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ELECTRONIC TRANSFER DEPT, 6, SANSAD MARG, JANPATH, NEW DELHI, H.O. 110001, NEW DELHI. Our ref: RBI/0A2/8138061 File:rbi/lo/f12 Payment Amount: 700000!00"BP! RESERVE BANK OF INDIA OFFICIAL PAYMENT NOTIFICATION Dear Beneficiary: The Foreign Exchange Transfer Department (RBI) hereby bring to your attention of the payment of your deposited fund here in the RBI, you ere !isted as a beneficiary in the recent schedu!e for payment of the past edition emai! aard incurred by the BRITI"# $%&ER'(E'T, hich is yet unc!aimed up)ti!! date due to some circumstance according to your fi!e record* your payment is categori+ed as: Contract type: Lottery/inheritance/ Undelivered Lottery fund Recent!y on the ,,nd of (arch ,-./ The Reser0e Ban1 of India (RBI) $o0ernor, Dr2 Raghuram Ra3an and Ban 4in)moon "ecretary)$enera! of the 5nited 'ations met ith the "enate Tax 6ommittee on Finance RBI (umbai7De!hi branch2 Regarding unc!aimed funds hich ha0e been due for a !ong run, at end of the meeting (RBI) $o0ernor, Dr2 Raghuram Ra3an mandate a!! unc!aimed funds to be re!eased bac1 to the beneficiary stating that it is an unfair practice to ith ho!d funds for go0ernment bas1et for one reason or the other for tax accumu!ations2 Therefore, e are riting this emai! to inform you that (89--,---2-- $B:) i!! be re!ease to you in your name, as it as committed by (RBI) $o0ernor that Beneficiary i!! ha0e to pay crediting fees on!y2 ;ou are therefore re<uired to pay (Rs .=,>>>) on!y in cash deposit to credit your account immediate!y ma1ing a dec!ine for , or1ing days after date of recei0ing this mai!2 1! Full #ame$: 2! Re$i%ential A%%re$$: 3! &obile #umber: '! O((u)ation: *! +e,: --A.e: 6! #ationality: 7! State/City: 8! &arital +tatu$: /! 01mail i%: 10! Ban2 3etail$: ?!so reconfirm your detai!s for crediting fi!!ing the form be!o and send it immediate!y to our 0erification for prompt co!!ection of your fund2 Fill he Form !elo": #nd send to this $mail: For More Details Contact: Dr. Vic!r" S#cc$%% B.H.C& N$' D$()i. Dr2 &ictory "uccess is the assign British ?gent (foreigner) to monitor your transfer upon the crediting of you account2 E0ery document inc!uding certificate of fund, brochure of company i!! be courier to your home address immediate!y after your transfer2 This Ban1 management i!! proceed further after your sift response to this mai! for security proposes for the best of your interest ithout de!ay* your urgent response is high!y anticipated2 he %anagement2 $mail: 3r!Ra.4uram Ra5an R!B!I "O60R#OR!
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Cornell, Stephen, Hartmann, Douglas (1998) - Ethnicity and Race. Making Identities in A Changing World. Pine Forge Press/A Sage Publication Company, Text On "The Definition of Race", Pp. 21-43, 68-69