Contact To National Pawnbroker Association
Contact To National Pawnbroker Association
Contact To National Pawnbroker Association
About Pawnbroker
PO Box 508
Keller, Texas 76244
Visit To: www.nationalpawnbrokers.or
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation Keepin o$r in%$str& stron
Who is a pawnbroker?
'n a n$ts(ell, a pawnbroker is a len%er t(at (elps &o$ )inan#iall& w(en &o$ r$n s(ort
o) #as(. Pawnbrokers pro*i%e &o$ instant loan aainst an& *al$able ite+ &o$ own. ')
&o$ nee% #as(, &o$ (a*e to lea*e a *al$able wit( t(e pawnbroker as a se#$rit& an%
a*ail #as( to )$l)ill &o$r re,$ire+ent. -an& "+eri#ans a*e a t($+bs $p to t(is kin%
o) loan as it is instant, #on*enient an% (assle )ree. T(e reason w(& s$#( loans et
instant appro*al is t(at len%ers (a*e a se#$rit& to re#o*er t(e losses in #ase o) ba%
Pawnbrokers (a*e been a so$r#e o) )ast +one& w(en &o$ nee% it +ost. ') &o$ nee%
t(e #as( )or a s(ort perio% o) ti+e, &o$ +a& #(oose to pawn a *al$able ite+ &o$ own
knowin t(at &o$ #an retrie*e it one %a& b& pa&in ba#k t(e loan a+o$nt.
What services are offered by a Pawnbroker?
Pawnbroker is o))erin all kin%s o) )inan#ial ser*i#es to people in#l$%in b$&in,
sellin an% pro*i%in pawn loan. T(e ease an% #on*enien#e o) a*ailin loan aainst
*al$ables #ontrib$te% to t(e pop$larit& o) t(is tra%e. 'n%i*i%$als )ro+ all walks o) li)e
ri(t )ro+ st$%ents to b$siness owners are %i*ertin t(eir attention to pawns(ops to
a*ail t(e bene)its.
Pawnbrokers b$& an&t(in an% e*er&t(in t(at (ol%s +onetar& *al$e in t(e +arket.
.i(t )ro+ a broken pie#e o) %ia+on% /ewelr& to an ol% +$si#al instr$+ent, t(e&
p$r#(ase *al$ables at ex#ellent rates. !o +atter w(at t(e #on%ition o) &o$r ite+ is,
&o$ #an alwa&s *isit a pawns(op, an% t(e& will b$& it at t(e best o) rates.
People resi%in in 01 are *isitin pawn s(ops )re,$entl& to b$& ex#l$si*e ite+s an%
st$nnin pie#es o) /ewelr& at +$#( #(eaper rates. T(ese s(ops sell a wi%e *ariet& o)
*al$ables like ol% an% %ia+on% /ewelr&, expensi*e ti+epie#es, ex,$isite anti,$es
an% so on.
T(e +a/or reasons w(& people *isit pawn s(ops is t(e ease an% #on*enien#e o)
a*ailin loans. T(e pro#ess is %ire#t wit(o$t an& (i%%en #la$ses. 2(en &o$ nee% #as(
$rentl&, brin an& o) &o$r *al$able to t(e pawns(op as a se#$rit& an% a*ail +one&
wit(in )ew (o$rs. T(e len%er will allot a spe#i)i# perio% o) ti+e to pa& ba#k t(is loan
wit( t(e interest. ') so+e(ow &o$ )ail to arrane t(e +one& on t(e %ate o) +at$rit&,
&o$ #an si+pl& ask t(e len%er to exten% t(e perio% o) repa&+ent.
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation Keepin o$r in%$str& stron
What does NPA do?
T(e !ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation 3!P"4 is t(e onl& tra%e asso#iation o) 01
representin in%epen%ent pawnbrokers an% $i%in t(e+ to be in*ol*e% on a lo#al,
statewi%e an% national le*el. T(e& are also o))erin #o+plian#e trainin relatin to
)e%eral, state an% lo#al re$lations in rear%s to t(e pawn in%$str&. One o) t(e +a/or
+issions o) !P" is to b$il% $p t(e i+ae o) t(e pawnbrokers as a respe#te% part o)
t(e #o++$nit&.
What are the Benefits of being a eber of NPA?
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation, t(e onl& tra%e asso#iation representin
in%epen%ent pawnbrokers in t(e 01 are o))erin ex#ellent bene)its to t(eir +e+bers.
T(e& are able to pro*i%e a *ariet& o) +e+ber ser*i#es an% bene)its, )ro+ in)or+ation
t(at will (elp pawnbrokers as well t(e in%$str& as a w(ole to prote#t t(e b$sinesses
an% t(e wa& o) li)e. !P" o))ers a #o+pre(ensi*e list o) +e+ber bene)its in#l$%in
#o++$ni#ations, +eetins 5 e*ents, #o++$nit& relations, e%$#ation an% )irear+s
reso$r#es. 1o+e o) t(e +a/or bene)its are liste% as )ollows.
6is#o$nt on a%*ertisin rates in !ational Pawnbroker, t(e ,$arterl& +e+ber
+aa7ine, an% !P" 'nsi%er, t(e +ont(l& +e+ber e8newsletter
9op& o) t(e !P" +e+bers(ip listin )or +arketin p$rposes: to be $se% one8
ti+e )ree o) #(are
;ree listin on Pawn 'n%$str& -arketpla#e an% %is#o$nt on boot( spa#e at
Pawn <xpo, t(e ann$al #on*ention an% tra%es(ow: base% on a*ailabilit&
!P" loo )or $se on website an% +arketin #ollateral
6is#o$nt on boot( spa#e at Pawn <xpo, ann$al #on*ention an% tra%es(ow:
base% on a*ailabilit&
"n% +$#( +ore.
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation Keepin o$r in%$str& stron
What are the tips offered by NPA to open a successful pawn shop?
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation 3!P"4, is o))erin =tips )or openin a pawn s(op.=
Owin to t(e pop$larit& o) pawns(ops a+on t(e #o$ntr&, +ore an% +ore in%i*i%$als
are lookin )orwar% at be#o+in a pawnbroker an% earnin oo% in#o+e.
Operatin a pawn s(op #an be an ex#itin a%*ent$re. To (elp in t(is new en%ea*or,
t(e !P" o))ers a >28pae spiral8bo$n% booklet entitle% ?T(inkin abo$t <nterin t(e
Pawnbroker 'n%$str&@A
!his book includes the following features :
B Operational o*er*iew
B Te#(ni#al o*er*iew
B "))iliations
B B$siness !e#essitie;$n%in
B ;$n%in
B Pro#e%$ral Knowle%e
B 9o+plian#e
B O;"9
B .e% ;las .$le
B T'C"
B 1e#$rit&
B 9o+pensation
B .eso$r#es
B 1o)tware
Pla#in t(e or%er is si+ple )ro+ t(e website o) !ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation.
T(is *al$able reso$r#e is a*ailable )or D75 an% #an be or%ere% in one o) two wa&s:
>4 B& #allin at t(e !P"=s o))i#e at 38>74 EE7888E0 wit( &o$r #re%it #ar% in)or+ation
24 B& e+ailin a D75 #(e#k to !P", PO Box 508, Keller, TF 76244
T(e booklet is in#l$%e% )ree wit( t(e "pprenti#e +e+bers(ip. T(is +e+bers(ip is
li+ite% to in%i*i%$als st$%&in or learnin to operate a pawn establis(+ent an% is
*ali% )or one &ear onl&. 0pon %e+onstration t(at a *ali% pawnbroker li#ense (as been
obtaine%, t(e "pprenti#e +e+ber +a& be#o+e a .e$lar Pawnbroker -e+ber.
-e+bers(ip 6$es are D600.00 per #alen%ar &ear.
;or +ore %etails, lo on to t(eir website (ttp:GGwww.nationalpawnbrokers.orG.
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation Keepin o$r in%$str& stron
What are NPA"s Philanthropic activities?
T(e !P" is in*ol*e% in +an& p(ilant(ropi# a#ti*ities. T(e& orani7e a -$si#
'nstr$+ent Hi)t 6a& in asso#iation wit( -r. Iollan%Js Op$s ;o$n%ation. On t(is %a&,
pawnbrokers )ro+ all a#ross t(e #o$ntr& are $re% to %onate +$si#al instr$+ents to
be i*en to orani7ations in nee%. K$alit& re)$rbis(e% instr$+ents are %istrib$te%
t(ro$( t(is prora+ to $n%er8)$n%e% +$si# prora+s as well as to st$%ents on
waitin lists w(o nee% instr$+ents or w(o (a*e been s(arin instr$+ents. O$r
+e+bers, asso#iate% wit( !P" also +ake a #as( %onation, w(i#( is t(en #on*erte%
into +$si#al instr$+ents.
T(e !P" is also en#o$rain wo+en to be a part o) t(e pawn in%$str&. T(o$(, t(e
in%$str& is %o+inate% b& +ales )ro+ a lon ti+e: (owe*er, )e+ale pawnbrokers (a*e
be#o+e +ore #o++on in t(e last %e#a%e an% t(eir in*ol*e+ent (as (a% a positi*e
in)l$en#e as w(ole. T(e !P" (as worke% to #(ane t(e stereot&pi#al portra&al o) a
pawnbroker an% t(e in*ol*e+ent o) wo+en in t(e in%$str& as a%*o#ates an% owners
o) t(eir own s$##ess)$l pawn s(ops (a*e i*en people a new i+ae.
T(e !P"=s Pawn <xpo is t(e onl& national #on*ention an% tra%e s(ow )or t(e pawn
in%$str& (el% wit( an intention to (elp t(e pawnbrokers learn new wa&s to strent(en
t(eir b$siness, #onne#t wit( )ellow pawnbrokers an% %o b$siness at t(e tra%e s(ow
)eat$rin o*er >20 %i))erent #o+panies. T(e& are in*ol*e% in +an& s$#( prora+s
t(at (elp t(e pawnbrokers to en(an#e t(eir b$sinesses e))e#ti*el&. One #an et
asso#iate% wit( t(e+ an% pro#$re i++ense bene)its easil&. ;or +ore %etails, lo on to
t(eir o))i#ial website.
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation Keepin o$r in%$str& stron
#ontact NPA
T(e !ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation wel#o+es in,$iries )ro+ /o$rnalists, st$%ents,
an% law+akers. Please #onta#t $s an% we will repl& as soon as possible.
PO Box 508
Keller, Texas 76244
P(one: 8>78EE7888E0
;ax: 8>78EE788875
Visit to: www.nationalpawnbrokers.or
<+ail: in)oL!ationalPawnbrokers.or
!hank $ou
!ational Pawnbrokers "sso#iation Keepin o$r in%$str& stron