %*
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Tao o! love ________________________________________________ %0
Sexual mastery !or women ___________________________________ '"
3our Sha$ti 1uest___________________________________________ '*
&art * Tantra and life force ________________________ +,
4ey strategies to stimulate your li!e !orce ________________________ ('
2nergy exchange ___________________________________________ ((
,oes energy exchange only happen .etween men and women? ______ (*
What is nature tantra?_______________________________________ (0
What is city tantra? _________________________________________ 1
5uest !or .eauty and harmony ________________________________ +
Tantric !oods and diets_______________________________________ %
6hysical preparation_________________________________________ (
7ind preparation ___________________________________________
Smile and esta.lish eye contact with as many people as you can _____ *
,ance improvisation - 8iodance _______________________________ 0
&art - .ast meets /est Tantric challenges ___________ $
9ew code o! ethics__________________________________________ *2
Tantric commerciali:ation ____________________________________ *%
What does the eastern tantric tradition thin$ o! tantric sex? _________ *(
Sex gurus and a.use o! power ________________________________ *
ST, s and ;&,S ____________________________________________ **
<ontraception and pregnancy _________________________________ 0"
6orn side trac$s ____________________________________________ 02
=.sessive and !anatical attitudes ______________________________ 0%
Tantric sex videos Sex sites Sex chats ________________ 0'
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6rotecting children and teenagers ______________________________ 0(
Threat to couples and !amily li!e? ______________________________ 0
<on!licting interests and other priorities _________________________ 00
Social impact _____________________________________________ 1""
>espect other people-s choices and .elie!s/______________________ 1"+
Why it is essential to remove old useless ta.oos__________________ 1"'
Tantric power _____________________________________________ 1"
What is sexual !reedom? ____________________________________ 1"0
?ree your mind/ ___________________________________________ 11"
&art , Tips and techni(ues________________________ $$$
Tantric sex techni1ues ______________________________________ 112
#ow to preserve your sexual energies__________________________ 11+
Sexual dreams and !antasies_________________________________ 11
#ow to practice tantric sex in your couple_______________________ 11*
#ow to practice tantric sex and .e sexually exclusive______________ 12"
Solo tantric sex - 6ath o! sel! pleasure _________________________ 121
2nergy orgasms ___________________________________________ 12+
Tantric sex !or couples______________________________________ 12%
Start with simple steps _____________________________________ 12(
#ow to esta.lish tantric love in your relationship _________________ 12*
What i! you and your partner disagree on your tantric sex experience? 120
What i! your partner does something that you don-t li$e ___________ 1+"
#ow to tell your partner to increase or decrease stimulation intensity _ 1+2
Set up a veto right with your partner so that you .oth !eel sa!e _____ 1+%
8ring your partner and yoursel! to a tantric trance any time you want 1+'
9a$ed dinner/ ____________________________________________ 1+(
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What is the .est time !or tantric sex? __________________________ 1+
Stronger - So!ter - 6er!ect___________________________________ 1+*
#ow long should a tantric sex session last?______________________ 1+0
#ow to start and !inish a tantric sex session _____________________ 1%1
Tantric sex minute _________________________________________ 1%2
Tantric sex - 2nergy .rea$s__________________________________ 1%+
,i!!erent people might have di!!erent tastes _____________________ 1%%
6lan your tantric sex sessions ________________________________ 1%'
&nterval stimulation - 8uild up energy and avoid over excitement ____ 1%
Synchroni:e your .reathing__________________________________ 1%0
<om.ine a .reathing techni1ue with sexual stimulation ____________ 1'"
Set a time length !or the session .e!ore you start ________________ 1'2
Tantric sex @ 3oga poses____________________________________ 1'+
;lternate .etween you and your partner to lead tantric sex sessions__ 1'(
<hoose who will .e leading .e!ore the tantric session _____________ 1'
Sensual touch with oils _____________________________________ 1(1
6ainting art and writing mantras on each other-s .odies____________ 1(%
;s$ !or permission _________________________________________ 1((
Want to play?_____________________________________________ 1(
<onnect/_________________________________________________ 1(*
Turn any place into a tantric temple ___________________________ 1"
Tantric sex dance/ _________________________________________ 1+
What a.out energy orgasms? ________________________________ 1%
; stream o! ecstatic .liss )ust .y .eing in each other-s presence _____ 1(
?ocus on !oreplay !or + months _______________________________ 1
<an you .uild up tantric energy i! your partner does not practice it? __ 1*
2sta.lish a tantric connection with someone you are attracted to ____ 1*"
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Tantric .uild up ___________________________________________ 1*%
?$ minute __________________________________________ 1*'
Sensual massage oils - =live oil - 8ody mil$ - 3ogurt - <lay_________ 1*
Tantric play in nature_______________________________________ 1*0
Tantric cycles _____________________________________________ 10"
7aster your sexual energy___________________________________ 101
&art 0 1oni ____________________________________ $"*
3oni ____________________________________________________ 10+
3oni massage - <litoris stimulation - ;dvanced techni1ues__________ 10%
&art + 2ingam__________________________________ $"
Aingam __________________________________________________ 100
2)aculation mastery ________________________________________ 2""
2rection challenge? What to do i! your partner is not aroused _______ 2"%
Aingam massage positions___________________________________ 2"
#ow !ast should you massage his lingam? ______________________ 21"
Aingam massage - ,etailed advanced techni1ues _________________ 211
,on-t ma$e him cum - This one is !or women ____________________ 21*
Bse a sensual massage oil !or lingam stimulation _________________ 210
&art 3 4 5osmic sex _______________________________ **%
Streams o! )oy ____________________________________________ 221
Bnveiling the secret ________________________________________ 22+
&ntelligent !ire ____________________________________________ 22(
#ow does your tantric !ire expand? ____________________________ 220
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Tantric autonomy__________________________________________ 2++
&art Invocations ______________________________ *-0
7ay you shine with in!inite love and pleasure/ ___________________ 2+(
Tantric sex prayer _________________________________________ 2+
This intense !ire and pro!ound desire___________________________ 2+*
The !ire .reath !ills you _____________________________________ 2%"
Waves o! sensual !ire/ ______________________________________ 2%1
&art " 'antras _________________________________ *,*
Tantra __________________________________________________ 2%+
Shiva Sha$ti______________________________________________ 2%%
7aithuna - Sexual union ____________________________________ 2%'
<hum.a - 4iss ____________________________________________ 2%
Aingam __________________________________________________ 2%*
3oni ____________________________________________________ 2%0
Aingam <hum.a Aingam $iss _______________________________ 2'"
3oni <hum.a 3oni $iss ____________________________________ 2'1
Bpahara Casin - 2)aculation mastery___________________________ 2'2
Tantra 9amas$ar Tantric salutation __________________________ 2'+
;$shi Samdarsana 2ye ga:ing ______________________________ 2'%
5onclusion______________________________________ *00
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I ntro
The goal o! this .oo$ is to help you discover and unleash the path o! tantric
&! you miss some $ey in!o while reading these pages, & encourage you to
send me your 1uestions or !$ at .
& will listen to what you say and ma$e changes or add new chapters or
answers when appropriate.
?or new updated versions o! this .oo$ and access the !ull set o! tantric sex
resources online, chec$D
&! anything you read here o!!ends you in any way, please, accept my sincere
7y goal is not to hurt anyone.
&t is simply to o!!er a !ree, open set o! ideas and tools to those who might .e
loo$ing !or it.
&! you !eel this wor$ is not !or you, move on, discard it, give it away or write
your own set o! ideas on this topic.
& totally respect that.
& $now that our present level o! maturity allows di!!erences o! opinion on any
Food luc$ and $eep in touch/
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Tantric sex
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Tantric sex
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&art $
'ystical (uest
for pleasure and total
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So6 w hat is tantric sex7
#ere are a !ew ideas to introduce you to tantric sex.
This is .y !ar not all there is .ut it will give you a starting point.
&n the tantric world, a penis .ecomes a lingam. ; vagina is a yoni.
8oth lingam and yoni are divine attri.utes and gateways !or pro!ound
pleasure and reali:ations.
=rgasm is never the goal.
The real tantric goal is transmutation o! energies into higher !orms.
8y transmutation we mean no suppression, it is rather the gentle !low o!
energy !rom the lower cha$ras into the higher ones.
Stimulate your sexual energy through tantric sex and rather than reaching
climax $eep on .uilding sexual tension in your .ody.
;!ter a while Gli$e a couple o! wee$sH, you start experimenting opening in all
cha$ras. &t is li$e the creation o! an inner space and clarity.
This happens on an energy level.
&t is a .liss!ul experience .ecause it clears the mind.
This is the true meaning o! sexual !reedom.
?or most people, sexual !reedom means having sex with whomever you
Within tantric sex, sexual !reedom would rather .e the true !reeing o! sexual
energy in your .ody.
7ost o! the times, sexual energy is simply constricted or limited within the
lower cha$ras.
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When you !eel excited and engage into sex, your sexual energy tends to still
.e polari:ed in the usual energy channel.
The natural purpose o! this energy channel is simply to concentrate the
sexual energy to release semen and eventually give .irth to a child.
9ow, with tantric sex, you dissolve this channel and create a whole new use
o! your sexual energy in your .ody.
3ou give it a new expression.
To do so, as a man you retrain your instincts so that e)aculation and
traditional orgasm does not happen.
This ma$es a total di!!erence .ecause !or a man all the seeds o! energy
contained in the semen are concentrated and used in a di!!erent way.
; spermato:oid is !illed with a li!e potential. &t is a seed o! energy and i! you
$eep this seed inside, it will simply expand in very di!!erent ways.
9ature did not create this tantric pathway as its main expression.
9ature needed to .e !ocused on procreation !irstI otherwise, the human race
would not have survived.
The tantric sex way is a new development in human sexual .ehaviour which
opens new doors in our consciousness.
The .est way to go is to experience how it wor$s in your .ody.
This retraining o! the .ody is really why it can .e challenging at !irst to
engage into tantric sex.
7any people simply don t have time and energy to retrain their instinctual
sexual response.
7ost men with who & tal$, always loose semen in the sexual act.
This means that a sexually active male will easily loose semen a !ew times in
a wee$.
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9ow, this usually creates an energy gap in the .ody and a signi!icant loss o!
&magine what would happen i! this stamina was $ept inside rather than lost
through e)aculation.
What a.out women?
We tal$ a.out loss o! semen .ut what happens to women when they
,o they loose stamina and tantric potential as well?
& am still actively investigating that 1uestion.
7y preliminary conclusions show that women do as well loose a signi!icant
amount o! stamina when they orgasm.
They might not loose semen Geven though we tal$ a.out !emale e)aculation
in some casesH, .ut they do release sexual energy when they orgasm.
?or a woman, sexual energy .uilds up in the .ody.
3ou engage into sex.
2ventually, you have and orgasm.
9ow, what happens a!ter orgasm or multiple orgasms?
&n most cases, you loose this sexual tension !eeling.
The energy that was .uilt to create this inner tension is released and you !all
asleep or engage into other activities.
3ou can as well simply lay there en)oying the a!ter e!!ects o! the orgasm.
The release o! energy is o.vious.
2ven though this release might not .e as signi!icant as !or a man it is still
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9ow, imagine what happens when .oth partners $eep on .uilding sexual
energy endlessly without having an orgasm.
This sexual energy eventually expands and .rea$s through to !ind new
channels through the .ody.
9ow, when this happens, you .rea$ through into a totally new li!e
3our mind !eels .righter.
3ou !eel happier.
Aove and harmony $eep expanding.
3our level o! desire stays very high.
3ou connect with your lover in new very su.tle ways.
3ou !eel .right and extremely awa$e.
There is only way to goD experience it.
;!ter a !ew wee$s o! active tantric sex practice Gwithout orgasm or loss o!
semenH, you enter literally in a new state o! consciousness.
3ou might go through a whole series o! mystical experiences where !or
instance your heart cha$ra starts .oosting rhythmically in local and .liss!ul
energy explosions.
3ou !eel intense .rightness in your third eye.
3our solar plexus !eels empowered and cleared !rom negative emotions.
This is not the end o! course. &t is only a sample o! what you can experience.
So much more can happen and these are only the original stages o! tantric
These experiences can easily start appearing in the !irst + months o! your
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=! course, you need to com.ine tantric sex with active energi:ing o! the
The .est is to do some yoga or exercise in nature and eat very light and
super healthy. This will speed up these tantric opening and harmoni:e your
Sexual tantric energy is li$e raw !ire. 3ou need to train that !ire and help it
!ind its purpose in your .eing.
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/hy pleasure is good
;mongst the most useless emotions you can develop in your mind, you !ind
The root o! guilt is a con!lict .etween what you experience in li!e and what
you .elieve to .e right or wrong.
=ne o! the $ey guilt areas is sex.
When you have sex, there is a potential !or a totally !ul!illing experience.
&t is a !ire which wa$es up in your .ody with a power!ul stream o! love.
This stream can ta$e you to ecstasy.
&! you stimulate this !orce even more, you reach a point o! stillness and total
&! you did experience this .e!ore, you wonder how such a
magni!icent experience can turn into a negative emotion li$e guilt. >ight?
This has o! course to do with western and eastern mentalities, education, old
.elie!s and so much more.
; lot o! this guilt is initiated in various religious !ields.
Where does it come !rom?
Well, when you want to dedicate your li!e to the highest, the worldly
pleasures can .e a side trac$.
7any monastic traditions put renunciation in the core o! their .elie!s.
This means that they renounce many worldly 1uests li$e money, sex or
other super!icial and non !ul!illing pathways.
9ow, these .elie!s have .een so em.edded !or thousands o! years that you
might have !orgotten why they even existed in the !irst place.
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The emotion o! guilt is simply a le!t over mind set which reminds you to wal$
in a certain direction.
&t says that i! you step aside and invite deep sensual ecstasy into your li!e,
you will doomed and end up in the dar$est areas o! the human mind.
This is not true o! course.
The path o! spiritual evolution through sexual union does exist. &t has .een
practiced .y millions o! people around the world !or centuries.
&t did lead many to very pro!ound reali:ations a.out human li!e.
&t created )oy, intense love, a sense o! uni!ication in millions o! lives.
;ny pathway you ta$e is a choice.
3ou are !ree to decide !or yoursel! what suits you .est.
What matters is that you !eel !ul!illed as a human .eing.
&! you are thirsty, you can try to suppress this thirst or simply drin$ some
water and en)oy the !reshness o! this simple experience.
; na$ed .ody is very pure.
Sexual union is a divine act i! this is where you want to see it.
Ai$e with any natural !orces the goal is o! course to master these energies,
not to .e a slave o! them.
This is the context in which you can explore the 1uest !or pleasure and
Sure, you can get side trac$ed.
Sure, you can wa$e up sources o! !ire in you which might .e challenging to
8ut guess what?
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That s the $ind o! learning process you go through in li!e when you engage
yoursel! in any human activity.
;ny exploration re1uires s$ills and sex tantra is an exploration.
3ou can use some guidance and existing ideas. 9o need to reinvent the
;t the same time, with every step you ta$e, you penetrate deeper and
deeper into a virgin territory.
The laws directing the .alance in these spheres might .e slightly di!!erent
than other li!e !ields.
#owever, engaging into this 1uest can .e intensely rewarding. ; world o!
wonders is ready to .e discovered.
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The universal dimension of tantra
Tantra goes !ar .eyond the limits o! &ndia.
The principles or ideas .ehind tantra are universal.
This means that they don t even .elong to a certain system or religion.
3ou can readapt these principles !reely to your own li!e and rename them in
whatever way you want.
The $eyword here is !reedom .
3ou are !ree to redesign any o! these ideas according to your own needs.
3ou are !ree, yes/
The goal o! this .oo$ and ideas is not limit you within a rigid set o! rules and
The goal is to !ree your mind and o!!er you a protected space where you can
expand your own .elie!s, !eelings and desires.
& trust you/
& trust that there is a guiding instinct in you which $nows the answer to any
This is why everything you read here is totally open !or .eing rewritten,
changed or modi!ied according to what you !eel.
&! you don t li$e something which is said in these pages, erase it, change it
or rewrite it according to what you !eel.
&t is your right to do it.
There is no such thing as a.solute truth in this e-.oo$.
These are only some ideas, concepts or guidelines which might help you ta$e
the next step.
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&! any o! these next steps do not suit you, create another step which will !it
.etter your uni1ue needs.
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/hy go to tantric sex in the first
Sex is an in!inite source o! energy in you.
&! the way you use your sexual energy is un!ul!illing !or you or those around
you, it is essential to do something a.out it.
This is a path o! li!e mastery.
The goal is to master the tools that were given to you.
&! your sexual energy !eels li$e a sna$e you can t tame or partner with, then
o.viously something is missing.
&! you let it go and simply !orget a.out it, & am sure you might still lead a
very happy li!e.
9ow, somewhere down the line, your mind might .e triggered .y the desire
to $now more a.out your sexual li!e !orce.
This is the moment it might .e help!ul you to have some .asic system to
support you in ta$e some steps.
& am convinced that i! you ta$e the time, you might rediscover such a
&t will simply ta$e you longer.
This .oo$ is a shortcut.
&t o!!ers you some ideas that you might already .e awa$en in you.
&t might simply .e a con!irmation o! what you already $now and help you
ta$e your next step along your sexual development line.
Faining some !orm o! understanding o! your sexual energy is very
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8eing a.le to use this sexual energy to multiply the awareness, inner power
and satis!action you get !rom .eing alive is even more thrilling.
&magine having this river !lowing through your property and reali:ing that
you can turn this streaming water into a source o! in!inite and empowering
This is exactly what sex tantra is a.out.
3our sexual energy is this river you can learn to tame and use.
=nce you do, your whole perspective on li!e might .e immensely expanded.
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8ow to 9now if tantric sex is for you
#ere are a couple o! ideasD
The .est way to !ind out is to try it.
&t is very challenging to $now how something is going to !eel unless you
experience it.
2xperience is what helps you ma$e a choice.
&! you ta$e a small step and it !eels right, upli!ting and opening, then it means that you are on the right trac$.
8y the way, you can-t get it wrong.
3ou can always come .ac$ to it later, right?
Tantric sex gives you tools to master your sexual energy @ Aead you to sel!
&t wa$es up your cosmic or universal identi!y and helps you transcend the
physical reality.
&! you struggle with your sexual energy and can-t !ind satis!action in your
present sexual expressions, then tantric sex could .e !or you.
The .est again is to ta$e small steps and !eel how your .eing responds to
these techni1ues and ideas.
3ou will usually get a C2>3 clear answer a!ter that.
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I s tantric sex for everyone7
&s tantric sex !or everyone?
=! course not/
=! 1"" people, may.e ' will !eel attuned to this stream.
We live in a vast diversity o! possi.ilities, traditions and spiritual approaches.
This is what ma$es the )oy o! .eing human.
&t is the !act that we have choices. 7any o! them/
So, i! tantric sex doesn-t resonate with you, you don-t have to em.race it or
practice it.
Simply search !or something that suits you .etter.
& have a total and pro!ound respect !or all traditions.
3es, & pre!er certain streams mysel! .ut these choices are personal not
2veryone is 1""J !ree and so are you.
2ngage in tantric sex !rom this place o! !reedom and respect !or any other
Bsing sexual energy as a mean !or spiritual reali:ation is .y itsel! very
9ot everyone will recogni:e in that stream practices they want to engage
To your total and limitless !reedom/
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Tantric temple
&magine an inner reality which contains all the tantric sex teachings and
The goal is very simpleD
When you start developing this tantric line in your li!e, no need to retreat to
some tropical getaway to experience tantra.
3ou want to mani!est the tantric temple in your own house, wherever you
The tantric essence is not some distant reality you can exceptionally connect
&t is part o! your daily essence.
&t is part o! your daily thoughts, !eelings, impressions or desires.
&t is with you all the time.
This means that you are the tantric temple.
3our .eing and your li!e are divine essences and all you have to do to
mani!est this reality is give it more space in your li!e.
3ou do that through your actions, choices and thoughts.
3ou do that in the way you design your personal space, through the
connections you have with people or the way you interact with them.
Tantric sex is only a small !raction o! the energy exchanges you can have in
your li!e.
Sex is the per!ect area to experiment with this .ut you 1uic$ly reali:e that
what you discover through tantric sex is something you apply all day long.
3ou !eel more sensually awa$e, en)oying natural daily pleasures.
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3ou !eel more deeply connected with those around you.
3ou discover a new dimension o! )oy no matter what you engage into.
3our level o! awareness increases naturally.
3ou are clearer a.out what you want !rom your li!e.
;nd so much more o! course.
3ou discover a new inner sense o! !reedom and space.
3our li!e is more .liss!ul.
3ou !eel wonder!ul when you spend time in nature.
3our senses are awa$e.
,o you want me to go on?
Tantra is a very vast !ield and the tantric sex doorway gives you access to
an energy connection which expands to all aspects o! your li!e.
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Tantric sex
I s it just a test7
&! you came across the idea o! tantric sex .e!ore, you might have read that
sex and desire are )ust tests.
3ou might have heard that in !act, the goal is to transcend desire and .e
a.le to move .eyond it.
&n that sense the sculptures o! 4ha)uraho would .e the external expression
o! your sex drive and once you enter the tantric temple, all desires .ecome
still and you enter into peace and total .liss.
&s this true?
&n my experience, desire is not a !orce to .e suppressed.
&t is a !orce to .e tamed and mastered.
&magine again the waves o! the sea.
3ou can !ear them and stay away !rom them or you can sur! them and
master the immense energy they convey.
,esire, pleasure and sex are power!ul energies which can ta$e you to total
They are li$e an elevator !orce which o!!ers you a shortcut to the most
incredi.le mystical experiences.
These !orces were given to you .y nature.
They are divine in essence li$e any other aspect o! your li!e.
>ather than ta$ing the suppression path which is suggested .y many
spiritual traditions, you can em.race desire and all dimensions o! your
emotions and use this !orce as a catalyst !or what you are loo$ing !or.
Tantra is a !ire and li$e with any !ire, you need to develop the s$ills to
master it and tame it.
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3es/ &n a way, it is a test.
The test is not to suppress your desires, rather use them.
=nce you dive into these various dimensions o! pleasure and delight, you
gently dive into this inner core o! stillness where even desire disappears.
&t is li$e .eing in the eye o! the hurricane in which a.solute .liss is
Tantric sex is much more than a testD it is a vehicle.
&t has the power to add a new dimension to your existence which radically
shi!ts the way you stand in li!e.
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The central core of the tantric temple
&magine that around this temple you have gardens and other smaller
&magine that once you enter the temple, you touch on a new dimension
which esta.lishes .liss as your $ey state o! .eing.
&n the core o! the tantric temple, you !ind this total sense o! union with
everything which lives on this planet.
This is why tantric sex is a gateway or a vehicle.
=nce you esta.lish yoursel! !irmly in that core, you discover a whole new set
o! li!e potentials.
3ou perceive your li!e !rom a new !resh and empowered perspective.
The $ey 1uality is clarity, awareness and peace.
&t really !eels li$e .eing home at last.
9ow, this is an experience or a space you want to protect.
With the experience o! .liss itsel!, you access as well new !ire s$ills which
give you the power to protect what you )ust discovered.
#ave you ever had a mystical experience and !elt very vulnera.le
This is why in the core o! this inner experience you will discover as well new
resources o! power which give you all the s$ills you need to protect this
access path in you.
This essence in you is very precious.
Wa$e up all the s$ills you need to secure and protect that experience in
9o one will ever ta$e it away !rom you.
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=nce you experience it, it is yours !orever.
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:o you need sexual intercourse to
create tantric union7
,o you need sexual intercourse to create tantric union?
Food news/
3ou don-t have to have sex to share tantric sexual energies with someone.
There can .e do:ens o! reasons why you might not want to have sex with
your tantric partner.
,o:ens o! techni1ues can stimulate the exchange o! energy .etween your
two .odies and create this intense sense o! unity and love .etween the two
o! you.
3ou have as well various levels o! intimacy you can engage into.
?or instance you might .e com!orta.le with na$edness.
3ou might ta$e it one step !urther with $isses and light intimacy.
3ou might even stimulate each other sexually.
=r ta$e it all the way to sexual intercourse.
;ll these various intimacy stages are worlds in themselves.
3ou can wear clothes and only engage into synchroni:ed dynamic .reathing
techni1ues !or instance.
With this practice only, you can already expand the energy
exchange .etween your two .eings.
&t wor$s and it is limitless/ >2;AA3/
; simple techni1ue can ta$e you a very long way.
3ou can practice it once and it can already !eel li$e a .ig smile o! energy in
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3ou can as well, ta$e that speci!ic techni1ue and practice it every day !or a
!ew minutes !or instance.
& li$e this open approach where you !eel !ree to engage in tantric energy
exchanges according exactly to what you want or what you !eel com!orta.le
7ay.e you will ta$e a small step and within a !ew days, $now that you want
to explore more intimate techni1ues.
;gain, all doors and directions are open.
&! you don-t $now what direction to ta$e, & can certainly help you !ind what
!its you .est.
> that all this is !ree and open.
3ou can reinvent tantric sex according to your own needs and desires. =nce
you start practicing these techni1ues, you own them and develop them in
your own uni1ue way.
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The inner school of tantric sex
&magine an inner school or system that you can intuitively access.
&magine that through your meditation, you can envision exactly what tantric
sex is a.out without ever reading a.out it.
&magine that the tantric sex system is sponsored .y a power!ul and
intelligent !orce which empowers your actions.
This inner school o! tantric sex is an inner reality you can tune into.
7any .oo$s have never .een written.
7any mantras have never .een spo$en.
7any techni1ues have never .een transmitted.
They stay suspended in the inner worlds.
8y accessing this inner school, you can tune into that reality.
2very time you have an idea or a vision o! something you want to do, where
do you !eel this idea comes !rom?
Was it initiated right there in your mind out o! nowhere or is it the result o!
an interaction .etween your mind and a speci!ic pro!ound spiritual reality?
There are many inner systems or inner teachings which are never
transcri.ed or transmitted in the !orm o! a mani!ested message.
The inner school o! tantric sex is simply one o! these streams.
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Shouldn;t we suppress desire7 4 I sn;t
tantric sex adding fuel to the fire7
3es/ &t is adding !uel to the !ire.
This 1uestion is essential and it is one that many people struggle with.
What is the .est attitude towards sex?
&s it .etter to put a lid on it?
=r is it .etter to use it and master it, creating .eauty and love?
;gain, you are !ree to choose what suits you .est.
3ou have so many di!!erent approaches .ecause di!!erent people have
di!!erent needs.
Sex is .eauti!ul/ &! it wasn-t !or it, there would .e no li!e on this planet.
#ow could the act which creates li!e .e condemned?
;gain, this is only one opinion and you are totally !ree to disagree with this
&t means that !or you, sex doesn-t have this dimension o!
sacredness and tantric sex isn-t a stream you want to engage into.
&! you struggle with your sexual energy and trying to suppress sex didn-t
wor$ too well !or you, then tantric sex is de!initely an option !or you.
&n my own experience, and using your sexual energy rather than
trying to put a lid on it is a very power!ul trans!ormation tool.
;gain, you are !ree and you have many possi.le ways to go.
Tantric sex is only one o! them.
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Sexual desire is beautiful)
>emove shame or guilt/
Somehow, society has developed this attitude or energy towards sexual
desire, sexual exchange.
&t !eels li$e sexual desire !or someone is something that people should .e
ashamed o!.
Why did it come to that?
Ta$e this exampleD
Suppose you are a man.
3ou go to a party.
3ou start chatting with this girl.
3ou start !eeling aroused .y her presence.
3ou start having !antasies a.out having sex with her right there.
9ow, would you tell her?
=! course not, right?
The 1uestion isD W#3?
W#3 9=T?
&s it KinappropriateK?
&s it insulting?
,o you diminish her in any way .y !eeling sexual desire towards her?
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Something is happening in your mind and .ody right there.
This thing is sexual desire.
&t is .ecause o! sexual desire that people have sex, procreate and each one
o! us is alive on this planet .ecause o! it/
We should .e than$!ul !or sexual desire and cele.rate each time we !eel it/
&t is a delicious emotion that .rings spar$s o! energy in people-s lives.
Where did the shame come !rom?
Who de!ines what-s appropriate or not?
Why would sex .e something dirty that needs to .e hidden?
,o you reali:e how much these .elie!s shape society and human
&n the example & mentioned a.ove, what you really say when you express
your desire to have sex with her isD
K& !ind you attractive and while & en)oy this conversation with you,
& !eel li$e touching your hair and $issing your lips.
& want to remove your clothes, .e na$ed together and engage in a sexual
dance with you. & am !illed with desire to have you in my arms...K
8eauti!ul, right?
3ou )ust gave her a whole set o! delicious compliments.
3ou told her that you li$e her, appreciate her .eauty and are pro!oundly
touched .y her presence.
3ou !eel a connection and want to express that connection.
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8y the way, i! you are a woman !eeling sexual desire !or a man, the same
applies. Same i! you are gay as well.
That-s what & see.
Sexual desire is a gi!t/
?eeling it is a .lessing/
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Sex as spiritual practice777
This is one o! the $ey challenging concepts you might !ace i! you
are not into tantric sex.
&! the idea o! using your sexual energy as a tool to sel! reali:ation doesn-t
resonate with you, simple... ,on-t engage that way.
?ind another spiritual approach that suits you .est.
9ow, !or those who !eel the sacredness o! the sexual energy and its
expression through love, here are a !ew more essential hints.
Without sex, there would .e no human li!e.
Sex is the act that creates li!e.
So, sex is as pure and sacred as you want it to .e.
;ny time, you engage in a spiritual practice, you use one or another type o!
energy and action.
?or instance when you use singing, you turn .reathing into sound and
When you practice a yoga posture, your use your .ody.
When you ta$e compassionate action, you use your hands to help those who
need it.
&! you create devotional rituals, it will .e a com.ination o! sym.olical acts
and speech.
&n !act any action or energy can .e used within a spiritual context.
3es, a.solutely/ Sexual exchange is an act that can open spiritual windows in
your li!e.
9ow, i! you li$e tantric sex .ut don-t want to put it within a spiritual context,
you can o! course purely !ocus on the pleasure or therapeutic impact it has.
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This is really up to you.
The $ey idea to i! you are open !or it is that sex can indeed .e a
tool !or your spiritual evolution.
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/hen sexual energy con(uers your
w hole being
When sexual energy con1uers your whole .eing, your level o! delight and
internal )oy immensely expands.
There is no limit to it.
3ou can !eel it !irst in waves o! sensual love and connection with the planet,
people and especially your tantric sex partner.
This corresponds with the opening o! the heart cha$ra.
This natural activation happens .ecause your sexual energy expands !rom
the sex cha$ra into other parts o! your energy .ody.
3ou can see it as a rising o! energy.
Together with this opening o! the heart cha$ra, you can as well go through
!lows o! reali:ations.
3ou see the dynamics o! li!e clearly.
3ou perceive the !orces at play in you and in others.
This sudden understanding o! li!e-s dynamics is connected with the opening
o! the third eye cha$ra.
Third eye stands !or inner vision, right?
This is exactly what you reach. 3ou see .eyond the veil o! physical
3ou see the !orces at play .ehind that veil.
;s you can see, tantric sex might .e very di!!erent than what you imagined.
=r may.e it is exactly what you imagined DH
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What & can tell you !or sure is that when this process o! internal clari!ication
happens, it goes .eyond your wildest expectations.
The sense o! unity is so overwhelming that it sets you up on a total new li!e
Sexual energy is simply one o! the !orces you can use on your spiritual path.
&t is one o! the techni1ues. &t is one o! the approaches.
8ecause sexual energy is such an intense !ire !orce, the impact it has on
your .ody and mind when expanding is extremely power!ul.
?ocus on it. 3ou will .e ama:ed o! what happens when you do/
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/hy focus on sex7
We decide to !ocus a lot on sex .ecause this is where harmony needs to .e
=ther tantric practices li$e rituals or physical postures, mudras, mantras,
don t generate as much controversy as sex.
Why is that?
To tell you the truth, & don t $now.
7ay.e .ecause this is an area where the .attle o! ideas and .elie!s is the
7ay.e what we call sexual energy is such a pure nectar that everyone tries
to have some !orm o! control over it and decide !or others what they must
do with it.
&t is !unny to reali:e that may.eI sexual ecstasy is so much more precious
than money !or instance.
The naturally competing human spirit creates some deep con!lict around this
7ay.e your next door neigh.or does not actually want you to !ind this
Why? ;gain, .ecause o! the competing spirit.
This competition is accepted in the .usiness world.
6eople compete to get more and more money. The richest is o!ten at the
highest power position.
&t is a social status thing.
This means that you won t always help someone earn more .ecause a part
o! you simply competes with them.
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3ou thin$D & want to earn more/
With sexual energy, the same can happen.
6leasure generates happiness, love or .eauty.
These 1ualities have nothing to do with money .ut they are still energies.
6eople can compete !or these energies. They do that all the time.
When you say how happy you are, some people will .e glad !or you .ut
some others will actually !eel le!t out.
They will thin$D #ow come & don t have all this happiness in my li!e and
they do?
3ou see the dynamics.
This is why the tantric !ield might generate this type o! con!licting emotional
reactionD may.e .ecause everyone !eels there is some !orm o! very pro!ound
secret hidden there.
7any things used to .e ta.oo and we did grow .eyond that.
Sex is still somehow slightly on the ta.oo side.
&n the coming centuries, we might grow to a place where all negative or
uneasy emotions surrounding this topic will .e cleared.
&n the mean time, let s explore this area a .it more.
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/hat is sex w ithout tantra
&t is everything it has always .een.
Sex without tantra is .liss and excitement.
7any people will have tantric li$e experiences and never call it tantra.
7illions o! people on this planet practice sex and !ind it very !ul!illing in
They can gain great satis!action and have children as well.
The way your instinctual sexual nature was created is per!ect in itsel!.
9ow, when you practice sex within a tantric context, you might touch on
levels o! awareness and pleasure you did not discover .e!ore.
The reason this happens is .ecause you are surrounded .y a sponsoring
!orce or energy which encourages a very speci!ic set o! emotions, !eelings,
impressions and energy !low.
Sex without tantra might simply miss this mystical or a.solute dimension.
3ou might as well miss the !ull pleasure experience o! sex.
#owever, these experiences do not .elong to tantra only. They are simply
enhanced and !acilitated within the tantric mind set.
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8ow to reach sexual bliss
When you reach sexual .liss the idea o! orgasm is totally gone.
This explosive orgasmic experience is transmuted into a continuous state
o! .liss which can last !or hours, days or even longer.
&! you are very experienced with tantric sex, you might even enter into a
permanent state o! .liss.
;t that stage, even the need !or sex can disappear.
This is the moment when your sexual desire and energy !ully .ursts into the
other cha$ras and creates a whole new state o! consciousness and
&t can ta$e long to !ully master these states o! .liss.
7astering them means .eing a.le to create them and intensi!y them at will.
;gain, the most important element is that sex is no longer used as a mean
!or procreation or short term orgasmic grati!ication.
&t is consciously used as a source o! in!inite energy.
The inner trans!ormations associated with tantric sex ta$e some harmoni:ing
time to integrate.
The idea is to practice yoga, exercise and eat healthy at the same time.
These side practices allow you to integrate these new energies much !aster
and harmoni:e them within your .eing.
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2roticism can intimately .e associated with tantric sex.
When you o.serve the sculptures o! 4ha)uraho, you see a power!ul erotic
This is an artistic expression.
&t is the mani!estation o! sexual .eauty and can .e immensely stimulating
!or tantric sex.
Suppose !or instance that you are a women and you wear re!ined tantric
)ewelry or re!ined sil$ scarves or a while per!uming yoursel! with
mysterious oils, you will o! course enhance the sensual pleasure you and
your partner get !rom tantric sex.
3ou can touch all o! his sense and .e a master in wa$ing them up.
9atural !ire light and incenses, a touch mystery, expression o! .eauty and
exotic tastes are all elements which wa$e up the tantric sensual experience.
&magine that you are creating a living piece o! art.
&magine that your tantric sexual union is a mystical dance in which you can
express all dimension o! your .eauty.
6leasure !or all the senses/
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Tao of love
&n the Tao o! love, you !ind very similar ideas to those you !ind in tantric
These two streams are de!initely connected and when we trac$ them .ac$, &
am sure that we could !ind a common source.
Tao o! Aove and Tantric sex are li$e parallel lines o! evolution which aim at
the same goal.
& am convinced that some ancient medieval rituals were very similar in
concept as what you have in tantric sex.
&! we dive into native traditions, & am sure we would as well unveil similar
=ne idea, many streams leading to the same place.
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Sexual mastery for w omen
,o you want to .e in love?
=! course you do/
3ou li$e the !eeling o! having a crush too/
9ow, what is C2>3 alienating is when you have a crush and no way o!
!ul!illing your desires.
That-s when it hurts/
&t-s stress!ul and creates pain/
3ou don-t want to get rid o! the sexual attraction, the desire, the lust, the
;ll these are per!ect/
They are energy and they ma$e you !eel alive.
What is not nice is to !eel alienated or enslaved .y emotions you have no
idea how to tame, direct or control.
That-s the place that really hurts.
Bltimately, it is a.out mastering your sexual energy and .eing to play with it
at will.
3ou want as well to generate sexual connection with any person you want.
That-s the dream o! every woman, o! every girl.
&t is to .e a.le to get in a guy-s head and get him to li$e you .ac$.
#ere is the thingD & .elieve it is actually possi.le.
& see women expressing 1ualities that ma$e them super attractive to men all
the time.
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Some o! it has to do with loo$s o! course, character, am.itions, sexiness,
!lirting s$ills, etc.
These are the usual things .ut there is one more that & thin$ is the $ey/
This one is usually not expressed or descri.ed or tal$ed a.out enough/
&t is S2LB;A <=9?&,29<2.
7ore than that/ &t is a.out .eing a.le to !ul!ill and man-s pro!ound sexual
The $ey is tantric sex or Taoist sex.
What does that mean?
That you $now how to trigger and stimulate a man-s desire.
3ou can trigger it through your attitude, the way you touch him, the way
you stimulate him sexually.
That-s when you >2;AA3 hit the holly grail o! sexual attraction and get in a
man-s mind.
3ou need to .e a.le to stimulate a man-s energy at will and truly own this
To tell you the truth sexual intercourse is only a small !raction o! these s$ills.
3ou have to put yoursel! in the position o! the one who wants to serve this
man as Shiva/
3ou see him li$e a Fod and you are a Foddess.
,on-t worry, this is a 2 ways things and the situation will .e reversed.
This means men will worship you as well and !ul!ill your deepest desires.
8ut !or now, let-s !ocus !irst on what you can give a man that will get him to
come .ac$ to you over and over again !or more.
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3ou see, in most cases, men and women will have sex, one or .oth o! them
orgasms and this is it.
&! the man loses semen, he will usually !all in the a!ter sex stage.
This means that his sexual desire drops and his level o! attraction towards
you can collapse as well.
2ven i! you share a romantic moment a!terwards .y holding each other !or
instance, the !ollowing day, his desire to have sex with you could .e much
So, the $ey is to get him to hold his semen !or much longer and even not
lose it at all.
6ut it this wayD who will want to see you more the !ollowing day? ; guy who
is still .urning with desire !or you or the one who has already lost semen
and is in the a!ter sex stage?
3ou $now that, right?
; man e)aculating .e!ore your orgasm can .e one o! the most !rustrating
sexual experiences you can have.
&t changes everything/
3ou see him dri!ting away in a T=T;AA3 di!!erent reality.
3ou !eel suddenly an emotional gap appearing .etween the two o! you.
The reason this gap exists is .ecause the energy that was !ueling the
emotional connection is gone.
&t is really that simple/
; huge part o! romantic love has to do with sexual attraction/
This is how we were programmed .y natureD to procreate.
So much o! our social interactions and the way we handle them is a.out
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managing and triggering sexual desire.
So, .ac$ to men !eeling attracted to you...
The moment you give a man incredi.le pleasure and are super con!ident
with your sexual s$ills, guys come .ac$ to you over and over again.
,o you reali:e that some men will pay M+""-M1""" )ust to experience that
with a tantric goddess?
Tantric goddess is a nice way o! saying Ksacred courtesanK or Ksacred
The word prostitute has loads o! negative associations and we are not
tal$ing a.out this here actually.
We are tal$ing a.out s$ills, sexual s$ills.
3ou can .e a tantric goddess and express your s$ills with )ust one man you
!eel committed to.
=r you can have a more open approach and have tantric sex with many
=r you can engage in a commercial activity and .e paid !or your tantric sex
;ll these are variations and you need to !ind !or yoursel! what suits you.
7y point is that whatever way you want to express them, what you want are
sexual con!idence or sexual mastery.
These are s$ills/
They are your a.ility to tame 2ros, the desire, the sexual energy in man-s
.ody and stimulate it at will.
When you lay on a massage ta.le and you have a s$illed massage therapist
ta$ing care o! you, how does that ma$e you !eel?
; very s$illed massage therapist can even ta$e you to a mystical state and
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literally open a consciousness gateway in you.
That-s s$illed touch and that-s the exact type o! s$ill you need to develop i!
you want to connect with any man you want and get them to .e and stay
attracted to you.
That-s the dance o! 2ros.
&t is the art o! mastering sexual energy in you and in others.
Fuys can actually get .ored with sex.
&! what they experience with you is not exciting enough they will go and loo$
somewhere else.
So, i! you have everything, character, energy, .eauty and !eel that you still
don-t clic$ with men you are attracted to, these are the s$ills you want to
6ractically, what are we tal$ing a.out?
&t is a in!inite set o! possi.ilities.
We are not tal$ing a.out )ust a simple tric$, o$?
We are tal$ing a.out em.odying 2L;<TA3 what any man pro!oundly wants/
What they want is 3=B T= 82 ;8A2 T= 8>&9F T#27 T= ; ST;T2 =?
;8S=ABT2, T=T;A 73ST&<;A T>;9<2 T#>=BF# T#2 ;<T&C;T&=9
7;ST2>3 =? T#2&> S2LB;A 292>F3.
;gain, it-s a two ways thing/
So yes/ ; s$illed male ,a$a or Tantri$a will do this !or you too.
=nce you $now that this is in !act what you want to develop, !inding the
techni1ues and practicing them is actually easy.
That-s not the challenge.
The real challenge is to align yoursel! with that energy.
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That-s were many women !ail .ecause they don-t $now how to connect with
that stream.
These s$ills we tal$ a.out are part o! an inner school, an inner teaching
which has .een on the planet !or a long time.
=ver the centuries, these s$ills reappear here and there through the impulse
o! some tantric master.
7ani!ested tantric schools do exist .ut you can access these s$ills internally
as well.
3ou can develop them.
These s$ills don-t 82A=9F to )ust one tradition. They go .eyond .orders and
They are !ree and open all over the world.
;ll you need is a desire to explore them and they will come to you.
The $ey words here areD
S2LB;A <=9?&,29<2.
S2LB;A 7;ST2>3.
7;ST2>3 =? S2LB;A 292>F&2S.
When you develop these 1ualities, it gives you a whole new edge in the way
you relate to men/
;nd .elieve meI & have seen 1uite a !ew women express these s$ills/
&t-s un.elieva.le to see the desire they trigger in men instantly.
,on-t .e mista$en, o$? This is very !ar away !rom the porn stream.
What we tal$ a.out here is 9=T some super!icial experience .ased on a
commercial system.
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&t is not cheap, slutty or vulgar.
We are tal$ing a.out something that goes way deeper than that.
&t is re!ined/ &t is an art/
&t is a spiritual stream that opens energy gateways in your .ody and mind.
;nd yes/ That-s any man-s most pro!ound desire/
This is what gives you the !inal dating or sex edge that guys are really
loo$ing !or.
When you have it and em.ody it, you have it !or li!e/
&t-s a set o! s$ills, attitudes and a incredi.le level o! sexual con!idence that
you will 92C2> !orget/
T#&S is what you are loo$ing !or.
3ou can go around in circles testing everything & said.
3ou can loo$ !or alternatives and other ways to access a man-s mind.
3ou will eventually come .ac$ to what & am saying now.
7any women reali:e this when they are in their %"-s or '"-s a!ter a .ro$en
marriage or a series o! !rustrating relationships.
2very single woman & $now is in !act loo$ing !or these s$ills.
The ones who already have them want to per!ect them.
2very love and desire you ever had in your existence can .e !ul!illed once
you master sexual energy in you and in men.
7astering doesn-t mean control, o$?
&t means playing with it at will/
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8eing a.le to stimulate it or silent it at will.
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1our Sha9ti (uest
Sha$ti is li!e !orce.
&t is a universal principle.
Cery o!ten Sha$ti is used in a more speci!ic way to de!ine !eminine 1ualities.
&t is in that way & use it in this article...
?or men, Sha$ti is what you loo$ !or when you engage in connecting with a
When you want to experience her !emininity, what you really want to !eel is
this !emininity inside o! you.
3ou want to merge with her mind so that the Sha$ti she gives you is a direct
inner experience in you.
When you ma$e love, what you want to experience is the play o! energies &9
The sensations triggers are chain o! .iochemical reactions in your .rain and
These are not happening out there/
They are happening right in your .eing.
Within the tantric tradition, Sha$ti is li!e !orce/
She is a Foddess/
She is the consort o! Shiva.
; woman will .e a messenger !or Sha$ti so that you can experience this
energy in you.
Sha$ti triggers pleasure, delight, .eauty, harmony and !reedom in you.
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When you touch her s$in, when you !eel aroused .y her presence, it is
.ecause her Sha$ti !orce impacts on your .eing.
3ou !eel an opening/
3ou !eel a streaming o! new energy inside o! you.
9ow, this Sha$ti !orce is an experience you can have in many other
contexts, not )ust tantric exchange with a woman.
3ou can experience Sha$ti through artistic expression, singing and music,
.eing in nature, invo$ing the Sha$ti !orce in you through meditation and
&n !act, most o! the tantric path - the !ull tantric path, not )ust tantric sex -
is aimed at mastering Sha$ti.
&t is aimed at !ully understanding how to play with this energy in you and
how to transmit it too.
&magine !or instance that you are in nature with a music instrument and that
you are touched .y the .eauty o! the landscape.
3ou play some music that expresses that .eauty.
3ou create a piece that you play later !or your !riends.
8y listening to this music, your !riends experience the .eauty you !elt.
That-s one example o! mastering this Sha$ti energy.
3ou had an experience which was the merging o! your energy with nature.
Then, you ta$e that experience and turn this Sha$ti !orce into a re!ined
musical piece that you use to initiate others into that experience.
&n Sans$rit, nature is 6ra$riti/
&t is essence and is simply another name !or Sha$ti.
So... When you experience Sha$ti .y tantric sex union with a woman, this
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woman is your agent and initiates a stream o! Sha$ti energy in you.
When you are in love with her, you are in !act in love with that experience/
3ou are in love with the experience o! Sha$ti .ecause Sha$ti opened your
heart <ha$ra and !reed your mind.
This is simply a way o! something which is o! course much more
Sometimes, we need a romantic vision o! love and what & give you now is
this romantic vision.
We tal$ a.out personi!ied gods and goddesses.
&n !act these are universal principles.
3our path as a man is to .e a.le to master Sha$ti with or without a woman.
When you !eel extremely needy sexually, it means that you !eel desperation.
3ou get the impression that i! a woman doesn-t trigger this Sha$ti
experience in you, you will have no way o! accessing it .y yoursel!.
This isn-t true/
;ccessing your Sha$ti power is a s$ill you can develop.
&n !act, & .elieve this is one o! the core challenges men will !ace in li!e.
When you discover how to master and activate your own Sha$ti !low, you
enter into a whole new dimension in li!e.
That-s a new state o! unity and .liss/
3ou !eel connected, united with the world around you and )oy streams
through you.
3ou are one/
3ou have many possi.le pathways to master this Sha$ti energy.
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7y !avorites are music, singing, dancing, sensual exchange with a woman,
swimming in the clear waters o! a la$e or a river and so many more.
;nother C2>3 direct way to connect with Sha$ti and invite her in your li!e is
to use the Sans$rit mantra !or Sha$tiD
&! you simply write this mantra !re1uently, you will start .uilding the
connection with this Sha$ti power inside o! you.
3ou will create space to start playing with this Sha$ti !orce @ 3ou will as well
.e inspired to create more !orms associated with Sha$ti.
& mentioned that this article is !or men .ut in !act it is !or every human
?or instance, some women will have very little connection with their Sha$ti
power and could develop it way deeper.
Some men will have total mastery over their Sha$ti !orce and need to
connect with their male power or Shiva power instead.
&! you are in a gay relationship, roles might .e rede!ined too.
;nd even !or a woman who !ully expresses her Sha$ti power, her tantric sex
play with a strong male might trigger even !urther the !low o! her Sha$ti
&t might empower her even !urther in her !emininity.
So, this is 9=T )ust a simple model.
What & give you here are general ideas and again as with any romantic
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vision, what & descri.e is only a very simple vision o! a reality which is way
more complex than that.
When & descri.e realities, & can use my rational thin$ing .ased on !acts and
& can as well ta$e a more romantic or mystical approach and give you
glimpses o! the exact same reality.
7y language here is not poetic .ut it is not purely rational either.
Ta$e what you can, use it and reshape it in your own way/
& want to say again as well, that depending on the way you loo$ at it, you
can see Sha$ti in every aspect o! human li!e.
There is Sha$ti in .usiness, in science and politics not )ust in arts/
Sha$ti is 2C2>3W#2>2 .ecause it is a universal principle permeating all
aspects o! li!e on this planet.
#owever, the re!ined channels o! creative art and .eauty can .e loc$ed or
limited within lines o! expression which are very rational.
?or instance, when you wa$e up in the morning, your intention is very o!ten
to deal with very practical things.
3ou will ta$e a shower, ma$e some .rea$!ast and your whole !ocus might .e
to get to wor$.
The purpose o! these actions is to maintain your li!e @ get to wor$ to
express some o! your creative power and ma$e money.
9ow imagine what would happen i! you wipe out this whole scenario and you
replace it .y something totally di!!erent.
3ou wa$e up in the morning and your purpose !or the day is to generate
.eauty and delight.
3ou ta$e a shower with your partner and ta$e time to explore the sensuality
o! this moment.
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;!ter that you prepare a delicious smoothie and ta$e very special care in
giving it a delicious exotic taste.
Then, you ta$e your music instrument and let your !ingers explore the
inspiration o! the moment while you are surrounded .y picture o! dancing
&n all these activities, the purpose is not money or practical.
The purpose is to mani!est .eauty and delicious sensations.
This is a C2>3 speci!ic 1uest.
The Sha$ti we tal$ a.out here is .eauty, re!inement, delight and pleasure.
When you are a.le to mani!est these 1ualities at will anytime you want, you
can say that you mastered the Sha$ti energy.
3ou are a Sha$ti 7aster.
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&art *
Tantra and
life force
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<ey strategies to stimulate your life
Ai!e !orce is an essential aspect o! your .eing.
There are many ways you can activate itD
2ating healthy
?ocusing on exciting targets in your li!e
;ctivating your social li!e
<aring !or nature
8eing creative
Aoving your children
;nd so much more
Sex is one avenue.
&! you had great sex in the past, you $now how this gives you an energy
3ou !eel happy, !ul!illed and immensely energi:ed.
3our li!e !orce is a su.stance you can learn to master.
Tantric sex is one amongst many lines o! activity which can activate your li!e
;ny o! the streams or activities we mentioned a.ove has the potential to .e
a mystical or spiritual experience.
Tantric sex is simply one o! them.
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.nergy exchange
2nergy exchange is what you loo$ !or with tantric sex.
This energy exchange can happen .etween you and another .eing.
&t can happen as well internally as an energy circulation pattern.
3ou can !or instance !ocus on energy exchange with the a.solute.
This is the universal dimension o! your .eing.
3ou simply reali:e that you are united at all times with the li!e !orce which
surrounds you and you !ind ways o! activating this connection.
3ou can have a similar type o! energy exchange with nature !or instance.
3ou can )ump in the !resh waves o! the sea and get this intense !eeling o!
union with the elements.
We don t usually call this sex, right?
&t is still some !orm o! energy exchange.
3ou don t have to call it tantra either.
This experience did exist long .e!ore the term or concept o! tantra was
So, yes/ &t is o.vious that energy exchange escapes any !orm o! de!inition.
Tantra is simply a way o! calling it.
&t is simply to give it a name and a place within a vaster dynamics o! things.
3ou can call this energy exchange whatever you want or whatever you !eel
com!orta.le with.
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&! you don t have a word or expression coming to mind, you can always use
the terms tantric exchange or energy exchange to descri.e these
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:oes energy exchange only happen
betw een men and w omen7
=! course not/
3ou do exchange energy with every single living !orm on this planet and the
When you touch a tree, there is an instant harmoni:ing connection
This happens on an etheric level or energy level.
We are )ust starting to understand and unveil the dynamics o! these energy
?or those o! you who read or saw the <elestine prophecy, this is the type o!
energy exchange we tal$ a.out.
3ou can call it universal sex i! you want.
Sex simply involves a speci!ic type o! energy exchange.
&! you are straight, you ll !eel this with the opposite sex.
&! you are gay, you ll tend to esta.lish this connection with the same sex.
See the world in and around you as a vast and complex networ$ o! energy
When we tal$ a.out tantric sex, we !ocus on one speci!ic type o! energy
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/hat is nature tantra7
The moment you connect with nature, you can call this nature tantra.
&! you go to nature and !eel this harmoni:ing !orce wa$ing up in you, it is the
sign that energy is !lowing .etween you and nature around you.
This can happen with trees and !lowers, with the sea, with mountains
With anything/
&t happens all the time/
&t happens whether you are aware o! it or not.
3our .ody is never isolated.
=n an etheric or energy level you exchange energy with your environment
all the time.
The moment you are in nature, you !eel a certain type o! energy exchange.
9ow, you can consciously activate this energy exchange.
Suppose you go !or a wal$ on the .each.
3ou can wal$ with your hands in your poc$ets, lost in deep thoughts or you
can stop, loo$ at the sea, .reathe deeply, ma$e some movements, ta$e o!!
your clothes and )ump in the water.
=! course when you ta$e all these activation steps, something more will
happen .ecause you will activate your lin$ with the elements around you.
The !our walls o! your house act as a protection .ut as well as an isolating
The moment you step out o! this protection, you start dynamically
exchanging with nature around you.
3ou have plenty o! ways o! activating this exchange o! li!e !orce.
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;s this is not really the topic o! this e-.oo$, we won t go into it.
> that there is more than simply the traditional sexual exchange
.etween human .eings.
2xchange o! li!e !orce with nature around you o!!ers a whole avenue o!
development as well.
&t might even .e much easier to start with that one i! you don t $now where
to .egin.
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/hat is city tantra7
What i! you are in city?
Well, the same type o! energy exchange applies.
This time you !unction within what we could call a civili:ed environment.
3ou exchange energy with people, places, tools or activities.
?or instance, i! you go !or a drin$ in a ca!NO, you will esta.lish a very speci!ic
set o! energy exchange with this speci!ic environment.
3ou might have this very nice !eeling o! happiness and !un )ust .y .eing
3ou ll chat, laugh, taste a delicious coc$tail and spent the rest o! the night
dancing or singing.
9ow, you might !eel great in that context.
Someone else might not li$e it at all.
They might !eel aw$ward and out o! place.
There are hundreds o! ways o! relating to a speci!ic environment.
;gain, you can see what happens in this ca!NO as a vast networ$ o! energy
3ou ll !eel really good i! energy does !low.
3ou ll !eel .ad i! you can t connect or don t $now how to.
9ow, expand this idea or concept to anything you do in a cityD .usiness,
shopping, social li!e, gym, etc.
&! you !eel good, it usually means that you do master that environment to
a certain point.
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3ou $now how to activate it .
This is what & call city tantra D it is this vast networ$ o! activities and
energy exchanges you can consciously practice and wa$e up in a civili:ed
& call it tantra .ut could call it anything else o! course.
This is )ust a word which reminds me o! the energy exchange aspect.
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=uest for beauty and harmony
The .eauty dimension o! tantra is omnipresent.
&t is expressed through art, sculptures, clothes, singing, music, poetry, oils,
presence o! nature and so much more.
This re!inement o!!ers a dimension o! delight to this tantric stream.
&t ma$es the whole tantric experience more en)oya.le !or the senses.
When you engage into tantric sex, activate as well this dimension o! .eauty
and re!inement.
&t will simply multiply the pleasure you get !rom any practice
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Tantric foods and diets
?ood is an energy !orm.
>aw !ood is o! course closer to nature and its original !orm.
When !oods are heavily processed, they lose this energy content.
&magine !or instance that you can choose .etween !resh !ruit and tined one,
which one would you go !or?
Which one do you !eel would .e the most .ene!icial !or you?
3ou can apply the same approach to anything you eat.
2ating healthy is your choice o! course.
3ou stay !ree at all times to eat whatever is suita.le !or you.
Within the tantric tradition, & don t ever coming across a .oo$ or
article, mentioning what tantric !ood was.
&! you thin$ Tantric !ood & am sure you will come up with a !ew guidelines
which are suita.le !or you.
Two elements seem to .e essentialD
#ow much li!e !orce does this !ood contain?
#ow much pleasure will & get when & eat it?
These are two simple 1uestions you can as$ yoursel! when selecting your
next meal or preparing it.
7y choiceD
& tend to go now !or raw !ood
Aots o! !ruit and vegeta.les
Aots o! dried !ruits
?resh )uices
Some mil$ products in the !orm o! yoghurt or cheese
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Some to!u li$e products
Some grains in the !orm o! muesli
Aittle or no meat or !ish
&t ta$es me maximum ' minutes to prepare a mealD usually a !resh salad
with a !ew di!!erent vegeta.les and sauce.
7y !avorite !or .rea$!ast and lunchD muesli with !resh !ruit, yoghurt and
?or snac$sD dried !ruit.
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&hysical preparation
3ou $now that #atha 3oga is a way o! preparing the .ody to receive higher
#aving a healthy and harmonious .ody is essential !or the practice o! sex
;ny !orm o! exercise is o$ay.
&! you !eel unhealthy, start with anything.
&t can .e gym, )ogging, dancing, yoga, martial arts, .i$ing, etc.
The !irst step is to move your .ody.
Why is it that essential to .e in good shape?
3our .ody is your !irst and most essential asset.
&! you don t !eel good in your .ody, it impacts on your mind, emotions and
thought patterns.
3ou can ma$e really good progress on the sex tantra line and have huge
draw .ac$s related with disharmony on the .ody or mind level.
This is why energi:ing your .ody is so essential.
&! you don t $now where to start, yoga or martial art classes are de!initely
my !avorites.
The social support you get when you )oin a class ma$es it easier to exercise.
&! you don t want to )oin a class, ta$e o!! in nature or to the .each and do
some exercise there.
The goal is to harmoni:e and energi:e your .ody.
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'ind preparation
=! course you can apply the same guideline !or mind preparation.
6reparing your mind means getting rid o! undigested emotions, extra stress
or limiting .elie!s.
3ou learn to relax, can practice some simple meditation techni1ues or simply
ta$e some time to distress in nature.
;ll these harmoni:ing activities are power!ul.
The goal is to ma$e sure that your mind is truly your .est ally.
&! you wal$ around with negative sel! limiting .elie!s, this .ecomes a
permanent .urden which drains your energy.
This is the last thing you want.
#armoni:ing and empowering the mind is again a vast topic.
<hec$ this lin$ !or more resources on thisD
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Smile and establish eye contact w ith
as many people as you can
#ere is another simple way to esta.lish a tantricEenergy connection with
Simply esta.lish eye contact and smile to as many people as you can when
wal$ing through a .usy street. Try it out/ 3ou will see what happens.
The .est is to practice it !re1uently !or short periods o! time G'-1" minH. &t
ta$es a !ew wee$s o! practice to really master this techni1ue and .e a.le to
do it naturally. &n the .eginning it ta$es some !ocus .ut the connections can
.e ama:ing/
This is not exactly tantric sex .ut the energy exchange process is very
similar. 3ou can connect very deep with someone you )ust saw !or a couple
seconds )ust .y loo$ing straight into their eyes.
,on-t get attached to your experience.
The intention is !ree love/
This is li$e the K!ree hugsK experiment.
&t really wor$s at generating energy exchange .etween total strangers.
The result? =nly one way to !ind outD try it/
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:ance improvisation 4 Biodance
;nother approach you can add to your tantric exploration/
This one is super power!ul and can .ring you to an intense inner trance with
your tantric partner.
&t can involve )ust one couple or more couples i! you want to play this with
more people.
Bse candles !or light, i! possi.le, get some !resh air in the room and $eep
windows open unless, it-s too cold or you don-t want to distur. neigh.ors.
?ind some nice sensual or ethnic music. & !ind &ndian or ;ra.ic music usually
wor$ great/ Aounge and new age music are great as well.
Start play .y standing still - as soon as you are ready start moving with the
rhythm o! the music.
?ollow the inspiration as it comes.
This is not a per!ormance you ma$e !or someone else, so no worries even i!
you !eel a .it inexperienced at start.
&t is a way o! connecting with your own energy !low and letting it come out
in waves o! sensual movements.
;!ter a !ew minutes you can either go on dancing separately or you can
come closer to each other and !or instance slightly touch each other-s hands
while you dance.
3ou can evolve towards !ull .ody contact, $isses, gentle touch, etc.
Fo with the !low and trust your instinct.
9a$ed dance?
Sure/ &! you are .oth com!orta.le with it, you can .e na$ed.
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9a$edness de!initely adds a dimension o! sensuality and intimacy.
&t can .e an intense sensual pleasure to see your tantric partner evolve
na$ed in !ront o! your eyes.
3ou can as well .e more su.tle and cover parts o! your .ody with color!ul
sil$ scarves !or instance.
3ou can suggest shapes and na$edness rather than revealing all at once.
;s with other techni1ues, this dance can always evolve towards more
passionate em.races and even more.
3ou can as well stop and stand still to listen to the inner energy !low and
dive into your delight!ul sensations.
Aisten to the rhythms/
<reate .eauty and en)oy the pleasures rising through your .ody.
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&art -
.ast meets
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>ew code of ethics
<ode o! ethics?
3es/ This is essential.
Tantra is a !orm o! !ire and energy.
The moment you wa$e it up in you, you are given a whole new set o! powers
in your existence.
There is always a ris$ !or these powers to .e a.used.
They can turn against you or those you love.
They can hurt your li!e and the li!e o! others.
This is why it is essential to strengthen your values and decide .e!ore even
starting with what is o$ay and what is not.
2veryone is o! course responsi.le !or their own actions.
When you .uy a car, you $now that you have to respect the speed limits and
tra!!ic lights !or instance.
Same goes !or tantric sex.
7any o! the potential pit!alls are descri.ed in the coming pages.
&t is essential that .e!ore you ta$e challenging steps, you simply thin$ twice
and chec$ !or yoursel! i! your choice is the wisest direction to go.
3es/ 8e wise/
=ne o! the $ey values you want to strengthen isD respect.
>espect !or yoursel!, !or others and other .elie! systems.
?or now, & don t have a !ixed code o! ethics & can transmit.
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;t this stage, & thin$ it s everyone s responsi.ility to choose their own.
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Tantric commerciali?ation
This is one o! the top challenges tantra !aces.
Success with tantra has nothing to do with money or organi:ations.
The commercial system existing anywhere around the world is )ust a way o!
exchanging goods.
9ow, when we enter into spiritual oriented !ields, commerciali:ation can
create this .ac$ground sound, especially when you are loo$ing !or
total and mystical purity.
&t happens to yoga as well. &t happens to meditation schools and
&t is the ris$ o! losing trac$ with what you intended to do at !irst.
?or instance, when a tantric teacher sets up an organi:ation and starts
selling products online, there is a high ris$ o! getting side trac$ed.
The commercial aspect o! this teacher s activities can totally overlap the
original tantric 1uest.
This means that students wanting to get in touch with the tantric system
might !eel !irst the mar$eting structure o! what is o!!ered.
2veryone is learning o! course.
Tantric teachers are good people and simply want to strengthen a message
or a teaching.
& $now they are doing their .est.
9ow, what we see today might not .e the end o! the story.
9ew systems and teachings might .e emerging, which will .e .ased on a
di!!erent set o! prioritiesD open and !ree transmission might come .e!ore
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This means that words li$e copyright , mem.ership , price are all words
which could .e disappearing !rom the tantric environment.
When you start thin$ing o! the greater good and the !ree transmission o!
tantra, the dynamics needed to achieve this are very clearD !reedom, space,
trust, love, respect and so much more.
These are the 1ualities we ll try to set up in the centre o! our activities.
;s we do so, we ll try to $eep the commercial or mar$eting aspects aside
and put .ac$ the a.solute essence o! tantra in the core o! our message.
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/hat does the eastern tantric
tradition thin9 of tantric sex7
;s !ar as & $now, you do have sex tantra schools in &ndia as well.
#owever, these streams are marginal in &ndia as they are in the West.
The main tantric stream in &ndia has little to do with sex.
&t is .ased on worship, rituals and devotion.
7any people in the 2ast will .e shoc$ed .y sex tantra practices. They might
see it as a dangerous direction to engage into.
9ow, there are other streams which do encourage the mystical sexual arts.
The whole stream o! 4ama Sutra or what you !ind in the temples o!
4ha)uraho are all tantric sex )ewels you !ind nowhere else.
This means that &ndia is as divided as the West concerning the idea
o! tantric sex.
,id you $now !or instance that Fandy wanted to have the temples o!
4ha)uraho destroyed?
This is where these well $now erotic sculptures come !rom.
;pparently, there was something in that tantric stream that he did not li$e.
The tantric community and a !ew well $nown eastern !igures opposed this
destruction and the temples were saved.
&n the 2ast as in the West, there are many di!!erent opinions, some o! them
very extreme.
&n terms o! exactly how many people in &ndia would em.race the sex tantra
stream, & de!initely have no clear idea.
7y guess is that it is similar to what you !ind in the West.
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Sex gurus and abuse of pow er
This is the main reason tantric sex used to have a .ad reputation in the last
couple o! decades in the WestD it was a.used.
8asically a !ew well $nown masters rushed in the West and thought they
could wipe out the existing .elie!s and practices.
They .ro$e !undamental rules and o!ten .etrayed the trust o! their !ollowers.
The existing sex tantra schools in the west have learned !rom these
7ost o! them are now well integrated and do respect and encourage the
esta.lished laws and .elie!s.
Fo online and ma$e a search !or tantra.
3ou will see do:ens o! wor$shops, classes and .oo$s on this topic.
7ost o! the organi:ations or persons promoting these teachings and systems
are totally respect!ul and will ta$e you in the right direction with developing
This means that they will usually .e respect!ul and mature in their approach.
=! course, li$e with any teaching or courses, some might .e !it !or you and
some might not.
This happens !or anything you want to study and explore.
3ou simply need to .e wise and discriminative.
Aisten to and trust your instinct with that.
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ST: s and #I :S
&! you want to reduce the ris$ o! contracting an ST,, you need to stic$ to
one or a very limited o! sexual partners.
&! you go around having sex with )ust anyone, the ris$ o! catching an
unwanted ST, gets o! course much higher.
&! you do have sex with many partners, you need to apply simple sa!e sex
There is plenty o! documentation on this topic, so we won t explore it here.
Some o! these techni1ues can !eel limiting.
Suppose that you have oral sex !or instance, using a condom might not
always .e the most exciting perspective !or a couple.
The real alternative is to .e !aith!ul and explore the tantric sex avenue with
one partner.
&! you choose !or multiple partners, you can as well succeed o! course, .ut
you ll need to .e more cautious o! course.
Aisten to warning signs as wellD you need to use your instinct with this and
reali:e that certain population groups are more at ris$.
&! you are a male and visit a prostitute in the streets o! 8ang$o$, 4ol$ata or
an ;!rican capital, you have o! course many more chances to put your health
and li!e at ris$.
&! you visit a city, you ll o!ten avoid certain streets and neigh.orhoods
.ecause you $now that crime might .e high over there.
3ou simply use your common sense and listen to warning signs.
These warning signs are o!ten there.
Aisten to them when exploring your sexuality as well.
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?or instance, i! you meet a potential sex partner who tal$s a.out a past
heroin addiction !or instance, you need o! course to .e extremely cautious.
;nother rule is not to engage into active high ris$ sexual exchanges a!ter
one or two dates.
3ou can delay the moment o! intercourse.
3ou can .e lightly intimate and give each other time to .uild complicity and
6assion is a very positive !orce.
9ow, i! this is the only guiding !orce you use, you might get yoursel! in
3ou need to .e smart when you explore the tantric sex realm.
&! you listen care!ully, at least 0'J o! the health ha:ards you could !ace
can easily .e avoided.
?or the other 'J you can use extra s$ills li$e sa!e sex practices and not
engage casually into active intercourse and high ris$ practices, especially i!
something !eels wrong.
2ven then, ta$e steps cautiously and protect yoursel!.
3ou do that not only !or yoursel! .ut !or those you love as well.
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5ontraception and pregnancy
This is a $ey issue in the tantric sex world.
Sex can have many di!!erent uses and purposes.
=n one side you have the natural procreation drive.
=n the other side you have the use o! sex as a path o! inner trans!ormation
and regeneration.
These two uses or directions can enter in con!lict.
3ou will o!ten hear a woman saying she )ust got pregnant without really
having planned itD &t )ust happened , We did not try to stop it
This is such a huge contradiction in today s world .ecause you do have at
least some amount o! control over having children or not.
3ou can use various contraceptive methods which are all aimed at deciding i!
and when you want to have children.
9ow, it s as i! sometimes the mind gets veiled to allow nature and destiny to
!ollow its course.
&t s as i! the rational decision o! not .eing sure a.out having children is
overpowered .y an invisi.le natural !orce.
Within the tantric sex context, it is essential to understand how this wor$s
and reali:e that you do have the power to decide whether you want children
or not.
3ou are not merely a victim o! it.
3ou are actually the architect o! it.
Within the tantric sex experience, the main mean o! contraception is simply
semen retention.
;s a man, you simply don t e)aculate.
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3ou preserve your energies internally and simply don t lose semen.
&t is pretty o.vious that i! you practice this !ully, it is simply impossi.le to
conceive a child
Bnless o! course we dive into the idea o! &mmaculate <onception, .ut that s
another de.ate, right?
When you practice tantric sex, conception is not the goal.
&n other terms, the !ocus is on spiritual and mystical experience rather than
&! you are luc$ warm a.out this and are not sure, there are good chances
that you or your partner might get pregnant along the way.
6regnancy will )ust happen.
&t does not need to .e that way. 3ou can .e !irm a.out what you want and
consciously decide whether you want children or not.
Then, act accordingly.
3ou can as well leave it up to the cosmos to decide !or you. That s !air
enough as well.
9ow, i! you want to practice and explore tantric sex, o.serve strictly
contraceptive .ehaviors to avoid any surprises.
;gain, i! you want to .e !irmly on the tantric sex ground, you ll need this
extra awareness and conscious action.
3ou will need to rein!orce this .oundary and ma$e sure that i! one day you
conceive a child, it was your decision, not )ust some !orm o! natural mista$e.
>, i! you don t want to ma$e a child right now and would rather
explore the tantric sex path, you ll need to .e !irm with this.
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&orn side trac9s
=! course, when you thin$ a.out sex, you might have porn images
appearing in your mind.
Sometimes, sex tantra is totally mixed or con!used with porn.
These two are radically di!!erent in the intention.
6orn is a raw commerciali:ation o! sex.
Sex tantra is a mystical and energy exploration o! sex.
Their purpose is totally di!!erent.
&t is a $ey di!!erence in intention and desire.
&! you see a picture o! a couple ma$ing love, it might .e di!!icult to $now i!
it s tantra or porn sometimes.
The theme 4ama Sutra is o!ten used within a porn context.
Some tantric sex activity leans as well strongly towards the porn side.
3ou might enter a tantric sex site and .e presented with a whole line o! sex
toys which loo$ exactly li$e those you might see in sex shops or porn sites.
This is true.
;t this stage, the most important part isD don t con!use the two in your
Tantric sex is a protected and ancient sexual exploration path.
When you engage in it, you are con!ronted with sensations and experiences
which are 1uite di!!erent !rom the ones you might experience within the porn
9ow, & am not here to )udge.
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& am not saying that one is .etter than the other.
They are simply di!!erent approaches using the same original sexual energy
and drive.
6orn does play a role in society. &t is simply a di!!erent role than the one
played .y tantric sex.
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@bsessive and fanatical attitudes
Stay in charge o! your li!e.
Sex can enslave you.
&t can .e li$e alcohol or any !orm o! addictive .ehaviors.
The goal is to stay on top o! these energies.
&magine these .ig waves on a #awaiian .each.
Aearning to play with your tantric !ire is li$e learning to sur! these waves.
This !ire is energy and your goal is to use and tame that energy, not to .e
=.sessive attitudes lead to intolerance and extreme .ehaviors.
3ou might !orce sex tantra on yoursel! or on others.
This is a mista$e you must not commit.
3ou must maintain respect !or yoursel! and others at all times.
3ou must respect as well other aspects o! your li!e and !eed them
Tantric sex .rings in a new energy in your li!e.
Aearn to .alance it up with other aspects o! your existence.
?anatical attitudes do not serve you on the long term .ecause they isolate
you and o!ten lead you to dead ends.
Aearn the exact .alance and !eed all aspects o! your li!e li$e pro!ession,
social li!e and health.
The goal is to !ind a .alance you can easily maintain on the long term.
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Tantric sex videos
Sex sites
w ebcam chats
These tools can .e used within a tantric sex context.
7ost o! the times, o! course, the tantric dimension is not present in what
you will !ind online.
&t s up to you to introduce it i! you want to.
3ou can !or instance record some tantric sex videos with your partner and
discover a new dimension o! .eauty and excitement through that.
3ou can connect with someone online and use your as a medium to
experience tantric sex with them.
;ll potentials are there.
;, video or chat room is simply a tool. 3ou can use this tool in
whatever way you want.
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&rotecting children and teenagers
This is essential.
The western and eastern worlds !unction with very speci!ic laws concerning
sex and youth.
These laws are there !or a reasonD protecting young children and teenagers.
The moment you engage in tantric sex, you need to respect these laws and
ma$e sure that you don t .rea$ them.
<hildren need your protection. They need to $now that they can trust you.
This means that you must not engage in any !orm o! sexual activity with
someone under 1*.
This might .e di!!erent depending on the country you are in.
Whatever the law, respect it/
This is the general rule to .e applied.
3ou must never .rea$ it or you will su!!er the conse1uences o! it.
These laws have .een created !or a reasonD it is .ecause a.use happens
almost instantly when children are not respected.
The psychological damage that can happen !or children and teenagers can
stay with them !or a li!e time.
This is why a .oundary exists right there that you must never cross.
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Threat to couples and family life7
9ot at all/
This is one o! the great misunderstandings around tantric sex.
6racticing it does not mean that you must go around sleeping with anyone.
&t does not mean either that you don t respect !amily values.
Tantric sex is simply a way o! enhancing your sex li!e.
When you engage into these practices, you can !unction within certain limits.
3es/ 3ou can practice tantra and .e 1""J !aith!ul to your partner.
&t is a conscious decision you ta$e.
The !orces o! tantra can literally overta$e you. That s true.
9ow, part o! what you have to learn is to tame this !ire.
&magine having suddenly thousands o! dollars.
3ou can go and spend them in the stupidest ways i! you don t have a clue on
how to tame that energy, right?
Same with sexual energy.
3ou can stimulate your sex li!e and do this within certain speci!ic .oundaries.
&s it possi.le?
=! course it is.
3ou are the one who decides how to express this sexual !orce.
3ou are the one who chooses the type o! activity you want to engage into.
Sex has this dimension o! mystery in it.
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3ou can !eel threatened .y what you don t understand.
9o need to .e.
8y ta$ing small steps and understanding the dynamics involved, you can
.rea$ through any limiting .elie! you have on this topic.
Sex is a vast source o! !ire in you.
9ot using it is li$e missing on one o! the purest source o! power and energy
availa.le in your .eing.
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5onflicting interests and other
3our mind is !illed with lots o! stu!!.
=n a daily .ase, a!ter wor$, practicalities and a whole lot more things, what
time is actually le!t !or tantric sex?
&t might .e not much/
This is the main reason why people will o!ten !ail to .rea$ through with
tantric sex techni1ues.
They simply don-t have enough time and energy to invest in them.
When they do, they might !ace challenges they are not sure how to
So, the $ey to get results is to .e consistent and ma$e it a top priority in
your li!e.
There is o!ten a tendency to !ocus on anything .ut what matters most.
3our mind gets distracted and you simply pic$ up what is there !irst.
This means that you might engage in sexual practices which give you little
satis!action on the long term.
#onestly, .ecause o! these reasons, tantric sex might not .e !or everyone.
Those who succeed in esta.lishing this energy in the core o! their .eing do
get tremendous pleasure and satis!action out o! it.
&t is such a !ine tuning process.
&t &S an art.
=ne that can ta$e years to master.
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Social impact
This one is a .ig one/
When you engage in tantric sex and actively express that energy, you will
challenge people around you.
Suppose you tal$ a.out it at a social event or discuss some ideas with a
close !riend, you will get !$ and very o!ten resistance as well.
To transmit these ideas !urther and express tantric sex in your li!e you need
extra power, !ocus and energy.
This tantric energy is C2>3 speci!ic.
&t involves clear mind sets even though there is in!inite room !or
interpretationI the dynamics & mention here are usually present...
That is unless you are surrounded .y people who already want to experience
tantric sex.
&! they are already in that stream living it day .y day, resistance will .e very
low, it could even .e non-existent or even turn into a positive !orce.
So, this impact !rom your environment is always there.
&! you !eel resistance, it is usually coming !rom you @ people around you.
These ideas <#;AA29F2 most individuals.
&n !act even tal$ing a.out sex is challenging !or so many.
So, when you dive into the technical details o! a tantric sex exploration, o!
course many people will react.
2ven i! they say nothing, you still pic$ up a KwaveK o! energy resistance.
So, here are some ideas to tac$le this speci!ic challengeD
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First ma9e sure that this energy is strong enough in you before
you try to influence anybody)
&! what you tal$ a.out stays on a conceptual level and you don-t own yet this
energy or techni1ues, you will waste precious li!e !orce hitting walls in other
.ngage directly practically into action rather than concepts.
&! you already own these tools, then ta$e tantric action. This means that the
moment you are sharing intimacy with someone, you can introduce a
practice and inspire others with tantric sex.
;gain, you don-t need explanations, simply slightly direct the exchange you
have and ad tantric elements to this exchange.
This must .e su.tle o! course .ecause you don-t want your sex partner to
!eel overpowered or controlled.
3ou can as$ !or permission !irst.
?or instance, i! you want to use oils on their .ody, as$ them i! they are o$
with it.
&! you want to ta$e a sitting position together, again, gently guide them that
3ou need to .e super !lexi.le with that.
&-ll say more a.out the art o! guiding your partner in another article...
<eep moving forward
6eople need what you have to o!!er them.
3our !uture partners will .e delighted to share tantric energies with you.
7ost people crave !or that .ut rarely have the tools to develop that energy
in them.
They simply don-t master it.
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They will still resist .ecause a tantric approach can con!lict with
other minds sets people can have.
They canD
8e trapped in the more traditional !amily models.
8e surrounded .y undigested .uilt in !eelings around sex.
8e very distrusting o! anyone who invo$es eastern spirituality.
The point is that unless you are leading a seminar on this topic or you are
!aced with a social audience which is really open mindedI you don-t have to
convince everyone.
&t is much .etter to !ocus your action and hit your target.
3our target is an experience/
The tric$ is to .e armed with extra trust and a couple o! .rea$ through
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Aespect other people;s choices and
>espect other people-s choices and .elie!s/
This is one o! the top $eys to succeed with your tantric 1uest.
Aespect and tolerance)
>eligious and spiritual intolerance are sel! destructive !or the planet and
human$ind. &t is one o! the .ig spiritual traps you can !all into.
When you develop mastery over your sexual energy through tantra, this
gives you a newly gained sense o! power.
&t is easy to ta$e a !anatical stand and .e pushy, demanding, disrespect!ul
or intolerant with your partner or with others.
The goal o! tantric sex is certainly not to .uild up power to attac$ or control
others/ Aove is always the core o! what you practice.
There is a larger vision at play hereD it is the well .eing o! the totality o! the
planet and human$ind.
#uman$ind is composed o! a vast diversity o! cultures and .elie!s. This is
what ma$es its richness/
&t is your )o. as an awa$ened tantri$a to wal$ towards that direction o! total
love, respect and harmony.
What does it mean practically?
Simply watch out what you say.
9ever !orce or push anyone to !ollow you.
&! you hear a.out other people-s .elie! systems, develop constructive
dialogue .ased on respect.
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#ow do you do that?
3ou can say things li$eD
K& totally respect your .elie!s. 3ou are !ree/K
K& respect the !act that now is not a good time !or you. & have !ar too much
respect and love !or you to push you into doing anything you don-t want to.K
K& totally understand the !act that this path is not !or you. & !ully respect
3ou get the picture, right?
;pply this type o! strategy any time you !eel con!lict rising.
Sometimes, you need as well to teach others how to respect you as well.
&! someone challenges you on your tantric practices, you can sayD
K& am !ree, right? & don-t giving you the right to tell me what to
do. & respect your choice and you $now how to respect mine.K
8asically, you do have the right to control what is yours .ut you have no
right to control someone else-s actions, .elie!s or choices.
&! you !eel that your tantric practices could .ene!it someone, o!!er them an
open invitation to learn something in whatever way you !eel is suita.le.
The $ey word here is Kopen invitationK.
;nyone always stays !ree to !ollow up on that or not.
9ever use coercive threat.
;lways use love and respect.
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/hy it is essential to remove old
useless taboos
7ost !ears or ta.oos you have in your mind are the result o! past
When you chec$ it out, you o!ten can-t even trace why something is ta.oo.
; ta.oo is a moral limit.
Some o! these ta.oos or moral .oundaries are still needed to protect
These .oundaries can sometimes .e help!ul.
9ow, in what concerns tantric sex, when you start exploring, most ta.oos
are useless. &t is li$e putting a !ence in your mind and limiting your sexual
expression without reason.
Sexual li.eration means exactly thatD removing what you no longer need.
Thin$ o! itD
Why would sex .e a shame or ta.oo?
Why is it o!!ensive to see a woman-s .reast on TC?
Why would it .e ta.oo to tal$ a.out your sexual experiences with
some !riends?
Why is it ta.oo to .e na$ed on the .each?
Why would it .e ta.oo to see a couple having intercourse?
,oes it hurt you morally? Why?
#ow would you !eel i! this moral limit was no longer there?
Would you !eel !ree? Would it li.erate you on a certain level?
7y role here is certainly not to tell you what is right or wrong. 3ou need to
choose !or yoursel!.
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&! you notice ta.oos, shame or guilt areas in the way you express your
sexuality, simply as$ yoursel!D
,o & need this ta.oo in my mind or is it time !or it to go?
&! you notice that you no longer need it and would !eel !reer without it, ta$e
action as i! the ta.oo was no longer there. <onsciously cross the limit and
see how it !eels.
=ur lives are experiments/
;im !or sexual mastery.
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Tantric pow er
When you .uild up tantric energy, the main challenge is to $eep it active in
3ou are con!ronted with practicalities and .usiness realities every day.
3our mind gets !illed with in!ormation which tends to clutter your li!e !orce.
So, the main challenge is !or your tantric power to .e strong enough to
stand .y itsel! without .eing wiped out .y all that.
This is why you need a solid strategic approach which does really wor$
within a modern environment.
9ow, there is a way to get this right/
3ou do need to understand the power dynamics involved though.
See your mind and your li!e as a territory.
2nergies compete to mani!est themselves in and through you.
These can .e the energies o! nature, a city, your !amily, !riends, a .usiness
idea, a mar$eting message, a spiritual discipline, a personal am.ition, etc.
These are all KplansK with a speci!ic sponsoring !orce.
When you decide to engage into tantric sex, you need to create space in
your mind and li!e !or that.
;gain, you will mani!est what you !ocus on.
&! your mind is .usy with a .usiness concept !or most o! your day, this is
what you will re!lect energy wise.
3our thoughts and emotions will re!lect that speci!ic .usiness energy.
3ou will .e !illed with mar$eting ideas, dreams o! wealth and .usiness
success, practicalities, research activities, etc.
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&! you !ocus on tantric sex, you will mani!est delight and sensual pleasure.
3ou will !ocus on postures, techni1ues and tantric s$ills. 3ou will expand
your awareness and your level o! li!e !orce, etc.
What ma$es the di!!erence .etween let-s say a .usiness target and
the tantric sex target is simply action, vision and sponsoring energy.
9ow, one o! the $ey challenges is that certain energies are over present in
your li!e while the tantric sex energy is only rarely invo$ed or mentioned to
the average person.
3ou will !or instance .e .om.arded with mar$eting messages and demands
!rom a modern li!e style, while you can spend a whole li!e time without ever
coming across a message which reminds you o! your tantric potential.
The way to tac$le this challenge is 1uite simple actuallyD !ocus/
&! your goal is to .uild up tantric sex energy, you simply need to !ocus on it
regularly and give more space to that stream than to other aspects o! your
li!e you consider unimportant.
Technically, i! you ta$e 1" stepsEday geared towards .uilding
up tantric energy, your tantric power will expand very !ast.
=n the other hand, i! you simply wait !or the tantric energy to come to you
.y chance, you could .e waiting !or a long time.
The way to reach your goals is to ta$e conscious action consistently so that
your tantric power increases.
&t is that simple, really/
9ow, the good news is that you do have sexual instincts already. Together
with spiritual aspirations, these are the !uels which !eed your tantric action.
&n other terms, when you do !eel sexual desire, need !or intimate connection
or a call !or total unity, all you have to do is mani!est this internal drive
within a tantric sex context.
3ou have the !ire. Tantric sex gives you a path or a system to get there.
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/hat is sexual freedom7
?or most people sexual !reedom means sleeping with whoever you want
whenever you want.
Within the tantric experience, sexual !reedom can ta$e a much deeper
meaningD !reeing the sexual energy in your .eing.
Sex is simply a source o! energy and vitality in your .eing.
&t is a !orm o! li!e !orce.
When you !ree it, you naturally expand its reach and impact.
8y doing so, you clari!y your mind and reach all the .ene!its & mentioned
& really li$e thin$ing o! sexual !reedom as the expansion and !ree !low o!
sexual energy in your .ody and mind.
>ather than constricting it within a limited mind !rame, you give it more
space and allow it to !low.
There is a dimension o! mastery in this as well.
&! you !eel li$e a slave o! your sexual desire, it o.viously limits you in live.
The ultimate goal is to play with the sexual energy at willD wa$e it up i! you
want toI tame it i! you need to.
&! you !eel that sex is an unsolved issue, sexual !reedom is really the
ultimate goal on that level.
Sexual !reedom means precisely that sex is no longer an issue.
3ou own your sexual energy and are a.le to play with that !orce at will.
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Free your mind)
?ree your mind IH
9one o! the guidelines & give you here are static. They are only suggestions
that & tested and .elieve wor$ really well.
Bltimately, tantric sex is a real art/
?eel !ree to explore it in your own uni1ue way.
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&art ,
Tips and
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Tantric sex techni(ues
When you thin$ o! tantric sex, you might get the !eeling that it s all a.out
complicated positions.
This is very !ar away !rom the truth.
The !irst posture is not a physical oneI it is a mental or emotional one.
The physical aspects o! tantra are 1uite simple. &n !act you don t need
complicated sexual positions.
;ll you need is the understanding and vision o! how your sexual energy will
.e transmuted.
=! course, it can .e !un to try some complex positions.
3es/ They might add a new dimension to your tantric sex experience.
#owever, you can achieve all this inner growth even i! you $eep your tantric
sex approaches very simple.
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8ow to preserve your sexual
=ne o! the $ey tantric sex strategies is to preserve your energies and ma$e
them grow.
When you have sex, usually the !inal goal is to reach an orgasm.
?orget a.out this picture and imagine what happens i! you don t go !or the
&magine that there is no loss o! semen !or the man and that all the sexual
excitement .uild up stays within.
9ow, imagine that you don t come !or months and that every time you have
sex, you $eep on .uilding energy and increasing your level o! inner sexual
;s you can imagine, this might lead to some intense energy .uild up.
The only way to !ind out what happens is to try and practice it.
9ow, this is one o! the most challenging trainings you can go !or in
2verything in your instinctual nature encourages you to let go o! your semen
and have an orgasm.
So, it ta$es !ocus and determination to shi!t this pattern and simply hold
.ac$ .e!ore you reach the no return point.
What a.out women?
;s a woman, you can practice the same.
3ou can simply come to the limit o! your orgasm and then, simply $eep this
potential inside.
&n tantric sex, we tal$ a lot a.out transmutation o! energies.
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The sexual energy rises through your cha$ras and activates them.
&t eventually reaches the heart cha$ra and creates a whole new sexual
What happens?
& guess everyone will experience this di!!erently .ut generally, you will enter
into an expansion o! the heart area.
This means that your level o! love !or your partner and anything else in the
universe will suddenly grow immensely.
Those who experienced it tal$ a.out a pro!ound and trans!orming mystical
This experience does not stop there.
The rising o! sexual energies can expand into the third eye and crown cha$ra
as well and create this immense sense o! clarity and understanding.
;ll these experiences are mystical or spiritual experiences.
3ou can experience them through meditation or other practices.
&n that case, you use sexual union and awa$ening as the vehicle to mani!est
these .liss!ul states.
So, you have two directions you can goD
The first one is to approach sex the traditional way . 3ou have
sex. 3ou orgasm or e)aculate. 3ou enter into an a!ter sex state. This
means usually that the sexual tension and .uild up is released.
The second one is to practice tantric sex and energy build up .
3ou use sexual energy as an inner !orce which will create a series o!
mystical experiences in you.
#ow long does it ta$e to reach a state o! inner .liss and !ul!illment with your
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& would say one to three months o! very !ocused tantric sex practice.
&! you are already !amiliar with these techni1ues and have .een meditating a
lot .e!ore, these experiences might appear much !aster.
,oes it mean that you need to have sex 1" hours a day !or a month?
&n a way, yes/ 8ut you don t need to go that !ar o! course.
The goal is to ingrate tantric sex practices in your daily li!e until it .ecomes
totally natural !or you and your partner.
The next step would .e to .e in an ideal protected setting.
&t can .e a holiday place, resort, nature location or spiritual retreat situation.
&n these contexts, you can use all your resources and energy to !ocus on this
inner trans!ormation process.
What i! you can t step out o! your routine and need to stay at home, wor$
and !ocus on all your daily tas$s?
3ou will o! course still practice tantric sex in that context.
The .ene!its and experiences you will get are very intense no matter what.
&t simply means that you might tend to get more distracted .y other daily
practicalities and will need to !ocus on lots o! other things, not )ust your
tantric practices.
The results are still there/
6racticing tantric sex !rom exactly where you are is de!initely the .est way
to go.
&n a way, there is no need to go anywhere. 3ou can create your own tantric
temple at home and design a very harmonious and healthy li!e style
conductive !or pro!ound changes.
The tantric sex path can .e practiced anywhere.
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;ll you need is to start moving.
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Sexual dreams and fantasies
This is an essential part o! your tantric experience.
The .uildup o! sexual energy will o!ten .e associated with a !ertile sexual
3our sexual energy simply !eeds your mind and activates your !antasy world.
&t is normal.
3ou might see yoursel! having sex with other women or men.
3ou might have visions or desires you did not have .e!ore.
;ll this is healthy and normal.
7ost o! these !antasies are not meant to .e mani!ested.
They are simply the mind re!lection o! your sexual awa$ening.
&n the .eginning, some o! these images can almost .e shoc$ing .ecause you
envision scenes you can !eel ashamed o!.
9o worries again.
;ll this is normal and is a simple clari!ication o! your mind.
2n)oy these visions and !antasies.
,on t !ocus too much on them as i! it was something meant to happen.
Simply o.serve them as i! you were watching a movie on a screen.
2very now and then, see i! you can in!luence these !antasies.
>emove those you don t li$e and stimulate those which do thrill and excite
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8ow to practice tantric sex in your
The $ey idea is open communication.
3ou need to share not only on the sexual level .ut on the level as
The goal is to create synergy and complicity.
3ou need to understand and respect the limits o! your partner.
3ou need to listen and share.
The .est way to do this is to set time aside to tal$ a.out what you
8e open minded.
The next step is to protect your tantric sex space.
9ot all times are suita.le !or practicing.
Sometimes, your partner won t .e in the mood or simply too tired.
>espect is truly the $ey word !or your couple.
,on t ever push or !orce. 3ou will generate the exact opposite result to what
you expected i! you do.
=ne o! the $ey challenges !or modern couples is to !ind space and time !or
When you are rushing the whole wee$ with practicalities it can .e very
challenging to !ind a romantic moment !or you and your partner.
?ocus on it and start creating time.
?ind out i! tantric sex is an exploration you .oth want to invest into.
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;gain, dialogue, respect and love are the $ey values you must at
all times
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8ow to practice tantric sex and be
sexually exclusive
8eing !aith!ul or sexually exclusive with one partner is a decision.
The .est way to stay !aith!ul when your tantric sex desire wa$es up is to
have the .est and most !ul!illing sex with your partner.
,ialogue is again a $ey ingredient to understand the dynamics you !ace.
3ou might have !antasies involving other persons that your partner.
These !antasies are o$ay.
3ou don t have to act on them.
This is the $ey issue.
&! you !eel a desire wa$ing up, see what happens when you express it
directly with your partner.
9ow, i! you want your partner to stay !aith!ul, you need as well to o!!er him
or her an avenue o! expression !or their desires.
&! you tend to .loc$, suppress or )udge what comes up, you might stimulate
him or her to go and loo$ somewhere else.
=! course, never engage into something you really don t li$e.
Tal$ a.out di!!erences or tensions i! they arise.
3ou will discover that having a protected space to share all this is o!ten all
you need to understand your next step.
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Solo tantric sex 4 &ath of self
8ig ta.oo/
The path o! sel! pleasure means that you discover tantric sex without a
physical partner .eing present.
This o!!ers you a space to train your tantric s$ills, experience your limits and
understand how pleasure mani!ests in your .ody.
8ecause you are .y yoursel!, it o!!ers you the per!ect setting to explore an
aspect o! your sexuality in depth.
We tal$ed earlier a.out mystical experiences arising as a result o! tantric sex
activity, right?
&n a way, you can achieve the same type o! results through solo tantric sex.
3ou can wa$e up your sexual energy to the point o! !eeling it opening your
heart area and the other upper cha$ras.
2ven with solo tantric sex, you are never alone.
The tantric energy which sponsors your experiences is still there o! course.
See it an intelligent angelic or spiritual !orce activating these energies in
The world o! your !antasies is there as well o! course.
&n esoteric terms, this world o! !antasies is the astral reality. &t is the world
o! emotions, dreams and desires.
3ou can meet people on the astral. 3ou can actually have sex on the astral.
3ou can !eel a person s presence without this person ever .eing there
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&n a way, this solo tantric sex exploration gives you lots o! space and
3ou notice that when you have tantric sex with a partner, you need to
sometimes process emotions, digest, .e care!ul with what you say or do.
This can .e 1uite demanding in some cases.
Solo tantric sex has the advantage o! giving you space and !reedomI which
are very essential 1ualities to explore the tantric sex path.
;nother way o! using solo tantric sex is simply as a !orm o! training.
Suppose that you are a man and you want to train your lingam in order to
preserve your energy.
When you are with a girl, you might get too excited to actually dive into
training that s$ill.
Solo tantric sex will give you the ideal setting to explore this avenue without
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.nergy orgasms
?or men, energy orgasms or !ull .ody orgasms are power!ul explosions o!
energy without the loss o! semen.
?or women, they are deeper orgasmic experiences which touch deeper
layers o! the .ody and mind.
8ecause o! their depth, energy orgasms can .e much more !ul!illing than
traditional orgasms.
They are especially important !or men .ecause they allow them to have an
orgasmic experience without the loss semen and there!ore without much
loss o! energy either.
There will still .e an energy dip a!ter the orgasm .ut this dip will .e much
smaller than i! the man had e)aculated.
When you practice tantric sex, energy orgasms are a good !irst stage to
head !or.
They allow you to train your tantric s$ills and .uild up your sexual energy
without !ully containing it.
&t is essential to reali:e though that it s only an intermediary stage.
;!ter a while, you will notice that even energy orgasms are no longer
3ou can reach much higher states o! maintained pleasure .y !ully and totally
holding your energy.
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Tantric sex for couples
This is one o! the greatest .ene!its o! tantric sexD the potential to
strengthen your couple and reunite it when you !eel passion and excitement
are gone.
Tantric sex is a .inding !orce.
&t is a uni!ying !ire which .rings a new 1uality o! love and re!inement into
your couple s li!e.
&t can ta$e 1 to + months to shi!t around a situation which loo$s sexually
desperate !or two partners.
We are not tal$ing a.out therapy here.
This is simply the awa$ening o! a source o! !ire which is in!inite and acts li$e
a .inding !orce in a relationship.
This is one o! the $ey tantric sex gold mines.
This is a new sexual expression which !its a modern need.
&! you are a couple, you tend to !ocus a lot on li!e s practicalities.
&t is not always easy to reconnect with your sexual drive, desire or passion.
This is where the tantric sexual energy comes in.
&magine connecting with a !orce which reawa$ens these 1ualities in you and
your partner.
&magine that your relationship and sex li!e suddenly wa$es up !rom its sleep.
&magine this romantic dimension suddenly appearing again in the core o!
your .eing.
This is exactly what tantric sex can do !or you.
&t goes !ar .eyond sex o! course.
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This tantric energy is a !ire which stimulates and energi:es every aspect o!
your relationship.
&t wa$es up delight!ul !eelings and .liss naturally .ecause these 1ualities are
the essence o! tantra.
&magine having an in!inite source o! !ire and power in you.
This is your sexual energy.
9ow, when you give it an avenue and empowered channel o! expression, it
simply !lows naturally and opens new doors in your .eing.
3our sexual energy is a cataly:ing !orce which .rings you to a new energy
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Start w ith simple steps
This is the way to go.
9o need !or pro!ound revolutions.
Fet some sensual massage oils
;dd candles and incense
6repare a special meal and o!!er to eat it na$ed
There are do:ens o! steps you can ta$e which will increase sensuality
.etween the two o! you.
The idea is to increase sensuality so that your tantric sex experience is
deeper and more pleasura.le on many levels.
This gives a wider experience .ody to your tantric sex exploration.
Start .y applying the simple techni1ues descri.ed in this .oo$.
The goal is simpleD recon1uer your sexual territory.
&! you want to put romance, love and passion .ac$ in the center o! your li!e,
you need a sponsoring !orce to help you do so.
This is what tantric sex does.
&t is a !ire which supports these sacred 1ualities in your .eing.
;s soon as you start expressing this stream in your li!e and connect with
simple tantric sex techni1ues, you wa$e up the 1ualities o! love and passion.
?ocus on mani!esting and mastering this stream !ully within a period o! +
&t does not happen overnight.
3ou simply recon1uer your sexual and romantic territory .y clearing the
relationship space with this tantric !ire.
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The results are ama:ing.
&t ta$es a very short period o! time to renew your sexual space and .ring a
total sense o! !reshness .etween you and your partner.
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8ow to establish tantric love in your
;s you can imagine, tantric sex is a.out love.
What you esta.lish with your partner goes !ar .eyond sex.
&t touches all aspects o! your connection with your lover and partner.
3ou !eel a sense o! pro!ound union any time, not )ust when you are actively
engaged in tantric sex.
This means as well that what you do .eyond your tantric sex activities
matters immensely.
Tantric sex does not start the moment you sleep together or ends up when
you let go o! your sexual em.race.
&magine seeing someone as your own essence.
&magine that everything you do to your partner is what you would love
having it done to you.
&t s that simple.
When you engage into sharing tantric sex with your partner, you start
!unctioning much more as a unit.
This is never a limitation.
The idea o! control o! your lover s actions, .ehaviors or thoughts must .e
totally gone and replaced .y a sense o! total !reedom.
This !reedom you want to esta.lish in the core o! your couple is the $ey to
the expansion o! your tantric essence.
This is what multiplies the e!!ect o! tantric sex.
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/hat if you and your partner
disagree on your tantric sex
&t happens o! course.
3ou !eel li$e you don t have time to !ocus on it right now and your partner is
!ull o! .urning desire !or instance.
What do you do?
#ow do you solve di!!erences?
&t is very simpleD dialogue, respect and !reedom.
Tantra is a passionate !ire.
&t is a !ire you must learn to tame.
The !act that you !eel very inspired to share sex at a given moment does not
mean that it must happen.
3ou can dialogue with the tantric spirit.
3ou can play with the tantric !orces and tame them as well.
3ou can stimulate them or excite them when you want to and give them
some rest i! you !eel the timing is not right.
What matters is that you are the designer o! your tantric sex experience.
Tantric sex is not a set o! !orms which are imposed on you .y !orce.
&t s actually the total opposite.
3ou have total !reedom to design your tantric experience is whatever way
you want.
;nd so does your tantric sex partner.
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/hat if your partner does something
that you don;t li9e
&! anything happens during the session that you don-t li$e or doesn-t wor$
!or you, don-t let it .uild up negativity or resentment.
&! it hurts or !eels really uncom!orta.le, you can give your partner a sign
that it-s not really wor$ing !or you.
&! you can and as much as possi.le, try to $eep that type o! in!ormation !or
the !$ minute a!ter the session. That way you won-t interrupt each
other-s !low and inspired ideas.
&n the !$ minute .e gentle .ut do share what wor$s and what doesn-t.
&! you get some KnegativeK !$, see it as an opportunity to learn and
discover new s$ills.
That-s one o! the $ey to mastering tantric sex playD
&t is to accept the !act that there is a learning curve.
3our partner-s !$ is essential to you as it will help you master your
tantric sex techni1ues.
;lso, do give !$, .oth positive and negative i! any.
7any people will touch you, $iss you or ta$e some action that can !eel
uncom!orta.le, pain!ul or .e a massive turn o!!.
Bnless you tell them, it is challenging !or them to !ind out.
& have !re1uently seen and experienced .oth men and women ta$ing some
sexual action that they thought was arousing when in !act it-s a turn o!! or
even pain!ul.
> as well that di!!erent people have di!!erent tastes too/
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Something that wor$ed with a previous tantric sex partner might .e
inappropriate or a turn o!! !or someone else.
This is why these !$ minutes a!ter session are so essential to $eep
per!ecting your techni1ues.
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8ow to tell your partner to increase
or decrease stimulation intensity
This one is essential especially !or men.
&! your tantric sex partner is a woman and she has no clear idea o! how
excited you are, she might go one step too !ar and ma$e you lose semen.
That-s the last thing you want/
3ou want to give her hints to tell her she can intensi!y or slow down.
The simplest way to do is to use + wordsD
Simple, right? IH
;nother way to go is to 1uanti!y your degree o! excitement. That-s even
more precise and wor$s really well.
Suppose that "J is non excited and 1""J is max excitement. 1""J is
when you would come.
With tantric sex, the goal is to navigate in the *"-0"J :one without going all
the way to 1""J excitement.
So, you can give her hints.
?or instance, i! you !eel she can go way !urther, you can say K("K or K"K.
&! she goes too !ar and you are a.out to come, simply say 0' to get her to
slow down a .it.
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3ou can as well use a hand sign li$e thum.s up !or per!ect, raise your hand
up !or more, or .ring your hand down to get her to slow down.
3ou can use these !$ techni1ues i! you are a woman as well.
Bsually it is easier !or a woman to control her orgasm and decide when she
wants to come.
?or a guy, usually it is very easy to get over stimulated and totally miss the
tantric target.
&! you are a woman, $eep an eye on your male partner.
7ore importantly, .e aware that you don-t want him to lose semen as this
usually means the end o! this tantric play session.
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Set up a veto right w ith your partner
so that you both feel safe
When you partner is leading, i! you are as$ed to do something you >2;AA3
don-t want, let your partner $now that this goes one step too !ar !or you.
&t-s very healthy to have this KvetoK right so that you !eel totally secure in a
tantric session.
;s a general guideline, & would encourage you to use your veto right only in
very rare, extreme cases.
Cery o!ten, a new tantric idea might stretch a .it your com!ort :one.
#owever, dare to experiment.
;s soon as you try, you will notice that you might actually li$e it a lot.
&! your partner is leading, really let go o! trying to direct.
6A;3 T#2 F;72/
;<<26T T#;T 3=B> 6;>T92> &S &9 <#;>F2 ?=> T#&S S2SS&=9/
#aving this attitude will let them !eel that you trust them and immensely
energi:e your tantric sex play.
&t will give power, trust and con!idence to your tantric sex couple and give
you space to experiment.
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Bring your partner and yourself to a
tantric trance any time you w ant
&! you are a woman, the goal is to .e a.le to put him and yoursel! in a
tantric sex trance any time you want.
That-s when you enter into a whole new dimension in li!e.
The day & discovered these tools in my li!e through intense practice, it
>;,&<;AA3 changed my vision o! not )ust sex, .ut totally impacted in the
way & perceive li!e and maleE!emale interactions as well.
& honestly .elieve that this is 2L;<TA3 what you loo$ !or and is easily
accessi.le to you.
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>a9ed dinner)
That-s an exciting way to set up your tantric sex session.
6repare some nice !resh raw dishes, get na$ed and set up your tantric space
.y the !ire place in your living room
=r you can set up your dinner tantric sex session in your .edroom or
whatever place you use as your tantric temple.
2ating na$ed with your partner is an sensual experience.
6repare the space and your .odies with delicious scents and oils. 6ut on your
tantric )ewelry and whatever triggers your tantric sex energy.
3ou can start playing straight away while you eat which can totally multiply
the pleasure you get !rom it.
Set it up and en)oy it/
3ou will .e ama:ed .y how delight!ul this experience can .e/
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/hat is the best time for tantric sex7
#onestly? ;ny time wor$s/
?or instance you can have a whole wee$ end !ocused on tantric sex with in
depth exploration o! your new s$ills...
=r you can have a morning 1uic$ energetic tantric session .e!ore you get
=r you can have a 1' min lunch tantric sex .rea$.
=r have a whole evening dedicated to tantric pleasure.
;ll o! these options do wor$, no need to limit yoursel!.
9ow, & .elieve that amongst ;AA these possi.le choices, the one that suits
.est our natural rhythms is evening *-1"pm.
3ou don-t have to stretch your session !or 2 hours o! course. 3ou can have
!or instance a +" or (" min tantric play session around that time o! the
&! you want to develop your tantric sex s$ills, & .elieve that-s the .est time
to practice.
; 2 hours space gives you plenty o! time to dive into it.
The evening creates a re!ined and romantic energy.
Aower the lights, uses candles and incense.
3ou can really set it up li$e a daily tantric play meeting with your partner.
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Stronger 4 Softer 4 &erfect
These + words are + core !$ indicators you can use in tantric sex to
tell your partner what you need.
3ou don-t need to use them all the time o! course.
Cery o!ten, it-s way more exciting to let your partner search !or the a.solute
.est way to please you without saying a word...
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8ow long should a tantric sex session
&t depends o! course on the circumstances.
Wee$ days might need shorter sessions whereas wee$ends give you more
&! you are new to tantric sex, & would de!initely start with short 1' min
sessions max.
They can even .e shorter to ' or 1" min.
<hec$ with your partner and ma$e sure you agree on a time !rame.
&t-s important that you chec$ i! you or your partner has to leave soon or i!
you have plenty o! time.
&n my opinion, having !re1uent short sessions wor$s slightly .etter than one
long 2 hours session once a wee$ !or instance.
Thin$ o! the way you eat !or instance. 3ou have a meal or snac$ every +
hours, right?
=r when you train your .ody, you .uild up your level o! !itness .y exercising
every day !or an hour rather than )ust running a marathon on Sunday, right?
Tantric sex is an energy you .uild !ollowing the same type o! principles.
3ou can .uild up tantric sex energy a .it in the same way, .y having short
tantric sex moments throughout the day or the wee$.
=! course, a onetime long practice in the wee$ end is totally an option too
and will wor$ per!ectly i! that-s what you pre!er.
&t-s essential as well to always chec$ with yoursel! and your partner to see
the time that-s .est !or you two.
&s it day time during the wee$, wee$ days evenings, evenings in wee$ends,
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middle o! the night when you !eel a desire rush?
Timing is super important and identi!ying what wor$s .est !or your couple
will strongly empower your tantric sex practices.
=nce you are com!orta.le with short sessions, you can extend these
sessions to +" min and eventually 1 hour or a !ew hours.
&t could easily ta$e you a couple o! months to .uild up your energy to the
point where you can easily go !or a 2 hours tantric session.
> though that you want to leave on a high with the !eeling that you
could easily go on i! you wanted to.
7any people who start with tantric sex will ma$e the mista$e o! wanting to
press all the )uice out o! a session.
They experience a .it o! the tantric .liss and don-t want to let it go .y !ear o!
not .eing a.le to recreate that experience again.
> that the goal is to .e a.le to play with your tantric sex energy at
3ou can trigger it any time you want and even play with its intensity.
That-s one o! the core targets o! tantric sex.
To your tantric sex power/
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8ow to start and finish a tantric sex
=ne good way to go is simply to sit in !ront o! each other cross legged and
have a short meditation minute.
3ou can do this with open or closed eyes.
Synchroni:e your .reathing.
This gives you the possi.ility to re!ocus your energy and create space in
your mind.
Poin your hands in !ront o! your heart or third eye cha$ra in a prayer
3ou can as well express your wishes !or this session internally or to
your partner.
3ou can say !or instanceD K& want to invo$e the tantric sex spirit and in!inite
love - & want to give my partner immense pleasure and .ring him Gor herH to
a.solute .liss - & want our energies to merge and .e one...K
This is o! course )ust an example.
3ou can spontaneously say your own invocation.
3ou can as well as$ !or guidance or help.
;gain, this can .e done internally or out loud.
3ou can spea$ in your own name or in the name o! your couple.
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Tantric sex minute
;long the same line as having a 1' tantric energy .oost, you can do this !or
)ust a minute.
&t can .e in the !orm o! an energy techni1ue you practice together, a $issing
minute, a 1uic$ lingam or yoni stimulation.
3ou can as well have sex with intercourse !or )ust a minute.
Wa$ing up desire this way without consuming it !or more than a minute can
leave you with a high degree o! excitement !or the evening !or instance.
3ou can as well practice this consciously and i! circumstances allow it, have
!or instance 2" tantric energy minutes spread during the day.
3ou can decide to meet every +" min !or instance at !ixed times.
=r you can go to your partner and play with them !or a )ust a minute.
?or this practice, it-s important that you drop it a!ter a minute. 3ou trigger
the excitement and desire !or a minute and let go.
3ou can practice this at !ixed times every +" min or you can $eep it open
and spontaneously go to your partner when you want, at random intervals
and play !or a tantric sex minute.
&n this tantric sex minute, you can practice an energy techni1ue, yoni or
lingam $issing, yoni or lingam massage, $issing, any !orm o! sensual touch
and even intercourse.
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Tantric sex 4 .nergy brea9s
3ou don-t need a whole hour or lots o! time to engage in tantric sex play.
; 1' min 1uic$ tantric energy impulse can do wonders.
3ou can have various levels o! intimacy when engaging in such energy
3ou can as well .oost your day .y having !re1uent .rea$s li$e this one
spread during the day.
3our desire stays then high !or hours a!terwards triggering exciting !antasies
and the desire to meet again later.
Try it/
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:ifferent people might have different
Something that wor$ed with a previous tantric sex partner might not
necessarily wor$ !or someone else.
3our new partner might !ind it inappropriate, uncom!orta.le or even .e
turned o!! .y it.
#ere are some examples o! these possi.le di!!erences !rom person to
#ow much pressure she li$es on her clitoris.
Type o! !avorite stimulation, !inger, tongue or intercourse.
?avorite sex position.
8eing turned on or turned o!! when you see your partner pleasuring
=penness to invite other people to play with your couple.
The .est time !or sex.
#ow much structure to give to your tantric sex session.
8eing totally passive while your partner stimulates you.
When you chec$ it, you see that there many variations !rom person to
&t is always good to as$ your partner to get a con!irmation.
The simplest 1uestions to as$ areD
#ow does that !eel?
,o you li$e it when & do that?
?rom these two options which one do you pre!er?
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&lan your tantric sex sessions
3ou have two ways to go with tantric sex sessions.
The !irst one is to !ollow your passion and simply engage with your partner
spontaneously when you !eel li$e it.
The second one is to plan your sessions.
8oth approaches wor$ really well, so you can experiment and see what suits
you .est.
Why plan?
8ecause everyone is very .usy these days and i! you want to consciously
engage in a tantric energy .uild up, planning your session will secure that
space and prioriti:e this activity.
The .est times !or sessions are morning a!ter wa$ing up and especially
evenings when energy enters in the re!inement mode.
,ecide who will .e leading, that way the one who leads can choose one or
more techni1ues, the length !or the session and prepare the space.
& $now that planning a tantric sex session can !eel less passionate, romantic
or spontaneous .ut it is C2>3 power!ul.
To get turned on and wa$e up desire, you can initiate practice with some
dynamic .reathing techni1ues, yoga poses, an energy .uilding techni1ue or
a $issing minute.
2ven i! you are not into it at !irst, your desire can wa$e up very !ast. =nce
you give each other-s .odies a .it o! attention you are usually ready to go/
We plan yoga sessions, training at the gym and all sorts o! other activities.
Why not plan your tantric sex sessions?
&! you rely on simply !inding spare time !or tantric sex a!ter long and .usy
days, you might systematically end up with late night practices or even .e
too tired to even engage into it.
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When you plan it and consciously open space !or it, you empower your
tantric sex li!e immensely.
3ou give it time and give it priority too/
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I nterval stimulation 4 Build up energy
and avoid over excitement
This one is especially use!ul to avoid over stimulation and loss o! semen.
&t allows you as well to .uild up tantric energy !or much longer so that
sessions last !or one or even a !ew hours.
This techni1ue is simple.
Suppose that you are a woman and that you stimulate your partner-s lingam
with a strong hold massage techni1ue.
#e is lying on his .ac$ and you are sitting cross legged on his side next to
#ere is what you doD
&nstead o! stimulating him continuously !or minutes, you !ollow the rhythm
o! your conscious .reathing techni1ue.
<hoose a .reathing techni1ue.
&t can .e any .reathing se1uence.
Synchroni:e this .reathing techni1ue with your partner so that you two
!ollow the exact same rhythm.
The simplest approach is to .reath in !or * sec, hold !or 1( sec, .reath out
!or * sec.
3ou stimulate your male partner-s lingam only when you hold your .reath.
=n the .reathe in and .reathe out, you stop massaging him .ut $eep your
hand on his lingam i! he can ta$e it.
> that you and your partner synchroni:e your .reathing.
This means again that he will .e stimulated only when he is holding his
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What this does is that it .uilds up excitement and tantric energy without
ta$ing the ris$ o! semen loss.
8ecause you consciously regulate how much stimulation you apply to his
lingam, you can literally last !or hours with that one.
&n the .eginning, start with ' min, have a !$ minute with your
=nce you are ready with !irst tests, you can progressively increase the
session-s length to 1' min, +" min, 1 hour and even 2 or more hours.
To ad variation, you can change positions and !or instance he can $neel or
stand. 3ou have many possi.le positions !or lingam stimulation and & will
descri.e them in detail in another post.
=! course, as with other techni1ues, you can reverse the roles and have your
partner massage your yoni using the exact same rhythm.
3ou can as well use this techni1ue as a sel! pleasure approach when your
partner-s not around.
That-s a super power!ul techni1ue to .uild up tantric energy and get sessions
to last way longer.
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Synchroni?e your breathing
;t any moment o! your tantric exchange you can use this simple .reathing
Simply ta$e a minute or more to .reath at the same time !ollowing the same
That-s a power!ul to get in tune with each other and connect.
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5ombine a breathing techni(ue w ith
sexual stimulation
Bse a .reathing techni1ue with sexual stimulation.
?or instance i! you are a man and your tantric partner massages your
lingam, you can practice !or instance the !ollowing techni1ueD
8reathe in !or * sec
#old !or * sec
8reathe out !or * sec
Ta$e deep .reaths as you practice this.
&! you get too excited, you can as$ your partner to massage you more so!tly
so that she doesn-t over stimulate you.
;nother way to go is to let her stimulate you only when you hold your
This means that she stops massaging you when you .reathe in and .reathe
=nce you get used to this techni1ue, you can stretch the KholdK time to 1(
sec !or instance.
3ou simply count internally.
Why is this such a power!ul techni1ue?
8ecause the alternation o! rest and stimulation com.ined with this conscious
.reathing techni1ue .uilds up an incredi.le amount o! energy and sexual
!low in you.
3ou can practice this techni1ue !or )ust ' min in the .eginning.
=nce you and your partner get used to it, you can stretch the time to 1' min
and eventually to even longer +" or (" min sessions.
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There is no limit.
3ou can o! course use lingam $issing stimulation instead o! hand i! you li$e.
3ou can as well reverse the roles and stimulate her yoni using the same type
o! rhythm.
This is )ust a !irst hintD
The core idea is always the same no matter which way you go. &n this case it
is to com.ine sexual stimulation with a .reathing techni1ue.
3ou have do:ens o! other possi.le techni1ues that you can use.
This is a vast topic in the yoga !ield.
That-s a !irst hint.
&t-s power!ul to .uild up tantric energy/
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Set a time length for the session
before you start
Timing is super important.
3our partner might have to leave soon, need rest or have the whole
a!ternoon to play.
3ou don-t $now, right?
?ind out 82?=>2 you start playing/
That way, you are warned and you .oth $now !or how long this session will
&magine that you are in the middle o! a super intense tantric wave and your
partner tells you they have to leave.
&! you don-t $now a.out it, it can hit you and not !eel nice at all.
?or how long should your tantric session last?
&! you are new with it, start with short '-1' min sessions.
=nce you gain practice and are in tune with each other, you can stretch
these sessions !or 1 to a !ew hours.
7a$e sure that you chec$ with each other .e!ore you start and decide !or
how long you want to practice.
This will avoid interrupting each other-s !low without warning.
=! course i! you $now you have the !ull night !or each other, you can .e way
more !lexi.le and go with passion-s !low.
Aess structure and more spontaneity is super exciting too.
4eep the communication channels open with your partner and ma$e sure
that you .oth agree and li$e whatever you decide.
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Tantric sex B 1oga poses
<om.ining tantric sex with yoga poses is arousing.
&t could .e .ecause when you ta$e a pose, you already activate your li!e
;dding sexual stimulation can ta$e these poses to a whole new dimension o!
pure pleasure.
What does it loo$ li$e?
#ere is an exampleD
&! your partner is a male, ta$ing the poses and you are a !emale, you can !or
instance $iss his lingam with every pose. & don-t mean )ust a gentle $iss on
the sur!ace. & mean actively stimulating him with your tongue and lips.
;s he holds each posture, !ind the .est way to reach his lingam and $iss
them with delight.
6lay with this/ &t-s really lots o! !un.
Aet him hold the pose !or a .it longer than he would i! he was alone.
Then let him shi!t pose and )oin him again .y approaching your lips to his
3ou can use your hands, whole .ody or )ust tongue and lips.
?or instance, only using tongue and lips will create lots o! excitement as it
.rings this extra desire call which stays suspended.
3ou can !low li$e that .etween a !ew poses and literally have a whole yoga
session in which you simply ad this lingam stimulation with your lips and
This means that the session can go on !rom a !ew minutes, a !ew poses to
an hour or more i! you li$e.
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&! you are new with it, start with short sessions li$e '-1' min.
=nce you gain practice and are in tune with each other, you can stretch
these sessions !or longer.
7a$e sure you chec$ with each other .e!ore you start and decide !or how
long you want to practice.
This will avoid interrupting each other-s !low without warning.
While he ta$es the poses, you can as well shi!t practice and instead o!
$issing his lingam, get him to $iss your yoni.
#ere is how you can do thisD
3ou can let him ta$e the pose and as$ him to stretch his tongue out. Then,
gently approach your yoni and !eel his tongue massaging you or even
penetrating you.
;s his hands might .e .usy and .ecause it could .e even more arousing,
you can again avoid touch with any other part o! the .ody.
This means that only his tongue and lips can touch you.
&! you want stronger stimulation, press your yoni slightly harder or closer to
his lips so that he can $iss you with his !ull !lat tongue and lips.
To hold the position, you can as well gently hold his head in the right
direction. This allows him to increase his $issing pressure on your yoni.
3ou can o! course alternate roles and i! you were the !emale $issing his
lingam, you can now !or instance ta$e the poses and let him $iss your yoni
3ou can as well let him penetrate you with every pose you ta$e. ?ind the
right position and get him to slide his lingam in you. 3ou can hold the poses
!or a !ew seconds with or without movement, let him withdraw and ta$e a
new pose.
3ou can as well engage in more !ull .ody massage practices while posing,
using lots o! oils and giving special attention to lingam and yoni/
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Wild, right? ;re you turned on yet?
=! course, all variations o! this tantric sex play are possi.le.
Bse your imagination and ta$e it as a practice you can develop and dive
;s you can see, there is some structure to it.
&t is not )ust a wild and spontaneous sex exchange.
;dding this type o! C2>3 SB8TA2 structure to a tantric sex session gives you
the space to expand your hori:ons consciously and explore new !orms o!
pleasure you might not !ind otherwise.
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#lternate betw een you and your
partner to lead tantric sex sessions
3ou can alternate the leading role in a session or .etween sessions.
The easiest way to go is to decide .e!ore the session who will .e leading and
let that person lead !or a whole tantric session.
;nother exciting way to go is to alternate leading role during the session.
?or instance you can lead !or 1" min and then let your partner lead !or
another 1" min.
=r you can .ring in an idea, practice it and let your partner .ring in the next
&! one o! you is way more inspired, has many wishes and the other is
com!orta.le with .eing led, one partner can $eep the leadership role !or a
!ew sessions or even all the time &? &T-S S=72T#&9F 3=B 8=T# want.
& would say that in most situations, alternating the leadership role is more
.alanced and gives space and power to each one o! you.
> that these KtechnicalitiesK are something you discuss together
.e!ore or a!ter a tantric sex session.
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5hoose w ho w ill be leading before
the tantric session
; simple way to choose what to do in a tantric session is to decide who will
.e leading the session .e!ore you start.
Why is it important?
8ecause you and your partner might have di!!erent ideas and !antasies
a.out what you want to share.
To avoid con!lict, discussions or having to ma$e choices, simply choose who
the leader is !or that session.
;ccept the !act that you can experiment o! course. &t is o$ to ta$e some
small ris$s and expand your sexual hori:on.
4eep an eye on your partner.
;s$ 1uestions li$e K,oes this !eel good?K, K,o you pre!er this or that? etc.
,on-t engage though in a rational discussion while in the tantric sex session
as this totally $ills the excitement and the tantric !low. 4eep that !or the
!$ minute a!ter your session or in the !ollowing hours or days
&! you are leading, trust yoursel! and ma$e choices, ta$e decisions/ This will
give rhythm to your tantric play.
3ou can lead, or with .ody language, guiding your partner with your
&! you are as$ed to do something you >2;AA3 don-t want to do, let your
partner $now that this goes one step too !ar !or you.
&t-s very healthy to have this KvetoK right so that you !eel totally secure in a
tantric session.
;s a general guideline, & would encourage you to use your veto right only in
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very rare, extreme cases.
Cery o!ten, a new tantric idea might stretch a .it your com!ort :one.
#owever, dare to experiment.
;s soon as you try, you will notice that you might actually li$e it a lot.
&! your partner is leading, really let go o! trying to direct.
6A;3 T#2 F;72/
;<<26T T#;T 3=B> 6;>T92> &S &9 <#;>F2 ?=> T#&S S2SS&=9/
&! they suggest a practice, o! course don-t .e there passive as$ing them to
do everything.
2ngage/ 6lay/ 8ut let them lead/
This is one o! the core $eys to success!ul tantric sessions.
&t is this a.ility to lead and .e led.
3ou can alternate the leading role in a session or .etween sessions.
?or instance you can lead !or 1" min and then let your partner lead !or
another 1" min.
=r you can .ring in an idea, practice it and let your partner .ring in the next
&! one o! you is way more inspired, has many wishes and the other is
com!orta.le with .eing led, one partner can $eep the leadership role !or a
!ew sessions or even all the time &? &T-S S=72T#&9F 3=B 8=T# want.
& would say that in most situations, alternating the leadership role is more
.alanced and gives space and power to each one o! you.
> that these KtechnicalitiesK are something you discuss together
.e!ore or a!ter a tantric sex session.
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,on-t !all into the !anaticism or high expectation trap
Tantric sex comes !rom a place o! !reedom, not demand or pressure.
Ai!e is already per!ect the way it is now.
There is no distant goal to achieve.
3ou are already holy, sacred and totally !ul!illed as a human .eing.
Tantric sex simply ads !lavor, color, pleasure, !un, delight, .liss... to what
already exists.
?eeling pressured is a massive turn o!! to anyone.
&! you are in a couple, you must always start !rom a place o! total mutual
respect and !reedom !or each other-s choices and pre!erences.
The !act that you practice tantric sex doesn-t give you the right to tell
anyone what to do Gunless it is simply agreed mutual exploration within a
tantric sex sessionH.
What & mean is that putting pressure on your partner will most li$ely $ill the
magic instantly.
That-s not the way to go at all.
3our partner might not .e in the mood or have other priorities.
That-s o$/ ,on-t !orce them/
&! you !eel that you want to go deeper in tantric sex exploration and are not
sure how your partner !eels a.out it, the .est is to sit down and have a 1uic$
chat a.out it...
3ou can say something li$eD K& !eel there are a !ew tantric sex techni1ues &
would love to explore and was wondering i! it is an experience you would li$e
to share too...K
This is an open !reeing discussion where you give each other !ull space to
choose what you want.
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&! your partner is not into these practices at all, you can try to ta$e very
small steps together, do some sel! exploration or !ind another potential
tantric partner.
3es, tantric sex can .e a ma)or li!e changing set o! practices you want to
.ring into your li!e.
3es, it could .e a deal .rea$er in a relationship i! you are !ull on into it and
your partner is not.
This type o! !undamental di!!erence o! views o!ten happens in couples.
=ther similar examples could .e having children or not, where you want to
live, $ey li!e style choices, li!e vision, etc.
When you !ace a dead end in your couple, always as$ yoursel! the 1uestionD
is this a deal .rea$er? ,oes it )usti!y us splitting up over this?
&! it does, then this must not stop you !rom expressing mutual respect
towards each other. This di!!erence o! perspectives is all it isD a di!!erence
.etween you and them.
&t is o$ to .e di!!erent/ 9ot everyone needs to merge within a given stream.
;s & mentioned earlier, tantric sex might .e suita.le !or may.e 1"J o!
&t doesn-t mean that the other 0"J don-t have tantric sex potential o!
&t simply means that tantric sex is not !or them !or reasons li$e lac$ o! need
or interest, other priorities, other .elie! system, lac$ o! openness, other
sexual pre!erences, lac$ o! time, etc...
>espect their choice at 1""J and simply .e !ree to ma$e 3=B> own choices
> that no.ody owns another human .eing and the planet is a much
.etter place when the only thing we truly control is our own li!e.
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Sensual touch w ith oils
#ere is a simple approach to connect with your tantric sex partner.
This techni1ue can .e used as !oreplay to intimacy, .y itsel! or alternated
with other energy .uilding techni1ues.
Simply sit crossed legged, hal! lotus or lotus !acing each other.
3ou can .e totally na$ed GidealH, top less or simply with arms and other
parts o! your upper .ody na$ed.
Bse some sensual massage oil that you can !ind in new age shops or !rom
the .ody shop .rand !or instance.
Then, simply close your eyes, .reathe deeply a !ew times, relax !or a couple
minutes in that posture.
The goal now is to touch each other-s .ody in a very gentle way.
&n the .eginning use only one or two !ingers.
6oor a !ew drops o! oil on them and touch your partner-s arm, hand and
expand to parts o! the torso, .reasts, shoulders, etc.
=ne person stays passive and simply en)oys the !eelings. 3ou can close your
eyes and dive into the delight o! having someone ta$e care o! you.
;!ter a minute or more, you can alternate and i! you have .een the one
touching, .ecome the passive one.
3ou can alternate li$e this a !ew times and eventually start touching each
other-s .ody at the same time.
4eep using your !ull hand mainly !or the end o! this tantric session.
Pust one or two !ingers might .e .etter in the .eginning.
3ou can as well use the top o! your !ive !ingers, one hand or .oth hands.
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?eel into it and trust your instinct.
&t-s not a !ixed method IH
4eep it su.tle !or a while.
>eally/ ,on-t rush/
3ou have plenty o! time.
This .uilds up lots o! sensuality and delight .etween the two o! you.
&! you want to intensi!y this, you can add more oil and start massaging each
other-s .ody with the !ull hand at the same time.
3ou can then come closer, !ace to !ace and let one o! the partners sit on the
other-s person lap.
3ou will then massage each other-s .ody .y playing with your two .odies
against each other.
;t this stage, this tantric session can o! course evolve to higher levels o!
intimacy i! you are open !or it .ut it is always a good idea not to rush, so
that the su.tle delight and energy .uilt .etween the two o! you has space to
&! you engage into a more passionate style, you can as well, go much more
wild and let passion ta$e over.
This type o! intimacy .uilding creates intense waves o! pleasure all over your
3ou discover each other-s sensual responses and it is de!initely a good thing
to do i! you want to re.uild intimacy with your partner !or instance.
3ou can as well ta$e pauses, stop hal! way and stay silent, eyes closed in
!ront o! each other, while you dive into a silent meditative moment.
;d rhythm to this session.
?or instance i! you !ocus on touching a woman-s .reast, stay in that area !or
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a minute .e!ore you let her ta$e over and .ecomes the active one.
Same the other way round, i! you touch a men-s torso and start gently
moving in direction o! his lingam, you can approach it gently, lightly stri$e it
)ust once and move away to .uild up desire.
&! you don-t $now how long to stay in one area, use a !ew seconds to a
minute as a general idea !or your moves.
?or instance, you alternate roles li$e every minute to every !ew minutes.
&! you stretch a move !or too long, the energy can slightly drop as well.
This is a dance you improvise and part o! you already $nows the exact
pleasure moves.
Trust your instincts and own this moment.
3ou are the tantric artist.
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&ainting art and w riting mantras on
each other;s bodies
;s you explore, each other-s sensual dimensions here is another direction
you can dive into.
3ou can use some .ody paint Gchec$ in an art or ma$e up shopsH and draw
.eauti!ul shapes on your partner-s .ody.
3ou can !or instance lie down and let your partner paint on you or the other
way round.
3ou can as well sit !acing each other to do that.
,on-t cover your whole .ody with paint o! course IH - 8e su.tle.
These are li$e win$s o! positive energy you give to each other.
&t is a way o! sayingD K& love your .ody and & decorate it with .eautyK
3ou can as well use sacred powders used in &ndia !or .indus. 3ou have them
in red, orange and white !or instance.
Gthese are the colors you see saddhus o!ten wearing with all sorts o!
sym.ols on their !oreheadsH
3ou can ta$e some o! that powder, mix it with a tiny .it o! water and use
your !inger or a small .rush to initiate your partner-s .ody.
3ou can as well write words on each other.
#ere are some ideasD
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3ou use each other-s .ody as a mantric support and energi:e each other-s
.ody and mind .y doing so.
&! you want to write names in Sans$rit script go .ac$ to my site and chec$
Sans$rit mantras.
3ou can learn them or directly copy them on your partner-s .ody.
When you write a god or goddess name on your .ody, it is a way o!
reconnecting with an a.solute universal reality.
Bsing divine names realigns your mind with a per!ect plan and opens new
doors o! energy through your .eing.
& would start with )ust shapes and then, try a word in 2nglish.
&! your partner li$es it, you can then start using a non personi!ied Sans$rit
word li$e shantih.
;!ter that, you can go !urther .y using one o! Shiva s or sha$ti-s names !or
&! !or any reason you !eel uncom!orta.le with using a god or goddess name,
no pro.lem, o$? IH
3ou can stic$ to shapes and words in 2nglish !or instance.
They have as well the power to open new energy doors throughout your
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#s9 for permission
This is something to with all these practices.
<hec$ with your partner every now and then to see i! they li$e what you do
and i! you are not going too !ar.
8e ready to respect!ully stop what you are doing i! you notice that anything
ma$es them uncom!orta.le.
To chec$ i! they want to go !urther, you can sayD
2verything o$? - ,o you li$e that?
Aet me $now i! at any moment you want to stop, o$? - &t-s important
that you !eel totally sa!e
&s it o$ i! & touch you with some oil?
Aisten, o$?
;lways .e respect!ul and give your tantric partner all the space they need i!
they want to interrupt a session or need to ta$e it more slowly.
9ever .e pushy or demanding.
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/ant to play7
2ntering the Ktantric !ieldK can .e very challenging !or many.
8ecause it unleashes li!e !orce in your system.
&t is li$e )umping in a !resh mountain stream and .eing cleared with new
3es/ 2xtra li!e !orce can .e when you are not used to it.
&t can create slight discom!ort .ecause it really changes your mind and
=pening a clear channel o! energy .etween you and someone else means
that you get very close to each other.
3ou see each other without veils.
3ou need to increase your level o! trust and !eel strong even though you are
totally open.
When you are that open, you might !eel vulnera.le.
The tric$ is to .e open without losing your power.
That-s the challenge/
3ou can connect on a very intimate level with someone G& don-t necessarily
mean physical intimacyH without having to !eel vulnera.le.
7a$es sense, right?
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This is one o! the most direct expressions o! tantric sex.
&n !act there is no sexual expression in it anymore. &t is a pure energy
connection .etween you and someone else.
This happens when your li!e !orce is awa$e and !lowing.
When you meet someone, there is always a potential exchange o! li!e !orce,
)oy and energy.
&t happens when you don-t hide yoursel! or don-t !ear.
When you hold .ac$ your energy, it stays un!ul!illed.
When you unleash, you connect without pressure or e!!ort.
3ou notice that energy exchange is the core o! that connection.
The $ey is to unleash and go deeper than the day to day level o!
3ou remove !ears or walls and stand Kna$edK on an energy level.
=! course, your personality is still there. 3our desires are still there.
What changes is that there is an extra octave o! energy participating in your
.eing and in that exchange.
When this happens you unleash a whole new set o! li!e potentials in the way
you relate to others.
9ow, your tantric power is an energy you need to master.
When you master it, you generate it, exchange it or direct it at will.
&t stays in your .eing !lowing without ma)or e!!ort .ecause it has .ecome
your natural state.
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3our inner channels are clear and open.
9o undigested emotional .loc$s/
&t !lows/
3ou are in harmony with yoursel! and the planet.
3ou connect with others in a way which is super e!!ective.
The result is a high level o! )oy and energy in everything you do.
7agical/ 2mpowering !or you and !or all those you meet/
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Turn any place into a tantric temple
&! you go through a typical shopping mall, you won-t see many elements
reminding you o! a tantric temple.
9ow, when you master the tantric sex energy, you ta$e it wherever you go.
That-s the power which is given to you.
&t is so strongly in you that you re!lect it in your .eing and towards others.
8eing in a state o! Tantra means .eing alive and !eeling connected energy
wise with what surrounds you.
&t is a state o! awareness and high level o! !lowing energy.
3ou simply !eel that your li!e !orce is awa$e and !lowing.
What i! you !eel challenged .y your environment?
What i! you have to wor$ in a cu.icle and can-t get !resh air !or a day?
;re you still a.le to maintain that !resh energy in your system?
Well, you need to regenerate and go .ac$ to nature regularly.
6ractice tantric sex with your partner.
&! you can, simply step out o! a limiting environment and simply choose !or
spaces which re!lect your internal state.
What a.out your house and personal environment?
<an you create a space which re!lects tantric power?
=! course you can.
;s$ yoursel! this simple 1uestionD
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=n a scale o! "J to 1""J, how alive is your personal space?
&! your personal space does not K.reatheK it is your )o. to ma$e it alive/
3es, you can/
These are some o! the most empowering steps you can ta$e/
#ere are some tipsD
;dd nature, !lowers, !resh !ruits, etc.
;dd streaming water, ponds or !ountains.
<hoose the right location, peace!ul and re!reshing.
;d pictures, mantras, sculptures, calligraphies. Some o! my !avorites
are pictures o! 4ha)uraho and some calligraphy & write mysel!.
<reate .eauty. This is one o! your $ey guiding !orcesD the 1uest to
re!lect .eauty in you and in your personal space.
Sing and dance. &t clears the air.
<lean your space and get rid o! clutter. ;d !reshness.
<reate space/
7ar.le, crystals, incense, candles.
=$ay, these are some o! the .asics/
> that this is more than decorating your personal space.
;ny o.)ect or element re!lects a message.
Thin$ a.out the o.)ects you choose.
What is their story?
What do they tell you?
When you practice that path, you 1uic$ly notice that you develop a KtantricK
taste !or the way you create your personal space.
=ne aspect o! an o.)ect is its esthetical value.
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;nother aspect is its energy content.
When you engage into tantra, your personal space is your tantric temple.
&t is your tantric temple and re!lects the tantric energy exactly according to
what you put in it.
,on-t thin$ that you need to go to some remote tropical !orest in &ndia to
experience a tantric environment.
3ou can create and mani!est a tantric temple right where you are/
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Tantric sex dance)
This is one o! the most ama:ing ways to .uild up tantric energy .etween you
and your partner.
<hoose a nice music, ethnic, mysterious and vi.rant.
Fet na$ed and dance, improvise on these .eats.
3ou can touch yoursel! or touch your partner .ut in a su.tle way.
,on-t let passion and excitement ta$e over.
&nstead, !ocus on the .eauty o! your movements and the play .etween the
two o! you.
6lay with each other-s .odies/
2xplore each other-s sensuality/
Bse your .reathing.
Ta$e postures.
Bse smiles and a vast diversity o! loo$s towards each other.
This in itsel! is an ama:ing tantric sex .uild up.
The proximity o! your .odies will o! course trigger sexual tension.
Bse $isses and su.tle touches. <aress each other-s yoni and lingam in very
su.tle ways.
Aet the music and dance ta$e you li$e a wa$e!ul trance.
&! you practiced that with your partner and !eel ready !or it, you can always
invite another experienced couple to your tantric sex dance.
Stay su.tle and let the !low o! your sensual expression and delight .uild up
in waves o! magical !ire.
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/hat about energy orgasms7
2ven with energy orgasms Gwithout loss o! semen !or the menH, there is still
loss o! energy and some time to recharge your stamina.
This means that when you engage into tantric sex, it is still .etter not to go
all the way to even an energy orgasm.
3ou $eep on .uilding energy without releasing it.
3ou will !eel the sexual energy .uilding up and opening gates in your .eing.
3ou will !eel activation o! the cha$ras especially heart and third eye.
9ow, i! you release energy when .uilding up, you will actually lose precious
li!e !orce in the process.
2ven with an energy orgasm, it can ta$e a !ew days to re.uild sexual
=n the other hand, i! you don-t release your energy .ut let it .uild up, you
will put it to much .etter use.
;!ter a couple o! wee$s to a month o! tantric sex practice, you eventually
reach a point where the e!!ects o! your practice .ecome extremely present.
3our awareness starts expanding. This is due to the activation o! the third
;t the same time, you might get this sta.le !eeling o! intense )oy.
That-s the clari!ication o! the solar plexus and the opening o! the
heart cha$ra.
=nce you reach this energy plateau and .rea$ through, having an energy
orgasm is somehow much less o! a loss o! energy.
3ou maintain that state o! sexual tension more easily.
This is as long as you don-t orgasm a !ew times in a row in which case you
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will lose most o! your stamina and get .ac$ to your starting point.
The good news is that even i! you orgasm and lose energy in the process,
you will .e a.le to re.uild energy easily.
Simply give yoursel! time and .e patient as your sexual tension .uilds up
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# stream of ecstatic bliss just by
being in each other;s presence
When your tantric power is awa$e, that-s exactly how it wor$s/
Sensuality streams out o! your .eing and wa$es up the same type o!
sensation in those who are in contact with you.
&! you engaged in wa$ing up your tantric energy with your partner, you will
!eel the tantric aura o! desire, sensuality and pleasure all over you !or days.
&t does not go away/ &t stays/
&t activates your senses and o!!ers you this !low o! magical .liss/
This internal !eeling simply does not go away !or days at a time.
; loo$ or touch !rom your partner radiates through your whole .eing.
These waves o! !ire are pure delight and overpower any other sensual
3ou !eel complete and !ul!illed/
3ou might .e longing !or more .ut it is a desire you master and play with.
3ou can let it go or activate it at will whenever you !eel inclined to.
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Focus on foreplay for - months
When you )ust met someone, this is what it ta$es to get !amiliar with each
other-s .ody.
,on-t rush into having intercourse.
&nstead, !ocus on play/
2xplore physical sensations and let the tantric tension .uild up until the
simplest o! your partner-s touch wa$es up waves o! sensual delight.
&magine how it !eels to have all your senses open and awa$e.
The !orce wa$ing up these senses and ma$ing them super alert is your
sexual energy.
&! you have intercourse or orgasm .e!ore you reach this point o! tantric .uild
up, you simply release the !low o! energy .e!ore it expands in your whole
7a$e it !low and expand in your .eing .y ta$ing time to nurture it with
!reshness and openness.
3es/ 3ou can stay in these !oreplay stages !or very long.
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5an you build up tantric energy if
your partner does not practice it7
=! course you can.
#owever the impact might .e lower than i! you are .oth engaged in it.
When you meet or exchange energy, you end up creating a uni!ied !ield o!
energy which is the result o! your two inputs.
&t is li$e having a chat with someone. The energy o! your conversation will
.e re!lection o! what you .oth put into it.
&! your partner engages into sex with a very di!!erent idea than yours, you
will end up creating something which is more a mixture o! sexual attitudes
than a pure tantric line.
That-s o$ o! course/
Why? 8ecause sex in itsel! already has great potential.
When you practice tantric sex, you simply add a new dimension to this
natural potential.
9ow, imagine that you go sailing with someone who has no clue a.out it.
#ow does that !eel? 3ou end up doing most o! the moves, right?
With Tantra, it is the same. &t is o.viously more !un i! you .oth $now how to
&! your partner is not into tantra at all, there is something you can do
7ultiply your level o! tantric power and overpower their energy.
&! you are really good at it, you can guide them in a su.tle way.
They will let you ta$e the lead i! they can !eel you are extremely s$illed at
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what you do.
3ou need to .e directive and gentle at the same time.
&t is not control. &t is more li$e mastering and taming the sexual power in
.oth o! you.
This could .e an entrance door. &! your partner !eels the impact o! your
tantric approach, they will want to $now more a.out it and give you space to
educate them.
3our tantric s$ills and tantric power need to .e solid though.
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.stablish a tantric connection w ith
someone you are attracted to
Well, the !irst step is de!initely to ma$e sure you own that energy yoursel!.
What does it mean?
That you $now how to generate, delight, .eauty or pleasure any time in your
existence i! you want to.
See tantric sex energy as a !low o! !ire you can master and play with.
So, the training is !irst with you alone.
3ou need at least a !ew techni1ues to !reely connect with and master that
Sometimes, this energy will o! course spontaneously wa$e up in you and you
will wonder Kwhy now?
There is always a reason.
2nergies !ollow their own set o! laws and .alance o! !orces.
&t does not come out o! nowhere.
There is always a cause or a source.
Sometimes, it is simply the right time !or you and the wa$ing up o!
the tantric !ire is this sudden .rea$through o! energy.
Tantric !ire is always in you.
Sometimes, it is visi.le. Sometimes, it is simply overpowered .y other !orces
at play.
9ow, .ac$ to the 1uestion.
Suppose that you have already a high level o! mastery o! the tantric sex
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3ou see someone and !eel this tantric potential with that person.
3ou !eel waves o! desire and sensuality.
What do you do? #ow do you connect?
&t is simpleD the person you are attracted to will respond i! they are touched
.y the same energy.
This energy is intelligent.
&t is a !orce at play which has its own agenda.
We, as agents are part o! this agenda.
8ecause we are creators.
&t is the role o! the energy to instruct us and guide us on how to use that
!orce and play with it.
&t is always a trilogy or triangle, never simply the play o! two persons.
There is always a third entity or intelligence involved.
3ou can call this !orce the tantric sex spirit.
9ow, this spirit has its own set o! !orces and .alance.
To create a per!ect energetic reaction, you need to !ind the right posture.
3ou !ind this posture on various levelsD
The right mind set, thoughts and emotions.
The right attitude, vision or plan.
The right action.
This is not simply an incoherent action line.
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There is a clear plan or vision .ehind this !orce.
The goal is to reach a total and a.solute state o! unity.
=! course, the play o! sensuality is li$e a !lirt you have with this !orce.
&t ta$es you in its arms. &t nurtures you and activates the !ire channels in
your .eing.
3ou can have a simple glimpse o! that energy or a deep .rea$ through a!ter
days o! sensual play.
=nce you !eel this potential wa$ing up, it magneti:es you totally.
&t is one o! the .ig successes you can achieve in this li!e timeD
; total, overwhelming, clear and energi:ing mystical union or opening.
; simple touch o! this experience changes your li!e !orever.
&t !rees your total .eing and repositions you as a !ree universal spirit rather
than )ust someone trying to cope with society-s demands.
The goal is not to escape creation.
&t is to ad this 1uality o! !ire which does !ree your .eing !orever.
Sex without this connection can have the same type o! e!!ect.
#owever, in my experience, the sponsorship o! this tantric !orce multiplies the
power and extent o! a sexual experience.
4eep in mind that right now, we tal$ a.out tantric sex, .ut you can have
similar type o! experiences without sex .eing involved.
3ou can !ind yoursel! !or instance na$ed playing in wild ocean waves under
the sun and having this incredi.le !eeling o! )oy. This experience can remove
all !ears or worries out o! your mind and open new doors o! total clear
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&t is the same type o! experience. 3ou simply use another type o! action to
get there. The energies and experiences can .e very similar.
8ut let-s get .ac$ to tantric sex.
We now $now that there isD
; plan.
; third entity G.esides you and your potential partnerH you can call
the tantric spirit.
; target you can reach.
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Tantric build up
Sometimes, you will )ust !eel these intense waves o! desire !eeling up your
3ou !eel internal !ire .urning with passion.
&t is a !eeling o! )oy when it !lows.
&t is on the edge o! pain when it can-t .e shared or !eels constricted.
The next step is to !ree that !orce.
This is the challenge/
8ecause !orces are always at play which tend to constrict or limit that !ire.
The 1ualities o! )oy, delight and pleasure are not usually valued to what they
really are/
So6 it is our job as Tantri9as to empower them and offer them
channels of expression in our own lives.
&t is more than )ust letting it !low/
&t is a.out o!!ering these energies a .ody and line o! action and expression/
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Feedbac9 minute
Sometimes your partner will do something that really stimulates a whole
new !low o! sensations all over your .ody/
;t another moment they might touch you in a way which is not exactly nice.
What do you do?
,o you share your !eelings on the spot?
&! it-s something nice you can o! course/
9ow, when they are engaged into tantric play, partners might not .e open
to .e educated on something they could do di!!erently.
The .est time to give your partner any !$ is the !ollowing day or even
a couple o! days later.
3ou can say things li$eD
K&t really wor$s !or me when you touch me that wayK
KThat created some pain...K
KThere is something & would li$e you to try next time i! you are open !or it...K
3our words will tell them exactly what wor$s !or you and what doesn-t.
Sometimes, your partner might .elieve they are touching you in a way you
li$e when in !act you can-t stand it/
So to avoid con!usion, tell them, share, o!!er !eed .ac$ and .e open to
receive it as well.
&t is one o! the essential $eys to $eep on progressing together.
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The $ey is to give !eed .ac$ when your partner is open !or it.
&! what you have to say is challenging, warn them and as$ them i! it is a
good moment.
6ositive !$ is o! course much easier to give DH
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Sensual massage oils 4 @live oil 4
Body mil9 4 1ogurt 4 5lay
These are all su.stances you can use to enhance pleasure and explore new
Sensual massage oils
There is a good .rand in the K.ody shopK. 3ou can as well !ind them in most
new age shops. Fet a .ottle and cover your chest with it .e!ore you ru. your
.odies against each other. &! you are a woman, use this oil as well to
massage your partner-s lingam. &t de!initely increases his pleasure and gives
you a whole new avenue to stimulate his sexual power.
@live oil
Bse in a moderate way. Try it !irst to see i! you li$e the smell and !eeling.
Body mil9
;n excellent way to care !or each other-s .odies. 7assage the .reasts or
chest, .elly .ac$ legs, inner leg, !eet. 3ou can as well cover your whole .ody
with it and go into em.race and even intercourse while your .odies
against each other.
3ou can use it in small 1uantities, poor it on a woman-s .reast to lea$. 3ou
can as well poor some on a man-s lingam to lea$ as well. &! you are up to it,
ta$e a liter o! li1uid yogurt and shower with it while massaging each other-s
.ody. &t-s re!reshing and very puri!ying.
;nother ama:ing su.stance. 3ou can .uy a pac$age o! clay !or internal or
external use. 3ou can use as well art clay with lots o! water. &! you are luc$y,
you can as well !ind clay in nature !or instance on a river .ed and cover your
.ody with it while na$ed in nature.
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;ll these su.stances have the power to add a new dimension to
your tantric sensual experience. ,are to explore, play with them and don-t
!orget to let me $now i! you !ind a new one & did not mention yet, o$?
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Tantric play in nature
9ature is 2LT>272A3 conductive !or tantric sex energy.
&magine how it !eels, when you are alone with your partner in nature and
can engage in short exciting tantric play moments.
;s with other contexts, you can let your imagination go wild and explore
how the wind or the sun !eels on your s$in while your partner gives you
incredi.le pleasure.
,are to play/
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Tantric cycles
Somehow, the eveningEnight seems to .e more conductive !or tantric sex
&t is not exclusive o! course.
&t seems that during the day, the mind is naturally geared towards more
practical tas$s.
The evening tends to .ring more mystery, re!inement, .eauty and tantric
2xperiment yoursel! with this and let me $now what you discover, o$?
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'aster your sexual energy
7aster your sexual energy
This is one o! the $ey goals o! tantric sex.
The second goal is to use your sexual energy to reach a state o! a.solute
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&art 0
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3oni is the Sans$rit word !or !emale genitalia, the source o! all li!e. &ts
counterpart is the lingam, the phallus.
&t is also the divine passage, wom. or sacred temple. The word covers a
range o! meanings, includingD place o! .irth, source, origin, spring, !ountain,
place o! rest, repository, receptacle, seat, a.ode, home, lair, nest, sta.le.
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1oni massage 4 5litoris stimulation 4
#dvanced techni(ues
This is another core advanced techni1ue especially !or guys Gor women i! you
and your tantric sex partner are .oth !emalesH.
Women will o!ten .e purely clitoridian.
This means that they orgasm mainly through clitoris stimulation.
3ou can stimulate the clitoris with your !inger or hand. 3ou can use your
tongue and lips.
3ou can as well o! course stimulate her clitoris through intercourse.
9ow, when you have intercourse and want to increase stimulation on her
clitoris, you do that .y pressing your pu.ic .one against hers a .it stronger.
3ou don t !ocus on the e.. and !low o! your penetration .ut rather increase
the pressure .etween your two pu.ic .ones.
This .y itsel! stimulates her clitoris.
This is what o!ten ma$es a woman come.
Try it/ 3ou will .e ama:ed i! you never o.served that simple tric$.
While you press your pu.ic .one against hers, you can engage either in
circular movements or in and out movements.
8oth types o! moves will massage her clitoris while stimulating her internally
as well.
9ow, many women pre!er vaginal stimulation.
&n other terms, they pre!er the !eeling o! penetration and get aroused .y the
stimulation o! their F-spot.
The .est way to !ind out what she li$es is to as$.
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&! you have the choice .etween a wet !inger stro$ing your clitoris, my
tongue and penetration, which one do you pre!er?
3es/ 3ou can engage in sexual communication and !ind out what she would
do i! she was .y hersel!.
9ext pointD stro$ing her clitoris/
There is a hood or s$in covering her clitoris.
?or .est results, you can pull .ac$ that s$in with your thum. and stro$e her
clitoris with your index !inger.
3ou see this tiny rose mount which is li$e a tiny wet seed.
The clitoris has thousand o! nerve endings. This is why it is so sensitive to
While stro$ing, you can $eep the !inger !lat on the clitoris and stro$e with
the !ull !inger s length.
3ou can as well touch the clitoris with the top o! your !inger only and stro$e
her up and down.
&t s essential as well to o!!er the exact right amount o! pressure.
Start with extreme gentleness/ ;s i! you were touching a !eather.
While you stro$e, as$ her i! she en)oys more pressure or simply try a tiny .it
more yoursel! and see how she responds.
When you experiment with this clitoris massage practice, you might .e
surprised to reali:e how much pressure some women can ta$e.
&! you can, get her to .e totally physically still so that you can concentrate
on her without losing contact with her clitoris.
7any women say that they simply pre!er the gentle touch o! a wet !inger on
their clitoris.
That s what ma$es them cum the !astest.
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Ta$e your time .y the way. This is not a race or a competition.
<ompliment her on the .eauty o! the texture o! her inner and outer lips.
Aet her $now that you en)oy what you see.
&! she orgasms, her clitoris can .ecome extremely sensitive and she might
re)ect your touch.
9o worries, this extreme sensitivity moment usually lasts only !or a minute
and i! she is open !or it, you can head !or a multiple orgasm session.
#ow much clitoris or vaginal stimulation she needs is di!!erent !or every
;s$ her and explore it together. Aisten to what she says and .e open to
change what you had in mind.
Aisten/ She will give you essential clues a.out what she li$es or not.
>ather than a !inger, you can o! course use your tongue !or clitoris
Try di!!erent moves and see what she responds to the .est.
6lay with di!!erent pressures, your lips, various angles.
3ou can !or instance use your !ull !lat tongue on her vaginal and clitoris area.
3ou can as well play only with the tip o! your tongue and !ocus more
exclusively on her clitoris.
;gain, use a !inger to slide the hood that covers her clitoris, so that the tip
o! your tongue really is in direct contact with her clitoris.
;nother techni1ue is to slightly .ite the clit area .etween your lips.
8e care!ul not to touch her with your teeth though/ Bse =9A3 your lips.
9ow, Fo and explore/
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6ractice/ This is what ma$es you good at it.
<litoris stimulation represents only one aspect o! yoni massage.
&n this article & tal$ a.out the woman having orgasms .ut in so many o! the
tantric sex practices it is actually more productive not to .ring her all the
way to orgasm.
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&art +
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The Aingam Galso, Ainga, Shiva linga, meaning Kmar$K or KsignKH is an
anionic representation o! the #indu deity Shiva used !or worship in
temples.Q1R ;lthough most #indu sculpted images GmurtisH are
anthropomorphic, the anionic Shiva Ainga is an important exception.Q2R The
Aingam is o!ten represented with the 3oni, the anionic sym.ol o! the
goddess. The union represents the Kindivisi.le two-in-oneness o! male and
!emale, the passive space and active time !rom which all li!e originatesK.
The origins and interpretations o! the Aingam are a su.)ect o! intense
de.ate. ;ccording to one tradition, the Aingam represents the .eginning-less
and end-less Stam.ha pillar, suggesting the superiority and power o!
Shiva.Q%RQ'R ;nother theory suggests that the Aingam is a phallic sym.ol,
though this explanation is disputed and most #indus do not relate the
Aingam to the phallus.
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.jaculation mastery
Cpahara !asin D .jaculation mastery D .jaculation control
This one is o! course especially !or guys.
=ne o! the core challenges you will !ace with tantric sex has to do with !ull
e)aculation mastery or control.
That-s a .ig one/
The tantric sex energy can de!initely .e .uilt up even i! your level o!
e)aculation resistance is low.
3ou don-t have to over stimulate your lingam, you simply come to an edge
o! *"-0"J excitement, relax and then start again.
3ou can as well, !low with continuous stimulation and stay at *"J
excitement !or many minutes at a time.
3ou can practice this with your partner or in sel! pleasure mode.
3our partner needs to $now a.out these dynamics and .e a.le to stimulate
you enough to .e at *"J .ut not go too !ar so that you don-t lose semen.
So, even i! you get excited very !ast and could come very easily, your tantric
energy can still .uild up .y simply modulating how much stimulation you
7astering the impulsion to come is an attitude that you train. &t-s a
conscious decision that you ma$e.
=nce you ma$e that decision and are con!ronted with the choice .etween
stimulating !urther or stopping, you consciously decide to stop.
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We have .een programmed so strongly .y nature to e)aculate that !or many
guys, even when they decide not to lose semen, they o!ten still can-t stop
when on the edge. Their instinct to e)aculate overpowers their will power.
,id you experience that .e!ore?
3ou $now that you decided not to e)aculate and still $eep going when you
are at 0'J excitement on the edge o! e)aculation.
&t can ta$e a !ew months or even longer o! !re1uent practice to train that
3ou need to understand the incredi.le .ene!its o! not losing semen. When
you don-t e)aculate, you simply $eep all this energy inside and stay on a
This is an incredi.le energy and stamina .uilding techni1ue that triggers as
well consciousness gateways openings.
&-ll write another article on these tantric experiences .ecause that-s where
we are heading.
8ac$ to e)aculation control.
Aet-s 1uanti!y your level o! e)aculation mastery.
"J S ;.solutely no control - This usually means premature e)aculation and
you would come within a second when having intercourse.
1""J S Total mastery - 3ou lose semen only i! and exactly when you want
to - 2ven i! your partner was trying hard to ma$e you come, you would .e
a.le to $eep your semen.
7y guess is that most guys navigate somewhere in the +"-"J area.
&! you )ust lost semen an hour ago, then o! course, your level o! control is
way higher, simply .ecause the need to e)aculate dropped.
#ow does all that !it within tantric sex practices?
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Well, lasting longer is 9=T essential !or the tantric sex experience.
#owever it does .ecome >2;AA3 use!ul when you engage in more dynamic
and passionate exchanges with your partner.
Suppose that she wants to have sex the hard way, with !ast, deep, strong
penetration movements.
When you increase rhythm and intensity, many guys will last +" sec, may.e
a minute.
&s this still tantric sex?
=! course it can .e i! that-s what you prepared !or and i! that-s your
Tantric sex doesn-t need to .e so!t and gentle.
&t can .e dynamic, !ast and power!ul as well.
&t can .e totally passionate and wild.
So, the 1uestion isD what do you do?
#ow do you engage in an active very dynamic tantric sex exchange i! your
level o! e)aculation control is relatively low?
&s e)aculation control something you can train?
?or instance can you go !rom a ("J mastery level to a 1""J?
What does it ta$e to get there?
What is the training approach?
&s this something you should train?
;re there any short cuts to gain total e)aculation mastery !aster?
These are the core 1uestions so many guys have.
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These 1uestions touch not only tantric sex/ They touch any !orm o! sexual
activity o! course/
These are the 1uestions & want to answer !or you.
2)aculation mastery techni1ues can .e grouped in various categoriesD
Stimulation intensity techni1ues
Aingam training
8reathing techni1ues
7ind training
6ressure points
#er.s and drugs
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.rection challenge7 /hat to do if
your partner is not aroused
&! you are a woman and your tantric sex partner is not aroused what do you
Suppose that his lingam is not erected.
#ere is a simple .ut very power!ul techni1ue.
7any women will ma$e the mista$e o! .eing too dynamic or intense right
They will try to massage him with intensity or use oral stimulation the !ast
8e way so!ter/
#ere is what you can do.
Simply lie next to him and put your head on his .elly !acing his lingam.
Fently give his lingam a !ew $isses.
Bse the tip o! your tongue very slowly to touch his lingam here and there.
,o this play!ully and gently.
;!ter may.e +" sec o! this !oreplay, ta$e his lingam in your mouth and
simply $eep it there without moving anything at all.
Aay your head on his .elly and stay li$e that without moving.
>est li$e that together !or a !ew minutes i! needed.
There is a.solutely no rush.
2very now and then, while his lingam is still in your mouth, you can move
your tongue )ust a tiny .it and touch his lingam either with your !lat tongue
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or )ust with the tip.
Then rest again and stop moving while you $eep his lingam in your mouth.
2very now and then, do this again and move your tongue again )ust to
gently touch him )ust !or a couple o! seconds.
To ad variation, instead o! using your tongue, you can as well slightly
pressure his lingam with our lips.
=r you can do .othD lips very slight pressure and play!ul touch with your
=nly move your lips or tongue !or a couple sec every now and then.
3ou want to stay totally still during most o! this practice with a.solutely no
?or instance, you can stay totally still !or +" sec and then give him this very
light tongue stimulation !or )ust a couple o! sec and stop.
Then stay still !or may.e 1" sec, light stimulation and stop.
Then still !or may.e %" sec, light stimulation and stop.
,on-t let him predict when you will give him this .it o! extra stimulation.
?ollowing your own rhythm and variation intervals ma$es it very play!ul.
This is arousing !or a guy.
Cery o!ten, you will naturally !eel his lingam growing in your mouth.
Simply stay there and when you !eel him responding, while you still have his
lingam in your mouth, intensi!y a .it the play with your tongue and pressure
with your lips.
That-s li$e welcoming him in the erected and aroused state.
&! your partner !aces erection pro.lems, do this next time you lay in .ed with
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Simply tell himD KThere is something & want to do... Trust me...K
8y the way, this is one o! the core lingam $issing techni1ues you can use.
3ou don-t need to have an erection challenge to use it with your partner o!
3our partner will .e a.solutely delighted i! you use this power!ul stimulation
techni1ue with him.
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2ingam massage positions
& already covered extensively lingam massage techni1ues in another post.
Something which ads spar$ to these techni1ues is to shi!t positions as well.
?or instance the man canD
Aay down on his .ac$ and you sit on his side.
Aay down on his .elly and you put a pillow under his .elly so that his
lingam doesn-t touch the mat and you can reach it easily.
#e $neels and .ends !orward and puts either his hands or el.ows on
the mat. 3ou $neel or sit .ehind him and reach his lingam .y .ringing
your hands .etween his legs.
#e $neels up - #igher posture - and you stand .ehind him $neeling as
well. 3ou stimulate his lingam .y .ringing your hands to the !ront.
#e stands and you can .e either .ehind or in !ront o! him.
;s you can see you have do:ens o! possi.le variations.
The simplest one is o! course !or him to lie down and relax on his .ac$, while
you sit next to him.
2ven with your sitting position, you have a !ew possi.le variations.
3ou can sit cross legged, in lotus GpadmasanaH, hal! lotus GsiddhasanaH.
3ou can as well .ring your leg which is closer to his !ace over his .ody to .e
more com!orta.le and !ind .etter .alance.
3ou can as well rotate a .it so that your !ace is in his !ace-s direction and it-s
your leg closer to his !eet that you put over his legs. This one gives you an
excellent angle !or his lingam-s massage.
2xperiment with angles as well. &t-s essential that you !ind the .est position,
especially i! you want to stretch the session !or +" min or more.
Ta$e some time to experiment i! you are not sure. Simply tell your partner
that you will .e trying a !ew poses to see which one wor$s .est.
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The one who is leading can select the poses. 3ou can $eep a laying pose !or
a whole session or consciously shi!t poses every ', 1" or 1' min !or
> that you can encourage him to relax and .e totally passive to
your touch as i! he was receiving any other !orm o! massage.
2specially i! he has little experience with this techni1ue, your male partner
will o!ten try to reciprocate while you massage him.
#e might try to $iss you, caress you, reach your yoni, or move his .elly a lot
to increase his own stimulation.
#is activity can .e exciting .ut it can as well ma$e you lose !ocus on your
lingam massage techni1ue.
#im .eing more active can .e an option o! course, .ut what o!ten wor$s .est
is !or him to !ully relax and .e passive so that you can concentrate on your
massage techni1ue.
&! you want to engage together in an active, passionate exchange a!ter an
initial massage, that-s an option too.
That-s something to chec$ in the !$ minute ;?T2> the session. ?or
instance i! he wants to touch your yoni in an angle that doesn-t wor$ !or you
and you want him to .e still, that-s a !$ point you can give him a!ter
the session.
3ou can say something li$eD
K& $now it-s exciting to stimulate each other at the same time. &t was !un .ut
!or our next session, & would li$e to see what happens i! you are totally still
and passive. & have the !eeling & might .e a.le to concentrate on your
lingam way .etter... &s this something you would .e happy to try?K
This is why it is o!ten essential to choose who leads the session. That way,
the one who is led consciously accepts to let the other person experiment i!
they want to.
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&! anything happens during the session that you don-t li$e or doesn-t wor$
!or you, don-t let it .uild up negativity or resentment.
&! it hurts or !eels really uncom!orta.le, you can give him a sign that it-s not
really wor$ing !or you.
&! you can and as much as possi.le, try to $eep that type o! in!ormation !or
the !$ minute a!ter the session. That way you won-t interrupt each
other-s !low.
?ree your mind IH
9one o! the guidelines & give you here are static. They are only suggestions
that & tested and .elieve wor$ really well.
Bltimately, tantric sex is a real art and !eel !ree to explore it in your own
uni1ue way.
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8ow fast should you massage his
3ou don-t need to go !astI you can .e caring and very gentle with your
See it as any other !orm o! massage as i! you were massaging his .ody.
3ou can start very gently and explore his limits and then $eep him at the
*"J excitement level.
#onestly, the only way to learn is to try and practice.
&t-s something which is very natural to do and & am sure that you-re already
very good at it.
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2ingam massage 4 :etailed advanced
We now enter into a set o! advanced techni1ues.
This one is especially important !or women i! you want to understand how to
stimulate tantric energy in your partner.
&n this practice, you are the active one and you stimulate your partner-s
tantric energy through lingam massage Gmassaging his sexH.
& can-t give you the exact graphic details o! the movements you do with your
hands .ecause a short video would .e more e!!ective.
What & can tell you is that you want to practice this in a very gentle way at
The goal is 9=T to .ring him to e)aculation.
The goal is to .uild up sexual energy in him and .ring him close to the
orgasmic point without crossing the threshold.
We won-t step into energy orgasm at this stage .ecause it is not needed !or
this practice.
&! you massage his lingam and he doesn-t lose semen, he will !eel totally
re!reshed and energi:ed a!ter this practice.
3ou !ocus 1""J on him @ guide him to stay totally passive.
6ut some massage oil on your hands.
3ou can chose a sensual massage .rand .ut any oil will actually wor$.
;!ter that, you can sit crossed legged next to him on his side and let him lay
on his .ac$.
3ou can as well !old one leg crossed leg li$e and .ring your other leg over
his .ody.
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This might give you greater sta.ility.
3ou can get aroused o! course, .ut the goal here is to stay !ocused on him.
?ocus 1""J o! your attention on what you are doing with your hands.
,on-t !orget to .reathe and watch your whole .ody posture. 3ou can play
with this as well.
Start with very gentle touch. 3ou use close to no pressure in the .eginning.
Simply let your !inger slide on his lingam without it yet.
&deally, a lingam massage could go on !or 1' min.
3ou can as well stretch the practice to +" min once you .oth want to dive
deeper in it.
This is only a guide line. 3ou are !ree o! course to play with a session-s
length, shorten it or stretch it to hours o! play!ul practice at will.
&t is usually .etter to have a !ew short lingam massages spread during the
wee$ rather than )ust one longer session.
9ow, imagine that you are dancing with your hands.
3ou improvise moves while .eing very aware o! what you do.
Aet him relax while you ta$e !ull charge o! what you do.
This is not a complicate practice that re1uires some !ancy techni1ue with
your hands.
Simply !ollowing your instincts will guide you to the exact pleasure moves.
;s$ him !or !eed .ac$ a !ew times in the .eginning i! you are not sureD
K,oes it !eel good when & do this?K
KWhat do you pre!er, this move or that one?K
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,oes that !eel good or does that hurt?K
4eep it ideally to only a !ew 1uestions max in a session otherwise, you-ll
start appearing to insecure a.out what you do and it will .e di!!icult !or him
to relax and trust you.
> that you are in charge !or that session. 3ou are leading it, not
> that a man-s .alls can .e very sensitive to pressure.
Start with very gentle moves always and i! you ad rhythm and pressure $eep
an eye on his reaction.
2ven i! he doesn-t get an erection at !irst, you can $eep massage him, gently
with a couple o! !ingers to wa$e up his desire.
9o pressure/ 9o 1uestion mar$/
This is not a per!ormance and there is nothing he must do.
=nce you have .een sliding on his lingam with the end o! your !ingers !or a
!ew minutes, start adding slightly more pressure and let more !ingers or
even your !ull palm participate in this dance.
?eel these delight!ul moves in your .ody as well.
?eel this energy dancing and wa$ing up in your whole .eing, not )ust your
&! he wants to move, gra. you to have intercourse with you, it-s always
possi.le to shi!t the practice .ut & encourage you to stic$ to the lingam
massage practice !or 1' min at least.
8ecause you can go deeper in the way you stimulate pleasure in him.
;gree to this .e!ore you start.
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;s$ him to let you lead this part o! the tantric play.
Sometimes, guys will !eel uncom!orta.le with .eing passive.
They !eel the urge to reciprocate.
Aet him $now that you will give him space to give .ac$ to you either a!ter
this session or the !ollowing day !or a yoni massage this time.
Aet him $now that it-s o$ and that you immensely en)oy doing this.
<ompliment him !or what you see and experienceD
The .eauty o! his lingam
The energy you !eel vi.rating in him
#ow these waves o! pleasure trans!orm his whole .eing
#ow much pleasure you get !rom doing this.
The color and shape o! his lingam
Show delight and pleasure in what you are doing and get him to trust the
expert touch o! your hands.
&! he gives you !eed .ac$ and has some re1uests, you can slightly shi!t your
massaging style.
&deally though, it is .etter !or him to give you less hints while you do it and
let you !ind your own way.
=therwise, you get the !eeling that he is trying to control your moves and
this limits your creativity.
There is an exception thoughD it is i! you hurt him or touch him in ways that
!eel uncom!orta.le to him.
Then o! course, it is a good idea !or him to say something.
The .est time !or !$ is a!ter your lingam massage session.
3ou can ta$e a moment an hour later or the !ollowing day to de.rie! on how
you and him experienced it.
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?ocus on the positives, the things you .oth really en)oyed Grather than
spending too much time on negative commentsH.
The .est way to rein!orce positive .ehaviors is to praise what you .oth did
right and suggest some points where you .oth can still gain s$ills.
The in!ormation he gives you is super precious and helps you reorient your
massaging style.
;!ter a !ew sessions, you can 1uic$ly .ecome a master at this/
3ou are a.le to play with his energies and desire and get him to experience
a.solute .liss!ul states.
,uring the session itsel!, you can ad rhythm and speed to your moves.
There is an unlimited range !or possi.le variations in the way you use your
3ou can !or instanceD
Bse only one hand.
Bse one hand on his lingam and position the other at the very root o!
his lingam G.etween the .alls and the anusH
4eep your palm !lat on the lingam and slide over the lingam-s !ull
<lose your hand and !ingers around his lingam and massage him up
and down.
Same techni1ue .ut massage him .y turning your hand around his
#old his lingam .etween your thum. and index and massage is lingam
length wise over only 1E2 inch rather his lingam-s !ull length. 3ou do
that close to his top which is a very sensitive area.
#old his lingam .etween the palms o! your two hands.
7assage his lingam-s !ull length while holding the previous position.
Twist your arm and hold his lingam with your !ull hand while your
pin$y !inger is the one closer to his lingam-s top.
With this previous position, once you reach his top, slide down his
lingam again .ut this time shi!t your hand position so that your thum.
is this time the one closer to his lingam-s top.
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G& $now that a video is worth a thousand words, so & might post a short
video on lingam massage techni1ues soon i! it !eels appropriateH
3ou see that you have do:ens o! variations and techni1ues you can explore.
2n)oy and have !un with it.
There is no rush.
> the two $ey ingredients o! this lingam massage sessionD
3our tantric partner won-t lose semen.
3our attention is totally !ocused on him. 3ou .oth $now and agree to
& encourage you to lie still next to each other !or a !ew minutes a!ter a
lingam massage session.
This will give space !or these energies to sin$ in.
Aie next to each other without touching your .odies, simply side .y side and
o.serve the impact o! this lingam massage session.
This tantric sex techni1ue is a power!ul trans!ormation tool/
&! you want to engage in !urther tantric sex play a!ter your session, you can
o! course.
8e care!ul with the oils that you used though, they might not .e suita.le !or
your yoni.
&! you are not sure, you can wash him lingam at the end and use another
type o! lu.ricant !or intercourse.
<hec$ the speci!ication o! the products you use. 7assage oil directly in your
yoni could create some irritation or .urning sensation.
3ou notice that in this session, the male is passive, the !emale active.
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&n your next session Gsame day or days laterH, you can alternate roles and
let him give you a yoni massage this time.
&n another article, & will descri.e power!ul yoni massage techni1ues.
This lingam massage is such a power!ul techni1ue that can totally esta.lish
complicity in your relationship.
&! you are a woman, & !ully encourage you to master that art.
3ou can-t imagine how power!ul this simple techni1ue is !or creating sexual
attraction and play .etween you and your partner.
2specially i! you !eel you need something to spice up or reawa$en your sex
li!e, this is de!initely one card to add to your s$ills.
3ou can practice a lingam massage !or instance even i! he !eels too tired !or
&n this position he can totally relax and let you ta$e care o! him.
&t is >2;AA3 and incredi.le way to create sexual attraction .etween you and
your partner.
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:on;t ma9e him cum 4 This one is for
w omen
& $now that i! you are a woman, his loss o! semen and orgasm might !eel
Some women experience that, others don-t.
9ow, your role as his Sha$ti or tantric sex partner is to help him reach this
energy .uild up.
&t won-t happen i! he loses semen.
9ow, the heights you will reach in terms o! love, union, complicity, spiritual
connection are much higher i! he does not lose semen and orgasm.
So, my advice is 1uite simpleD help him.
?or a guy it might .e challenging to practice tantric sex i! you try to push
him to orgasm.
&nstead, give him space. ,on-t !ocus on him coming.
Step .ac$ and let him relax when you !eel he is a.out to reach his orgasm
?ocus on energy .uild up instead.
There is no reason !or him to come except !or an instinctual response.
&t is this response he wants to tame.
#elp him/ ;nd get him to help you achieve the same/
3ou will .e ama:ed o! what happens when you do.
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Cse a sensual massage oil for lingam
This is a simple easy way to power!ul increase the pleasure you get !rom
tantric sex.
3ou can get a sensual massage oil and use it !or lingam stimulation.
3ou can practice this with your partner or !or sel! pleasure.
&! you want to have intercourse some o! these oils are not recommended as
they might irritate the woman-s yoni.
Simply clean the lingam .e!ore you have penetration.
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&art 3 4 5osmic sex
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Streams of joy
There is a moment when you reali:e that what you reach via tantric sex is a
state o! mind, energy and !low o! !ire that can .e maintained and expressed
in any li!e context.
=nce this energy is esta.lished in your .eing, it !lows in you all the time and
gives you this emotional .ase o! )oy, .liss, delight and pleasure.
=n that level, these emotions have not much to do with the original idea o!
3ou still perceive energy !low and exchange .ut it happens on a di!!erent
When you experience this, you reali:e that the whole idea o! sex has .een
transposed or transcended.
,esire is !ul!illed and you reach this place where there is only )oy and
excitement in your .eing.
&t is a well esta.lished !ire which !lows in you and energi:es every aspect o!
your li!e.
&t vitali:es you and connects you as well more excitingly to others.
When you reach that point, the traditional sexual needs might still .e there
.ut you !eel this new energy !ully grounded in your system.
Poy is now part o! your li!e s su.stance.
&t stays there streaming.
This is the $ind o! emotion you might !eel when you are in love and have a
great sexual experience with someone.
> this !eeling staying with you all day as i! a new stream o! energy
had .een li.erated in you.
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This sense o! inner !reedom is the special .liss accompanying the tantric
opening in you.
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Cnveiling the secret
;s soon as this ecstatic )oy is unleashed in you, you want to understand how
you got there in the !irst place.
8liss can .e a sudden gi!t coming out o! nowhere.
9ow, sometimes, .liss and )oy are consciously generated in you.
They wa$e up in a very clear way and gain space in your whole .eing.
Tantric sex is the art o! mani!esting this inner state at will.
When you .rea$ through and !ind yoursel! in this .liss!ul !iery space, you
want to do a !ew things.
?irst, you want to protect this experience.
Aet s say that you have a !ire .urning. &! you throw water on it, you will
extinguish it o! course.
With tantric !ire, the same can happenD you can engage into activities which
will $ill that !ire.
3ou can end up in certain situations which will suppress your )oy.
3ou can ta$e inappropriate action and .etray the spirit o! )oy you did .uild
&magine tantric .liss as an in!inite resource o! energy.
&t is a !orm o! power.
3ou can !or instance use that power in a negative way.
3ou can engage into sel! destructive activities.
3ou can !orget to !eed that !ire.
There are many ways you can lose what you )ust gained.
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There!ore you need to $now the dynamics to $eep that !ire alive and .e a.le
to stimulate it whenever you want.
The !irst awa$ening o!ten seems li$e a coincidence.
3ou might still not !ully $now how to give space to that experience and
enhance the state o! .liss you )ust !ound.
The next stage is really to master that energy and use it to create something
even .igger or .etter.
&t is a path.
The resources o! .liss and )oy you )ust !ound are a source o! energy you can
invest in all sorts o! activities.
3ou can multiply their power and impact .y aligning your actions with
something vaster than yoursel!.
This stream o! !ire that )ust opened in you is part o! a larger stream o! !ire.
3ou are one line o! energy amongst a much vaster !ield o! li!e !orce.
This !ire is a !lame .elonging to a much vaster stream o! !ire.
;ltogether, all these individual !lames represent the stream o! .liss
and )oy on this planet.
&! you don t want to call it tantra, you can call it something else.
3ou can call it )oy, .liss or whatever suits you.
9ow, when you are part o! this stream, you access as well a su.tle energy
connection with these other !lames and the overall stream.
To a certain extent, you learn to manipulate the !ire to create what needs to
.e created.
This is why 1ualities li$e love, respect or synergy are essential when you
reach that level.
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3our actions need to .e aligned with what is .est !or the planet s and
human$ind s long term evolution.
This attunement with a vast plan o! evolution represents the magical
synchroni:ation which allows you to maintain and use this .liss!ul !ire on the
long term.
This !ire is a su.stance. &t is an energy !orm.
&t is a spirit which connects you with the world around you.
The !irst step was to !ind this energy and maintain it in your .eing.
The second step is to master that !ire and perceive its natural shape,
direction and !ocus.
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I ntelligent fire
This is the next step.
&magine that this tantric !ire is not )ust an inert su.stance.
&magine !or a second that this !ire is actually an intelligent !orce which has a
plan and a natural purpose.
This means that you can intelligently communicate with this !ire and merge
with it in a synergic way.
3ou are not alone in that.
This !ire is here to sponsor your actions and li!e.
&t is here to o!!er you support and empower your actions.
&t exists to nurture your .eing and mani!est )oy in all levels o! your li!e.
When this !ire wa$es up with you, your potential is multiplied.
The next stage in your evolution is to !ully attune and synchroni:e yoursel!
with that energy.
&! you resist this !orce or go against it via incoherent actions, o! course, you
will tend to dissipate the !ire and will need to .uild it up again.
9ow, i! you encourage its !low through synchroni:ed action, attitudes and
mind sets, you give that !ire an extra .oost and it $eeps on growing
This is the true magic o! tantra.
Sex is )ust one o! the vehicles you can use to access and multiply that !ire in
&magine that sex is a seed o! !ire.
3ou can !eed it until it grows and !ills your whole .eing.
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=nce this happens, you are ready !or your next octave which is the mastery
o! this !ire in your .eing.
This mastery is an alignment o! your .eing into that !ire.
&t is a synergic merge .etween you and this !iery intelligence.
There are many !orms o! intelligences on this planet.
The human type o! intelligence with thought !orms, ideas, emotion and
actions is only a small !raction o! what actually exists.
&n the realm o! spirits or angels, we enter into a vast new reality that
humans still can t !ully comprehend.
&magine an angel which is not in a human li$e !orm.
&magine this .eing or spiritual .eing as a vast networ$ o! energies,
connecting millions o! human .eings on this planet.
This entity is naturally and instinctively connected with the vaster !low o!
evolution on this planet.
&t is naturally synchroni:ed with other !orces o! creation and responds in an
organic li$e way to impulsions and cosmic directions.
We are part o! it and it is part o! us.
3ou can actually see anything happening on this planet as the expression o!
a vast spiritual intelligence.
3ou can have !or instance the spirit o! a country or a city. The spirit o! a
3ou can have the spirit o! love or the spirit o! competition.
;ll these spirits can .e seen as angelic !orces which supervise and
support any !orm o! activity on this planet.
3ou can see that when we descri.e existence in that way, we truly enter into
a sphere which goes !ar .eyond tantra.
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&! you can t relate to this model or concept, no pro.lem.
Simply !ind another model or ways o! this which suits you.
7ay.e the idea o! an invisi.le intelligence distur.s you.
&t s no pro.lem, discard the concept and !ind another concept which !its
.etter what you !eel.
=n the other hand, i! you !eel that you )ust touched on something essential,
dive into it and imagine that the spirit o! tantra is actually alive, intelligent
and connecting in us all the time.
This means that we are part o! a sea o! !ire and that we are all lin$ed
through this universal intelligent !ire.
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8ow does your tantric fire expand7
The goal o! the tantric !ire is to .ring a re!reshing stream o! energy in your
&magine your mind as a vast networ$ o! connections, thoughts, memories
and emotions.
This networ$ expands in time and space. &t expands in the past present and
&t connects you with other persons, lines o! actions and places.
=nce this tantric !ire ta$es root in your .eing and starts expanding it will
meet old energy patterns li$e undigested emotions, old mind sets or old
attitudes you no longer need.
This !ire is a clearing !ire and will simply destroy and clear what you no
longer need.
3ou need to reali:e again that this is an intelligent li!e !orce which is in tune
with a long term evolution plan !or yoursel!, human$ind and the planet.
This intelligent !ire has the power to recogni:e old patterns which will never
.e needed again.
This clearing process activates what you can call your renewal power.
This power is your a.ility to change and evolve.
&t allows you to let go o! what you no longer need and create space !or your
When your mind space is saturated, you stop moving and evolving.
To create !reshly in the here and now, you need a certain amount o! mind
space or mind !reedom.
&! all space and energy you have is already used to sustain what already
exists, you have no energy or space le!t to create something new.
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This is why the role o! this type o! clari!ying !ire is so essential.
;ll this happens .y itsel! o! course.
&t is not li$e you need to consciously do it yoursel!.
7ost o! these evolutionary processes simply happen .y themselves without
anyone ever noticing them.
Ta$e a moment to thin$ a.out what a human mind was li$e 1"" years ago.
9ow, imagine what it has .ecome in terms o! potential, content and activity.
This type o! !ire is what allows this transition and evolution to happen.
Without this renewal power, you would .e simply stac$ed within a
crystalli:ed set o! inner patterns which would stop you !rom evolving !urther.
Sometimes, when this !ire wa$es up and .rings change in your li!e, you
might resist it or try to $eep it away !rom you. This happens especially i! you
don t understand the role o! this !ire.
This means that .ecause o! !ear or dou.ts, you will simply resist evolution
!rom ta$ing place and .y doing so, create tension and inner con!lict.
#ave you ever seen yoursel! resisting change at a given moment in your li!e
to reali:e a !ew months later that this change was the .est thing that could
happen to you?
This change can touch any aspect o! your li!e, li$e pro!ession, relationship or
the place where you live.
&t can .e more speci!ically directed to your mind and inspire you to shi!t $ey
thoughts, emotions or attitudes.
When this trans!ormation process is happening, you might not $now where
these steps are ta$ing you and still, you !eel you need to trust that
something $nows what comes next.
When you gain awareness, you 1uic$ly recogni:e these trans!ormation !orces
and partner with them.
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&nstead o! resisting them, you ma$e space !or trans!ormation to happen.
3ou go with the !low and truly master this trans!ormation process through
clear awareness and conscious action.
This is where you can have an essential impact.
When you understand and clearly see how trans!ormation happens, you are
always one step ahead, recogni:ing this renewal !ire wa$ing up. 3ou have a
wise perception o! the new !uture potentials and set up structures to
welcome these new steps.
;ll this is a very magical trans!ormation process and as & said earlier, it
happens in your li!e all the time.
This trans!ormation is instinctual in nature.
9ow, .ac$ to the tantric !ire.
This !ire calls !or renewal.
This means that it will sometimes stop in some area o! your mind or
attitudes and dissolve some old patterns simply to create new space.
3ou will see yoursel! thin$ing a.out some past event or going through a
speci!ic emotion.
3ou might thin$D Why am & !eeling that right now?
&t is simpleD it happens .ecause when this !ire targets these old mind sets, it
wa$es them up .e!ore dissolving them.
&t is a .it li$e digging in the ground o! your memories and unveiling old
;!ter that, the tantric !ire goes through and dissolves or .urns these
outdated mind !rames.
The process is immensely thrilling and does !eel li$e a clearing .one !ire,
especially when you are aware o! it.
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The result is increased emotional !reedom, !eeling o! space and a !eeling o!
clari!ication overall.
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Tantric autonomy
The goal is to .e a.le to mani!est the !ull tantric experience any time.
&t is to master this energy and $now how to express it, activate it, share it
and use it.
These are s$ills which .elong to individuals !irst, not couples.
=! course couples can master these arts i! they .oth master them
#owever, we are loo$ing at individuals connecting !irst with themselves.
This is the context in which you can approach tantra.
3ou want to own all the tools you need to express tantra !ully.
9ow, we tal$ed a.out sex.
We tal$ed a.out energy exchange.
We tal$ed a.out cosmic evolution.
3ou can access many avenues o! tantric expression.
Sex might .e )ust one o! them.
Sex is part o! a much vaster energy stream which contains all !orms o!
energy exchange.
&! you isolate the tantric sex experience and !ocus on that one only, you
might miss the !ull spectrum o! your mystical dimension.
Tantra does not depend on someone else.
Tantra is a stream you own yoursel! no matter what happens around you.
The goal is to master that stream and !ully own it.
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=nce you ta$e that step, you are then !ree to share it with whoever or
whatever you want.
The ultimate goal is tantric autonomy.
This means that you own all the tantric tools and don t depend on external
!actors to mani!est that stream.
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I nvocations
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'ay you shine w ith infinite love and
7ay you shine with in!inite love and pleasure/
3ou are the goddess o! delight and & am one with your .eauty and in!inite
3our .liss is a delicious gi!t that !ills my heart and my whole .eing/
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Tantric sex prayer
& want to $iss you passionately and engage in this tantric sex dance with
& want to !eel your na$ed s$in and let my lingam touch your yoni.
& want to penetrate you with my Shiva Aingam and let our .odies engage in
a wild tantric sex play.
& want to !eel your lips, experience the play o! our tongues and let the
$undalini !ire rise/
& want to see you enter in this delicious and sensual trance !illed with .liss
and ecstatic .eauty.
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This intense fire and profound desire
This intense !ire and pro!ound desire that you !eel through your whole .eing
is a stream o! energy which em.odies itsel! in you.
3ou let this !low radiate through your .eing and it opens doors o! pleasure
and delight in your .eing.
This intense sensuality that wa$es up in you radiates waves o! !ire any time
you !eel a touch on your s$in.
&t can .e a delicious $iss, simply the touch o! a hand or the passionate
em.race with another na$ed .eing...
These sensual pleasures !low through you and open doors o! new awareness
in you.
They are waves o! !ire.
They are limitless and wa$e up your inner pro!ound tantric identity.
3ou radiate and exchange energy with everything in and around you.
3our cha$ras open up and you !eel your heart tingling with re!ined .eauty.
8ehind these delight!ul sensations, you experience something much deeper
ta$ing place.
&t is the pro!ound trans!ormation o! your whole .eing.
3ou are now wa$ing up to a whole new reality.
&t is a state o! total intense inner !reedom and .liss.
3ou see li!e exactly the way it is.
9o words can descri.e the magic o! this .eauty you experience right now.
&t is as i! your whole li!e had .een a path leading to this experience.
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3ou now $now that li!e will never .e the same again.
3ou !eel this initiation too$ place in you.
&t is a !resh start which cleared old emotions and .rings you into a new
sphere o! awareness.
3ou see now the pro!ound purpose o! the intense pleasures you !elt .e!ore.
3ou are open/
3ou are !ree/
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The fire breath fills you
&t is an ecstatic !low o! delicious .eauty that !ills your whole .eing.
&t is the awa$ening o! your li!e !orce through this tantric sexual play.
The waves o! desire that wa$e up in you are !lames o! pleasure.
They energi:e every cell in your .ody and while you !eel these warm
passionate lips $issing your whole .ody you are ta$en in the tantric trance.
3our 3oni is alive radiating while the Shiva Aingam gently penetrates you.
3ou are suddenly !illed with Shiva-s divine energy !low.
?reedom invades you li$e a wave o! cosmic energy.
3ou touch eternity.
8liss is all over you while you move your .ody in rhythm.
3our pleasure is complete and your two .odies are now dancing in rhythm,
Sex is delicious/ 3ou love it/
This !eeling o! connection $eeps expanding.
3ou recogni:e yoursel! in his eyes.
3ou !eel you mirror each other-s energies.
3ou want more/ 3ou want to play/
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/aves of sensual fire)
6leasure is such a thrilling sensation in your .eing.
6leasure is only the visi.le part o! a much vaster happening in your .eing.
6leasure means that li!e !orce streams in you.
&t is that simple/
6leasure is only a wave your mind perceives on the sur!ace.
The real deeper experience is a !low o! energy, an opening o! li!e !orce, a
clearing o! old emotions and patterns, a new connection esta.lished with a
reality which is much vaster than you.
,on-t lose touch with reality/
3ou are still physically awa$e on this planet, a.le to do whatever you are
supposed to and at the same time, experience this !ire with your whole
3ou master the tantric energy when you $now you have some !orm o!
control over what happens in you.
3ou can stimulate the !low o! tantric !ire at will, direct it or stop it i! your
want to.
This is the moment you reach a total state o! synergy with that !orce.
Tantric !ire is instinctual and your role as a human .eing is to tame that !ire
and play with this !orce.
Taming is very di!!erent than controlling.
3ou can tame this !orce without limiting its !reedom/
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&art "
&n the !ollowing pages, & will give you some Sans$rit !ormulas you can use.
When you write a given word in Sans$rit, it connects you with the energy o!
that word.
&t is a power!ul way to open a speci!ic energy space.
?or instance, i! you are a woman and want to express more o! Sha$ti s
energy, you can write the Sans$rit word !or Sha$ti a !ew times.
?or a speci!ic energy to start mani!esting you need to write a given
calligraphy !re1uently.
&n my experience, it can ta$e 1 to + months o! practice to !ully ground an
energy in your .ody and mind.
Suppose you want to mani!est the energy o! 7aithuna or tantric sexual
union, you can write the mantra a !ew times every day .e!ore your tantric
sex practice.
;nother way to go is to write these !ormulas on a .ig white page and hang
them on the walls o! your tantric sex temple.
3ou can as well use these !ormulas internally and repeat a given mantra
during a targeted meditation practice.
?or more on this topic, chec$ this pageD
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Shiva Sha9ti
Shiva Sha9ti
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'aithuna 4 Sexual union
Sexual union
7aithuna or 7ithuna is a Sans$rit term used in Tantra most o!ten translated
as sexual union in a ritual context. &t is the most important o! the !ive
ma$ara and constitutes the main part o! the Frand >itual o! Tantra variously
$nown as 6anchama$ara, 6anchatattva, and Tattva <ha$ra.
;lthough some writers, sects and schools eg 3ogananda consider this to
.e a purely mental and sym.olic act, a loo$ at di!!erent variations Gand
translationsH o! the word maithuna clearly shows that it re!ers to male-
!emale couples and their union in the physical, sexual sense and is
synonymous with $riya nishpatti Gmature cleansingH. Pust li$e neither spirit
nor matter .y itsel! is e!!ective .ut .oth wor$ing together .ring harmony so
is maithuna e!!ective only then when the union is consecrated. The couple
.ecome !or the time .eing divineD she is Sha$ti and he is Sha$ta. The
scriptures warn that unless this spiritual trans!ormation occurs the union is
carnal and sin!ul.
3et, it is possi.le to experience a !orm o! maithuna without physical union.
The act can exist on a metaphysical plane without sexual penetration, in
which the sha$ti and sha$ta trans!er energy through their su.tle .odies