Mam Sait George Marketing Assignment
Mam Sait George Marketing Assignment
Mam Sait George Marketing Assignment
1) A.
2. Marketing ethics
Ethics - origin
Ethical standards - society expects them to follow
Following ethical codes help organizations build a positive image in society.
Just the other day I went to a store to buy a shirt & trouser. I went into the
room & tried it on!!! It looks perfect on me… I thought I looked tall, slim &
in shape it that attire!!! I came back home very happy. The next day there was a
party & I thought of flaunting my shapely body & dress to all. To my utter dismay,
didn’t look all that macho in my dressing table mirror… I was aghast & kept
how the hell have I put on weight overnight & if I have, how come I am still
snuggly into this new pair. Its then when a friend of mine who is an interior
decorator told me how??? He explained to me that the mirrors in most of the
change rooms in the malls are slightly tilted inside so that the image is
stretched &
you look a little leaner & taller. I felt cheated!!!
We are all aware of the infamous Delhi Public School MMS case. I leave it to you
decide if a camera in a cell phone is a curse or a boom??? What to talk of other
innovations like the internet connectivity MP4, voice recording facility & more. A
cell-phone today, is a Phone too…
Mc. Donald’s is known for its marketing wisdom. They innovate in Globalization
respect to all their Ps. Have you ever tried to know the calories in a snack at
McDonalds? You will be surprised that one burger, coke & French fries has some
1080 calories. In a country where obesity is a problem & about 70% adults in urban
areas suffering from diabetes eating such rich food is colossal. Yet we find Mc D
gives catchy ads - “I am loving it!!!” Are We friends??? Recently Dr. Tim Lobsten,
Director of childhood obesity programmes at IOTF, USA, has said that 177 million
children under 18, all across the world, are currently clinically overweight or
& Developing country like India is worst hit. He has also recommended “No TV or
Radio ads between 6am to 9pm”. But, do we have the Political & ethical will to
enforce this???
How many of you get phone calls in the afternoons when you are taking a cosy nap
in the afternoon, only to hear the pseudo modern girl say in a mundane voice “
Hallo, Ap ____ Bol rehe hain?? Kiya aap ko personal loan Ki requirement hain?” I
cheesed off & wonder how she got my number & name???
The other day there was a news in the news paper where school children were
involved in car thefts only to drive them for pleasure till the petrol lasted &
abandon them on the highway. This is the impact of myopic Advertising on these
youngsters where latent needs are evoked leading them to indulge in anti social
And I can go on & on, but for the limitation of time & the decorum of this dias…
Just think about it friends!!! In a bid to sell their products marketers bring in
product, features, marketing gimmicks to lure the markets not realizing the curse
is casting on the society as a whole. We talk of holistic marketing but only in
books & seminars…
It’s high time now that Marketers become more socially responsible & understand
that while they are accountable to their stakeholders for higher sales & profits,
are also accountable to the Society in leaving a more happier & healthier Earth
the generations to come.
All Marketing innovations must be ethical…
Marketing’s Impact on
Individual Consumers
.Shoddy or unsafe products
.Planned obsolescence
.Poor service to disadvantaged