The Election Commission and Role To Democracy in Bangladesh Assignment
The Election Commission and Role To Democracy in Bangladesh Assignment
The Election Commission and Role To Democracy in Bangladesh Assignment
As a constitutional body, Election Commission Bangladesh is working independently for holding elections on a
regular basis with transparency and accountability. The Commission has a significant role for strengthening
democracy through holding free, fair and neutral election which paves the way for establishing good
Effective participation of women in all spheres of national life is a precondition for strong and functional
democracy. The Election Commission (EC) is a constitutional entity principally responsible for holding free and
fair elections and performing other activities that come within the purview of election management alongside
the management of polling stations, declaration of election schedules, supervision of officials during the
election period, promoting public awareness and preparation, announcing and publication of election results.
EC ensures proper application of laws by resolution of election disputes and complaints as well. Since half of
the population is women, the Commission is continuing it’s efforts to confirm effective participation of women
in the whole process for establishing a sustainable democratic state. [1]
In these guidelines for observers, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context the
following terms and definitions shall apply:
“An election commission is a body charged with overseeing the implementation of electioneering
process of any country. The formal names of election commissions vary from jurisdiction to
jurisdiction, and may be styled an electoral commission”
a. “Commission” means the Bangladesh Election Commission within the meaning of the Constitution
of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh;
b. “Electoral process” means all aspects of the election process and all election technologies including,
but not limited to, nomination of candidates, campaigning, polling, counting, and announcing results;
c. “Election Observer” means a person or a group or an organization permitted in writing by the
Commission or by any person authorised by the Commission to observe any elections under the
Representation of the People Order, 1972 or any other Act conducted by Bangladesh Election
Commission. [2]
Conducting elections for the office of Honorable President, Honorable Members of Parliament,
different Local Government Bodies and other electoral processes prescribed by any other law;
Preparing and updating electoral rolls for the purpose of all national and local level elections;
Constituting Electoral Tribunal and disposal of election disputes in accordance with law;
Registration of political parties and allocation and reservation of symbols for registered political
parties and candidates;