5 Reiki Precepts-Expanded
5 Reiki Precepts-Expanded
5 Reiki Precepts-Expanded
Precepts or Principles
kanshashite Be grateful
asa yu gassho shite kokoro ni nenji Morning and evening do gassho, hold these in
kuchi ni tona e yo your heart, and chant the principles
shin shin kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho Heart-mind and body improvemet: Usui Reiki
choso Usui Mikao Founder, Usui Mikao
While it's not realistic to expect to never be angry, we can work on choosing to feed this energy less
and less with our thoughts, feelings and actions, reserving it for times of genuine alarm or peril.
Each day you can repeat the precepts with the same words or write down words that arise for you.
We can be grateful for specific things, and we can also cultivate an attitude of gratitude in general,
as an approach to all of life, more and more. Gratitude opens our minds to see opportunities and
encourages our hearts to be joyful.
Rather than going in their original order, let's skip next to another quality we can strengthen every
day with mindful attention.
Compassion begins with ourselves, being gentle and forgiving, kind and encouraging to ourselves,
then extending this gracious demeanor to others we care about, and eventually to everyone.
Finally let's embrace our hard work and soft work, our inner and outer work. This can be our Reiki
practice, spiritual practice, day job, work in the community, business, caring for family - many
different expressions of our ability, potential, creativity, caring, productivity, service and devotion.
Monday Tuesday
Wednesday Thursday
Kyo dake wa
I karuna Shinpei suna
Kansha shite Gyo o hage me
© 2020 Dawn Hancy essentialarts.net
(c) Essential Arts 2020 Hito ni shinsetsuni
Just for today
I will not cultivate anger I will not cultivate worry
I will cultivate gratitude I will do my inner & outer work
I will cultivate compassion
Friday Saturday
Kyo dake wa
I karuna Shinpei suna
Kansha shite Gyo o hage me
© 2020 Dawn Hancy essentialarts.net
(c) Essential Arts 2020 Hito ni shinsetsuni