5 Life Energies-Excerpt
5 Life Energies-Excerpt
5 Life Energies-Excerpt
Coach Harris-Fike’s method of directing one’s attention to the sponsoring energy behind one’s thoughts and behaviors is unique; her techniques
to in-corporate this awareness through posture and action create changes right away. A missing link to success if ever I saw one!
Marco E. Castañeda, DC - “Dr. C” in Knoxville,TN
What’s brilliant about Carol’s approach is how accessible it is in our everyday, busy
lives. Although, her approach provides access to invaluable, almost spiritual wisdom, her
techniques allow us to access that wisdom anywhere -- at the office, home or in the car.
This results in practical insight and solutions wherever you are, at any time.
For more - Jeff Balin, Leadership Coach & Consultant in Vancouver, BC
coaching tools
from Carol
please visit:
This book is designed to provide ideas, experiences, and practices in shifting life energy. The
publisher and author are not engaged in providing therapy through the use of this book. The
purpose of this book is to provide enjoyment, inspiration, and understanding of the ideas
presented. The authors and KCD Press shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person
or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or
indirectly, by the information provided within this book. If you do not wish to be bound by the
above, you may return this book for a full refund.
5 Life Energies: The Choice You Have in How Energy Shapes Your Life
By Carol Harris-Fike; Illustrations by Jonathan Eric Bell
KCD Press
Colorado & Tennessee
Order at www.YourLifeFromHere.com or Amazon.com
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage
and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief
quotations in a review.
Virginia Satir
public education always had been)… what if I didn’t find really good friends
“If a person will in my new home… what if, what if, what if. I never went back to sleep and
truly go there… arrived at work sinking into a deep depression.
really shift her Fortunately, I had a scheduled coaching call with my mentor coach, Charles,
body position that morning. When the appointed time came, I called Charles and he began
with the formality of “how are you?” My usual answer was “great” but before
(which shifts the I could spit out “gr… ” I was in tears and began telling him all the doubts
flow of energy) and fears that had suddenly appeared. He stopped my rambling story (as
great coaches do) and asked me a surprising question: How are you sitting?
and breathe into it, I told him that I was using the speaker phone at my desk and that I was
emotions will shift leaning forward with both arms on my desk and my fists clenched. Charles
then asked me to name my mood. I said that I was in determination…
and new choices for determined to get through the doubts and make my dreams come true.
actions will almost He then asked what emotions were coming to my consciousness. I labeled
magically appear.” them as fear and doubt.
After a few more exchanges, I asked Charles if this shifting of body position
to shift emotions always worked with his clients. He said something I will
never forget. “If a person will truly go there… really shift her body position
(which shifts the flow of energy) and breathe into it, emotions will shift and
new choices for actions will almost magically appear.”
Postscript: It has been nearly five years and I’ve been affirmed over and over
that I did make a good decision for my life. Now I use these skills daily and
I’ve discovered how much I can help others learn to do the same thing with
their energies and allow truly magical things to happen in their lives.
Being an educator for thirty years, I have a strong desire to know why and how
things work, so I have studied the writings, listened to presentations, and explored
everything I can find to help me understand the ever-increasing research studies
that relate to what I have been doing for many years with my mind/body. I
have incorporated my understanding of the 5 Life Energies into my ontological
coaching practice to support others in transforming how they live their lives. My
intention is to share this understanding and the practices that support it with
many more people through this book.
One of the key premises of my book is that the body is connected to the head…
and it is just as important in learning and using life energy as is the brain.
Therefore, I now always say brain/body research because of my understanding
and experiences in how energy flows throughout and around each of us. Keep
Choose… reading to find out how important this understanding is to shifting energies and
making the changes you desire.
life energy flow
is a choice! The brain/body scientists, such as Candace Pert, Bruce Lipton, and Antonio
Damasio, among others, continue to interpret the latest scientific findings for
the general public. People such as Jon Kabat-Zinn, John Gray, Deepak Chopra,
and a myriad of seekers and teachers continue to translate ideas from Eastern
philosophy, also for the general public. More and more people are seeking
more understanding of “the energy we are” as evidenced by Oprah’s Book Club
study of Eckert Tolle’s The New Earth in spring 2008. People from all over the
world came together via live internet connections on nine consecutive Monday
evenings to share in a conversation with Oprah and Tolle about his book. Ahhh,
I’m certainly not alone in my search!
The purpose of this book is to acquaint you with how life energy flows in five
distinct ways in and around you and how you can learn to intentionally shift the
flow of energy to experience a more peaceful, joyful life. Everyone has habitual
expressions of energy that he or she shifts into easily and quickly. Over time
we are just naturally drawn to one or two energies more than the others. We
may sense more of the positive attributes then the negative in these energies…
they work for us, feel comfortable to us… or do they? The important thing to
remember is that there is a place and time for each one and that we can choose
to shift from one to another. All of the positions are affected by emotions
and, most interestingly, physically change the emotions felt. In other words,
different emotions are felt in different energy positions and different energies
allow different emotions to be felt. The flow of energy also affects our language
including thoughts, spoken and written language. Our language likewise affects
our energy flow. All the energies have positive and negative aspects as you will
learn. “But wait,” you may be thinking, “why not just let the energy move as
your body allows? What is the need for knowing five distinct energies and why is
there need for practicing each one and then learning to shift among them?”
Bonnie Poole, my Tai Chi teacher and owner of Colorado Internal Arts, talks
with her students about the need for some rules in controlling movement for the
purpose of allowing freedom of energy. She says there are levels of freedom of
movement and your energy mores more freely if you use some degree of control.
Uhmmm, read on to see what you can choose to do by learning some shifting
energy “rules.”
2. Choose to direct the flow of energy in your body to express what you
want to say, do, and be.
. Of course, there are multitudes of combinations and variations on the use of these life energies,
but in this book, for the sake of learning about using energy, we will focus on five.
. Stuart Heller, “Dr. Move”, during my ontological coach training, has taught me much about the
positioning of the body and is referenced many times in this book. Go to his website for more
information: www.CoachingExcellence.com.
5 Life Energies: The Choice You Have in How Energy Shapes Your Life
I believe that you will be surprised about what you learn about yourself in
relation to life energy… and that you will learn something unique about your
use of the different flows; i.e. that your least favorite may really serve you well in
some instances!
. I have added the use of the flow of the 5 Life Energies to Alan Sieler’s exceptional work with 8
moods of life. This is discussed at length in Chapter Eight: Emotions, Moods, and the Energies as well
as in Chapter Ten: Shifting Your Energies. Sieler’s books referenced in this book are: Coaching to the
Human Soul: Ontological Coaching & Deep Change, Vol. I & II.
. Note: When you read “language” throughout this book, please know that I am referring to
thoughts and/or spoken and/or written language.
other person’s emotions and language… because their flow of energy shifts in
response to ours.
The emphasis of this book is on intentionally shifting our energy flow among
the five archetypes (images that support understanding of each flow) to affect
our body, emotions, and language… and the effect we have on others. It is all
about the energy we are and how that is expressed in connecting with others.
Please know that just reading the book will not make these practices a part of
your life. To incorporate them into your body and, thus, into your life you will
want to set an intention that includes allowing yourself time to interact with
each life energy. You can do this by visualizing, observing, practicing, and then
applying your new understandings as guided by the chapters in this book. If you
do, you will never look at yourself or others the same way. You will intentionally
see the energies, feel the energies, and use the energies to support you in living
a more peaceful and joyful life. This is not to say that all the ups and downs
of life will magically disappear, or that in the middle of some of the downs
you will always be able to shift your energy; however, how you interact with
those challenges and the people involved will change forever. You will have new
understandings and some new skills to consciously make a choice in how you
move, think, and feel.
Much of the content in this book came to me through my own body, emotions,
and thoughts as I listened, moved, felt, and talked with many teachers. Quantum
Physics theories say there is no one indisputable reality. Each of us creates our
own reality from our thoughts, emotions, and bodies. I have certainly found this
to be true. As well as what I discover through my own observations, my most
recent teachers have been my ontological coach trainers, my Tai Chi teachers,
and my Reiki guides as well as my clients. I also continue to learn from my brain/
body teachers and the many scientists whose research I’m constantly reading.
Of course, I cannot leave out all the people who have influenced my life…
providing me with great opportunity for growth and love. (Not that I always felt
it at the time!) This book represents what works for me, my clients, and what I
believe will work for you. It is written for anyone who understands that we can
change how we are in this world… how we react and/or take actions within our
. Ontological teachers include Julio Olalla & all the mentor coaches I have trained with at Newfield
Network: www.newfieldnetwork.com; Stuart Heller: www.creatingexcellence.com who taught me his Five
Rings Internal Exercises; and all the Newfield colleagues with whom I continue to learn and grow in
my understanding of the cohesiveness (connections) among the body, emotions, and language.
5 Life Energies: The Choice You Have in How Energy Shapes Your Life
daily lives. This book is for those who choose to explore the new paradigm of
intentionally shifting the flow of energy within and around the body as they
come to understand the energy connection between the body, emotions, and
Chapter Two: The 5 Life Energies defines the archetypal energies and allows you
to experience each of the 5 Life Energies as your energy flows through you.
Chapters Four through Eight focus on each of the 5 Life Energies. Each energy
is described through a drawing and a written description. Stories are shared
from my personal experiences and those of clients about being in each energy…
with both positive and negative results. (Names of clients were changed for the
purpose of confidentiality.) The last half of each chapter includes a series of
steps (specific exercises) that will help you embody the energy. A visualization
exercise supports you in feeling the energy in and around your body. A shifting
exercise provides ways to use the body position to support a specific energy flow.
A movement exercise provides ways to position your body and to actually move
within each energy flow. Observation practices support you in recognizing the
energy flow within yourself and others as well as how it affects body position,
emotions, and language… yours and theirs. Finally, you are encouraged to apply
each life energy to a real life interaction where you believe it will be supportive
of you and those around you. Throughout these chapters and the entire book,
This book has been a delight to write because I am sharing the wisdom that has come to me throughout my
life. This book came to me in a dream. The ideas were all placed before me, chapter by chapter. I considered
making notes when I awoke in the middle of the night, but felt no need. I immediately returned to deep sleep
and began writing the book the next morning. It literally poured out of me… and then slowed down with
more research, editing, rewriting, and all the rest. We create our reality through our experiences which are taken
energetically into our bodies and affect our emotions and language. Discovering that we have a choice in how
our energy flows has changed my reality. My hope is that these ideas will bring peace and joy to all of you who
read and then embody the ideas into what works for each of you. My heartfelt gratitude goes to those who
believed in me and supported all along the way.
Jonathan Bell, my talented son, drew the beautiful images representing each of the Five Life Energies. His
contribution is for all of you who learn visually as well as those who learn through metaphors… especially
through connections with nature.
Rich Fike, my beloved husband believes in me and supports all my endeavors. He has made wonderful
contributions to this book. Rich has brought the viewpoint of those who may just be putting their big toes
into these ideas. He always asks the questions that take me to the place of clarity and simplicity in sharing my
thoughts. He enriched the Shifting Energies stories by sharing his life and his passion with me.
Irene Kelly, colleague and dear friend, read through the eyes of a transformational coach. She understands the
cohesiveness of all that we are and uses many of these ideas in her coaching practice and in her own life. Irene
has contributed many hours to reading this book for clarity and simplicity from the eyes of one who knows.
Katherine Greenberg, Ph.D., and my twin sister, read through the eyes of a professor and with the knowledge
from her lifelong work of teaching others how we learn how to learn. Her support and willingness to play with
the energies has supported my understanding and allowed me to clarify my ideas.
My editor, Karah Madrone, was invaluable in supporting me in being clear on my audience… you… and how
I presented my ideas and practices so that you would be able to easily embody them. She also came with eyes
of a seeker. I am deeply grateful to her for insights and questions that guided me in organizing my ideas to
support your understanding.
Monica P. Castaneda, my graphic designer, created a beautiful book cover and a book interior that embodies
and supports the learning of these ideas, and allows room for the reader to make notes.
Noalani Terry, my indexer, supported readers in easily finding what they desire to experience again.
you are invited to use a journal to explore specific questions provided in each
chapter. This will support a deeper understanding of each distinct energy flow.
Chapter Ten: Language & the Energies is about how language (thoughts, speech,
and written language) will change as you shift from one energy to another. This
chapter guides you in how to practice being in the energy of your choice that
allows your words to be received as you intend. You learn how to recognize
when an energy is working and then how you can shift to another energy when
it is not.
Chapter Eleven: Shifting Your Life Energies provides ten actions for developing
the skills to shift among the five life energies. It discusses how to know whether
a specific energy is serving you and those with whom you are interacting, how
to choose a mood and then an alternative energy that may better serve you
and others, and how to judge whether the shift works for you and others. It
provides practices for choosing a mood and an energy based on what you want
to happen, and provides indications that signal where a shift to another energy
may be beneficial to reaching your goals. Practical ways to incorporate these
ideas into your life are included.
Chapter Twelve: Support for Shifting Life Energies discusses how to know
when you may choose to obtain support from an ontological coach, and what
transformational (ontological) coaching can provide.
Bringing it All Together includes a brief summary and some final suggestions as
you continue to connect with the ideas presented in this book.
5 Life Energies: The Choice You Have in How Energy Shapes Your Life
and also provide a reference to where there is more information in the book
when you want to reread something.
I encourage you to really use this book… make notes or drawings, dog-
ear corners, and use it to support your ongoing journaling. I emphasize the
importance of journaling because writing your reactions to the practices as well
as your responses to the questions and observations provides one more avenue
to experience the energies and incorporate them into your being. Journaling
will allow you an opportunity to observe your understanding and growth over