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Bhrigu Samhita Introduction

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Maharishi Bhriguji as per

the Bhrigu Stotram

Bhrigu Samhita
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Bhrigu Sahit is an astrological (Jyotish) classic attriuted to
Maharishi Bhrigu during the !edic period, Treta yuga" #t is said that it
$as compiled y the Sage out of compassion for humanity so that
humanity could cope $ith the pressures of its e%istence and mo&e
to$ards a more spiritual nature"
The Bhrigu Samhita is said to contain
predictions on the current and future li&es as $ell as information on the
past life" These predictions $ill e accurate ased on the actions (karma)
of the *uestioner"
#t is said that Mahari,hi Bh-igu insulted .ord !ishnu $hen trying to
determine $ho amongst the Trinity of Brahma, !ishnu and Shi&a is the
greatest, ut apologised immediately for his mistake and .ord !ishnu instead apologised to him"
/pon seeing .ord !ishnu0s humility Mahari,hi Bhrigu declared him to e the greatest"
But .akshmi(the supreme goddess symolising prosperity, $ealth and fortune), $ife of .ord
!ishnu, percei&ed it as an insult to her husand" She cursed Maharishi Bhrigu 11 that he and the
community he represented (the Brahmins) $ill e parted a$ay from $ealth"
2fter apologising to the 3oddess too, she suggested him to $rite Bh-gu Sa4hit5 $hich contains
predictions" #n this $ay, Brahmins can earn their li&ing y telling past, present and future of people"
The 2shram of Maharishi $as in present day Ballia (/"6"), #ndia" Major part of Bh-gu Sa4hit5 $as
destroyed during Muslim #n&asions of that time"
Maharishi Bhrigu $as the first compiler of predicti&e astrology" 7e compiled aout 899,999
horoscopes and recorded the life details and e&ents of &arious persons" This formed a dataase for
further research and study" This study culminated in the irth of the science (stra) of determining
the *uality of time (7or5) and is the Bhat Parara Hor stra"
These 7oroscopes $ere ased upon the planetary positions of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, !enus,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, :5hu (;orth ;ode of the Moon) and <etu (South ;ode of the Moon)"
2fter that, Maharishi Bh-igu ga&e his predictions on different types of horoscopes compiled y him
$ith the help of .ord 3a=e>a in a rief and concise manner" The total permutations?possile
horoscope charts that can e dra$n $ith this is aout @8 million" Maharishi taught this art of
predictions to his son (Aukra) and other pupils"
Lost manuscript
Burrently the original Bh-igu sa4hit5 as a ook is not a&ailale" Curing foreign in&asions of #ndia y
Muslims from the north$est in the (+th and (Dth centuries, the rahmin community ecame
dispersed all o&er #ndia" The in&aders captured these prime assets of the rahmins" Some parts of the
0Bh-gu Sa4hit50 $ere taken a$ay y them" The most unfortunate and destructi&e e&ent $as the
destruction of the ;alanda uni&ersity lirary y then Muslim rulers, $here se&eral thousands of the
6age ( of + Bhrigu Samhita 1 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
8?(E?+9(@ httpF??en"$ikipedia"org?$iki?BhriguGSamhita
horoscopes compiled by Mahari Bhgu had been stored. Only a small percentage of the original
horoscopes of Bhgu Sahit remained with the Brahmin community which are now scattered
throughout various parts of India. Many of the pages scattered in North of India were with Pt.
eshra! "harma from #oshiarpur$ Pun!ab %North India& who also had this as an underta'ing from
government of India. (he city of #oshiarpur was famous for Bhrigu "hastris.
). ^ Bhrigu "amhita %http*++www.starsnu.org+bhrigu,samhita.asp-&
.. ^ /)0 %http*++'rishna.org+srimad,bhagavatam,1,),23,dallas,!uly,.4,)435&
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